Whispering Verse

Chapter 1191 The Emerald Dream and the Power of the Earth

After kissing goodbye, Luvia returned to the "Plenty of Land Inn" to rest, while Shade returned to Tobesk's home and met little Mia, whom he hadn't seen all day.

As for the time key, he still has no clue in his hand. So he planned to go to the local black market tomorrow, Thursday, and then go see the old gentleman whom Priest August mentioned who was owed 10 pence by him. If you still have no clue, wait until Margaret arrives at Randall Valley on Friday. Her Royal Highness may be able to help him.

This was supposed to be a peaceful night. After washing up, Shade turned off the gas light in the room. However, when he said good night to Mia beside the pillow and closed his eyes as usual, he immediately realized that he was going to dream.

Only this time, he did not fall into the dream of looking at the huge silver moon on the field ridge, but kept falling in the air, and finally fell to the grass in the forest under the moonlight like a light feather.

The vegetation was luxuriant, and the ground below me was filled with green grass and flowers. The moonlight passed through the gaps in the treetops, leaving traces of light in the forest. The sounds of animals, birds and insects sang together with the sound of the evening wind blowing through the forest.

The light spots like fireflies swayed gently in the woods and grass. This scene was like the most realistic fairy tale.

Shade stood up holding on to the ground. He first looked at the golden marks on his body, then looked up at the three full moons in the sky, and finally looked in all directions in the forest clearing.

"Is this the Dream Whispering Element, the Emerald Dream?"

【Yes. 】

Borrowing the "Oak Lucky Potion" to increase your luck will cost you the possibility of entering the angelic relic "Emerald Dream" within a week. Shade knew about this relic. According to rumors, it was a split part of the dreamland, a strange and semi-real world constructed by nature and the earth.

Shade used the magic potion on Tuesday morning, and last night was uneventful. He didn't expect that the dream would appear tonight.

"What a strange relic, what a strange dream."

It is precisely because he has entered a real forest that he knows that this quiet woodland under the moonlight is so dreamy and peaceful. Although it is an angel-level relic, Shade in the dream has extremely strong mental resistance, so he is almost completely immune to the influence here.

In "Emerald Dream", you cannot leave the dream voluntarily, but you can wait for your natural awakening. Although he is rated as an angel, there is no ill will towards him here.

Thinking in his mind, he bent down and sat down again on the grass, wanting to wait quietly for the end of the dream. However, when he tried to lie down among the green grass and flowers, looking at the stars above from the forest glade, he noticed a slight tremor on the ground.

"Hmm? Earthquake? Can there be earthquakes in dreams?"

Suddenly, black mud seeped out of the soil. The disgusting black mud had already submerged at least a third of the grassland when Shade got up in a panic. The center of the mud penetration was right in the middle of the glade, where Shade was.


The mere contact with the flowing mud has a terrible feeling that slightly stings the soul. What started out as just seeping through the dirt soon turned into small fountains of black mud. While Shade kept retreating to prevent the mud from drowning him, the force of the black mud spurting was no less powerful than the fountains that were opened to show off during banquets held at noble manors in the summer.

Black mud flowed in all directions from the forest glade along the ground. At the same time, the surrounding fairy-tale dreamy scenes began to decay and collapse. The malice in the dream was unabashedly displayed to Shade, and even the three-wheeled moon in the sky , all vaguely changing towards three huge bloody eyeballs.

"Although the Emerald Dream is a relic, will this happen? Old John didn't mention this situation."

Shade didn't understand what was going on at all, but that didn't stop him from stretching out his finger:

"Silver Moon!"

Casting spells in dreams still consumes spirit, but the power of thaumaturgy is also greatly enhanced. The burst of moonlight illuminated the entire forest land in an instant, even causing the "mud spring" to shrink in size by at least one-third. The mud on the ground underfoot completely disappeared, and a layer of holy silver light appeared on the bare ground exposed due to the erosion of flowers and green grass.

But soon the "spring" exploded again and spewed out black mud, flooding the earth again. Shade planned to call out the light of the silver moon again, but he did not expect that dense black hands stretched out from the mud, trying to grab his body, forcing him to retreat continuously, until he reached the edge of the forest glade.

Probably because they were also worried about Sha De, the direction of the mud flow obviously avoided his position, but the corruption of the entire dream was still accelerating. The dense crowd of human hands disappeared from the black mud, and with an astonishing roar, a brand new behemoth flew out of the mud.

The wings that cover the moon spread out in the sky, scales like skeletal armor are attached to the body, and the huge tail seems to be able to smash through any obstructing siege ram.

The gray-green dragon hovered in the sky. As it opened its mouth, black mud balls filled with malice continued to grow in size.

"Dragon? It's a pity that in the dream, I don't have the Higgs head stone."


Without giving Shade a chance to dodge, the roar of the dragon was accompanied by the huge black mud ball that turned into a ray and hit Shade. However, as the moonlight sword pierced his feet, the golden spherical shield exploded, completely blocking it. This blow:

"I have to fight even though I have a dream. It really doesn't allow me to rest for a moment."

Tapping his toes lightly on the ground, Shade jumped into the sky. As the dragon's tail swept across, his body disappeared into the air and then appeared on top of the dragon's head:

"But luckily this is in a dream. Moonlight Sword!"

