Whispering Verse

Chapter 1020: The Witch’s Joke

"What else can happen?"

Shade asked curiously, and the three of them stopped on the shore of the lake. The calm artificial lake has also been frozen at this time. The lake is surrounded by paths paved with cobblestones and gravel. The scenery here is indeed good.

"Keep the flies away from the shore of the lake."

Before Shade could look towards the darkness on the other side, Miss Carina had already finished casting the spell. She did not reveal her life ring, nor did she use any casting materials. She just pointed her right index finger at the other side of the lake and shook it lightly. Shade heard a slight sound like a bubble being popped.

But his keen perception allowed him to notice that the hot and terrifying air flow shot towards the other side, leaving a distorted optical phenomenon in the night air.

It was silent and nothing seemed to happen, but Miss Carina frowned:

"How dare you fight back?"


Miss Sylvia snapped her fingers with red nail polish, and a sudden gust of warm wind rose from the ground, as if blowing something malicious.

Shade didn't know what kind of counterattack the ring warlock on the other side of the lake used, but a short scream of a man rang out under the night sky.

Then there was a shaking sound from the trees on the other side of the lake, and three dark figures ran towards the distance as if they were running for their lives.

"Don't worry, I control the sounds nearby."

Miss Carina added that the two witches had no intention of pursuing each other, and they did not care who the other party was.

After sweeping away the flies, the two witches began the ritual of calling the "Secret Keeper".

Miss Sylvia took out the red lacquered wooden box containing the harmonica, and Miss Carina ordered Shade to open the canvas bag.

There are a lot of messy things in it, and the bottom of it is actually half a pocket of rice.

According to Miss Carina's request, Shade scooped out a bowl of rice from the bowl in the bag and came to the lake while Miss Sylvia played the harmonica.

"Moonlight Song."

The Duchess named the piece.

"Offer food."

Miss Carina said, and Shade poured the bowl of rice into the lake. The rice grains entering the lake only caused slight ripples, and at the same time some bubbles appeared on the surface of the lake.

"Giving flesh and blood."

Miss Carina said again, and Shade took out a braised duck leg covered with salt from his pocket, sniffed it, and threw it into the lake. The heavy duck legs entered the lake, and the oily shine spread on the water. The thumping sound was not obvious among the harmonica.

"Offer gold and silver."

Miss Carina said again, and Shade took out a handful of rusty silver-plated jewelry from his pocket and threw them into the lake.

He was actually worried that this kind of ritual sacrifice was a little too offensive.

"Dedicate your soul."

Miss Carina said for the fourth time. Shade rummaged in his pocket and found a piece of parchment with the word "soul" written all over it. The ink is blue-black and the parchment is probably from last week. This thing doesn't have any supernatural power, it just copies densely packed words.

Shade did not take action immediately, but looked at the two witches in embarrassment. Miss Sylvia was playing the harmonica with a smile on her face by the lake, her long skirt fluttering in the night breeze. She seemed to be enjoying this moment; the duchess looked down at Shade slightly, as if wondering why he stopped.

"Each sacrifice is more outrageous than the last."

Shade said in his heart, and threw the fourth sacrifice, the parchment with "soul" written on it, into the lake.

"Giving wisdom."

Miss Carina finally said that this ceremony only requires five sacrifices.

The canvas bag was almost empty by now, and Shade reached into it and grabbed something furry that felt terrible. It's creepy to pull something like that out in the dark, and it actually is, because it's a bunch of hair.

They are all long human hair. The hair strands come in various colors such as black, red, brown, yellow, etc. Some are naturally curly, while others are standard straight hair.

The hair was not straightened out and tied with ropes, but all bunched together. Shade also threw the hair into the lake, and then they were blown back by a gust of wind.

Miss Carina moved her fingers, and the stones on the ground floated to Shade's side. He tied the stone with his hair and threw it far into the lake.

“Why does hair represent wisdom?”

Only then did he ask.

"Isn't it easy to understand? Excessive brain use can cause hair loss."

said the duchess.


Shade found himself unable to refute:

"Where did you pick up those hairs just now?"

"It wasn't picked up. Sylvia and I only received the notice from the council this evening. Because time was tight, I asked the servants to collect it in the manor. You know, where the girls live, There will be no shortage of hair. And the witch’s hair itself is an excellent ritual material.”

