Whispering Verse

Chapter 1,103 Death Fear

"Iluna, why are you here? I remember that your team entered from the northeast of the Pantanal Swamp."

Shade also hugged Iluna, feeling relieved. No matter what, it was great to meet Iluna in this situation.

The location when he and the Witch and his group entered the Great Swamp was the southeastern part of the Great Swamp. Even if the direction was deviated when encountering the Invisible Son a few hours ago, it shouldn't have been this far.

Iluna let go of Shade with a slight blush, and looked up at him with uncontrollable joy on her face:

"We were attacked and I accidentally got separated from the main force, so I called the horse to try to catch up."

The heavy fog just now was obviously used to separate the teams.

"But I probably chose the wrong direction. I didn't meet anyone along the way. Later I met an old woman who lived alone in the swamp and made a living by growing herbs. I helped her and cooked for her. He pointed me in the direction and said that I could find the person I was looking for in this direction."

Iluna's face turned redder, and she hurriedly explained:

"It's strange to say that when I met the old woman, I didn't think anything was wrong with her at all. It wasn't until I said goodbye that I realized that there was no way there could be an old man living alone in an area so deep into the swamp. Moreover, I didn't ask for it. Her herbs as payment, but she gave me this.”

Iluna took out a blue teardrop-shaped crystal. Although Shade was surprised, he remained calm about anything that happened to Iluna:

"There are many strange things in this swamp. After going deep here with Miss Carina and her group, we also encountered many unexplainable things."

Shade swept the snow off the seventeen-year-old girl's shoulders. The latter tilted her head and looked at his hand, even a little embarrassed.

"I am also separated from the witches, but there is no need to worry about them. Those ladies are more powerful than us."

He showed Iluna the witch's gold ring on his finger:

"They can sense the location of the witch's jewelry, so they should be able to find us soon. But time is running out. Fortunately, we met you. Let's move forward."

Shade pointed to the glowing orb above his head:

"You have a mount, but you don't know the road. I have a helper who knows the road, but it's still too slow to rely on just two legs."

"Okay, let's go together."

Iluna looked at the horse and realized that they would ride together soon. She immediately bit her lip to prevent herself from laughing.

Even though she was deep in the swamp during the snowstorm, she complained about such actions in a small corner of her heart. But at this time, I felt a little reluctant that this journey would finally end.

The "snowy night vision" encountered after the "blizzard lost" and "invisible enemy" has not appeared again since Shade and Iluna met. Although I don’t know what those mirror people are, they seem to only attack lone travelers.

And with Iluna's mount, which ignored any terrain obstacles and was immune to most attacks, the subsequent movement became much faster. This horse wrapped with blue ghost fire is extremely fast, even making some slower attackers in the swamp unable to catch up with them.

The Pantanal Voodoo Society uses the "Pantanal Swamp" as its main base of operations. In the depths of the swamp, they plant and cultivate many dangerous plants and animals that are not even found in the illustrations of churches and colleges. And with Iluna's horse, neither the bloodthirsty vines nor the terrifying worms could attack them, which saved a lot of time for the rest of the trip.

The howling wind became more and more weird, and the thick black night seemed to be completely frozen by the extreme cold of late winter. The power of the Pantanal evil is further eroding reality. Iluna is sitting in front holding the reins, and Shade is behind her, communicating with each other about the things they encountered after entering the swamp.

Iluna knew the information of most of the ring warlocks sent by the church to the interior of the swamp. Because this time the battlefield was really remote and dangerous, there were not as many participants as there were in Fort Midhill. Except for Iluna, almost all those who participated in the operation were high-level warlocks.

The church also knew that the time when the stars would reach their correct position was around 1:30 a.m. on Thursday, and their original plan was to reach Central Lake in the Everglades before midnight. But judging from the current situation, only half of the teams can do this.

At 10:57 on Wednesday night, the sword light struck by Shade defeated a giant bear with two heads that sprang out of the darkness in the snowy night. They continued to move forward without stopping. Shade retracted the [Night Watch] and looked around cautiously. The bumpy body of the horse made it difficult for him to control the direction of the sword as if he were standing on the ground.

Iluna asked worriedly while controlling the direction according to Huang Yue's guidance:

"Need a break? You've been fighting for the past half hour."

"It doesn't matter. After we approach the big lake, I will use the time key to take a rest. We should be there soon."

