Whispering Verse

Chapter 1042 Miracle-Rage (please vote for more updates)

It was clear that the person standing there was a humanoid creature, but Shade and the doctor clearly saw the real body like mud.

"Hurry up and fix it, the church people are coming. Oh, doctor, don't forget, want"

"I'll save you the last blow."

The doctor nodded, Shade did this because the [Prank Boy] trial was for him and the two witches. If the final blow had been delivered by a doctor, the pyroxene would be gone.

The demon leaning on the wall smiled weakly:

"Do you think I didn't expect this?"

A door opened in the darkness. As the ancient door opened, the gray angel statue bound by the doctor on the roof slid here with the sound of the harsh stone base rubbing against the ground.

Sha De's expression remained unchanged:

"Doctor, go deal with the demon. Yin Luna, help me stop it! We can't waste any time."


The doctor rushed towards Victor Penny, who was trying to escape to a small side terrace lit by moonlight. Shade stood between the doctor and the angel. After all, the Weeping Angels would target those who use demonic power as their first target, but Shade's estimate was completely wrong.

The gray stone base rotated, and with a harsh sound, the angel holding his cheek turned in the direction of the two princesses, and then quickly slid towards them in the darkness.

Yin Luna was originally beside Lesia. She didn't recognize what it was at the first time, but she still threw the sunshine gun in her hand.

However, the blow failed completely, and the angel statue disappeared. It appeared next to Lesia across the space, its gray hands lowered, and its face turned towards the two princesses.

"do not look!"

Shade took a step forward and stood in front of the [Weeping Angel] and the princesses with his eyes closed. I pressed my right foot on the ground to activate the "Space Stability Halo" to prevent the statue from moving again, and I heard "her" voice in my ears:

[Get away, it's reaching out to you. 】

Any mortal object touched by [Weeping Angel] will disappear into the material world, and Shade immediately dodged aside. Behind him, Match Girl, Sleeping Princess and Killer Jack came here as the princesses' life rings rotated.

The three of them stood in front of the princesses, but with the touch of the angel's gray hands, they disappeared into the world together. This moment of obstruction gave Princess Margaret and Lesiya time to escape. At this time, Yin Luna also realized what kind of relic it was. She did not approach rashly, but suppressed it with the light of the golden scale suspended above her head. The power of relics:

"Look at its face now. As long as it doesn't last more than two seconds, it won't turn to stone!"


The gray statue moved towards the two princesses reluctantly. It completely ignored Shade's [Space Stability Halo], disappeared in front of Shade, appeared behind the princesses, and stretched out his hand to them.

Lesia and Princess Margaret wanted to retreat, but found that their legs could not move. The gray arm almost touched their faces, but stopped abruptly.

A pair of arms wrapped around the statue's body and hugged it behind it. Shade, who was already in a very bad state, endured the rage and worry in his heart at this moment, pressed his chest against the back of the statue, and forced it to stop:

"Lecia, Princess Margaret, please leave quickly!"

"Shade, let go!"

Yin Luna's voice came from behind, and she finally called out Sha De's name. The two princesses also understood the reason for the cry, and the angel gave up touching them. It slowly retreated, but did not push Shade backward. It is "retreating" into Shade's body, and it is trying to assimilate Shade's flesh and blood.

Where the two bodies are connected, the gray stone skin has spread to Shade's body. His movements were becoming stiff, and the look in his eyes was quickly disappearing.

"Is he really Shad Hamilton?"

Before Princess Margaret could be surprised, she saw Lesia on the side trying to rush up and hug Shade. She hurriedly pulled Lesia back:

"Don't come near."

Yin Luna also came to Xia De anxiously at this time:

"It's really bad. What should we do in this situation?"

Yin Luna did not dare to touch the statue of [Weeping Angel] directly, so she could only use the power of [Balance] to influence it. But this still couldn't stop the angel statue from slowly retreating into Shade's body. In just two or three breaths, almost all of Shade's body surface turned into gray stone, and stony, curled-up wings grew from behind him.

"Don't worry, Shade won't die that easily."

Princess Margaret held Lecia, while Yin Luna was very calm. The seventeen-year-old girl had seen countless big scenes with Shad, and had seen the traces of the afterglow of divinity on Shad's body. She believed in Shad:

"His vitality is as strong as a bonfire, no need"

She pursed her lips and looked at the two princesses:

"Speaking of which, what is your relationship with him?"

Suddenly, the surface of Shade's statue lit up with dazzling fire marks. The cracks on the statue's surface spread from his heart to his whole body, making the gray stone statue seem to have lava flowing on its surface.

