Whispering Verse

Chapter 1170 Oak’s Potion and Writer’s Commission

Randall Valley City is located at the southwest end of the Old Continent, and is further away from Tobesk than Fort Midhill, so Shade still chose to use the [Space Maze] to move this time.

When going to a city without specific road signs, you need to rely on your own luck to sacrifice white stone crystals. Fortunately, at the end of the year, Mother-in-law Cassandra gave the Shade white stone crystal, and within half a month of repairing it, he had successfully entrusted Old John to purchase the appropriate items. That night, after saying goodbye to the two princesses at the opera house, Shade went to Old John's pawn shop.

It was the middle of the first month, and it was still the deep winter season in Tobesk City. Because it snowed heavily a few days ago, only the middle of the street was cleared for carriages to pass.

In the streets of late winter, only gas lamps radiate light and heat. Most citizens go to bed early. Even drunkards know not to walk on the streets in this weather, otherwise they will probably never get up again if they fall.

When Shade got out of the carriage in the snow, the lights in Old John's pawn shop were still on. But when he pushed the door in, there was no one behind the counter. Shade hugged the cat, held the cat's paw and pressed the bell on the counter, and then the old man hurriedly came in through the back door:

"Oh, it's Shade, did you receive my letter?"

There was some dust stuck to his body, and he was probably playing with his alchemy equipment in the backyard warehouse just now.

"You are asking for a relic that temporarily increases your luck and does not have too many negative effects. This is quite troublesome."

The old man took off his sleeves as he spoke, and then took out his account book from under the counter while wearing glasses:

"Let me make sure, does it have to be a relic?"

"As long as it can make me lucky temporarily. But the relic is the best choice, because the luck I require...well...must be quite lucky."

"If it weren't for the fact that your exam week is over, I would have thought you wanted to cheat on the exam."

Old John said, taking out a black and white photo from the ledger and handing it to Shade:

"The [Golden Lucky Rabbit's Foot] you used before cannot be used often, so I recommend this this time."

He knocked on the photo, and Shade saw that in the photo was a conical glass bottle placed on a wet table, with a clover pattern painted on the bottle with ink.

"This is."

"Do you know the old god - Oak God [White Holy Tree]?"

Father John asked, and Shade nodded immediately:

"Of course I know. It is also called the lucky tree. Legend has it that it gives people luck."

Last winter, Mr. Jims, Dr. Schneider's "persecution delusion" patient, was a believer in this old god (Note).

"Yes, yes, although the gods have gone away, some special magical items still remain in modern times. We know a small group of ring magicians called the [Forest Hermits]. They worship trees and collect a , it is said to be a branch given to mortals by the old god in the fifth era. The branch is an extremely powerful magical item. The sap secreted by the branch can be mixed into the magic potion 'Oak Lucky Potion' using special techniques. It can temporarily increase luck."

The old man introduced, and the small bottle in the photo probably contained potion.

"So what's the price of being lucky?"

Shade asked again. Although this was not a relic or a derivative of a relic, he had always known that manipulating fate meant accepting the price of fate. Fate was always fair.

Of course, he had already decided to buy this potion, and it sounded like it would suit his requirements.

"Drinking the magic potion will give you a chance of entering the 'Emerald Dream' during your sleep for the next week. You may not have heard of this, the angelic relic [Emerald Dream], a real dream that belongs to nature and the earth. Drinking the 'Oak Lucky Potion' allows you to visit there briefly. This is actually the true purpose of this potion. After all, the luck increased by the potion can only last for a very short time, but visiting the [Emerald Dream] can Being able to bring the soul almost directly close to nature under the intrusion of whispering elements, and getting to know the embodied essence of nature, this is an opportunity that many ring warlocks dream of."

When Father John said these things, Shade wrote them down carefully:

"Then I will buy this potion. A small bottle is enough. I only need a very short period of luck to allow me to choose the most suitable one among thousands of possibilities."

"Then I can only wish you luck. This potion can only make you lucky, but it cannot make your wishes come true."

Old John also made a few notes in the account book:

"The potion will be sent over the weekend, just come and pick it up then. [The Hermits in the Forest] have recently been cooperating with the Church of Nature to repair the environment deep in the Pantanal that was damaged by evil creatures and wars, so they have not been there recently. If I’m short of money, I can give you a cheaper price, and then add on the introduction fee for me.”

