Whispering Verse

Chapter 1188 Randall Valley

When strangers meet in the Prophet's Association, the atmosphere of conversation is quite friendly due to the presence of Rhodes cards. Shade slowly introduced himself while shuffling the cards. There is a clear blue sky above the head, with large white clouds floating above. Behind him, downstairs is a lively square in winter. Even if it wasn't for waiting for Luvia, Shade would still be willing to spend time here:

"I just got off the train yesterday and visited an acquaintance. I planned to go to the river valley wetland outside the city today to see the scenery, but after all, I still wanted to take a look at the local Prophet Association first. I planned to leave after taking a look, I didn’t expect to see this terrace. I have to admit, if it’s a warm summer afternoon, it would be really pleasant to enjoy afternoon tea under an umbrella while playing cards with friends.”

"Actually, the scenery in winter is also pretty good."

The gentleman with a local accent said, obviously resonated with Shade:

"I love playing cards here year-round. Even though the temperature and environment are better indoors, I still love it here."

Shade then took advantage of the situation and asked:

"Well, since you have nothing to do, would you like to play a few games?"

He slapped the deck of cards on the table on the front left side of his body, pulled it to the right, and the deck of cards extended on the table in an arc.

The gentleman opposite Shade smiled and nodded:

"It's so fun to play cards with strangers who unexpectedly come to the local area on such a pleasant morning. I forgot to introduce myself, Donald Antonio. If you are interested, I can introduce you to the local area while playing cards. , I know the local scenery and folklore very well."

"That's great. I'm John Watson, a writer who traveled in the old world. Although a native of Delrayon, I've spent more time in Carsonlik in recent years. Mr. Antonio, you won't be folklore." Scholar, right?"

Shade asked worriedly, and the middle-aged man shook his head slightly:

"Of course not. I am actually a writer, but not a novelist. I am a playwright. I write scripts for opera companies. I also occasionally write musicals and long poems. Have you heard of the Golden Dawn Opera Company? I have also written for them. The script, although not yet staged, has been selected.”

"That's really awesome."

Shade admired, and this was a sincere admiration. Looking at Mr. Antonio, he is one of the rare people who can support himself through writing. Such people are worthy of respect no matter in which era.

Mr. Antonio shook his head reservedly and paused while shuffling the cards:

"On an unexpected morning, I met a stranger I could chat with. It was truly a fateful encounter. So, Mr. Watson, do you want to play special cards with me?"

Shade admitted that this was a very tempting proposition, but it was a pity that he could not show his deck in a strange city:

"Sorry, there are no special rule cards in the deck I brought with me today. I originally wanted to come here to have a look, and then go directly to the outside of the city to see the scenery."

He said rather embarrassedly.

Mr. Antonio understood this:

"It doesn't matter, we can play cards first. If you really lose, you can bring me your cards when you have time."

"That's because I took advantage. If I lose, I can bet 5 crowns here first."

Shade said with a smile. After the two discussed the bet arrangement, they each checked the deck and shuffled it. The playwright Mr. Antonio’s deck contains two special rule cards. He didn't mention which one he wanted to bet with Shade, which usually meant that after Shade won, he could choose one at will.

Because it is just a private card game, they do not intend to make complicated rules. After all, the purpose is to kill time, so there are three wins out of five games. The first to win two rounds in each game wins the game, and then the next game is played after the cards are reshuffled. So if you are lucky enough to have multiple draws, the game will probably last a long time.

"The city of Randall Valley is really a good place. Although it is not as prosperous as Willondale, at least you can see the blue sky here every season."

The two of them were chatting and drawing cards. Shade looked at his hole card, Star 3, and took the second one:

"I heard that the forests, river valleys and mountain scenery here are very beautiful."

"Yes, the wood produced in the Innas Forest outside the city is very famous throughout the United Kingdom; the Randall Valley Wetland and the Eldron Creek are the origins of the city; as for the mountains further east, It was a good mining area, especially the stone mines, and the local area was also known as the city of stonemasons because of those mining areas.”

Mr. Antonio praised with a smile, while Shade compared the locations of these scenes on the map in his mind.

The western part of Randall Valley City is an impact plain, the southern and northern terrains are relatively flat, and the eastern part is surrounded by mountains, almost turning the plain into a peninsula. The Randall Valley refers to the current location of the city, and the Eldron Creek is the area where the river connects the city to the mountains. Surrounding the river valley and streamland is the Innes Forest.

