Whispering Verse

Chapter 1011: An acquaintance on the second floor

In order to prevent other accidents, after learning the location of Mr. Victor Fannie, the three of them said goodbye to the spice merchant. In order to thank the two ladies for accompanying them today, since it was noon time, Shade invited them to have lunch together.

There were no good restaurants in the northwest area of ​​the city, so the three of them took a carriage and returned to Saint Teresa Square first. After picking up Xiao Mia, we ate at a nearby restaurant.

While dining, Shade looked through the investigation report that Princess Margaret helped record, and talked about his story with the Three Cats Hotel.

"Last time, Miss Mary and I worked together to collect relics at the Three Cats Hotel. Earlier, I went there to investigate a very dangerous ring warlock."

"I also received a mission from the academy to help receive a sorceress who stayed in Tobesk for a few days before heading north to the academy."

Dorothy also said:

"The ring magicians in Tobesk have all been exposed to the Three Cats Hotel to a greater or lesser extent. The north of the city is the slum area of ​​the city. The probability of things happening is higher than anywhere else, but it is also suitable for hiding oneself or conducting transactions. Saint Song Square is the center of the North District, and the Three Cats Hotel is the largest hotel around Song Square, so there are many, many stories that happen there."

"There's a similar place in Willendale."

Princess Margaret said, turning to look at the fine snow falling outside the restaurant window, which had been falling all morning. Just as he was about to introduce Willendale, he saw the writer lady sitting next to him. She stood up slightly and tugged on the collar of Shade who was sitting opposite:

"You never pay attention to this."

Dorothy complained softly, her movements so consistent that you could tell she had done it more than once.


Since this morning, the princess of the southern country has been doubting the relationship between the writer and the detective. Now it seems that this suspicion is definitely not something she thought too much about.

In fact, if two people are in the same team and their real-life careers complement each other, if there is really any emotional involvement, there is actually no problem. But the problem is that even she, the princess of Carsonlik, has heard the rumors about "Hamilton of Ray Jade" and Duchess Carina Cavendish in Willendale City. The daughter of Tobesk There’s no reason the writer hasn’t heard of it.

"Relationships are really complicated."

Margaret Anjou picked up the tea cup to hide her expression:

"Since we have to investigate in the afternoon, we won't drink. I'm still looking forward to the results. Speaking of which, I once got a batch of pretty good red wine in Huntington City, but unfortunately it has been given away as a gift. When I return Huntington, you can go back to the gentleman who has a vineyard in the New World and ask him if he still has any stock. If so, I can send it to you."

She concealed her emotions by changing the subject.

"I know the kind of wine you are talking about. Miss Carina once drank it with me at the banquet at Lakeview Manor."

Shade added:

"Your math teacher, Miss Sylvia, was also there at the time. Miss Carina admired this lady very much."

Dorothy glanced at Shade and said nothing. Princess Margaret also looked at the blonde girl and saw Shade mentioning his "lover" in front of her, but Miss Writer's expression did not change at all. She only felt that this young and powerful ring warlock was living in Tobesk. So colorful.

After lunch, the three of them returned home and rested for a while. We set off again at two o'clock in the afternoon. At this time, the snow in the sky became denser. People in Tobesk did not use umbrellas when it snowed, so the hats of people walking on the street were stained with a layer of white.

Although Anthem Square in the North District is not as important as Saint Teresa Square, there are many merchants selling goods in the square, so the merchants spontaneously cleared the snow and did not create an too muddy environment.

Because of the snow that lasted all day, the temperature in the city shrouded in gray fog was very low in the afternoon. In the entire Psalm Square, only the "Honorable Man's Blacksmith Shop" on the southwest side had more pedestrians, because the light and heat emitted from the blacksmith's furnace made people subconsciously get closer in this snowy weather.

With the arrival of winter, there are fewer pedestrians in Anthem Square, but the sound of hawking is still heard. Although it was not the first time for Princess Margaret to come here, she was still novel about the environment here.

As the three of them walked across the square to the Three Cats Hotel, the princess from the Southern Kingdom was very interested in asking Dorothy about the situation of the vendors in the square, and even asked Dorothy about the illegal two countries at the "Honest Man's Gold Shop" on the southwest side of the square. Currency exchange rates.

When the three of them braved the snow and entered the inn, the princess already had a small wooden hair ornament bought for 10 pence, which was paid by Dorothy. Margaret Anjou is different from the Lecia and the little princess Agelina that Shade is familiar with. Lecia is serious and has the same appropriate sensibility as Dorothy, while Agelina loves fantasy and is full of passion. determination. As for the princess of the Anjou royal family, probably because she has too few siblings, she has not experienced the fierce competition between the princes and princesses of the Cavendish family. Therefore, although she is only a few months younger than Lesia, she still has Girly and romantic.

