Whispering Verse

Chapter 1210 Library and the Power of the Earth

Behind the door was endless white mist, but when Shade and Miss Danister stood side by side, dots of silver light extended from their feet toward the end. The background of the boundless sea of ​​stars appeared all around, and bookshelves outlined only by starlight were neatly arranged, with the two people as the center and continuously expanding towards the surroundings.

At the end of the field of vision, a huge yellow moon floats over the sea of ​​stars. No matter where the line of sight moves, the bright yellow moon always follows the line of sight and becomes part of the library in the sea of ​​stars.

The white mist has not completely disappeared. They still exist at the end of the field of vision, just like the walls of the library.

[Note that due to the ritual method used to enter the library, the library only opens the lowest level of permissions to you:]

[Enter the library and clear some bad status. 】

[Acquire the "dark vision" state, which lasts until the next sun rises. 】

[Only once, ask the library about the history and stories recorded here/Only once, ask the stars about what will happen in the near future/Only once, ask the moon for blessings. (Choose one from three)]

The ancient god "Silver Moon Sage" has the power of "recorder", so although his library theoretically contains all the knowledge of past creation, it is actually more inclined to historical records.

The hint "she" gave to Shade at this time was also mentioned in the wordless black book that recorded the ritual. However, that book did not mention that the "Silver Moon Library" currently only has these functions, because the way to enter the library is a ritual rather than finding a "door".

Moreover, in the past, when entering the space left by the ancient gods, in addition to normal functions, Shade could sacrifice divinity or other things to activate special functions. But this time when they entered the "Silver Moon Library" there were no such prompts. Apparently they could only use some of the library's functions at this time.

Miss Daniste had been seeking this moment for who knows how many years, and she almost immediately held out her hand. The huge book with the same dreamy translucent cover as the starry sky immediately flew from the bookshelf in the sea of ​​stars into her hands.

"So, what am I looking for information about the impending end of the physical world."

Shade thought in his mind, but there was no movement at all. He frowned slightly, and then felt that the spell [Library Search] given by the old god [Grey-robed Sage] actually took the initiative:

[The guardian of the library gives you tips:]

[This information is hidden by the ancient gods, and you have no right to view it. 】

"She" whispered softly.

"Ha, the old god [Grey Robe Sage] was indeed the librarian of [Silver Moon Sage]!"

Xia De thought in his mind and continued to try:

"Information about the past life and the sixth era."

[The guardian of the library gives you a tip:]

[This information is hidden by the ancient gods, and you have no right to view it. 】

"She" reminded again.


The cat meowed boredly and was very interested in this place, but unfortunately Shade didn't let it go. Shade didn't have time to take care of the cat. He was still thinking:

"It seems that the so-called doomsday involves more than just things in the Sixth Age. There is information about the murmuring poem composed by the Witch Emperor of the Fifth Age!"

[This information is hidden by the ancient gods, and you have no right to view it. 】


Shade was not surprised by this. The "Muttered Poems" indeed involved the important future of this world. Therefore, he planned to inquire about the identity of the chosen one from "Earth". He believed that such information must exist. Even if not, at least you can get some hints.

But as he stretched out his hand, he hesitated, and finally made another request:

"Information about the Center of the Earth, Randall Valley, and the Crazy Earth."

A subtle pulling force appeared in the hand, and the next second, a small book with a translucent sea-like color cover flew into Shade's hand from a distance.

[The guardian of the library gives you tips:]

[Borrowing of the Book of the Earth is allowed. 】

[This book is not allowed to be taken out of the library. 】

[Allows you to record what you see in any form. 】

[The contents of this book are recorded as of the year 1854 of the Sixth Era of the Universal Human Calendar. 】

The coherent and gentle voice in his ears did not end. After obtaining the book, Shade vaguely felt that he seemed to understand something.

[Outlander, you have come into contact with a "miracle". 】

[You have obtained the thaumaturgy "Moon Library". Turn your own memory into a book and appear as a semi-entity, and the book cannot stay away from you. The degree of manifestation depends on the clarity of the memory itself. Only text and pictures can be displayed. 】

This is a thaumaturgy related to the core spiritual rune [Silver Moon].

"A useful ability, nothing more than this name."

Shade thought to himself, then opened the small translucent book in his hand. I thought that the letters in this kind of book would be very difficult to read, but after opening it, I found that the letters were unusually clear.

The palm-sized book has nearly fifty pages in total and is divided into three parts, namely "Causes of Crazy Land", "Manifestations of Crazy Land" and "Solutions to Crazy Land".