Then the fire went out, and bright golden cracks appeared immediately, making the originally flat statue surface appear more densely packed with traces.

The remains of the first fire and the afterglow of divinity flashed alternately on the statue, and Yin Luna's face showed joy:

"I knew it. Shade had never seen anything. How could he die here?"

Lesia looked at him with red eyes. Princess Margaret knew that Shade was in danger to protect them. Thinking of how she always seemed to be helped by him since I met him, I bit my lip lightly and felt very nervous.

In fact, Shade did not lose consciousness at this moment. When the gray stone angel "retreats" into his body, it is not only the angel who wants to melt his flesh and blood, but he also absorbs the huge spirit from the relics that are integrated with him.

The Miracle Element and the Whispering Element together replenished Shade's spirit that was depleted due to the fierce battle. He did not panic when his body was petrified, because the first fire flowing in his body and the divinity in his soul would not allow him to be assimilated by other forces.

Divinity and primordial fire are existences whose status is much higher than that of the Weeping Angel. Although this angel statue is dangerous, it is only a sage-level relic.

The stone statue was unable to speak, but "her" chuckle could still be heard in his ears. While the stone blended with his own flesh and blood, Shade clearly felt the cold texture of the stone. Even because the stone was merging with him, he even clearly felt the specific composition of the stone.

But more importantly, Shade sensed the twisted essence in the body of [Weeping Angel]. He didn't know what [Weeping Angel] was, but he was surprised to find that in the process of the two merging with each other, he was unable to control Lei because of the demon. The furious emotions caused by Xia's involvement were actually infecting the angel.

[This itself is a process of interaction. 】

"Her" laughter still made Shade relax:

[Devouring is always a two-way process. 】

The first fire and divinity began to work as Shade expected. But what surprised him was that the relic seemed to only form a layer of petrified skin on his surface, but the essence inside seemed to be his flesh and blood merging with the stone statue.

He could clearly feel that the two sides were merging with each other, but he could also clearly feel that this fusion was more like his body turning the cold stone statue into a part of himself inch by inch like an ant.

This feeling of his own skin swallowing stones was quite strange, but the rapid influx of spirit into his body did make his condition better and better. When this mutual integration reached a certain limit, he seemed to hear a muttering in his ears:

"You are also a stone"

The accumulation of spirits and elements reached its limit at this moment, and the power gained from touching the essence of the relic finally condensed into Shade's new power.

A large amount of steam mist surged out of the darkness, and the hot white air forced the three girls to retreat. Yin Luna had a faint expression of excitement on her face.

In the depths of the white steam mist that echoed the gleaming light on Shade's body, the huge black shadow of the life ring kept approaching.

Amidst the sound of bells and whistles, the huge hammer hit behind Shade, completely revealing the high-speed rotating brass life ring.

"Four rings?"

It wasn't until this moment that Princess Margaret finally knew Shade's true ring wizard level, and more doubts arose.

The power belonging to the sage-level relic [Weeping Angel] followed Shade's body and gathered on the high-speed rotating life ring. After a few seconds of intertwining between the whispering element and the miraculous element, the golden miraculous element completely took over.

[After God left, the mortal craftsman met the crazy invisible angel in his dream, and in his madness he returned to the material world. When the weeping angel touched the stranger's dream, the angel who was supposed to have no emotions knew the meaning of rage. 】

[Relic-Weeping Angel, gives you new power. 】

[Outlander, you are engraved with the golden miracle spirit rune-Rage. 】

The "Weeping Angel" should not have the power of rage, but because it was in the process of merging with Shad, it was affected by his passionate emotions at the moment, giving Shad the power to represent his own emotions.

As the rotation speed of the life ring decreased, golden spiritual runes appeared on the surface of the life ring. The sealed blasphemy - [Red Moon], the blasphemy derived from absorbing divinity - [Thunder], the whisper obtained when pulling away the arrow of knowledge of Aiken'ora - [Power], and the miracle at this moment - [Rage].

The only thing left for Shade to ascend from the fourth ring to the fifth ring is the final Enlightenment Rune. After nearly two months of delaying the Saturday night classes, Lesia and Dorothy should probably reopen them. Although the trysts with the girls were great, the pursuit of strength cannot be stopped.

And thinking of Lesia, Shade's rage caused by the devil's attempt to attack her was once again ignited. He did not suppress his emotions, but let this emotion that seemed to bring him explosive power fill his mind.

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