Whispering Verse

Chapter 1,035 Special Three People

Shade did not ask Miss Cloyin any questions to prevent the cat-turned-witch from feeling embarrassed. While there was still some time, Shade asked the other two people about the situation. Of course, during this period, Shade had to control his instinct to pet the cat. He had developed his body's instinctive reaction in the six months he had raised Mia.

Mrs. Marquez decided to set off towards the top of the mountain. She wanted to take the missing witch's boots to the top of the mountain and put the shoe print on it, so Shade checked the boot. Although the boots are very well made and the feet are unexpectedly as small as Miss Chloe, they are just ordinary items, so they do not require special attention.

As for the man cowering aside, the reason he didn't speak was because he was afraid of the witch. But when Shade approached and asked, he was still willing to say something. The man lowered his voice, as if he was afraid of being heard by the witch.

He did not want to reveal his name, but he admitted that he had been exiled here for stealing.

When he was discovered by Miss Cloyin, he was almost freezing to death in the snow. Miss Croyin was one of those more open-minded witches, so she kept him here and let him do the work if she encountered a task that required a living person to explore the path or sacrifice.

And when Shade asked the man what he had stolen, he was too frightened to speak.

The witch who was drinking soup snorted softly:

"It shouldn't be something too valuable, otherwise he would be executed directly. But it shouldn't be something very common, otherwise it wouldn't be worth using the means of exile."

The witch's words made the man curl up again:

"I stole a card. The Territory Witch thought the card was interesting and wanted to study it, but to no avail, so she threw it into the warehouse. After I was caught, the Territory Witch threw me and the card together. Here, let me and that card be together forever."

This is in line with Shade's understanding of the witches of this era. When the man took out the "interesting" card, he recognized the sun, moon and stars on the back of the card at a glance, which were located in the three directions of the star map. The figure itself is circular with intertwined lines.

“They are everywhere”

Turning over the front of the card, there is a black humanoid creature with its side facing outside the card. It has no hair on its head and wings extending from behind, with curved spikes on the top of the wings. The eyes are like snake eyes, looking at the person outside the card slantingly, and there are traces like scales on the exposed skin.

No matter which direction he looked from, Shade felt that the snake's eyes were looking at him.

"Everything is impermanent and dark?"

Shade also has this card. It was given to Shade by Queen Diana. But what’s interesting is that the rules underneath this card that would fall into Shade’s hands more than six thousand years later are not the rules of the Rhodes card that Shade is familiar with, but the rules of the Rhodes card that Shade is familiar with.

[Sacrifice your own health and create a black vortex on the card table corresponding to the number of sacrificed health. We can move through the vortex, and receive fixed treatment each time we move. The amount of treatment is one-third of the sacrificed health, rounded down. The enemy is close to the vortex and needs to roll dice to determine the number of rounds it will be bound. 】

"Cards in the game of life?"

Chloe Cat recognized what it was. She had no interest in playing cards, so she didn't even want to take the card and look at it carefully.

Shade didn't expect that he could still see this card after nearly six thousand years. But the appearance of this card cannot help the Witch and her party change the current situation. They still have to climb to the main peak of the Silver Mountains on their own.

“What is the card game of life?”

Shade held the card and vaguely felt that he could control the current card in his hand just like the card in the Sixth Age.

"A game that has become popular since the beginning of the Fifth Age. It is difficult to verify who created it, but witches like to use this game to show off their lives. I heard that some cards are very valuable."

The cat in his arms said, and then saw Shade's command card flying around, but no one here could realize what it meant.

There seemed to be nothing special about Mrs. Marquez and the cowering man, so before leaving, Shade chatted with Ms. Cloyin in a cat-like state again.

Now that the evil spirits in the snow-capped mountains have been expelled, the witch plans to rest here for a while before continuing to the higher reaches of the Silver Mountains.

How far the current position is from the top of the mountain, none of the three people here can tell clearly. But since the mountain was there, it was enough for them to keep climbing.

As for the god who just appeared again to help them, not only Miss Croyin, but also the other two people had no impression of it. Although according to Shade's statistics, the three of them unexpectedly discovered that they all believed in the "winter girl" and had prayed to the winter girl for luck, this kind of ordinary prayer was definitely not enough to summon them. gods.

Shade had a lot of contact with the old gods, and he knew very well that the appearance of the gods would not happen to happen here.

Even gods who are friendly to humans will only respond when mortals make requests. If you don't express your wishes in front of the gods, the gods will only watch but not take action. The gods who appeared just now seemed to be actively protecting them, so someone in this snowy mountain must have taken the initiative to call the gods.

He told Miss Croyin, who was in a cat state, of his thoughts, but the witch couldn't explain the things about the gods. She was only at level 11, and her power was not outstanding in the early fifth era. Of course, she was not qualified to understand the secrets of those great ones.