Just like the unknown man who helped Shade in "The Emerald Dream", the book treats the "Mad Land" as a natural phenomenon caused by the decline of the world. This is a bit like how various diseases appear frequently when humans are old, so it is not relics or evil objects that cause the problems in Randall Valley City.

It is an extremely long process for the earth to go crazy, and the problems that Shade has noticed recently are probably the troubles accumulated over the years that have to be dealt with.

Of course, the man in the dream told Shade that "this is just a trivial matter", but at present, Miss Benanis, the "Witch of the Earth", is right. Once this matter is not handled properly, it is very likely to lead to the evil of Bipantanar. The problem is that things are even bigger.

"So, who is the dead soul that appears in the Emerald Dream?"

The expression of the crazy land is that more and more lands are alienated. These are all secondary. The most important thing is the black mud that Shade has seen in dreams and in reality. It is the pure malice of the earth, with both physical and non-physical properties. Even if a mortal is contaminated in the slightest, the soul will be immediately contaminated, and the body and soul will be petrified. Shade has the blessing of divinity and the first fire, so he ignores it. .

Those black muds cannot be completely eliminated. They represent natural phenomena and diseases of the earth. Therefore, after Shade and Miss Lassus purified the land of the manor, the black mud disappeared on its own without them having to deal with it.

And the first fire in Sister Devlin's hand can also burn the black mud. But black mud is just something produced by the "disease" of the earth, and burning the black mud cannot completely solve the problem. Fortunately, although this is a natural phenomenon, since it is almost a disease of the earth, there are naturally ways to completely solve it.

Seeing this, the thin little book in my hand has almost been turned to the end. The information given above when describing the "causes" and "manifestations" is very sufficient, but it seems that there are only a few solutions.

"Is it because this kind of thing has never been solved in history, so there aren't many records?"

Shade thought uneasily in his heart, and looked at the last page of the small book in his hand with the cat on his shoulder.

Sure enough, just as Shade thought, there is no record of a specific solution at all. But the last page is not a blank page. The first half of the page records the extraordinary ability of the "Power of the Earth", which can greatly suppress and delay the problems of the Crazy Earth in some aspects.

The description of the "power of the earth" is the magic of the ancient god [Mother Goddess Earth], and Shade's power of the earth and healing aura are only part of the complete magic.

On the lower half of the page, there are two simple lines of text:

[Believers of the Earth Mother Goddess believe that the rituals of the ancient gods can completely eliminate the madness of the earth. 】

Unfortunately, the specific ceremony is not recorded here.

[At the end of the fifth era, the demigod witch also discovered this problem. Unable to elicit the power of the ancient earth gods, they combined the ancient rituals with the "Earth's Chosen One" ritual. When the Chosen One performs the ritual, the power of the Ancient God will be revealed, thus once and for all solving the problems of the Mad Land. 】

"In the end, it turned out to be the Chosen One again. The Chosen One Ritual can eliminate the problems in the Randall Valley. This is convenient because I don't have to do two things at once. So next, while using [Power of the Earth·Healing] [Aura] slow down the spread of the crazy land, while looking for the chosen one to perform the ceremony."

Shade sighed slightly, turned the book to the end, and then unexpectedly discovered that there was another sentence on the back of the book.

The text of the book is all in the Sixth Age Draion language, but only the last sentence is in some ancient alphabet whose origin Shade doesn't know:

【May the earth be with you and me. 】

He thoughtfully let go of his hand and put the book back into the sea of ​​​​stars, and the book flew back to its original position. After touching the cat, which had been very quiet since entering the library, Shade looked at Huang Yue in the distance again.

At a certain moment, he seemed to see a huge female figure curled up and sleeping in the moon. My heart strings seemed to be touched at this moment, and my soul seemed to want to cheer for a moment. But if you look closely, the moon is just the moon, and what you just saw seems to be an illusion.

I was sighing in my heart that everything seemed to be related to the chosen one, when I suddenly heard Miss Danister next to me groan. Turning around to look, I happened to see the lady spitting out a mouthful of blood. The red blood fell into the sea of ​​stars at her feet and disappeared.

If Shade hadn't reached out to support her in time, Miss Danister almost fell down.

The book in her hand was of her own choice, so Shade couldn't see any of its contents. But the sorceress's transformation must be closely related to the contents of this book.

He hurriedly closed the book and put his hand on Miss Danister's forehead:

"Cyndia's Silver Moon Gift."

This thaumaturgy, which is specially used to treat mental injuries at night, immediately exerted amazing effects in the [Silver Moon Library]. The holy moonlight appeared between Shade's palm and Miss Danister's head. The lady who was almost semi-conscious just now realized what happened:

"Help me get out of here, that's enough. I'm probably a little too greedy."

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