He said behind Iluna. Iluna felt the heat in her ears, blushed and nodded:

"Okay... this time the Chosen Ceremony is not only important for the ceremony itself, the church is also very concerned about the enlightenment that the surrounding spectators can gain when the ceremony is held. Although the location this time is very remote, maybe this There will be more organizations involved at one time than at Middlesbrough.”

"This is normal. The influence of the chosen ones will become greater and greater. Maybe in the end, all the ring warlocks in the entire material world will be forced to get involved."

Iluna pursed her lips. She originally wanted to ask Shade about his preparations for defeating Lykins Prisha after the ceremony, but her left eye caught a strange figure at this moment. Iluna immediately stopped her mount, and Shade frowned and looked around.

The wind and snow were swaying, the biting cold wind blew against my cheeks, and the voice in my ears reminded me softly:

[Outlander, you have come into contact with the whispering element. 】

And it is not a whispering element in the general sense. With such obvious traces and strong malice, looking at their relics in the snowy night, it will not be lower than the sage level.


Shade reminded Iluna, and they both jumped off the horse and stood back to back. Two life rings appeared from behind together. Since the two of them were close to each other, the two life rings appeared above their heads together. Shade's life ring is much larger than Iluna's life ring, so that Iluna's life ring is on the inside of Shade's life ring. The two are rotating forward and reverse, the spiritual runes are flowing on the two rings, and the core spiritual runes are almost completely attached to each other, making the two life rings seem to be one.

Of course, they did not notice this strange phenomenon at this time, but looked towards the blizzard swamp. As they approached their destination, the dead woods had long since disappeared, and they were now surrounded by flatter swampland. The swamp is covered in snow, and without the skeleton horse that can walk on any terrain, this section of the road would be very difficult to walk.

"I don't know if [water walking] is effective in swamps."

Shade was thinking in his mind, and out of the corner of his eye he saw a dark figure appearing on the right. The silver moonlight drawn by his right hand swept away, but it only passed through the black shadow and flew further into the swamp in the snow.

"Shade, I see an enemy here, a black shadow, I can't see clearly."

Iluna also said at this time that Shade heard the sound of her throwing the sunshine gun, but it was obvious that the sunshine gun failed to defeat the enemy:

"be careful."

Shade said softly, the silver moonlight dancing on his fingertips:

"Iluna, close your eyes - Silver Moon!"

The silver moonlight burst out from the raised right index finger. On this snowstorm night, it was like the moon had really fallen to the ground. Even the floating round orb was dyed with a faint silver moonlight.

This move was indeed effective. The black shadows that Shade and Iluna witnessed stopped their progress at the same time in the moonlight. But they were still uninjured, they just stopped in the blizzard swamp and looked at the two of them:

"Iluna, let's change places."

The two turned back to back, and Shade and Iluna were therefore sure that the black shadow they witnessed was not the same one, and that this was not an enemy created by witnessing it.

The light of the silver moon lingered on the snow for a long time. After the moonlight on the snow gradually became dim, the two black figures moved forward again, forcing Shade to use the light spell again.

He really didn't want to do this. Exposing his position in the dark swamp would attract more dangerous guys.

As expected, the black shadow will not be harmed by the light of the silver moon, but will be stopped by it. While Shade confirmed this, Iluna narrowed her left eye slightly, looked at the black shadow she was facing, and then frowned suddenly:

"Shadow, I think I know what this is."

She said softly:

"Do you still remember? After the incident in Middleburg, I also held the Chosen Ceremony, so I have very little power to die as the Chosen One. The eye you gave me can see entities or objects to a certain extent. The ‘Achilles Heel’ of non-entity.”

"Yes, of course. Do you see their weaknesses?"

"No, I saw a strong smell of death."

Iluna, who was back to back with Shade, held Shade's left hand with her right hand:

"I saw their essence. These are indeed relics, relics without real bodies, and relics that are close to natural phenomena..."

Her body was shaking slightly and her voice was a little unstable, which was extremely rare for Iluna:

"The angelic relic [Phobia of Death] embodies the fear of death in living beings. It has only this characteristic. The more afraid of death, the stronger these black shadows will be. There is no way to call or dismiss them. This kind of Things are part of ourselves, and the less visited we are and the less determined we are, the more likely we are to encounter them. If we encounter them when our souls are traumatized, they are almost impossible to resolve.”


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