"Then what is your status in Zarath Academy?"

Shade asked curiously, and the silver-white cat turned its head slightly:

"Just ordinary members."

She seemed a little embarrassed to admit this, and added:

"However, one day I will become the thirteenth level. It is not impossible to even surpass the thirteenth level. The academy has the secrets of demigods, and I have also researched them myself."

Shade smiled:

"I'm sure you'll be fine."

None of the people he could come into contact with in the past were ordinary people.

Chloe Yinmao looked at Shade unexpectedly, and nodded after a long time:

"You look really good as a man. Do you know any witches you know?"

"Of course, and I am still her lover. Although nothing happened between me and the lady, but with her maid."

Shade raised his right hand and saw that white mist had wrapped around his hand. Although this adventure lasts forty minutes, which is longer than the previous half hour, time is limited after all.

The wind was howling outside the tent, but the temperature inside the tent had gradually increased. The campfire didn't sway in the wind, the aroma of the vegetable soup kept everyone satisfied, and the place felt safer and more comfortable than when Shad arrived.

"Look, I'm leaving."

Shade said to Miss Cloyin. The cat twisted its body and looked up at him:

"You promised you would come back."

In such a terrible environment of ice and snow, it was not easy to find someone strong enough to talk to her.

"Yes, I will definitely come back. Although you didn't ask me to find any information or precious items, there is a very powerful flame in my home. Maybe the fire nun can let me turn that flame into my own. Partly, this should help you.”

Shade said, politely saying goodbye to everyone in the tent. Mrs. Marquez responded to Shad nervously. The scent of jasmine on this woman's body was very strong. The unknown man held the card and timidly waved goodbye to Shad. He was afraid of the scent of Shad. That cat.

Miss Chloe jumped off Shade and ran into the white blanket. Unlike Tifa's transformation that only changes her body, this eleventh-level witch's transformation includes clothes:

"Goodbye then."

Her red-gold eyes looked at Sha De, and she stretched out her hand to Sha De. When the two hands were held together, the white mist that rolled in completely enveloped Sha De. When the white mist dissipated, the strangers had left the warm tent.

Mrs. Marquez was cooking vegetable soup somewhat mechanically, while the cowering man by the wall looked down at the ground motionless. Only Miss Cloyin held the side of her face and tilted her head to look at the place where Shade had been sitting just now. She didn't know what she was thinking.

[Outlander, you have returned to the present time. 】


Stumbling out of the white fog door, leaving the snowy mountain environment and returning home, the feeling of being frozen made his whole body tremble:

"Fireplace fireplace!"

While Xiao Mia cast a concerned look, Shade trotted quickly to the fireplace in the living room, letting the burning fire of the fireplace envelope him. Bathed in the warm light, he felt that the feeling that even his soul was about to freeze was slightly relieved:


He took a long breath, only to find that what he exhaled was actually cold air.


Because Shade was too cold, Xiao Mia just approached him and did not jump on Shade. However, the cat seemed to smell an unusual smell on Shad, which looked like a cat but was not a cat. This made the cat confused. It did not know what Shad had encountered, so it also Can't be angry with Shade.

After leaving the Silver Mountains, the temporary blessing of "eating snow" given to Sha De by the god disappeared, which is why Sha De behaved so rudely. But fortunately, he was far away from that weird snow mountain, and the surrounding environment had become a lot more normal. The warm home still made Xia De feel at ease as before.

Thinking about it this way, it's really amazing that the three witches and their party can withstand that kind of severe cold, especially that man. As an ordinary person, he can actually do it.

"What's wrong?"

The blonde girl who was woken up by Shade appeared at the door of the bedroom wearing pajamas and slippers. The familiar gesture of touching her earlobe told Shade that this was Lesia.

"I just came back from the snow-capped mountains and it was really cold."

Shade said tremblingly, thinking about whether to go to the attic and swallow some of the sparks in the kerosene lamp containing "Fire of the Sun". But those sparks finally turned into flames, and he wanted to take them to Sister Devlin.

Lesia asked sleepily:

"Snowy mountain?"

It was then realized that Shade had returned from his past adventure.

"Let me help you keep warm, knight. I often see this kind of plot in knight novels."

As she walked towards Shade, she untied her nightgown, threw the skirt to the sofa, and covered the cat who was looking at the two of them with wide eyes. The girl with a high body temperature pulled Shade, who was a little hypothermic. .

"Very good, this time you only smell of a potpourri-type perfume."

Her Royal Highness the Princess was very satisfied with this, but also had some doubts:

"But you are really awesome. With an average of thirty minutes of adventure, you can win the favor of those ancient old women every time."

She untied Shade's coat and hugged him.

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