Whispering Verse

Chapter 1,124 Mysterious Lock-Water of Wisdom

[Mystery·Knowledge Field] is a mystery of special nature. It does not change the surrounding scenery, but erodes the space with its own rules.

Shade, who was stepping on the road of red butterflies, faced the light arrow and allowed the mystery to spread towards him. He looked at Lykins Prisha and asked softly:

"I ask you one last time, have you ever regretted it..."

"I have never regretted my pursuit of knowledge. If you think you can defeat me, please show me your wisdom."

The bookshelf was glowing, and as the wings flickered, thousands of brass-colored auras shot toward Shade along with pure white light arrows. The violent wind on the island suddenly stopped, and the black snow falling in the sky seemed to be swept away by the hand of a giant. The trembling of the ground resonated with the arrow, and the fire and fog on the island were also caused by the arrow of pure white light. The moment is almost completely gone.

The miracle element carries a huge spirit, penetrates the space with ancient power, and points directly to Sha De's heart. Shade walked out of the golden light, sighed softly, held the hilt of the [Night Watcher] with both hands, and then thrust the long sword into the path of butterflies and flowers under his feet.

But this time it is not the [Seaton of Heaton]. In the "divine overflow" state, he can directly use his strongest power:

"Mysterious Lock - Water of Wisdom!"

Riding all the way from the outskirts of the Pantanal, we rode through thick fog, defeated powerful enemies, crossed dangerous hills, and crossed muddy forests. Finally, in the witch's song, together with the protagonist of the epic, he crossed the dark lake and landed on the island in the middle of the lake, and guarded the final seal alone on the top of the lonely lighthouse.

This winter, Shade visited countless islands in the middle of the lake. But this time, he came to the island in the middle of the lake in his heart.

[Night Watch] pierced his feet, and spring water gurgled out of the void, forming a huge pool in the sky almost instantly. The mythical locks were connected, the wind and snow were swaying above the illusory lake, and the people on the ground all raised their heads to look at the battle in the sky. Then they felt that the wind blowing on their bodies seemed to be a little different.

The cold wind became gentle, and the black snow returned to silvery white.

People were finally surprised to find that although they were still on the island in the center of the lake, the thick fog dispersed, and the surrounding area was not the other locations on the island in the center of the Pantanal Lake, but the calm water under the silver moon. They seemed to have arrived at a brand new The island in the middle of the lake.

Looking further into the distance, under the huge silver moon that seemed to fall to the ground, the crowns of giant trees were swaying in the wind and snow, and the light of the bonfire was faintly visible. In the distance, the castle where the sleeping princess was sleeping stood on the hill, and below the castle, the small town in the snow was so peaceful that Iluna could even immediately think of the snowy street.

"Complex Mystery Lock?"

The great witch of space said softly, and then added:

"Moreover, it doesn't seem like two Mysterians are compounded... at least three, no, four! How is this possible?"

Open the Mystery Lock and bring all the church and other ring magicians closer, not only to confront Lykins Prisha, but also to suppress others. Shade must ensure that he defeats the fourth chosen one in order to record this knowledge.

Fortunately, there is no one else here who wants to compete with the "God Caller" for the right to fight.

In the mystery lock, the forest canopy outside the water surface of the lake center island swayed in the wind. The light arrow penetrated the edges of the two mystery locks. Due to the emergence of the new lake center island, the flight distance became longer, but it still hit. Target.

To be more precise, what it finally hit was the statue of an angel holding a circular emblem:

[Praise the messenger of God, praise the original creation of God. May the wings of death cover me, may death and time appear here. 】

The cipher text was recited, and the light arrow that hit the angel statue transformed by Shade, as if it encountered a reflecting mirror, returned along the original path of light that had not dispersed in the air, and directly penetrated the unprepared Lykins... Prisha.

With a clear shattering sound, the blue halo above his head split into five glowing round light balls. The wings behind him shrank rapidly, so that he fell from the sky:

"How can this be?"

"Praise be to Father Augustus!"

Shade whispered in his heart, falling together with Lykins Prisha in free fall.

As their feet stepped on the ground, they stood on both sides of Stonehenge, which was also pulled into the mystery. The bonfire illuminated their faces, and the silver moon in the snowy sky, But it belongs exclusively to the pampered foreigner.

The ancient blood power of the chosen ones, that is, the power of the angels, was temporarily suppressed. And without the blood of angels, the fourth chosen one is not a threat.

Shade knew that this battle didn't need to be too complicated, it was time to end it.

The "Mystique-Match Girl" who was born out of Shade's "pity" has four wishes unique to him;

The "Mystery-Tree Kiss", born from Shade's "courage", can seal all enemies;

The "Mysterious Sleeping Princess" who was born due to Shade's "sacrifice" paid a price to save the girl who was about to leave;

The "Mystery-Water of Wisdom" was born due to Shade's "wisdom". When casting the spell, you need to pierce the long sword under your feet, and the spring water that gushes out calls the island in the middle of the lake. Holding the long sword in hand, his physical strength is endless, and at the same time he reflects himself——

The only characteristic of the new Mystery Lock is to temporarily obtain the power exerted by anyone in the Mystery Lock. If that power can be understood and mastered, then it is equivalent to him directly possessing power.

