Whispering Verse

Chapter 106: Fire and frozen people

"Is this the so-called afterglow of divinity? Why does it appear now?"

[The divinity is hidden deep in your life ring and soul. You will only show this posture in certain special places or in environments where the power of the soul is prominent, so now...]

Shade raised his head and looked at Miss Louisa who stopped in front and looked back:

"I see. Now, it is indeed a dream."

"Oh, Shade, what's wrong with you?"

Miss Louisa asked in surprise, looking him up and down.

Only then did Shade notice that the blonde girl with light makeup looked particularly beautiful today. Probably because of the heat, the three golden buttons on the chest of her white shirt with lace cuffs had been untied at some point, and the looming clothes inside could be seen.

【You feel it...】

"No need to remind me, if I don't understand this, it's a bit too stupid. This kind of plot is a bit vulgar and a bit cliché... Moreover, Miss Louisa will never call me directly by my name. .”

"Xia De, why didn't you say anything? You found traces of that thing, right?"

Miss Louisa asked in a soft voice.

She took two quick steps towards Shade, but for some reason she suddenly fell forward and was about to fall into Shade's arms.

But Shade didn't reach out to catch her, but threw an arc of silver moonlight forward. A bright light illuminated the third-floor corridor, which had become dark at some point, and passed through the body of "Miss Louisa."

The blonde girl dispersed into a ball of black smoke in the light and disappeared into the air.

Shade did not relax his vigilance because of this, but stood vigilantly. The light around the corridor dimmed suddenly, as if the corridor itself was absorbing the light.

In this environment, the golden afterglow on Shade's body seemed even more shining.

Gradually, whispers came from everywhere. But it wasn't the whisper of the woman in my heart, it was this dream that began to whisper. That chaotic and low voice seemed to be poured directly into Shade's head. At the same time, some prostrate figures gradually appeared in the shadows caused by the dim light.

Once those sludge-like things emerged from dreams appeared, their mental pollution ability almost directly affected Shade himself. The strong dizziness made him want to pass out, but after two "exercises" in facing the gods, he could still endure the current feeling.

Then the silver moonlight lit up in the corridor, and the arc-shaped light blade flew out of his hand. Although this light cannot illuminate the increasingly cold corridor, it can effectively split open those terrifying things in the shadows.

As streaks of silver moonlight flew out, the shadows in the dream gathered into squirming sludge, and slender tentacles clung to the side walls of the corridor, almost swallowing up the space.

Shade knew that the current situation was not good, so he called out the life ring behind him, took a deep breath, stretched out his front fingers, and while using his thaumaturgy with all his strength, the silver of the moonlight seemed to have some of the golden light on his body. mark.

The arc-shaped moonlight slash slashed across the corridor, splitting open the terrifying thing that violated basic human aesthetics. It did not come together again. On the contrary, with a sound like soap bubbles bursting in his ears, Shade was stunned and found himself standing in the corridor of the third floor again.

But the light was normal and there were no monsters, except that Miss Louisa was missing.

He looked down at the golden cracks on his body:

"It seems like I'm still in a dream. Can you find out which direction has the whispering element?"

【All directions. 】

Shade nodded and looked around. As he realized that this was still a dream, the light became darker and darker again.

He tried to exit the third floor, but he could not get close to the junction between the third floor and the stairs, as if the corridor itself was extending infinitely.

Just when Shade was about to try to destroy the building itself that constituted the dream, the door on the right side near the staircase was suddenly opened from the inside, and then a menacing Miss Louisa rushed out.

She looked furious and her face was red. Before Shade could test whether this was true or not, the blond girl raised her hand and pointed it at him, and a handful of strange red flames appeared in her palm:

"Ha, here we go again. Instead of becoming a detective, you might as well become Luvia or Ray... huh?"

She looked up and down at Shade suspiciously, then retracted her palm neatly and crushed the flames in her palm:

"Is it true this time? Detective, you actually understood that this was a dream before I found you? It's really good. It seems that I still underestimated you. But what are these golden cracks on your body? You look very beautiful. Are you okay?"

Shade carefully took a step back and asked in his mind. After confirming that although the girl in front of him had whispers, she also had the full four elements, he breathed a sigh of relief:

"It's so nice to see you, Miss Louisa. As for this... decoration, it's of no use."

He pointed at himself, and Miss Louisa raised her eyebrows. Miss Writer was not knowledgeable enough for her to identify what it was:

"Well, I'll just pretend I didn't see it, as long as nothing happens. Now that you understand this is a dream, I don't have to bother to explain the current situation. Really, I originally wanted to give you a long experience, and I promised that there would be no Yes, but something like this actually happened, and now I’m embarrassed.”

She said slightly angrily, and then pointed forward:

"Let's leave the dream and return to reality first. Although the relic went out of control not long ago and the nightmare is not powerful yet, we can't compete with it in the dream. This is too stupid."

"Then how to leave?"

Shade looked around, expecting Miss Louisa to create something like a hole out of thin air.

"The nightmare born from the [Happy Dream Pen] has only absorbed the mental power and blood of an ordinary person, and it has only absorbed part of it, so the capacity of the dream it can construct is limited. Let me blast it!"

As he spoke, the brass life ring of the four-ring warlock appeared in the steam mist. The flashing spiritual light of various spiritual runes on the life ring illuminated the increasingly dim corridor:

"Detective, hold my hand tightly, don't get lost in the dream. This is an opportunity, and I will let you see the fighting method of a ring warlock who is proficient in the element of [Enlightenment]."

She stretched out her hand to Shade, and Shade took it directly.

Miss Louisa's core spirit rune [Writer] flickered, and then the enlightenment spirit rune [Flame] also flickered:

"Detective, my ring sorcerer system uses the ancient fairy tale Match Girl to connect the first four rings. Each ring has runes related to this fairy tale, so as to construct the words of sublimation when the fourth ring is promoted to the fifth ring. First of all..."

She touched the air with her free left hand, and the fiery red runes like earthworms seemed to be imprinted on the air. Then, the entire corridor burned, but Shade did not feel the heat.

In the suddenly fierce flames, he seemed to hear the sound of bubbles bursting. Then the fire suddenly disappeared, and they stood in the corridor on the third floor of Professor Manning's house. The light here was normal and there was no flame.

The four-ring warlock is really powerful. Shade broke through the dream just now with some power of the afterglow of divinity, but Miss Louisa can do the same thing with simple thaumaturgy.

"It's still a dream."

Shade looked around and then at himself.

"These marks on your body are convenient. The doctor's ability to enter dreams is probably the most afraid of people like you... Well, let's do it again."

As she spoke, Miss Louisa's core spiritual rune [Writer] and spiritual rune [Freeze to Death] flashed aura. Ice blue runes were engraved in the space, and the extremely cold air swept across the entire corridor in an instant, until the dream was shattered again.

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