Whispering Verse

Chapter 1037 The desire to be questioned

The soundproofing in the concert hall is very good, but you can still hear the symphony playing in the background.

The doctor and Shade, who have officially sneaked in here, pretend to be music lovers who come to visit famous musicians, so they don't have to worry about their identities being revealed for the time being.

The two of them walked all the way to the second floor through the small stairs on the east side of the concert hall. Although the doctor could roughly sense the location of the demon he marked, because the other party already knew that he was being tracked, the doctor's perception could not be too accurate. It can only be confirmed that the demon is in one of the six rooms. The six rooms face each other and can be seen after turning around the corridor. People were coming and going in the corridor, holding performance costumes, or loudly reminding the musicians who were about to go on stage to put away their makeup as soon as possible.

In addition to the orchestra members and concert hall schedulers, there are also people like Shade and the doctor who come to visit the musicians backstage. Even if it's not easy to be allowed backstage, Tobesk is most in need of people with status.

This resulted in the six rooms selected by the doctor looking very busy.

Although there are many people, this is also part of the doctor's plan. He threw a straw man tied up with hay to Shade, winked at Shade, and then walked to the three rooms on the left, while Shade looked at the three rooms on the right.

They first need to confirm the location of the demon. It is much more convenient to act separately than to act together.

There are three rooms on the right. The first one is a public dressing room. After Shade turned in, he saw rows of dressing tables close together. The musicians who were about to go on stage were anxiously doing the final touch-ups. The musicians who were anxious to get on stage adjusted their makeup in front of the mirror.

The reporter was talking in the corner with several girls who had just stepped off the stage. The servants backstage were hurriedly pushing trolleys to deliver musical instruments. Famous conductors and musicians certainly have their own dressing rooms, and the musicians here are part of that unappreciated group.

The air is filled with the strong smell of powder, and the density of gas lamps on the indoor walls exceeds normal lighting needs. People putting on makeup need sufficient light. When Shade walked into the room, no one paid much attention to him, because everyone had their own things to do. This room was extremely large, and even reminded Shade of a square.

The doctor can rely on induction to find demons, but Shade can only rely on the hay man. He held the straw man in his left hand and put it in his pocket, intending to walk around the large public dressing room, trying to touch everyone.

He walked from east to west, and just after completing the first two rows, he saw a familiar person putting on makeup.

Iluna sat obediently in front of the mirror on the dressing table, putting her hands on her knees, watching the middle-aged woman behind her in the mirror doing her hair, and looking at the face of the woman in a corseted black suit. Apply powder.

There is another sorceress standing next to the dressing table. If Shade remembers correctly, this is Miss Green, the high-circle sorceress of the Church of the Sun. The latter is laughing and teasing Iluna's expression at this time:

"You are already seventeen years old this year, haven't you ever put on makeup properly?"

"Of course I've done it before...but this is the first time I've put on makeup like this."

Iluna replied, catching a glimpse of Shade looking at her in the mirror from the corner of her eye. The mask given by Dr. Schneider had changed Shad's face, but Iluna still relied on instinct and intuition to immediately detect who the stranger was.

She wasn't entirely sure until she saw Shade in the mirror raising his right hand. He first drew the Holy Emblem of the Sun God on his chest, hesitated for a moment, then raised his hand to his ear as if to scratch his head, but in fact he raised his forearm, palm forward, fingers together and bent inward, making " Cat waving” action.

Drawing the Holy Emblem represented recognition of Iluna, and the ridiculous actions after that represented Shade's own identity. Iluna easily understood what Shade meant. She suppressed a smile and said to Miss Green beside her:

"Although I can go on stage, will it really not interfere with other people's performances?"

"It doesn't matter, as long as you don't blow on the silver flute, you can do whatever others do."

Miss Green said, so Shade knew that Iluna was preparing to take the stage.

"Will the bard really show up? So many of us are preparing for this. If he doesn't show up, tonight's work will be in vain."

Iluna asked again.

"At least not just us, but other people thought he was going to show up."

Miss Green said again, and at the same time Shade saw in the mirror that Iluna's hand on the dressing table made the number "four".

"The fourth pyroxene? The secret keeper of the bard state? In addition to the church, the professor sent by the academy is also for this?"

