Whispering Verse

Chapter 1082 Return to Huntington City

When Shade returned upstairs with the beautiful ring, Luvia said to Shade excitedly:

"Oh, I saw that lady from the window! Thirteen Rings! Red Moon Witch! Miss Danister!"

Young girls are always envious of powerful sorceresses, and Miss Danister's story and growth experience are indeed a contemporary legend.

"She is also leaving Tobesk City. It seems that the ceremony location is not here. It is no longer a secret."

Shade said, handing the ring in his hand to little Mia, who had a [Pandemic Doctor Ring] and a [Vampire Ring] strung on her tail. The latter sniffed it and showed no interest in alchemy items. Shade was not surprised, he knew that what little Mia liked was the relic ring.

"It looks like it's really about to start, oh? What are you holding?"

Luvia asked curiously.

"My end-of-year gift, last time I gave Miss Denister some 'Moonwater'."

Shade said, and told Luvia the meaning of the ring. The purple-eyed girl was a little surprised by the relationship between Shade and Miss Danister. But considering that he always had a good relationship with all the sorceresses around him, this didn't seem too surprising.

"Also, Miss Danister told me that the 'Yellow Moon' requested by the bard is a sage-level relic [Source of Chaos]."

Shade frowned slightly, as if he thought of something:

"Some time ago, I saw the introduction of that relic on the New Year's Day gift I was preparing to give you."

"Do you know where the relic is?"

Luvia asked.

Shade nodded:

"That item, if exposed to real moonlight for a long time, will directly cause symptoms of mass chaos. After Miss Danister reminded me, I realized something."

He held little Mia and looked at Room 2 next door. Luvia also thought of what Shade once said:

"This house on the second floor of your house...there was a mass suicide?"


The two of them came to the empty room next door together, and Shade looked directly at the wall where [Prank Boy] sprayed ink last time:

"Although the prank boy said he likes to play pranks, since he said he wanted to give me a gift, he might actually have given me a hint."

Shade held the cat with one hand and pressed his palm against the wall:

"Do you feel anything?"

[You did this on the first day you opened this room, and there was no reaction from the elements (note). 】

"Shadow, melt this wall directly!"

Luvia suggested, so Shade used [Feliana's Witch's Light]. In the golden light, his palm sank into the wall like a hot tongs passing through the ice. But until Shade's arm completely penetrated the wall, and the tips of his fingers even penetrated the wall, and went to Room 1, he still didn't touch anything.


He retracted his arm, shook his head, and used the breath of time to restore his wall to its original state:

"That's right. If it were simply buried in the wall, the church would definitely not be unable to discover it. Although the method of hiding the [Source of Chaos] is unlikely to be more difficult to discover than the hidden wall in the basement, the relic is definitely not destroyed by the wall. You can find it.”

Luvia looked at the wall:

“But the possibilities are still very high here.”

"Why? Is your inspiration reminding you?"

Shade asked curiously, and Luvia smiled:

"According to the weird legend of this house and the weirder things that have happened since you lived here, anything is possible here."

Shade really couldn't refute her statement:

"It's a pity that I don't have any coins in my hand, otherwise I could tell you the answer directly."

"Even if there are coins left, they cannot be spent here."

Shade glanced at the wall regretfully:

"The focus now is still on the incident in the Pantanal region. After the incident there is over, we will have plenty of time to 'dig out' the relics."


Little Mia was being held by Shad, and the cat was curious about what Shad was doing now. After all, as far as the cat is concerned, it is daytime and the moon has not come out yet.

Before setting off for Fort Midhill, Shade activated Miss Danister's Red Moon Ring, and then let his [Red Moon] spiritual rune be illuminated by the light of the ring, but this could not remove the seal from the spiritual rune, indicating that The power of alchemical items made by ring wizards is not considered "high-level power from the same source".

So with disappointment, he found Sister Devlin at Fort Midhill, and then passed the ruined tower in the mountains and headed to the White River Valley Vineyard with the nun.

The Snake Heart Hospital in Huntington, which has been planned since the fall, is now semi-operational. Although medical staff are not yet fully equipped, they are already able to deliver babies.

"Snake Heart Hospital" is located in the western suburbs of Huntington. The nun and Shade entered the hospital together and sat down in the director's office on the third floor of the hospital. The servant brought tea, and Shade looked at the scenery on the outskirts of the city from the window:

"It seems like it's been snowing here recently... Sister, the witches say they have found a way deep into the swamp. Will you go with us?"

"I act with the church."

The nun was sitting on the sofa, but Shade knew she was "looking" at him.

"In the early stage of the investigation of the Pantanal area, we have already gained some insights. To be precise, the entire Everglades area is part of a certain seal. The 'evil things of the Pantanal' we call are just sealed in The most powerful of the evil things in subspace, there are too many things underground here that we don’t know about.”

