Whispering Verse

Chapter 1086 Prophecy, Sighs and Moonlight Night

Shade frowned slightly, while Mr. Bernhardt was stunned: "Wilson, do you know what you are talking about?"

"I have seen it all, yes, I have seen it all. The wise will lead the destruction, and no one can stop it. This is destined! Oh! Oh"

He groaned several times and tried to stand up, but fell back into the chair again. The sound of breathing forced out of his lungs was weird, and he himself seemed to have lost all his strength.

Fortunately, Mr. Bernhard had cast the silencing spell in advance, otherwise the whole floor would have known that a madman lived here. "Shad, what do you think?"

Seeing that Mr. Wilson became unable to communicate again, Mr. Bernhardt asked Shade. Xia De was silent for a long time before saying, "Why don't you let this gentleman go and tell the church about this matter." "No, I don't want to go to the church!" The middle-aged man with messy yellow hair suddenly shouted loudly. Shouted, Mr. Bernhardt helplessly told Shade

"He made some small mistakes when he was young, and was hunted down by the church before he fled here to find refuge with his fellow tribesmen. Although the case has been cleared now, it is impossible to go to the church."

Seeing Shade's strange expression, Mr. Bernhardt waved his hand hurriedly

"It's not about sucking the blood of living people. We don't accept those kind of people. Most of those kind of people are in the New World and mixed with the [Blood Spirit School]. He was ignorant when he was young. He relied on his divination and went to the Church of Nature at night. He threw dead chickens and ducks at the door to provoke him, but he was seen on the spot by a team of ring warlocks returning from a mission in the church."

"Then go to the Prophet's Association. The Prophet's Association should be happy to help such a fortune-teller who has been seriously injured because of too accurate predictions."

Mr. Bernhardt nodded.

"This is a good idea. I immediately contacted someone to send him there. In addition to my friendship with Nobel from the Peace Church, I also met many people from the Prophets Association when playing Rhodes. "That's good. "

Shade stood up and planned to leave with Mr. Bernhardt

"Speaking of which, do you want to go somewhere for shelter? Just go in a direction away from the Everglades." Shade asked again. The middle-aged Vampire Seed Lord who was trying to help Mr. Wilson up sighed:

"It's better to stay. After all, this is my home. And if something big happens, I might be able to help... My fellow tribesmen here trust me so much, how could I leave right away?"

We originally planned to go to the White King Club for lunch together, but after what happened, both Shade and Mr. Bernhardt lost their appetite. Lord Vampire Seed temporarily moved Mr. Wilson to a safe place, and then found a way to contact the Prophet Association. Shade went to Snake Heart Hospital to tell Sister Devlin about the "prophecy" he learned. After having lunch with the nun, he returned to Tobesk City and told Luvia the news.

When Shade left Huntington, snowflakes were already falling in the sky. If the vampire Mr. Wilson's divination is correct, then this snow will probably last for a long time.

The brand-new prophecy did not surprise Luvia too much. Regarding the “purple-eyed soothsayer” in the prophecy, Luvia did not express her opinion: “Tomorrow, the steam airship of Prisha and his party will land in Huntington. , you can go and take a look at that time. Before Iluna left, she had informed the church that Lykins Prisha was suspected of being an arsonist and murderer. I am curious whether the church can catch him. Prophecy In the room on the second floor of the Prophet's Association, Luvia, who was standing at the window looking at the city, said to Shad. The Prophet's Association is rich and powerful, and its heating in winter is better than most places in the city, even warmer than Shad's home.

"Tomorrow is the time key for Saturday and Sunday morning, and it seems necessary to stay for a while." Shade nodded.

“That’s good, at least I can have a chance to rest.

Luvia turned around and said, she was more hesitant and uneasy than Shade, she was like this every time

"I'm very afraid that the scene in my dream will appear the prophecy you mentioned today. I have also dreamed about it, but it was very vague. The heavy snow in the sky, the lighthouse on the island in the middle of the lake, the man with wings behind him, the green turbid lake water Shade stroked the soft cat with the huge tentacles stretched out from the middle. The cat narrowed its eyes and allowed Shade to stroke it.

"Things haven't happened yet, why are you so worried? And you yourself have said that the difficulty of prophecy and divination is not to see the future and destiny, but to successfully interpret them. The church still believes that the one who stopped everything in Cold Water Port' The God Caller' seems to be a descendant of a fishman or a mermaid who came out of the sea.

