Whispering Verse

Chapter 1022: Days of Waiting for the Devil

Although the devil is now hiding his whereabouts, no one can tell how many "Victor boxes" he sold in Tobesk. For the sake of peaceful life in this city, in addition to killing Victor Fannie, Shade and the doctor also need to notify the church to recycle the boxes that have been sold.

This matter can be done by Iluna. In the morning, Luvia said that she would tell Iluna that Iluna is very experienced in reporting various illegal and criminal activities.

Of course, there is no need to worry about the church defeating the devil first. Only those who have personally received the test from the "Keeper of Secrets" can complete the test. Therefore, the church cannot obtain pyroxene by defeating demons, and Shade cannot obtain pyroxene by relying on "Abyss Sin Potion" and "Human Puzzle".

After a series of adventures last week, life seemed to be calming down this week. At least this Wednesday, not much happened.

Shade did not receive any news from Dr. Schneider, nor did he ask the doctor, because the doctor was most likely more anxious than he was, fearing that the demon would leave Tobesk.

However, at four o'clock that afternoon, Shade received news from Dorothy that Princess Margaret had returned to Canary Manor where she was staying after attending diplomatic events.

So Shade visited the Canary Manor in the southern district of Tobesk before dinner. As a friend of Princess Margaret, he was allowed to enter the manor and had the opportunity to talk to the princess alone.

As for the excuse, of course it was agreed upon last time, and the enthusiastic Princess Margaret would teach Shad Kasenrik.

The actual reason why Shade came to visit was, on the one hand, to ask the princess if she was haunted by demons, and on the other hand, to give her the alchemical item made by Dr. Schneider to prevent and cure demons.

"This black cloth belt will work if you tie it on your arm."

Shade briefly introduced the function of this item in the study. The princess with long pale golden hair was surprised. She did not expect Shade to come up with the finished product so quickly.

She also wanted to talk to Shade again, about the devil, about this city, the steam capital of the North, which was indeed very new to Margaret Anjou, who had lived in Willendale for a long time. Shade also knew that if he just stayed in the study for five minutes and then left, he would be very suspicious, so he stayed and talked with the princess about interesting local things, and talked about the local ring magicians that he heard from Dr. Schneider. Secret.

Princess Margaret was very happy that someone could take the initiative to talk to her about this. If it weren't for the inconvenience of keeping Shade for dinner, she would even want Shade to talk for a while longer. But at half past five in the afternoon, Shade was already thinking about going home for dinner. Dorothy and Mia were waiting for him.

So he said goodbye to Princess Margaret, and under the leadership of the servant, left the study and walked towards the stairs leading downstairs.

As soon as he came down the stairs, Shade realized that the badge on his chest was heating up. Then, sure enough, at the corner of the second floor, under the landscape painting of the Terrarel River, I met Miss Sylvia who was going upstairs.

The witch looked sideways at Shade, but did not say hello to him. Shade nodded slightly, and then followed the servant to the first floor.

Miss Sylvia continued to walk upwards and found Princess Margaret who had not yet left in the study:

"I saw a man just now, seemed to be Hamilton? I remember he asked me for advice on a mathematics paper."

The witch said jokingly, sitting on the chair that Shade had just been sitting on. Princess Margaret immediately stood up from behind the desk:

"Mr. Hamilton came to me to ask for lessons in Kasenric and gave me a book."

She said nervously.


Miss Sylvia raised her eyebrows:

"I didn't know you were so familiar with that knight."

In fact, she knew.

“Just a few more words in public”

The princess defended carefully and glanced at the book currently on the table, titled "History of the City of Tobesk".

"Is this book very rare? Did you ask him to find it specifically?"

Miss Sylvia asked again. The princess pursed her lips, regretting not immediately putting away the things that Shade gave her. Now the black cloth belt was clutched in her hand. She didn't believe she could hide it from her teacher:

"Teacher, actually he is"

"The Ring Magician is a local correspondence magician, right? If I can't even guess this, how can I be your teacher?"

The young witch asked with a smile, but in fact, Shade's identity was revealed by Shade himself in Huntington City, and it was not something she guessed.

An expression of shame immediately appeared on the princess's face, and Miss Sylvia shook her head:

"It's normal to interact with correspondence students from other places. Don't worry, I just pretend that I don't know anything today. But what did the knight give you?"

The princess then took out the black cloth belt. The cloth was extremely light and felt unusually cold. When encountering a demon, tie it to your right arm to temporarily drive away the demon.

"It seems that your new friend is quite capable."

Miss Sylvia commented, Princess Margaret clutched the strap, not knowing what she was thinking.

Although there was no news from the devil on Wednesday, on Thursday, Dr. Schneider asked someone to deliver a letter to Shade.

The letter mentioned that doctors had found traces of Victor Fannie, but it still took one to two days to find and locate him so that Shade could be ready to go at any time.

