Whispering Verse

Chapter 1044 Jazz and Angels

The clattering chains in the air represent the struggle of the demon in the air. When it confirmed that it was indeed unable to break free from the chain, the mud spread around the main body, and the pitch-black mud in the sky became larger and larger. It rises high into the sky, blocking out the moonlight and the starry sky with falling snow. The dragon made of black mud is slowly taking shape.

"Oh, it actually swallowed the dragon's desire?"

The doctor said with a surprised smile, and he and Shade looked at the giant dragon that completely covered most of the starry sky.

Fortunately, it's night now. In this era, even city residents mostly suffer from night blindness. The church doesn't even need to find a way to explain it. People will spontaneously understand that this is just a strange-shaped black cloud.

"is that OK?"

The doctor asked Shade, who nodded:

"If it's a dragon, even better. Doctor, go down below and take care of it. It will swallow the demon and leave immediately. I'll find you again tomorrow afternoon."

"No problem, thank you for the hard work this time."

The doctor patted Shade on the shoulder, jumped off the terrace, and disappeared into the night.

Looking around the street, people from the church have gathered around him. It won't be easy for the doctor to leave safely in a while.


The weird music behind him finally stopped, and as the noise came, a large number of footsteps appeared in the silent concert hall.

Shade turned slightly and saw that the black mist summoned by the devil had dissipated. At least twenty church ring sorcerers surrounded the stage, including Miss Green, whom Shade was familiar with, seven of them were genuine high ring masters. One of them had been seen in the tavern a few hours ago, and he was obviously a professor from the three major thaumaturgy academies.

They came here tonight for the bard "Secret Keeper". They did not expect that a demon would appear. They were able to solve the peripheral troubles so quickly with hurried preparations. It was indeed very fast. Unfortunately, Shade's side was also over. .

Emma Sylvia, the great witch of space, did not leave at this time. She looked up at the stage with the two princesses.

At this time, all the lights in the room went out, the music stopped completely, and there was silence everywhere except for a small piece of moonlight shining from the terrace to the stage.

From their angle, they could barely see Shade holding a chain in his hand as he returned to the stage outside the terrace, standing in the moonlight. And in the sky outside, a rotting black mud dragon was opening its mouth.

"God Caller?"

The middle-aged twelve-ring warlock who created the church asked softly, he is the strongest here.

Shade glanced at them but said nothing. His peripheral vision glanced at Lesia off the stage, and the red-haired princess also saw Shade's little move.

Holding the [Higgs Dragon Head Stone] in his right hand, under the only starlight at the edge of the dark stage, Shade took a deep breath, straightened his chest and raised his head slightly. The bright silver moonlight shone from the corners of his mouth, eyes, nose, ears, and even Uncontrolled ejaculation from every tiny pore on the face.

There was a permeating sound in the chest, like the low roar of an ancient dragon.

Under the gaze of the ring magician beside the stage, as well as the princesses and witches off the stage——


A bright silver beam of light emitted from Shade's mouth, at the cost of a powerful recoil, leaving fine cracks like spider webs on the stage.

The silver beam of light itself was silent, easily penetrating the black mud dragon under the snowy starry sky, and even penetrated the clouds behind it, revealing a brilliant round starry sky that was rare to see in winter.

If someone looked up at the sky south of Tobesk at this time, they could even easily see that the slanted light beam left a bright trace under the starry sky that would not dissipate for a long time.

The demon's body was hit head-on by the dragon's breath, and the mud fell to the ground, where Dr. Schneider was waiting for it.

Off the stage, Lesia held the edge of her skirt tightly, her face flushed with excitement. Princess Margaret opened her mouth slightly, still unable to understand the fact that Shad was a four-ringed sorcerer.

Miss Sylvia recalled the information about the Battle of Fort Midhill, and looked at Shade in front of the terrace with even more eager eyes.

Shade knew that Miss Sylvia was coming, but he did not need the help of the witch. He coughed a few times and turned around to look at the ring magicians of the church:

"You came too late."

Because of the slight trauma to his lungs, his voice was very strange at the moment.

"Wait, we can talk..."

Before Miss Green from the Church of the Sun could finish her words, a huge snowball hit the stage, blocking Shade at the balcony door from the people around the stage.

Although this snowball is difficult to melt, it is only a little obstructive in front of the high-level warlock. And when they melted the snowball and came to the terrace, they could only see a scarlet red butterfly flying into the distant night sky in the snow.

After the black fog dissipated, people in the concert hall were watching the red butterflies in the sky under the stars. At the same time, the lyre was played, and a man walked out from the backstage wearing a chic white shirt, green jacket, bell-bottom trousers and brown leather. The young man wearing boots stopped in the small patch of moonlight at the door of the terrace.