At this moment, Shade could simply imagine Tifa leading the maids of the manor to look for hair in every corner. He didn't believe that those beautiful witch followers would just pull out their own hair.

Five kinds of sacrifices were offered, and Miss Sylvia was still playing the harmonica in the night, but there was no trace of the elements around her. Miss Carina obviously did not expect this, so she signaled Miss Sylvia to stop and said to Shade:

"The information says that the appearance of the sage-level relic [Prank Boy] requires five kinds of sacrifices to make the scene more cheerful. Is my understanding wrong?"

Humanoid relics are more difficult to contain than other types of relics, so there is relatively little information. The information provided by the [Witches Council] to the two witches was obviously not comprehensive enough.

Shade believed that the "five kinds of sacrifices" were definitely enough, but the "happy scene" might not be achieved by playing the harmonica.

"Since he is a mischievous boy, Miss Carina, why don't you arrange for someone to perform a comedy show in Regent's Park tomorrow, or find a circus, in order to enrich the spiritual entertainment life of the citizens."

he suggested.

"Others have already found this place, so we can't waste time."

Although Shade's proposal was very good, Miss Carina still shook her head and refused.

She thought for a moment, suddenly smiled, and said to Miss Sylvia:

"Emma, ​​answer me a question.

If one night, our young detective goes out in search of his cat named 'Mia', and ends up meeting three beautiful blond beauties in the Place Saint Teresa. If he could give up looking for the cat and spend a night of fun and absurdity with three blonde beauties, what do you think he would do? "

Before Miss Sylvia could speak, the Duchess smiled and said:

"I think Shade will insist on finding the cat."

"This joke is immoral."

Although she pointed this out, Miss Sylvia, who had short black shawl hair, still covered her mouth and chuckled. When she put her hand down, her red lips, painted with an unknown color of lipstick, drew a seductive arc on her fair cheeks, and her eyes were filled with smiles.

But nothing happened, only Shade felt a little unhappy because of being "sarcastic".

"Then change it."

Miss Carina seemed to be aroused, and smiled and said to Shade:

“Now there is a relic [Liar Discernor] that can detect lies. If people lie in front of it, it will emit light with different intensity.

So, I asked little Agelina: Have you ever seen color magazines that ladies are not supposed to read?

She said no, and the relic gave off the glow of a gas lamp;

So, I asked Tifa: Have you ever done bad things with Shade behind my back?

She said no, and the relic glowed with the dim midday light of winter;

So, ask Emma”

She smiled and glanced at Miss Sylvia, who immediately realized that she was the "protagonist" this time:

"When you were a child, did you secretly use your teacher's lipstick and put ridiculous makeup on your face? Emma immediately denied it and defended: This is just like I don't covet other people's lovers. So the relic first slightly It flashed and then just blew up.”

The smile on Miss Carina's face couldn't be suppressed at all. Although Shade felt that she was hinting at something, he still wanted to laugh. Fortunately, he could control it. As for the young witch, she was in a suddenly bad mood just like Shade, who was made a "cat and girl" joke just now.

Miss Emma Sylvia was not a witch who would suffer in vain. Seeing that there was still no movement around her, she showed an equally brilliant smile:

"Then it's my turn to tell the joke.

One day, Delarian's court painter painted a beautiful large-scale oil painting for Duchess Carina Cavendish, and named the painting "The Duchess of Saladir Inspecting Tobesk" 》. The oil painting was hung in the manor. The curious maid saw the painting and asked the older maid: Who is the handsome gentleman in the painting? The older maid answered: Mr. Shade Suellen Hamilton. The young maid asked again: Who is the lady hugging him and kissing him on the bed in the Duke's bedroom in the painting? The older maid replied: That is of course our head maid, Miss Tifa Servit. "

Miss Sylvia smiled and looked at Miss Carina aside:

"The young maid finally asked: Where is our Duke? The older maid pointed to the nameplate of the oil painting: The Duchess of Saladir is inspecting Tobesk."

Miss Carina pursed her lips and looked at her with a cold face. Not to be outdone, Miss Sylvia also looked at Miss Carina.

Shade was holding back his laughter. Although the joke also involved him, it was indeed very funny. The two witches who were "joking" with each other were not in such a good mood as him at the moment. Miss Carina, who was ridiculed, did not realize that she did it first. She sneered and wanted to speak again. Miss Sylvia was also thinking of another joke, but Shade stopped them:


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