The afterglow of divinity on the body surface infiltrated the big sword in his hand. As Shade thrust the sword downward, the size of the two-handed sword quickly increased, and finally pierced the dragon's body like a stone pillar thrown by a giant, nailing it to the ground. But it was still not over. Three other giant moonlight swords summoned by the [Blade of Chaotic Space and Time] emerged from the void, and together they pierced the dragon's body and nailed it to the mud in the forest glade.

In the real world, Shade could not repeat such a move.

The black dragon disintegrated and turned into mud again. Before Shade could take any further action, more monsters flew out of the black mud. Bats, poisonous snakes, rotten birds, and poisonous scorpions densely covered the sky and covered the earth, forcing Shade to retreat step by step:

"Do you think you can defeat me with numbers?"

Shade took a deep breath, and the sun's rays floated on his fingertips. Although the [Night Watcher] is not in his hands and cannot use the "solar cannon", here he is in a dream, freed from most of the constraints of the body, and in the form of his soul alone, Shade can do more things. Not to mention firing the "sunlight cannon" with his hands, he even planned to...

"Don't fight them, it's useless, these things are endless."

Kasenrikyu appeared behind Shad. Before Shad turned his head, a strange man had already walked up to him from behind. But before the strange man took the initiative to speak, Shade didn't even sense his presence.

[It’s not that he didn’t feel it, he appeared directly. 】

It is of course possible to meet other people in the Emerald Dream, just like although the narrow gap between life and death is large, it is also possible to bump into other people. However, the middle-aged man who appeared at this moment was obviously abnormal. Shade's first impression of him was that he was a dead soul, and then he noticed that there were very shallow traces of petrification on the spirit body.

"What power can actually petrify the soul?"

He immediately thought of the stone statue in robes in the main hall of the Forgotten Church in Randall Valley City, but then he realized that although they were both middle-aged men, their appearances were obviously completely different.

"Endless? Sorry, do you know what this black mud is?"

Shade asked. The middle-aged man stretched out his hand forward. The incoming black mud bypassed the two of them like a divided river, and the monsters seemed to have lost their target and couldn't see them. Make black mud.

"The rage of the mad earth, the malice of the mad earth."

The man said, and as he spoke more and more words, Shade vaguely realized that this man's Kasenlik language also had a Randall Valley accent. Or, at least, that's the accent of southwest Kasenlik.

The guess was immediately confirmed:

"Since you lured them out in the Emerald Dream, you must have reached the Randall Valley. Let me send you away. Although your soul is extremely powerful, more powerful than all the souls I have seen combined, but There’s no need to fight these endless things.”

"Please wait a moment. What do you know? What is in the Randall Valley? What does this black mud have to do with that city?"

Shade frowned slightly and asked, and the man looked at him:

"Mortals will get sick, and so will the mortal land. When the earth gets sick, it will become crazy. This is almost a natural phenomenon. These black muds are just a form of expression. Don't worry, this is a very small thing. , don’t take it to heart.”

[The half sentence after "retarded" is a lie. 】

Under normal circumstances, "she" cannot help Shade judge lies, but this is a dream, and it is Shade's dream, so Shade's perception is also amplified.

"That's it"

At this time, the black mud is pouring out faster and faster, and the surrounding forest is almost completely corrupted. The originally brilliant starry sky has been shrouded in red mist. Three huge eyeballs with shrinking pupils are turning in the air, as if they want to search. Shade's location.

"Since this is a trivial matter, why don't you help me? How can I solve the source of Dadi's malice?"

Shade suggested with a smile. The man was obviously a little surprised. He didn't expect Shade to ask such a question, but he organized his words in the next second:

"It can't be solved for now, it can only be temporarily blocked, but there are people doing these things, like me and others, and we can do these things well. Oh, sir, we can't talk anymore, I have to send you out, even if Even the Emerald Dream cannot resist these malicious intentions. If the Emerald Dream gets out of control because of these black mud, it will be a real big trouble."

The strange man stretched out his hand to Shade. Shade knew that this sentence was not a lie, so he asked one last question:

"Thank you for your help. But is there really nothing I can do for you? Since you helped me, I want to help you too."

These are very sincere words. The man in the dream also has the ability to sense emotions. He nodded this time:

"If you insist, if you have the chance, sir, go to the reality other than dreams and purify the resentment of the earth. Your soul is so pure and powerful, and your little help can help those of us who resist evil Be a little more relaxed. I will teach you a spell, which requires a strong soul to support you. It is suitable for you. Please help this land."

"Okay, I promise you that the madness of the earth is really just a small matter?"

The strange man pushed Shade gently, and Shade felt the power integrated into his body. Under the force of the push, he unconsciously took a step back, and the next moment he seemed to have fallen into an abyss.

Regarding the last scene in the dream, the man turned into a green light and rushed towards the source of the black mud.

The falling sensation in the dream forced Shade to wake up, and then he noticed something playing on his cheek in reality.

[Outlander, you have obtained the spell "Power of the Earth·Healing Aura". Soothing the Crazy Earth requires casting materials and normal soil. 】

[Note that this spell consumes a lot of money. 】

"Crazy Earth, I know that since Luvia, who has experienced six apocalypses, mentioned that city, there is indeed a problem in the Randall Valley. But who was the soul that died just now? Could it be the chosen one? "

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