Shade immediately understood what Iluna meant, shook his head at her in the mirror, and then continued to move forward. What he meant was that he wasn't here tonight for the "bard." Iluna, who was sitting in front of the dressing table, also understood what Shade meant and was very confused as to why he came.

There was no trace of demons in the bustling public dressing room. Instead, Shade discovered many ring warlocks from the church. They pretended to be various identities, and Iluna was not the only one forced to perform on stage, but she seemed to be the only one who really didn't understand music.

It seems that the church believes that the "bard" is more likely to appear on the stage during the performance. Shade can only wish Iluna in his heart not to make a fool of himself on the stage.

Shade walked around the public dressing room and felt that he was smelling of makeup. He reminded himself to change out of these clothes before going home, otherwise Miss Writer would definitely be unhappy. Then he walked into the second room on the right side of the corridor, which was the common room for the musicians.

Generally speaking, the dressing room of the concert hall is actually the lounge, but the Royal Festival Concert Hall has special significance in the eyes of the royal family, so the interior decoration and functional area division are also different from normal situations.

Of course, although it is said to be a lounge, it is not quiet at all. Now is the performance period, and everyone is very nervous both on and off the stage. Most of the musicians who have put on their makeup are waiting to go on stage here, and most of the guests who come to visit the musicians also gather here. There were even young people holding flowers and giving gifts to their female friends to congratulate the performance. Everything seemed normal.

There are also ring warlocks from the Righteous God Church in this lounge, but there are very few of them and most of them are low-level. Shade still walked around in it, thinking that nothing would happen to him. Unexpectedly, when he approached the man standing at the window and looking at the night, the straw man in his pocket trembled three times.

"found it!"

Shade's expression remained unchanged, pretending to be just passing by and trying to pass behind the "man" whose back was turned to him. But while Shade was concentrating on looking at the road, the man who was holding on to the window sill and looking at the night in Tobesk turned around and asked Shade rather warmly:

"Sir, what time is it now?"

Shade stopped and took out his pocket watch and took a look:

"It's already half past eight in the evening. What, sir, is your performance time coming up?"

"Yes, I am the violinist of "White Bird Suite Part 1" at 8:46."

He smiled and said to Shade, and then asked:

"So sir, what are you here for?"

You can easily tell the identity of the people who appear in this lounge from their clothes.

"Come and visit that Miss Lisa."

Shade said that he had read the program list provided by the doctor. Although the focus was on remembering the time, he also remembered the names:

“That’s a great cellist.”

"Yes, outstanding."

The devil nodded in agreement:

"Her cello skills have almost reached their peak at her age."

Because his image is that of an old gentleman with some gray hair, it doesn’t seem out of place to say this:

"But I can see that Miss Lisa is not satisfied with her current status. She has the desire to go further."

"But she is already the best cellist in Tobesk. I heard that even Queen Diana praised her."

"Yes, but people always have desires."

The devil said with a smile, and Shade nodded. He estimated that Dr. Schneider's disguise was so clever that the devil didn't see who he really was, and instead fell in love with him.

The following words also prove Shade’s point of view:

"Sir, I see that you also have extraordinary desires."


Shade looked a little surprised and held his chest.

The lights in the room were so bright that the nearby scenes were reflected on the window glass. The profiles of Shade and the Devil were reflected on the glass, and the two smiling faces almost blended into the night.

"Everyone has desires. They want to make gold pounds, want to be famous, want a title, want beautiful girls. This is normal."

Shade said that he was not in a hurry at this time. The doctor would come after checking the three rooms on the right. He could completely hold the devil here and wait for the doctor:

"Don't you have any desire?"

Shade asked rhetorically.

"Of course I have desires too, but I can see that you are different."

The demon who looked like an old musician whispered softly. If he were an ordinary person, he would have already begun to be affected by his words:

"Such pure desire is really rare. Tell me, young man, what do you want?"

"I want...gold pounds."

Amidst "her" chuckles, Shade gave a fairly honest answer. With a five-digit savings, he currently has a strong desire for money. For a ring wizard, ten thousand pounds is actually not much. He has recently been thinking about how to make money. Although if he was really in urgent need of money, neither Miss Carina nor Lesia would be stingy in lending a helping hand to him, but outsiders did not like to ask ladies for money.

"this is very simple."

The devil stretched his hand behind him. There was nothing behind him, but he pulled out a "Victor Box" out of thin air:

"Here you go, you can use this to copy infinite money."


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