In the stone formation on the island in the middle of the lake composed of four layers of mythical locks, Shade drew out the [Arrow of Knowledge of Aiken'ola] again and traced the arrow's body with his fingertips.

[If you still can't shoot the arrow this time, how many little Mia's will be crawling? 】

"No, this time, I will definitely be able to..."

Standing in the firelight of Stonehenge, five "Wise Man's Pyroxene" belonging to Shade flew out. Even though the divinity has been completely absorbed by Shade, there is still a pyroxene with a golden color.

He now knew all about the ways that Iluna and Lykins Prisha used the power of pyroxene. But he neither turned the pyroxene into a ball of light floating above his head, nor did he turn them into an angel's halo.

The right hand is stretched forward and held in a virtual grip. Five pyroxenes are distributed in an arc, with the golden pyroxene in the center. The five stones resonated, and light blue traces of light connected them. The light swayed until a blue transparent bow was constructed in front of Shade.

Bows and arrows are bent, and the chosen ones, whose angelic power is severely restricted and weakened, are recovering quickly because they are in a special environment where their own Mysteries overlap with those of Shade's Mysteries.

He also stood in Stonehenge, the firelight making his shadow leave a terrifying shape on the ground. Lykins Prisha looks around in wonder at the island in the middle of the lake:

"This secret lock is also... the power of the ancient gods... You are the next chosen one!"

He once again recognized the wrong person, but the conclusion that the "Water of Wisdom" came from the [Secret Keeper Mentor] was not wrong at all.

He stared at Shade who was bending his bow with wide eyes, but Shade did not correct him:

"Leggins Prisha, I talked to you twice in Huntington. I don't agree with your path, and you think my ideas are ridiculous. You eventually became the chosen one, but do you really think , do you have the highest wisdom and knowledge at this moment?"


Although his wings contracted and the halo above his head broke, he remained calm:

"I firmly believe that."

"Okay. This arrow represents my knowledge and wisdom. As long as you can catch this arrow, I will not be involved in anything that happens next."

People outside Stonehenge have already guessed that this is the "God Caller", but no one disturbs their conversation. If the "God Caller" is really the last chosen one, then this is the most sacred duel.

"Well, I will tell you why I am the first overall pick."

The descendant of the angel took a deep breath, and the three dark golden light balls on the wings, the halo, and even the shadow of the giant book transformed by the life ring behind him flashed at the same time.

Mystery - the realm of knowledge, allowing him to completely transform his knowledge and wisdom into power. People heard the sound of pages turning, saw the densely packed bookshelves standing like tombstones from the ground, and saw the giant book-shaped shield displayed in front of Lykins Prisha:

"Books, please protect me!"

"The Chosen One of Balance, you will witness and judge this duel."

Shade said to Iluna, who nodded immediately. A duel requires a referee, and Shade is very aware of the symbolic meaning of the "balanced" power that Iluna represents, just as she once judged Joey Barton in death.

He also took a deep breath, and the arrows, which were faintly glowing with golden light due to Shade's "divine overflow" state, were placed on the blue bow, and the witch's ring was used as a thumb hook to assist archery. Hold the bowstring.

The light of the ring made the three witches present recognize who he really was.

The thickness of the book shield in front of Lykins Prisha was still increasing layer by layer at this time, and the golden arrows and bronze lines were also reflecting bright luster in the moonlight.

Light and shadow intertwined in Shade's hands. "She" did not assist Shade in aiming, nor did she help Shade stabilize the power of his bow and arrow. Shade is making progress every time. This time, he can control the power that belongs to the wise man.

Lykins Prisha trembled all over, powerful inspiration telling him what would happen in a few seconds.

Time seemed to stand still, and the almost uncontrollable light at the tip of the arrow faced the layers of book shields formed by the power of the chosen one.

The originally transparent book shield actually changed from transparent to thick and colorful colored crystals after being stacked layer by layer. Each crystal surface reflects colorful light, and the huge colorful crystal book shield looks so solid.

The colorful crystal shield showed a subtle arc toward the rear, with sharp crystal spikes at the edges. However, with the rustling sound, the edges continued to spread backwards until it turned into a complete spherical shape. Summer is wrapped in it.

A strange brilliance circulates on the crystal shield, facing the center of Shade. The color blocks of the crystal seem to form an angel with open arms. No matter who looks from any direction, they can see densely packed characters flowing on that huge shield.

The power of the chosen one of "knowledge and wisdom" is now brought into full play, and the book that is transformed into a life ring that symbolizes the identity of the chosen one is also integrated into the shield at this moment. A triangular pattern composed of three dark golden light balls circulates on the surface of the colorful crystals. Inside each small crystal is his understanding and memory of knowledge and wisdom.


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