Whispering Verse

Chapter 1,139 The Witch and Shade

Three pairs of golden eyes with very similar colors looked at Shade with strange eyes, and Shade shrank subconsciously.


The cat squirmed in Shade's arms and made threatening noises at the witches. It was trying to protect Shade.

"What are you looking at? Oh, although Sister Devlin has said that you are fine, I am relieved to see you are intact with my own eyes."

As Shade spoke, he walked to the sofa hesitantly, but the witches did not change their expressions because of his words:

"It's fine that you're fine. But Shade, what happened from Wednesday night to early Thursday morning?"

Four couches surround the coffee table. The coffee table is covered with cakes dotted with fruits, sandwich muffins and other desserts. On the embossed mirror tray, there are 8 porcelain cups, each with delicate sterling silver. Engraved double-ear cup holder. Several books were stacked on the corner of the coffee table, with leaf-shaped bookmarks sandwiched between them. Teapots, glass water bottles, gold candlesticks, and silver tableware were placed messily on the transparent glass tabletop.

The three witches sat in three directions respectively, so Shade sat alone on the sofa facing the window. After sitting down, he picked up a strawberry and blocked little Mia's mouth. This kind of deep winter is very Hard to find fresh fruit.

"If you want to know what happened in the early hours of Thursday morning."

Last night, he had already discussed with "Maid Luvia" what to say to the witches, so the life ring appeared behind him, and the five-ring warlock's life ring appeared in front of the witches:

"My sublimated words. The echo of time and space, shaking the sleeping power."

Every time a word is spoken, the corresponding spiritual rune will flash on the life ring. The ladies looked up at his life ring, all frowning slightly.

"So, those five great witches were all really summoned by you? I have never heard that words of sublimation can have such an effect."

Miss Aurora said, and Shade nodded. There is no record in St. Byrons' "Book of Sublimation" that this word of sublimation can have such an effect. The original record is that the word of sublimation builds a long river under the starlight. In the word of sublimation, time can be paused, accelerated or even reversed for a short period of time.

"Introducing the ladies."

Miss Carina said, Shade nodded and pursed his lips:

"Those five ladies are Miss Violet, the Witch Emperor at the end of the fifth era, Miss Schultz Theresa, the principal of Serkses Medical College, and Mary, the founder of St. Byrons in the middle of the fifth era. Miss Na Feliana, her student is also the first librarian of the college, Miss Olanode, and Miss Chloe Marquez, a witch in the early fifth era, she is a student of Zarath Academy The early founders and participants are all friends I met during my time exploration.”

The witches looked at each other. Although they had already guessed the answer, they still couldn't believe it when it was actually confirmed by Shade.

Miss Carina looked at him and asked:

"Who else knows about this besides us?"

"There are two more people, Iluna and my fortune teller friend. But Granny Cassandra should be able to guess that I have asked her for help many times to collect some information and key items about the Fifth Age."

"Don't tell any more people about this."

Miss Sylvia spoke very seriously, and did not ask him for more details, but said with concern:

"You probably don't understand how much of an impact what you did in the early hours of Thursday morning has had. Not only the summoning of witches from the past era, but also the demigods. There are no demigods in the Sixth Age now."

"I understand, so I'll just tell you that I trust you completely."

The ladies smiled and the atmosphere suddenly became more relaxed. Miss Carina picked up the tea cup, Miss Aurora reached out to play with the hair hanging from her ears, and Miss Sylvia poured tea for Shade.

"Speaking of which, Miss Carina, I want to apologize to you. I accidentally destroyed the book "The Secret of Agelessness"

Before the red-haired witch spoke, he recounted what happened between him and Miss Theresa and Miss Violet, and what happened at the top of the lighthouse in the early hours of Thursday morning:

"The two witches at the end of the fifth era hid something in that book and left it to me in the next era. I think Miss Pavo of the [Truth Society] wants to get the "Secret of Agelessness". That’s probably what it’s for.”

The roll of parchment looked blank to others, so Shade could only use words to explain what it was. After listening to Shade's description, there was something more in the eyes of the witches. The Duchess patted the sofa cushion next to her, so Shade changed positions with the cat in her arms and sat next to Miss Carina. The witch took the teacup handed by Miss Sylvia and put it into his hand:

"If you don't mind, please make three or four copies of the above and give them to us and Grandma Cassandra."

"No problem. I actually don't understand some of the knowledge of high-level warlocks. This is my New Year's Day gift to you. Happy New Year's Day, ladies."

Shade said softly, and Miss Carina kissed the side of his face:

"Happy New Year's Day."

Miss Aurora and Miss Sylvia were a little embarrassed, they knew the value of that knowledge.

Shade continued:

"In addition, when I was adventuring with Miss Chloe in the fifth era, I witnessed her complete the path of demigods."