"Now that the doctor has found the trace of the other party, the devil probably won't be able to escape."

Shade is quite optimistic about this.

So on the following snowy Thursday, he still chose to read at home with Dorothy.

In the morning, it was the writer's own soul that was present. Her back was unusually moving as she stood by the window with a book in hand and looked at the snowy scene.

After lunch, Shade went to Canary Manor, where Princess Margaret was staying, to confirm her condition. On the way to "learn a foreign language", I unexpectedly met Miss Sylvia again, but the young witch still didn't talk to Shade. She just quietly spoke again after Shade finished chatting with Princess Margaret for more than half an hour. Stop him and ask him if he has learned any new space-based thaumaturgy recently.

This witch wants to teach Shade some interesting abilities, but her level is too high, and Shade must at least go to the Central Circle to learn from her.

When he returned home at two o'clock in the afternoon, what greeted Shade at home was Lesia's soul:

"Anyway, my job this afternoon is to listen to the report. It doesn't matter if I ask Dorothy to take over for me."

The blonde girl patted the snow on Shade's shoulders in the hall. Then he asked half-jokingly:

"How does it feel to live with a beautiful girl?"

It was obvious that she was still a little envious of Dorothy. Her Royal Highness the Princess wants everything, and she has many similarities with Shade in this regard.

However, when the snow stopped in the evening, Shade's neighbor, Old Sir Fleming of No. 23 Saint Teresa Square, commissioned Shade to help him find his lost pet dog.

Shade has received many requests for finding cats, but this is his first time looking for a dog. He thought it would take two or three days, but Shade himself didn't expect that when he and Dorothy, who had returned, went out for dinner in the evening and returned home, they saw the dog that was almost exactly the same as the one in the photo, standing there. There were a few stray dogs barking at me on the street.

"Little Taka!"

Shade called out the name of the black and white spotted dog, and the latter turned to look at him. Then, the pet dog and two stray dogs, one black and one yellow, started barking at Shade.

Dorothy, who was wearing a red scarf, covered her mouth and chuckled. Mia, who was held by her, had her eyes squinted and her head hidden behind the hem of the scarf, enjoying the leisure time after dinner. At this time, she was annoyed by the continuous barking. She stuck her head out from behind Dorothy's scarf and found that the sound was just a dog, so she barked "Meow~".

The sound didn't sound intimidating to Shade, but it frightened the three dogs and ran away.

This caused Shade to chase the dog "Little Taka" who was leaking urine while running for two streets. The dog ran too fast and plunged into a snowdrift before being forced to stop.

And when Shade brought the dog and met Dorothy holding the cat, the pet dog pretended to be dead again. It wasn't until he returned to St. Teresa Square that Shade knocked on the door of Old Sir Fleming's house. Then it quickly ran into the house. It seemed that it would not dare to come out again in a short time.

"It's such easy money."

When he took out the key and opened the door to his room, Shade said to Dorothy, and the writer lady also smiled:

"This is mainly due to luck, and it also has something to do with old Sir Fleming being rich."

"What does that knight do?"

Shade didn't know his neighbors very well, but Dorothy did:

"Knights and non-hereditary barons can both be called knights. Sir Fleming was the steward of Yodel Palace when my grandfather was still alive. Yes, no need to ask, I know that most of the royal stewards originally had noble titles, but he His son participated in the political incident more than 20 years ago, and the family's noble title was stripped. But Sir Fleming is loyal, so he still has the status of a lifelong baronet."

This short sentence not only involves the political conspiracy of the kingdom, but also illuminates the rich life story behind the old knight:

"But why doesn't anyone call me Sir?"

Shade asked curiously, opened the door and returned home with Dorothy.

"Because you are the only knight awarded for martial arts in the past hundred years, so people like to call you this title directly."

Dorothy said with a smile, Lesia liked to call Shade "Knight" directly.

Girls of these generations who grew up reading knight novels have an unimaginable fondness for this title. The fact that the "scandal" between Shade and Miss Carina spread so quickly and widely has a lot to do with the two titles of "Duchess and Young Knight".

Another small thing happened on Thursday night. It was at eight o'clock in the evening. Shade was in the study room helping Dorothy translate the ancient documents of the Fifth Age that she might encounter in her final exam, and thinking about what would happen if Dr. Schneider would come back tomorrow. When there was no news, he went to Coldwater Port and Fort Midhill for a visit. At this time, Dorothy was in the kitchen washing the apples and pears that Lesia had sent her in the afternoon.

Suddenly Mia "meowed", and then Shade noticed something glowing in the drawer. After opening it, I found that the poem manuscript pages conveyed new news.

Miss Denister, the librarian of St. Byrons, will see him in twenty minutes, and Shade needs to prepare for the projection ceremony in advance.

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