Shade said with a smile, stood up and looked at Luvia, "Would you like to spend the night at my place tonight?" The association is currently conducting year-end technical training for diviners. Luvia shook her head.

"Well, I will come back to you if there is a new situation. Now I need to rest. Maybe after the two witches land tomorrow, we will immediately set off to the depths of the swamp.

Luvia bit her lip and watched Shad turn around and open the door to leave, but in the end she didn't say anything to stop him. Shade left the divination room on the second floor with the sleepy cat in his arms, leaving Luvia Anat alone by the window looking at his back. It took a long time before she closed her eyes and sighed deeply.

After bidding farewell to Luvia, Shade did not go home immediately, but found Vice President Mark. The latter already understood that Shade came to him most of the time because of the Rhodes card, so he took him to his office and prepared hot tea for Shade and a large glass of gin for himself. Then he cautiously tried to say

"You didn't get another [Original] series, did you? God, it was only a few days ago that you got [Original Knowledge]." No, no, this time it was for a damaged old card.

Shade handed half of the [Natural Disaster Blizzard] he got from the demonologist to Vice President Mark. The latter carefully looked at the blurry face of the card, apologized to Shade, and found someone to bring it to him. The "Rhode Card Encyclopedia" published internally by the association is used for comparison. The book is twice as thick as a standard red brick. Vice President Mark sighed softly:

"It turns out to be [Natural Disaster Blizzard] from the Natural Disaster series. I only saw one in the hands of my former teacher when I was young. Really, it turned out to be like this. His original owner is really unlucky. You know how to take good care of your playing cards." "Can you change it to a new one?"

Shade asked, but said embarrassedly

"But I can't provide documentation or give a record of past owners of this card."

"It doesn't matter, you are the champion of Dacheng Player 1853 and a 'Legendary Player' recognized by the association. These documents are not needed. We believe in your credibility." However, the cost of repair cannot be waived. "

Vice President Mark carefully put down the half of the cards, and then took off his gloves:

"The exact amount needs to be estimated by the appraiser, but I have encountered similar situations. I estimate that you have to come up with about 20 to 40 pounds."

In addition to cost, this charge also needs to take into account the specific value of the playing cards. Generally speaking, the older the cards, the more expensive they are. This is nicknamed the "Rhodes tax" by some players. "no problem."

Shade nodded and smiled.

Even a three-digit gold pound is worth paying for an ancient playing card. After all, this is one of his few hobbies in the world besides raising cats.

The winter battle in the Pantanal was about to break out. Shade knew very well that this was unavoidable, but he found that he was not nervous at all. On this Friday night, Shade, who was living alone at home, was reading and studying in the study room as planned. He was thinking that tomorrow night, he could let Dorothy copy a copy of the ancient story "Water of Wisdom" as a possible reward. New thaumaturgy casting materials.

At eleven o'clock that night, when Shade finished washing and went to bed to get ready for rest, he found the cat squatting on the floor and looking at the wall in the empty Room 2 as usual.

And when Shade got into the warm quilt in his pajamas and saw little Mia leaning on the pillow with her butt tilted, inspiration suddenly occurred: "Speaking of which, since the [Moonlight Orb] was not found during the day, will there be one at night?" Where’s the clue?” “Meow”

Shade lifted the quilt and walked to Room 2 on the second floor in his slippers. Naturally, little Mia has to keep up. When it came to Room 2 on catwalks, Shade was looking at the wall facing the window in a daze, "Hmm..."

He turned around and opened the curtains, and was a little surprised to find that there was snow falling outside again. "There is also some moonlight...Tobesk has more precipitation in winter than in summer."

After confirming that the extremely thin moonlight was shining on the wall, Shade, under Mia's gaze, used the witch's light to melt the wall of his home again. The location was still where [Prank Boy] had left the ink mark, but there was still nothing. turn up. "It's really weird."

Shade murmured to himself, then looked down at his cat. He stretched out his hands towards Mia, and the cat jumped up consciously, letting Shade hug it.

"Don't you like scratching this wall? Can you feel something?"

he asked Mia softly, then feeling like a fool for doing so. But in autumn, the cat was keenly aware of the anomalies on the third floor, so Shade thought that the cat might be lucky and be able to play some role.

He pinched little Mia's waist, and like an elongated cat, he immediately stretched out his claws to scratch the wall in front of him, where Shade melted just now.

“In occultism, cats are associated with the sun and moon. Ancient cat worship and sun and moon worship are usually inseparable. This cat definitely felt something.

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