He did a simple calculation:

"Friday, you come here with 132 pounds. Oh, I know it's a high price, and you can even buy a very practical poet-level relic. But you have to know what a near-risk-free increase in luck means, if you are not Come to us, I bet you don’t stand a chance.”

"Dad, I know the price is very good."

Shade touched the cat lying on the counter, carefully turned his head to look at the dark night outside the window, and then took out a small sealed glass tube from his pocket. The small tube was half the size of a little finger, and it was light pink inside. liquid:

"This time I want to barter. Relic derivatives, a weird fragrance. Spray it on your body to increase your charm for a short time. After drinking it, you can directly restore your spirit, but it will make you go into heat."

"What? Restore your spirit?"

The old man raised his head in surprise and took what was in Sha De's hand.

This is a liquid obtained from the [Pink Perfume Bottle of Desire]. The passive effect of the perfume bottle extracting desire will be useful as long as Shade is carrying it. The liquid leaving the perfume bottle will gradually decay into ordinary liquid within a week after testing.

Because this thing came directly from [Desire], Shade never thought of exchanging it for money. But considering that there will probably be a lot of expenses recently, I will spend a small amount.

In fact, the expired "fragrance" in his home can almost fill an entire red wine bottle.

"The effect of this fragrance will weaken over time. Dad, you can take it to a professional to check it, and then give me a quote."

Shade pointed to the small bottle:

"I have another bottle there, that's all."

"No problem. If it is as effective as you say, this is a very valuable item."

The old man nodded and was still checking the liquid in the bottle under the light, obviously his interest was aroused.

Since the lucky potion will not be delivered until the weekend, Shade still has some time to prepare for the next adventure and try his best to deal with his own affairs in Tobesk City.

On Thursday morning, Shade originally planned to go to the Prophet's Association to inform Luvia of his recent travel plans, but there was a knock on the door downstairs. When I got downstairs and opened the door, I found a blond writer lady outside the door. Behind me was the scenery of Saint Teresa Square in late winter, with mountain-high snowdrifts piled up next to the central fountain.

"Dorothy, is there something going on so early? Come in quickly. What's going on? Why didn't Lesia tell me last night?"

"Oh, great detective, I have something to ask you when I come here this time."

She smiled and handed a business card to Shade:

"My father's local friend, please ask my father to find you through me. I want to entrust you to investigate something."

Shade has become famous in Tobesk recently, so it's normal to want to deal with things with him. And going around in such a big circle instead of visiting in person is of course because he was found through an acquaintance, so that "Detective Hamilton" can be more attentive.

The business card Dorothy handed over belonged to Professor Martin of St. York's Literary College in Torbesk. St. York's College of Liberal Arts is the most outstanding liberal arts department locally and even in the entire Delarian Kingdom, and Professor Louisa works there.

"You go there in the morning and communicate with Professor Martin first. After the investigation is completed, my father also wants to meet you. He has always been curious about you."

After saying that, he blinked at Shade, and then bit his lower lip, half expecting and half shy.

Shade opened his mouth slightly, and then understood:

"No problem, I will solve this matter as soon as possible. But how should I dress up when I go to see your father?"

"Just dress up normally. He just thinks we are good friends. My father still remembers the birthday gift you sent to my mother last year, the white fox scarf produced in Northern County. I always wanted to thank you (note)."

At this point, she blushed instead, and the blond girl waved to Shade:

"I'll have something else to do later. Remember to keep a good detective record. Maybe this will be another good story. If you solve this matter, remember to tell me and I will arrange a meeting between you and your father."

After gently kissing the side of Shade's face, she left with a smile.

Shade looked down at the business card again:

"Fortunately, the professor of literature is not folklore or archeology. What could it be?"

Because he planned to go out, after Dorothy left, Shade just changed his shoes and went out. Mia originally wanted to stay at home, but Shade considered that he could not keep her at home during the day, so she took her with her on this trip. The cat seemed a little unhappy.

St. York College of Liberal Arts is located in the northernmost part of Tobesk University District. It can even be said that if you go out from the north wall of the College of Liberal Arts, you are already in the central city of Tobesk.

Professor Martin had already greeted the school's guards in advance, so Shade could enter directly. When I met the professor, he was writing something in his office filled with various books and magazines. When Shade sat down at the desk, the professor arranged the table and sighed at Shade:

"Detective Hamilton, I'm really going to trouble you this time."

PS1: The doctor’s patient refers to Chapter 934.

PS2: The gift refers to Chapter 734.

PS3: Do you have any good opinions on Shade’s [Silver Moon] words of sublimation?

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