"Speaking of which, the only girls I know so far are sixteen-year-old Agelina and seventeen-year-old Yin Luna, who are younger than my body. Miss Sylvia seems to be about the same age as this body."

Shade thought to himself as he followed the girls into the hotel.

After entering the Three Cats Inn in the snow, Dorothy and Princess Margaret found seats on the first floor, while Shade walked to the counter alone. The afternoon was the time when the hotel had the least number of guests. The female shopkeeper, Mrs. Sang Mei, stood boredly behind the counter.

When the three of them entered the door, she noticed that Shade was here again. When Shade approached, he teased and smiled:

"Detective, it's really amazing that you brought two beautiful girls with you this time. I think one day, you will bring all the beautiful girls from Tobesk City here."

"Then you should thank me for frequenting your business."

Shade smiled and said:

"Three hot drinks, no alcohol. The weather is really cold. I don't know when the snow will fall."

"It's like this every winter. But when you bring the girls to my place, you won't just drink hot juice, right?"

Mrs. Sangmei asked, and Xia De thought for a while:

"Then switch to butterbeer"

Then he asked quite worriedly:

"You don't distinguish small cups, medium cups, large cups and extra large cups here, right?"

"Detective, this isn't the first time you've come to my place. What kind of weird question is this? If you really feel it's not enough, I can give you a bigger cup for free."

Mrs. Sangmei asked strangely, and then asked the waiter on the side to help Shade prepare a drink:

"That girl from the south looks really nice."

After ordering the waiter, he whispered to Shade. She was referring to Princess Margaret, who although her face was disguised, still looked like a Carsonlik.

"Oh, Mrs. Sangmei, although I sometimes bring different girls to your place, I don't mean to do anything bad."

"Yes Yes."

The middle-aged woman wearing an apron smiled and said:

"You only do bad things to the Duchess, and everyone in town knows that."

She smiled happily. On this snowy winter afternoon, teasing young people she knew was a good way to have fun:

"Tell me, detective, who are you here to investigate this time? Because you have a discount from our store, I can slightly lower the intelligence fee for you."

"I'm just here to visit friends this time."

Shade shook his head. Mr. Victor Fannie, who was selling the box, lived in the hotel, and he also knew how to contact him. Considering that we don’t know what will happen in a while, there is no need to ask Mrs. Sangmei for information this time. If something really happened, asking Mrs. Sangmei for information would mean directly telling others why he came.

The waiter quickly delivered butterbeer to the table for three people. The three cats hotel used a wooden table with obvious wood grain, which was quite atmospheric for people who like taverns, but Shade had no feeling about it.

He picked up the wine glass and took a sip of this drink, which was said to have no alcohol at all. He felt that the taste was very strange. Princess Margaret held the glass to feel the temperature. Dorothy took off her gloves and took out her notebook:

"Are you going up alone, or should we follow you?"

Shade thought for a moment:

"I don't know what the situation is yet. I'll go upstairs and investigate by myself later."

In fact, she wanted to rely on "her" perception to confirm what her opponent was.

"We will decide on the course of action later. If the opponent is too strong, I will report the matter to the church. I have acquaintances in the church."

Both ladies smiled. Miss Yin Luna Bayas, who was on Wednesday night, obviously had a very unusual relationship with Shade. Although Margaret Anjou still doesn't understand why the angel-level relic thought Shade was an ordinary person, the parchment in Yin Luna Bayas' hands at that time clearly contained information about more than just ordinary people.

"If we can solve it ourselves, then let's go visit that gentleman together. I think he will learn a lesson."

Dorothy and Princess Margaret also agreed with Shade's plan, but Shade did not get up immediately and chatted with them for another ten minutes. Taking advantage of Mrs. Sangmei's opportunity to go to the kitchen, he stood up and walked to the stairs, then towards the fourth floor of the hotel.

He was thinking about what he would encounter on the fourth floor, but as soon as he reached the second floor, Shade stopped.

He frowned and looked at the second floor. There were quite a few customers here on Monday afternoon. Ordering a glass of wine and sitting with friends for the afternoon, or betting on Rhodes with familiar poker players, were all good ways to kill time.

The air was filled with the strange smell of food and alcohol. Shade stopped because he saw someone he knew. After a moment's hesitation, he returned to the stairs. When he saw that there was no one up and down, he changed into a coat and put on the witch's eye shadow.

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