Whispering Verse

Chapter 1088 Astrologer Euclid

[Outlander, Blasphemous Spirit Rune-Red Moon, changed to a usable state. 】

[Outlander, thaumaturgy - Moon Shadow's illusion has been changed to a usable state. 】

[The red moon, silver moon, and yellow moon spirit runes resonate. All thaumaturgy related to the moon is permanently enhanced. 】

Shade opened his eyes, looked up at the moon outside the snowy window, and then looked at the three luminous stone slabs spinning spontaneously around him.

Without saying a word, he reached out and touched the last red moon slate. After sighing slightly, the knowledge about how to further sublimate the thaumaturgy [time perception] to learn the true mystery of time fully appeared in his mind:

"The sublimation ritual of thaumaturgy is really complicated, and it requires a relic that is at least angel-level and closely related to time as the core material of the ritual. It requires powerful ancient power as an auxiliary to the ritual, as well as countless of other ritual materials.”

There are too many ritual materials for sublimating the thaumaturgy [Time Perception], and he will definitely not be able to collect them all in a short time. Shade planned to entrust the acquisition first, and then hold this ceremony after the matter of the fourth selected person was over. He couldn't be distracted now, and since the ceremony had been determined, it didn't matter when it would be carried out.

"Moonlight Great Sword."

While standing up from the ground, his right hand took out a short knife with scarlet moonlight from the air. It was a rather gorgeous short sword, seemingly made of light red translucent glass. It, like the silver moonlight sword and the yellow moonlight sword, were both spiritual weapons summoned by the thaumaturgy [Moonlight sword]. The reason why it turned into a short sword is because the origin of the [Red Moon] is related to the god of vampires.

"The evil special attack of silver moonlight, the normal attack of yellow moonlight, and the decay of flesh and blood of red moonlight."

He murmured softly, dismissed the red dagger, held the [Source of Chaos] with one hand, and picked up little Mia with the other.

Even after unsealing the spiritual runes and even obtaining an extremely powerful relic, Shade still had no smile on his face, but was cautious:

"It's not a good sign to obtain powerful items and power before the war. But fortunately, [Aiken'ora's Arrow of Knowledge] and [Source of Chaos] are only at the sage level."

But this still means many things. Outsiders know that there is a so-called destiny in this world. More gains often mean greater challenges.

Then he looked at the three stone slabs floating slowly around him. The three stone slabs were all glowing. On the surface were a silver full moon surrounded by olive branch patterns, a yellow quarter moon wrapped by laurel branches, and a red crescent moon wrapped by blood roses. .

"What are these three stone slabs used for?"

I thought something would happen when the three stone slabs gathered together, or at least increase their power, but it didn't seem to happen.

After putting the stone slab, which had no other functions except for glowing and flying, back into the basement, and then placed the [Source of Chaos] in the [God's Gift Box], Shade breathed a sigh of relief.

I don’t know what technique was used to create the secret compartment in Room 2 on the second floor. Although it is not large in volume, it can be regarded as a place to contain the [Source of Chaos] for a hundred years. This relic is the most dangerous relic in his hand. It cannot be taken out in the presence of other people, otherwise there will be another group of madmen in the world.

According to the characteristics of the relic, although it has not been in direct contact with the moonlight in the past hundred years, because the wall is facing the window, the power of the moonlight penetrates into the wall, causing the [Source of Chaos] to have such a powerful confusing effect. Keeping it on the second floor will definitely further enhance the "confusion" characteristics of the relic. It will be temporarily placed in the [God's Gift Box]. After the matter of the chosen one is over, Shade can ask Miss Danister for advice. Better containment methods.

He actually didn't like this relic very much. Although it had the ability to enhance moon magic, it was too dangerous.

Of course, although he had doubts and fears in his heart, Shade was still very happy to have harvested new relics and unsealed the [Red Moon] Spirit Rune.

Returning to the bedroom with the cat in his arms, he lay on the bed and looked at the letter that was found with [Source of Chaos]. Just as Shade thought, this was left by the Ring Warlock who hid the relic at No. 6 Saint Teresa Square a hundred years ago. It was written in the common language of Delarian:

[There is something very wrong with this house. Even though I have only lived here for three months, I can still feel that something is very wrong with this house. I moved as little as possible in this house, but occasionally I could still hear the sighs of the dead who came from nowhere, the beating of dice, and the beeping of fire. 】

With the help of the bedside gas lamp, Shade could clearly read this text:

"The sigh of the deceased probably means he sensed the edge of life and death in the corridor on the third floor, but what does the dice beating and the flames igniting mean?"

