Whispering Verse

Chapter 1052 The sorceress is about to visit

"I have already tested the aura of the 'Guiding Moon'."

The thirteen-ring sorceress shook her head slightly:

"The wordless black book that contains the secrets of the Silver Moon Library does react to the aura, but the extent of the reaction is far less than the reaction caused by the aura of your and my core spiritual runes in the wordless black book."

Shade frowned slightly:

"Could it be because it was just a collected aura, not the real aura he released himself?"

"It's possible."

Miss Denister nodded:

"I have applied to the principal to go to Tobesk City, and I will carry the black book with me. Mr. Hamilton, I need you to communicate with the 'Guiding Moon' in advance and convince him to help release the aura."

"He will discover the secrets of the Black Book."

Shade pointed this out, and Miss Denister shook her head:

"There is no better way at the moment. You go to Kings Prisha and convince him to participate in an experiment about spiritual light. You can offer him a high price. Gold pounds are not a problem. But remember, my identity is , the six-circle sorceress of St. Byrones in Tobesk.”

If Miss Denister doesn't care about exposing the book, Shade can:

"I know the leader of Serksese's team in Tobesk. Through the team leader, I can contact Sir Prisha and then ask him for help through personal relationships. It should be no problem."

"You are indeed reliable."

Miss Denister smiled:

"Today is Wednesday. I will take care of the library management matters after leaving St. Byrons and then set off. I will arrive in Tobesk at the end of this week. This stone is the property of the library, and I have no right to send it directly. for you."

The sorceress smiled:

"But I can lend it to you for a hundred years with my personal authority. That slate cannot be transmitted on poetry pages, so I will take it there myself. As for its ownership after a hundred years... then... It depends on whether you can inherit my position and who the successor you choose will be."

Shade showed a clear expression. If he could really become a librarian, it wouldn't be a problem to extend the "lease" for another hundred years. And since Miss Dannister can reach the Pearl of the North from the far north in three or four days, she is definitely not taking a train.

"Okay, thanks for your help."

Now he only needs to unseal the red moon spirit rune, and he can touch the deep secret of time perception. Unsealing that spiritual rune requires a higher level of power from the same source.

Although the "yellow moon" you need to find in the bard trial is not a red moon, it is still a moon. Shade thought that maybe that special item, which he didn't know if it was a relic, might be able to help him unseal the Red Moon.

"So, I must complete the Bard's Trial! The mystery of time, the true secret of the Sixth Age..."

The news that Miss Denister was coming to Tobesk was surprising, but it was only for the weekend. This Wednesday, the most important thing for Shade is to arrange a date with the two girls.

He had already made plans and arranged all the activities from this afternoon to tomorrow noon. In addition to watching the opera and walking around the city, he also planned to take Dorothy and Lesia to ride horses outside the city. Although it is very cold to ride horses in the snowfield, the scenery in winter must be very nice.

But unfortunately, when Dorothy arrived at noon, Dorothy brought Shade some bad news:

"Lecia has something to do today. She was left by His Majesty the King at Yodel Palace to sort out the report for the King's speech at the end of the year."

As usual, at the end of every year, His Majesty the King will deliver a speech to the whole country, which generally summarizes the development of the Kingdom for the year, belittles the state of Kasenlik, and then imagines the major arrangements for the Kingdom in the coming year. After the speech, the year-end honors are awarded. Activity.

"Lecia is preparing this kind of report? Has she been assigned such an important job?"

Shade was surprised.

The blonde girl holding the handbag shook her head in the foyer. She had to go to the newspaper office soon and didn't plan to stay at Shade's place for a long time:

"It's just the development of the New World, but it's also very important. Lesia will probably be busy for a while. She and I discussed it and simply postponed this Red Butterfly Day."

Shade had no objection to this. Last time, the three of them postponed the Red Butterfly Day for two days in order to meet at the wedding.

"Put it off to what day? I can make plans again."

Shade asked.

"The 31st day of the Sleeping Moon is the last day of this year."

Dorothy said with a slight regret, Shade raised his eyebrows:

"If I remember correctly, today is only the 11th day of the Sleeping Moon."

"Yes, detective. Please do the math. If Red Butterfly Day starts this afternoon and lasts until noon tomorrow, then when will the next Red Butterfly Day be?"

[The second day of 1854. 】

"The second day of 1854."

"Mathematics is really good."

Dorothy gave a small compliment and said with a smile:

"But at the end of the year, Lesia and I both want to see you."

She raised her head slightly and looked at Shade with her beautiful green eyes:

"After all, this is the first year worth remembering. So instead of postponing the Day of the Red Butterfly for a week or two, it is better to postpone it directly to the end of the year. At the end of the year, the 31st of the Sleeping Moon, we want to spend it with you. "


The emotion contained in those eyes left Shade speechless:

"Of course, that's nice. Oh, Dorothy, I've got your end-of-year gift ready. I got one..."

Some cold fingers touched Shade's lips:

"Detective, give me this surprise again at the end of the year."

She said with a smile and waved to Shade:

"Don't forget about exam week. I also have to prepare for my fourth grade to fifth grade exam. I hope I have better luck in this exam. I still have some homework for Potions class to hand in."