"Where is the core of the seal?"

"The island in the center of the Everglades, below the lighthouse with the first flame on the top of the tower. That big lake is called the Pantanal."

"Island in the middle of the lake..."

Shade is very sensitive to this special terrain. After all, he has landed on countless islands in the middle of the lake since the end of autumn:

"Then it's most likely there."

He sighed:

"Miss Sylvia and Miss Carina will come to the local area tomorrow, and we will greet them together. If possible, I would like to go to the island in the middle of the lake to take a look first."

The flame of the First Fire is part of the suppression seal and cannot be taken away at will. Shade wants to confirm for himself on the island in the middle of the lake what the central seal looks like. Maybe there will be traces left by the predecessors there.

"The Voodoo Society has probably sealed off the interior of the swamp. It shouldn't be easy to enter in advance."

The nun's words are always so cold:

"The Pantanal Voodoo Society has a way of signing a contract with evil objects to harness the power of evil objects. It has been confirmed that when the stars are in a certain special position, the seals in the Everglades will be at their weakest. They want to take advantage of this rare opportunity to release evil things."

"We always encounter things that are rare in ten thousand years and rare in millenniums. This is the epic of the Sixth Age."

Shade in front of the window said:

"But that's okay. If possible, we will recover the flame of the first fire this time...Sister, on the premise of recovering the second flame of division, you can possibly defeat Pantanal. Evil thing?"

He turned around and asked, Sister Devlin nodded:

"I still have the power of the Chosen One of Death. The evil thing in Pantanal is some kind of weird plant aggregate, restrained by flames. If there were assistance like the church during the battle of Fort Midhill, I would have Confidence burns it.”

This is quite an incredible promise. The evil things in the Pantanal are far more powerful than the amputated undead born in Middleburg.

"But the problem is..."

"That's not the only evil thing sealed in the Pantanal."

Sister Devlin has other things to deal with locally, and since Shade has come to the local area again after a long absence, she naturally wants to talk to the vampire Mr. Bernhardt whom she hasn't seen for half a month. There might be someone there. New news from Pantanal Voodoo.

Mr. Bernhardt was at the manor today, preparing the potion when Shade came to visit. He asked Shade to wait in the reception room for a while, and it took him a long time to come out of the basement:

"It's time for my crucible to be replaced with a new one. The temperature this winter has been lower than expected, and two of my crucibles have burned out."

He said half-complainingly that Mr. Bernhardt, who was at home, wore a brown woolen vest over a white shirt, and that the wealthy Southern Viscount didn't care about heating costs.

After sitting down, the middle-aged vampire waved the servants to go out first, and then said to Shade with a smile:

"I haven't seen you for more than half a month. How have you been in Tobesk recently? Oh, if I remember correctly, Princess Margaret will return to the local area tomorrow. How is your relationship with the princess in Tobesk? Any progress?"

Originally I was just teasing Xia De, but I didn't expect to see the tangled expression on Xia De's face.

The vampire was slightly surprised:

"You can't be..."

"It's just a small breakthrough in the relationship...don't tell others."

"Even if I say it, someone has to believe it...How did you do it...No, you don't need to answer me, I'm just curious, but don't tell me."

Mr. Bernhardt smiled and waved his hand, pleased with his friend's visit:

"But the princess's visit has ended successfully. Do you want to greet His Highness tomorrow when you come to the local area?"

"It's for something else."

Shade pointed to the location in the west:

"The Pantanal Voodoo Society seems to be doing something big, so I'm here for that, and then a few friends from the High Ring will come to help. This weekend or early next week, I will go deep into the Everglades with them internal."

"This is quite dangerous. The Pantanal has never been a place suitable for human survival activities."

Mr. Bernhard sighed softly, but he was actually thinking about whether he should go out for a while recently:

"However, the Pantanal Voodoo Society has indeed done something in the city recently. They are collecting a large number of weapon-like relics. For example, when we met last month, we mentioned the [Arrow of Knowledge of Iken'ola] .”

Mr. Bernhardt did not ask Shade whether he had obtained the arrow, but continued:

"This has something to do with my people. If you are interested in this, you can go out with me later. Maybe we can meet people from the Pantanal Voodoo Society."

"No problem at all."

Shade nodded:

"It just so happens that there is nothing to do today... Oh, speaking of which, my friend opened the Snake Heart Hospital locally. Yes, you saw her at the Sin Mansion. It's Sister Devlin. Bernhardt Sir, there is time for you to meet again, maybe the nun’s hospital would like to purchase red wine from you.”

"Snake Heart Hospital? [Spiritual Cult]? Shade, you really have a wide range of friends."


ps: When Shade traveled through time, Room 2 was locked. The church found the key to open Room 2, which happened in Chapter 200. He inspected the house at that time and lamented that "it is impossible for every house to have problems."


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