Shade raised his head and looked around. So far, he had noticed three problems with this house. The space in the basement, the dangerous relics buried inside the wall of Room 2 on the second floor, and the edge of life and death in the corridor on the third floor. It seemed like he still didn't fully understand the problem with this house.

"This doesn't scare me, this is my house!"

Amid "her" laughter, Shade said with certainty in his heart. He reached out and touched the cat lying next to him, and then continued to read the letter:

[Later, if you can find this letter, it means that you are also favored by the moon. I chased the moon and went through countless wind and rain, but in the end I discovered some terrible and strange facts. Please make sure you can bear it mentally before continuing to read the following content. 】

Shade frowned slightly, and what followed was not the common language of Delarion, but another ancient text whose origin he didn't know, crawling on the paper like a vine:

[The original moon had only one round and was a silver moon. 】

This was something Sha De had known for a long time, so the truth spread in ancient times did not affect him.

[The division of the moon seems to be related to the instability of the world. I followed the traces of the Old Gods, but found nothing. Huang Yue's chaos and madness must be related to the shift in the nature of the world. I plan to find the legendary tower, the tower where the moon is buried. For those who are late, I will leave Huang Yue’s relics here, and hope that we can get the blessing of the moon together. 】

Signed "Euclidean Astrologer".

"The instability of the world..."

Shade was silent for a moment, and suddenly heard "her" prompting in his ear:

"There is a hidden text."

Shade turned slightly sideways and took out the visible powder he bought from Priest August from the bedside table. After applying it, he saw a new line of text. It was written in Delarian language, and the handwriting was the same as the previous letters:

[I don’t know whether I should leave this passage, and I don’t know whether the murmuring movement has already begun in your era. The reason why I chose to rest temporarily in this dangerous house is because the stars and the fragments of the poem told me that the chosen one of the moon will settle in this house. If you don't understand this sentence, please think of it as my gibberish. good luck. 】

Xia De was slightly startled:

"The matter of the Chosen One of Knowledge and Wisdom is not over yet, you are telling me about the Chosen One of the Moon? Settling down in this house? In other words, the Chosen One will stay at my house for at least one night?"

He folded the old piece of paper and clamped it on the book beside the bed. With countless thoughts, he put out the gas lamp and huddled under the quilt to get ready to rest.

Lying on his side with his eyes open and looking toward the window, he heard little Mia's gradually becoming evener breathing, and also noticed the gradually increasing snow outside the window:

"Silver Moon..."

【Why sigh? 】

"It's just...a little hesitant...The vampire Duke told me at the cocktail party that the March Gathering is very important to me, but except for the increased power of thaumaturgy, nothing seems to matter. It didn’t happen...Am I a little too greedy? I thought something more magical would happen."

[But, have you really fully mastered the power of March? 】

Shade smiled, closed his eyes, and fell into the dreamland in the endless wilderness where the huge silver moon disk was suspended.

(Little Mia is running...)

Early on Saturday morning, Shade was woken up by the howling wind outside the window. I got out of bed sleepily and opened the curtains, and then I was surprised to see the heavy snow outside, and the Saint Teresa Square that was almost submerged in the snow:

"Is it the snow disaster predicted by Mr. Vampire Johnson? No, this is just heavy snow, not as severe as a snow disaster."

Although it was just heavy snow, even if he was indoors at this time, he could feel how exaggerated the strong wind and heavy snow outside were. The snow started falling last night when he went to find the [Source of Chaos] in Room 2. He didn't expect it to turn out like this.

Shade planned to find time to inform Luvia about what he had learned last night before the afternoon meeting, so after washing up and having breakfast, he left Mia to look after the house, and then headed to Huntington City alone. Today was the day the steam airship landed. .

As soon as he walked out of the underground wine cellar of the White River Valley Vineyard, Shade was forced back again by the strong wind and heavy snow outside the door. In his impression, the red wine capital, which has a good climate all year round, also experienced unexpected heavy snow today.

The old vampire who is responsible for guarding the vineyards in the White River Valley, because he heard from Shade yesterday that he would come today, so early this morning, he braved the wind and snow to prepare a carriage for him. Riding horses must not be possible in this kind of weather. .

Before leaving, the old man lamented to Shade that this was the first time he had seen such heavy snow in Huntington for nearly forty years. Shade inquired about the time when the snow started to fall, which was about the same time as the snow in Tobesk last night.

"I wonder if the steam airship will encounter any danger in this heavy snowy weather."

This was Shade's thought on the carriage.

And when he met Sister Devlin at Snake Heart Hospital, his bad premonition came true. The princess and her party had determined that they would not be able to reach Huntingdon today.


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