Whispering Verse

Chapter 1,047 The Devil’s “Legacy”

"Oh, good afternoon, Shade, my friend, you are finally here."

When Shade arrived at Dr. Schneider's psychology clinic in the snow this afternoon, the doctor gave him a warm hug.

In order to celebrate this afternoon, Dr. Schneider postponed the diagnosis and treatment of two important patients, leaving time exclusively for Shade. He enthusiastically led Shade to the reception room on the second floor, which was the room where the group held meetings every Saturday. The violin case containing the "Night Watcher" was quietly placed on the coffee table.

"Although there were some minor mishaps, overall Sunday's operation went smoothly."

The doctor had prepared red wine for the celebration. After passing the glass to Shade, the two clinked their glasses with a smile.

"But you have to be careful. I have friends in the church. Although the church has been hampered by other things recently, there are evil spirits from the third era in the city, and they will definitely not give up investigating."

Shade reminded him while holding the cup, and the doctor nodded:

"I understand that the key task in the next half month is to prepare for the year-end exam. Oh, detective, as the leader of the team, I have more responsibilities than you all."

The doctor put his hands on the window sill and leaned there with a relaxed posture. Behind him was the city with heavy snow.

Strangely enough, even in the snowy season, the city still looks hazy and hazy, which is a characteristic of the steam city.

"Doctor, what new abilities did you acquire after devouring the demon of proliferation desire?"

Shade asked while sitting on the sofa, putting the wine glass aside and opening the violin case to check. After the doctor got it back, he probably didn't dare to open it at all. [Night Watcher] was still wrapped in Shade's coat.

"Fanni himself is not a powerful demon. Now I can use certain spellcasting methods to see how much desire a person has in his heart. If I want, I can also plant the seeds of desire in an individual's heart and harvest them. His desire, however, must be coordinated with my method of entering dreams."

The doctor explained that he had not hidden this from Shade. Because he expected that he might lose control one day, the doctor would tell Shade about his abilities, hoping that Shade would be able to deal with him on the day when bad luck really comes, wearing the [Demon Hunting Seal] and holding the [Night Watch]:

"Besides that, there's this."

With that said, the doctor took two steps forward, and then called out the life ring behind him. The brass wheel spinning in the steam mist perfectly matches the snowy street scene of the steam city behind him.

At the end of autumn, with Shade's help, Dr. Schneider had successfully promoted to the sixth ring with the help of the "Forged Philosopher's Stone". At this time, there were actually four more spiritual runes on his life ring than last time——

"Profane - [Heart of Fire], Whisper - [Whip], Profanity - [Proliferation], Enlightenment - [Contract]. The first two come from the power of digesting the Balrog, and the latter two come from the power of Fannie. Devour In addition to miracles, the other three kinds of spiritual runes brought by demons are possible."

The doctor who was still at the fifth level at the time did not digest the power of the Balrog immediately, but waited until the sixth level to increase the spiritual runes (Chapter 681).

The doctor also looked back at his life ring:

"With the power of these two demons, I have only been promoted to the sixth ring for one month, and I am already so close to the seventh ring... I still have to thank you, Shade, these two demons can You brought it all to me.”

He smiled and thanked Shade again, and Shade sighed in his heart. The doctor used himself to bind an ancient evil demon, and the special talent he obtained seemed to be comparable to that of the chosen Lykins Plisha. Temporary spirit runes are even more powerful.

But it's fair, fate has taken payment from the doctor in advance, and he deserves the power.

"But I don't expect you to encounter demons again. Detective, please remember, never actively provoke those evil spirits. They... are really scary."

Probably thinking of Mr. Sherf Tim and Miss Shana Aya again, the doctor sighed. He put the wine glass in his hand on the window sill and walked to the desk:

"I'll share the spoils with you, including the ones I found at the Three Cats Inn on Monday. There were a lot of weird things on that guy. But since most of them are demonic creations, I picked a few to keep for myself, and the rest Those that were placed were directly destroyed.”

Shade had no problem with this. Demonic creations were even weirder than relics with fixed rules.

"There are still a few things you can use. These are all yours. No need to refuse, I will definitely get more than you."

The doctor took out a red box and handed it to Shade. The original Balrog never came out after being sealed by Miss Violet of the fifth era, so naturally there was nothing on him. However, demons with multiplied desires are active and traded in human society, and they have many items on their possessions.

After opening Shade's box, the first thing he saw was a narrow-necked bottle filled with thick black oil, plugged with an oak stopper:

"This is......"

"The devil's remains are like the Balrog's heart in autumn."

The doctor introduced:

"When I devour the devil's power, I don't mean to directly eat the devil's entire body. You have to know a common sense. The body of the evil spirit in the third era does not have a material body. The arsonist fused with the Balrog, and Fannie fused I don’t know what the hell it is. All I need is the power of the devil’s body, and there are always other parts that I don’t need. This is the body part that condenses the devil’s power, but most of the power has been absorbed by me.”