I was thinking that the winner had been decided in the first round of the first game. Shade stopped at 18 o'clock, and Mr. Antonio stopped at 17 o'clock.

"Maybe I should have been more adventurous just now."

The playwright said with some annoyance, and then continued to draw cards with Shade:

"Because of the special environment of river valleys, streams, and mountains, there are more local legends and stories than other cities. For example, it is rumored that elves lived here a long time ago, and they left many beautiful stories. In the Innes Forest, you can even occasionally find their relics and the remains of tree houses.”

"Elf? That's really a beautiful story."

Shade glanced at the Flower 13 and Sun 4 in his hand, hesitated and knocked on the table, meaning to stop trading.

Mr. Antonio continued to draw cards:

"Yes, to this day, some people claim to have seen elves in the depths of the forest. However, it is also possible that someone accidentally ate poisonous mushrooms in the forest. Oh!"

He showed his hand to Shade, the sun was 7, the flower was 9, the moon was 8, and the card was blown at 24:

"It's really unfortunate. It seems that taking too many risks is not an option."

In this way, Shade won the first game.

"I've also eaten poisonous mushrooms."

The two continued to draw cards, and Mr. Antonio said some scary words:

"Of course, I ate it by mistake. But the feeling at that time was really strange."

"Did you see the elves too?"

Shade asked with a smile, and the playwright shook his head:

"An even more fantastical scene. The earth and sky turned into strange color blocks. The chaotic colors made everyone dyed in color. The ground was shaking and the sky was spinning. I was the only one who didn't spin. That time I was unconscious for five minutes. It took me about an hour, but when I woke up I came up with some really interesting stories."

Shade laughed and made no comment. Poisonous mushroom poisoning was not a big news at all in this era. Mr. Antonio was obviously the lucky one.

In the first round of the second game, both players stopped at 18, so they continued to draw cards.

"Of course, in addition to elves, there are also local rumors of forest stone statues. According to legend, the land in the Randall Valley is alive, and the moist soil will gather into human shapes, with the ability to move freely. If you are in the local souvenir shop, Don’t be surprised when you see ugly clay statues. These are famous local souvenirs. Mr. Watson, when you are ready to leave, you can take one or two with you as gifts for your friends.”

That sounds like an alchemical golem for the Ringmancers.

In the second round of the second game, Shade's Star 7, Flower 12 and Sun 9 busted, but Mr. Antonio also busted. The gentleman lamented that he didn't seem to have very good luck today.

"Is there any more interesting local legend? I was chatting with the innkeeper yesterday, and I heard him mention some rumors about the key."

Shade asked, squinting his eyes and revealing a new round of trump cards, but in fact, he had never heard anyone talk about it at all.

"I don't know about this, but due to the mining of mines in the mountains to the east of the city, people have discovered that there are countless natural caves underground. Therefore, some people have speculated whether there will be underground people living under our feet."

"Underworld Kingdom? That's interesting. Oh, I'll stop, 20."

"I'm at 18, so let's try our luck again. Well, the flower is 10, so unlucky."

Mr. Antonio threw the drawn cards aside and continued with the next round of card drawing in the second round:

"There are not too complicated local beliefs, and the Zhengshen Church is developing very well here. However, there are many interesting local festivals, which are related to the folk customs and legends of the old times. There are activities in almost every season, such as winter , on the second Monday after the end of the year, we will hold a winter ice sculpture activity to celebrate that half of the winter of ice and snow has passed. Unfortunately, it is already over. And when the first Randall flower blooms, spring officially begins. , the city hall, local nobles, and chambers of commerce will jointly fund and hold a grand city banquet, which will be very lively on that day every year.”

Shade nodded and showed his 20 points. This time he drew 4 cards. Mr. Antonio stopped after two, his score was 19 points.

Shade won the second game. Mr. Antonio did not continue to be upset, but was a little excited.

“What about summer and fall?”

"In summer, after the first heavy rain every summer, there is a summer boating competition. As you know, the most important thing in this city is the boating river. Go down the river from the mountain pass and pass through the city to the western end of the Randall River Valley. . However, in recent years, because the competition will affect the normal entry and exit of cargo ships, the city hall does not talk about these disappointing topics."

Mr. Antonio smiled and shook his head:

"Autumn is the Harvest Festival. The tradition of this festival is to give food to each other with neighbors. Last year, I received a tea rock cake from my neighbor's old lady, but I really couldn't bite it. Later, I soaked it in water and found that I could cook it well. of soup.”

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