He stood on tiptoes and kissed Shade's left cheek, then opened the door and walked into the silver-white Saint Teresa Square.

[The girls you know are all very nice. 】

While Shade covered his face and looked at Dorothy's back, "she" said with a smile.

"Yes, very nice."

Shade said softly and sighed slightly:

"So, I have to work hard to make money. I thought I was rich at first, but when I needed to spend money, I realized that I was still poor."

He did not close the door immediately, but walked through the snow to the door and looked up at his house:

"This house alone is not enough. We still have to find ways to make money."

Currently, there are three things in his hands, namely, investigating Kingsley Prisha, looking for "Yellow Moon", and helping Princess Margaret investigate the maid who should have been burned to death.

The first thing is to wait for news from Dr. Schneider, the second thing is to use rituals to try to resonate on a clear night, and the third thing Shade plans to solve today, so that he can concentrate all his energy to face the third thing. The epic of the four chosen ones.

He very much hoped that no matter who was the fourth candidate, the ceremony would be held before the end of the month, otherwise it would definitely delay everyone's exam time.

Princess Margaret was fired as her maid eight years ago because she hated eating red cabbage. The maid who was actually an undercover MI6 agent also left Willendale legitimately on the grounds of "self-immolation".

The maid lady appeared again and was directly witnessed by the princess. This is definitely not normal. Although Shade suspected that this was another MI6 plan, it was impossible for him to ask directly, so he planned to investigate it himself.

The lazy cat stayed at home and Shade went out alone. The last time Princess Margaret saw the maid was near Regent's Park in the East District of Tobesk. At that time, the princess and Queen Diana attended a charity event in Regent's Park together, and saw from the car window that the crowd carrying The vegetable basket maid hurried by.

Shade planned to investigate the area in the morning. If there were no clues, he would go to Miss Carina and ask around. He couldn't ask directly, otherwise the red-haired witch would definitely guess what he wanted to do immediately, which might reveal the identity of "Grey Eagle".

"At worst, ask Tifa, she should help me keep the secret...probably."

This is Shade's idea.

[However, what clues can you investigate based on just the figure Margaret Anjou saw? 】

She asked Xiang Shade with a smile.

"Although I am not the chosen one for wisdom and knowledge, don't underestimate me."

Regent's Park, located in the east district of the city, is quite close to the city's Natural Church. Shade took a carriage and got off at the door of Natural Church, then headed along the snow-covered streets in the direction of Regent's Park:

"A very simple analysis, in this terrible weather, if I go shopping for groceries, I will definitely choose the nearest, or slightly closer but very cheap market."

[That makes sense. 】

"She" whispered in Shade's ear.

Shade tightened the scarf around his neck and stood on the side of the road looking at the street scenes on both sides of the road. The East End of Tobesk is centered on Regent's Park, and the street scene in this neighborhood is quite prosperous. The buildings standing on both sides extend all the way to the north. Looking up, the brown clock tower standing in front of the right also turns white in winter.

Everyone on the street was wrapped in cotton clothes and walked carefully. There are no more beggars in the streets and alleys. The newspaper-selling boy is wearing patched clothes and leaning against the steam pipe on the wall, craving for some warmth.

The weather is very good today, even the fog has dispersed a bit. The not very warm sunshine in the winter morning shines on the city, making the metal pipes on the street walls shine.

"I inherited a fairly accurate city map from Detective Sparrow. Although the map will not be updated until the end of spring this year, I don't think it will be enough for half a year to open new markets in this area."

[That makes sense. 】

"She" continued to speak softly, and Shade touched his ear. Actually, he wanted to test whether he could touch someone behind him.

"She" is chuckling.

"The Regent's Park area is the East End, that is, the center of the wealthy area. There are not many food markets nearby, and it is not a slum. And according to Princess Margaret's description, the maid lady at that time was not dressed as a noblewoman. A person or a wealthy aristocratic lady, but a very ordinary citizen."


"Using Regent's Park as the center, find the surrounding vegetable markets. Then find the apartments and neighborhoods where civilians live, compare them with each other, and find a route that can pass through the intersection of Regent's Park. Then you can determine where the maid lady lives. Where. Of course, the premise remains that the reappearance of the maid is not a conspiracy of MI6."

"She" praised softly:

[Maybe you really have the talent to be a detective. 】

"This is just common reasoning."

Shade smiled, not proudly. He really thought this was not a particularly difficult thing to think of. He smiled because "she" praised him.

Most of the food markets in this era were not open all day, but were open in the morning and evening. Just as Shade said, there are no noisy markets in the area centered around Regent's Park-Natural Church.

There are food markets in the outer areas, but combined with the opening hours, the location of Regent's Park, and the rental costs of nearby apartments, Shade can roughly judge that if the maid lady was not arranged by MI6 to pass by, but actually lived nearby , then her most likely residence location is Knoll Street, a fifteen-minute walk from Regent's Park and further downstream of the Ninton River.

It is an unknown street in the East District of Tobesk, but most of the streets along the street are rental apartments. As a result, most poor people living in the East District of Tobesk prefer to live nearby.

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