The doctor took out the flask from the box and examined it:

"The remains of Panni, the demon of desire to increase value, are an extremely high-end precious material like the heart of the Balrog. If you have the courage to ask a potion master to mix it into a potion and drink it, I am even sure that you will get it. A spiritual rune related to Panni."

Shade shook his head hastily, he would not drink this kind of thing.

When his fingers touched the slender bottleneck, the initial fire in his body immediately began to stir. Although the demon's true power was absorbed by the doctor, the demon's remains were still worth devouring. Shade knew the purpose of this thing.

"Doctor, I don't know about the demonic remains of the demons you devoured before..."

He asked again, and the doctor said regretfully:

"Are you useful? I didn't know I would meet you at the time, so you were consumed as material."

In addition to the demonic remains, the red box also contained a sugar cube-like crystal, a black pen and a ring.

"Be careful and try not to touch it directly with your hands."

Only the sugar cube-like crystal was not a relic, so Shade stretched out his hand to it, but was stopped by the doctor:

"Crystal of desire. You can understand it as semi-materialized desire. It is very similar to the soul crystal I helped you make last time, but it is very polluting."

Although he didn't let Shade touch it directly, he picked up the crystal with his bare hands:

"This is a very useful spellcasting material, potion and alchemy material. The making of the 'Victor's Box' you mentioned is related to this."

The matter of the Victor Box has been reported to the church by Iluna, and they do not need to worry about the subsequent impact caused by the devil.

"Doctor, if you are of use, you can stay. I have no use for this."

Shade suggested, but the doctor shook his head:

"With Panny's power, I can also make desire crystals myself, so you can just take them. I recommend a few books to you. You can borrow them from the Black Raven Library or the college library. There are many ways to use desire crystals. .”

He wrote down the titles of several books for Shade and put them in the red box.

As for the remaining two items, although their level is not high, they are genuine relics.

The black pen is a clerical grade (level 4) relic [Etlaine's Pen]. Once the words written by this pen are read, the reader can have the illusion of "being there". But the negative characteristic is that once you use this pen to write stories about those strange beings sleeping in subspace or seals, there is a certain chance that it will directly constitute a summoning ritual.

The devil uses this pen to write stories of desire and lure mortals into signing contracts. But in the hands of a good writer, it's a tool for building those beautiful stories.

On the black cap of the pen, runes as big as ants form a strange sentence:

[A good story should not be just words. 】

"Doctor, you wouldn't mind if I gave this pen to Dorothy?"

Shade played with the relic and turned to ask the doctor who walked back to the bedside.

Although these items were given to Shade by the doctor, if the doctor suddenly found this pen in Dorothy's hand one day, it would inevitably be a little embarrassing, so Shade asked in advance.

"These are all yours, you can give them to whomever you want."

The doctor waved his hand, thinking secretly about Sha De's private life. He also remembered the day he was invited to enter the strange foggy area to call for souls on the third floor of Sha De's house in late autumn. Two girls from Sha De's house spent the night with him. matter.

"Then I'll give it to Dorothy as a year-end gift."

Shade said with a smile.

"Sushou Festival" is the last festival of the year. It is the most important festival for mortals in this era. This is somewhat similar to the Spring Festival and Christmas in the hometown of outsiders. They are the days when the year ends and you can finally have a good rest. People are accustomed to giving gifts and greeting cards to friends on this day, and outsiders naturally have to prepare for this.

"Speaking of the New Year's Day, you don't need to prepare my gift. Fannie is quite good as a gift."

The doctor suggested, but Shade would still prepare a gift.

As for the final ring, it is a green wooden ring with an emerald ring.

The doctor recognized [Etlaine's Pen] but not this one, so he asked Old John to help identify it.

This is a poet-level (level 5) relic [Epidemic Doctor Ring]. After wearing it, rotating the ring counterclockwise can activate the ring's properties, making the wearer immune to most diseases for a certain period of time.

Not only common diseases such as plague, smallpox, and colds, but also diseases related to occultism such as blood thirst and undead plague can also be resisted to a certain extent. Demons naturally don't need this kind of ring. This relic was probably accidentally obtained by demons who wanted to increase their value. They wanted to keep it in their hands and trade with humans, but now it is cheaper for Shade.

Inside the ring of that ring, there are long runes written in depressions. Due to the light, it was impossible to see the characters clearly, so Shade rubbed the ring with her fingertips, and "she" told the meaning of those ancient runes:

[The struggle between disease and cleanliness is the tempering of nature. 】


ps: In order to prevent readers from forgetting, I would like to remind you——

The change between positive and negative is the beginning of a new life. [Metamorphosis Ring], gender change (?) but needs to speak.

The transformation between stillness and silence is a display of hidden power. [Fish Training Ring], speak but cannot be used by cats.

The replacement of blood and flesh is the sublimation of flesh and blood soul. [Vampire Ring], becomes a vampire but suffers from thirst.

The struggle between disease and purity is the tempering of nature. [Epidemic Doctor Ring] resists epidemics but has negative characteristics described in the next chapter.


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