The tea cup in Miss Aurora's hand fell on the carpet, and the black tea in the exquisite porcelain tea cup wet the carpet, but she didn't care.

Shade had to stop talking, not because the tea cup fell to the ground, but because the three witches looked at him as if they wanted to eat him. The small cat felt "hostility" again, and meowed again. It was not until Shade stuffed another strawberry that it calmed down.

"In the fifth era, did you see the sublimation ceremony of the demigod witch?"

The red-haired witch suddenly gasped for air.

"It's not a complete ceremony. In fact, the story is very interesting. At the end of the story, she gave me an ice crystal that records the path of the demigods. Oh, Miss Carina, your hand is too strong."

The duchess held Shade's right hand and let go slightly after hearing Shade complain. The action of holding his hand tightly reminded Shade of Tifa when she "took the potion" yesterday afternoon.

"Shade, where is the ice crystal?"

Miss Sylvia leaned forward slightly and looked at her. The other two witches also looked similar.

"In the snowdrift in the basement of my home, I think it is best not to take something so important out. Miss Carina, when you return to Tobesk City, you can go to my house to check."

Miss Aurora and Miss Sylvia both looked at Miss Carina, who nodded slightly, but her eyes were fixed on Shade:

"Shad, you are better than we thought. It is not easy for witches to fall in love with you, but you deserve it. My knight, please accept my gratitude."

She kissed Shade in front of the two witches.

This kiss was quite excessive, and with Shade touching the cat in one hand and holding the tea cup in the other, there was nothing he could do to stop it.

Miss Carina didn't care that the other two ladies were still here. It took her a long time to let go of Shade. The eager expression under the witch's beautiful face almost melted Shade:

"I knew you could definitely help me get the secret of the demigod witch from the past time and space!"

She closed her eyes, held Shade's face and wanted to continue kissing, but was driven away by little Mia who jumped on Shade's shoulders. Of course, it is more likely because Miss Aurora coughed loudly a few times:

"Carina, calm down and listen to me first. Shade, we will help you cover up what happened on Thursday. When the Speaker asks, everything will be pushed to the Godcaller. Sister Devlin will also work with her. We have a unified voice”

"But, is Shade the God Summoner?"

Miss Sylvia asked again. The other two witches were silent. Shade touched his lips and gave the answer:

"I have always been the one who uses the Mystic Lock, and I am also the holder of the [Night Watch]. There is no concrete evidence that the Godcaller owns the Mystical Lock and the Night Watch. It is just a speculation made by the church based on the facts."

"You want to say that in fact, you and the God Caller have been confused by the church all this time?"

The wavy-haired witch asked with a smile. Shade was noncommittal:

"I can be, or I can't be."

They didn't pursue the topic further, but each had their own answer.

"Are you the chosen one of knowledge and wisdom?"

Miss Carina asked again, she was so close that the smell of perfume completely covered the aroma of black tea.

"Of course not. I won't be the chosen one, there's no need to lie."

Shade paused:

"I used the knowledge gained by Iluna Beas to deprive the chosen one of his qualifications without killing him. So now, even though Lykins Prisha is still alive, The Chosen of Knowledge and Wisdom, like the Chosen of Darkness, may be considered dead.”

Luvia decided not to tell anyone except Sister Devlin and Iluna about the arrow. Others do not have the ability to sense the power of the chosen one, so as long as Shade does not use [Aiken'ora - Arrow of the Chosen One] frequently, he does not have to worry about being exposed.

Shade agreed with Luvia's idea. The qualifications for being selected were indeed too important, so just treat them as if they didn't exist. There was no need to create extraneous problems.

"That's it"

Miss Aurora nodded, probably thinking about how to report this matter to the council.

Shade continued to pet the cat and drink tea, then thought about it and said:

"Miss Carina, Tifa told me yesterday that she can be promoted to the seventh ring."

"I can also advance to the twelfth level. The enlightenment of the Chosen Ceremony is very effective. The power of the witches and the power of the ring sorcerers promote each other, which means that the twelfth level is just around the corner."

When talking about this topic, the duchess smiled again:

"Although the epic of the chosen one is dangerous, it is indeed very useful. I know that you have been recovering at the manor recently. You didn't do anything while I was away in Tobesk, right?"


Shade choked on his black tea and coughed a few times. Miss Aurora was very considerate and helped him change the topic in time:

"I was a little far away at the time, and I just acquired a new thaumaturgy. I am still at the twelfth ring and twelfth level, the same as Carina after the ceremony. I don't know, who of us can touch the thirteenth first? level."

The woman with long, wavy brown hair was in a sorry state.

“I gained some knowledge, but I still have to try and experiment concretely to get results.”

Miss Sylvia also smiled and said, winking at Shade with her right eye:

"Perhaps I'll be able to give you some surprises soon. Surprises in every sense of the word."

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