He plucked the strings and sang. The soft voice was dispelling the influence of the evil spirits of the Third Age on ordinary people. The song spoke of the bard's test:

“The brave conquers the devil,

It turned into a red butterfly and flew towards the snowy night.

That bright moon,

Illuminating the brave man's journey home.

Silver is the gesture of holiness and madness,

Red is the gesture of flesh and blood,

Yellow is a gesture of guidance and chaos.

Lonely and sad moon,

Why did you appear from the clouds?

Melancholy, beautiful moon,

Why do you reappear in my dream?

People who long for rewards,

Please pick the noble moon for me~"

He sang here to remind people of the test:


In this city of progress and development,

I would like to accompany that noble moon.

That yellow moon,

The power that guides wisdom.

Please pick it for me,

Pick the yellow moon. "

At the end of the song, the bard bowed to the ring wizards of the church. After hearing Yin Luna's first round of applause, he smiled again:

"I'm glad that you like my singing voice. When you get what I want, I will appear in front of you."

As he spoke, the sound of the piano spread green light, restoring sanity to the musicians who were controlled by the devil. Then he smiled and thanked Yin Luna for the applause. At the same time as the life ring behind Yin Luna whispered - [Singing], the bard jumped out of the terrace while playing and singing, and walked along the invisible stairs towards the starry sky filled with red butterflies. Higher up.

"If I understand correctly, he wants us to help him pick the yellow moon in mid-March in Tobesk City..."

Ms. Mallory, the ten-ring warlock of the Church of Nature, asked softly at this time. This lady looked very young. The ring warlocks of the Church of Nature usually looked younger than the ring warlocks of the same age.

"It should be a reference, not actually picking the moon."

Miss Green said, looking at the large red butterflies flying under the night sky.

Large swaths of red butterflies were flying under the moonlit night, most of which were illusions created by illusions. Shade's body, which also heard the bard's singing, had already landed and walked excitedly towards home.

Lykins Prisha, who was also walking in the alley behind the opera house, also heard Mohu's singing and judged that this was the mission of the "secret keeper" mentioned by the devil.

He looked up at the dark alley and glanced at the red butterflies in the night sky, thinking about what the so-called "yellow moon" meant. Just as he was about to enter the dark alley, he suddenly heard the sound of stones scraping the ground behind him.

He turned back and saw a gray angel statue covering his face with his hands. He didn't know when it appeared under the streetlight ten steps away.

The elegant southern gentleman frowned slightly and stopped to look at the statue. The statue also stopped motionless under the gas street lamp.

When Sir Prisha closed and opened his eyes, and completed the blinking action, the statue actually seemed to move in space, moving forward about two meters.

Sir Prisha subconsciously took a step back, but then realized that it was not a good idea to retreat in this weird situation.

He stared at the statue of the Weeping Angel and summoned the spinning ring of life in the dark alley. He reached into his pocket and took out two hardcover pocket books. After a moment's hesitation, he took back the textbook on dragons from the Knights and Serkses Higher Medical School:

"Does contact with demons really make luck worse?"

He muttered, took out three [Wise Man's Pyroxene] and threw them towards the life ring behind him:

"Try whether the power the devil said is true - the white wings flap and the angel of wisdom descends."

Core Spirit Rune [White Wings], Whispering Spirit Rune [Flapping Wings], and the Miracle Spirit Rune [Angel], Blasphemy Spirit Rune [Advent], and Enlightenment Spirit Rune [Angel] revealed after three wise man pyroxene melted on the life ring. Wisdom] shine together.

Like words of sublimation, yet paradoxical power is displayed in this narrow alley. In the faint hymn, white wings appeared behind Lakins Prisha, and a strange golden halo floated above his head. His whole body was faintly glowing:


He maintained his angelic posture and spoke to the angel statue, but the other person did not retreat.

Sir Prisha's strange posture could not be maintained for too long, but within a minute, the strange scene around him completely disappeared, and the panting southern nobles stared at the statue of the angel covering his face with his hands.

The latter neither left nor advanced.

He stood like this in the snow for at least another five minutes, with snow covering the statue's head and the knight's hat. Only then did the reverberating voice reach the ears of Sir Regins Plischar:

"The blood power of the wise angels."

A strange beam of light flew from the folded forehead of [Weeping Angel] to Sir Prisha, and while the latter felt the new power, the angel statue under the gas street lamp had disappeared.

"It turns out that the strange legend of the family is true..."

The thoughtful middle-aged man turned around, picked up the three pyroxenes that fell on the ground, and walked into the dark alley, leaving a series of footprints on the snow-covered ground.

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