Whispering Verse

Chapter 1219 The Generous God

As the middle-aged witch Brachet performed a spell that Shade couldn't understand, the branches of the newly grown slender sapling continued to grow. Not only did the branches grow longer, but the emerald green leaves that grew out also fell off and turned into little green people, which soon filled the branches of the small tree.

They sat close to each other on the upper and lower branches, each holding a different musical instrument in their hands.

While the witch bowed to the gods and stood up to sing, the "miniature" orchestra on the small tree also began to play.

It seems that singing is a necessary skill for witches. As soon as Ms. Bretchet opened her mouth, Shade knew that Mr. Lyman and Sister Perry had no chance of winning.

Shade had never heard of the ballad chosen by the witch. It looked like a country tune, but it was not simply about praising butterflies or the gods in front of her. It was a narrative ballad about a witch riding a unicorn who traveled around and met her beloved. This is a story about two lovers who later separated and reunited. After experiencing a series of adventures and trials, they finally came together.

The song is almost as long as Sister Perry’s hymn, but thankfully there’s still plenty of time left. With the accompaniment of the orchestra, the witch's already touching singing voice was brought to a higher level.

So when she finished singing and bowed, Mr. Lyman and Sister Perry both showed disappointed expressions. They also knew the gap between themselves and the witch.

So, finally it was Shade's turn, and he also stood up instead of sitting down.

Take a few steps back so that the stool does not impede your movement. Finally, he snapped his fingers, and with the use of the incomplete mystery lock [Little Match Girl], a huge silver moon disk appeared above Shade's head. At the same time, dots of stars filled the sky, and The flying butterflies complement each other.

Activating the thaumaturgy [Sound of Music], recalling Miss Benenice under the only light on the stage less than two hours ago, Shade began to sing:

"It started in the New Year."

On the way home just now, although Shade also tried to hum a few words while using thaumaturgy, but now he really started to sing formally, and he himself was surprised by the sound of his own voice.

Miss Benenice's female voice has completely different timbres from Shade's male voice, and the enchantment with which the witch sings cannot be imitated by outsiders who do not understand art at all. But even so, with the help of thaumaturgy, Shade still imitated the witch's singing voice almost perfectly and sang his own butterfly song.

Although this caused Shade to sing with too many expressions and skills that only women can sing, this did not prevent him from being almost intoxicated by the sound. He himself has no emotions, and only has skills that are nearly one-to-one replicas. This fully explains why thaumaturgy [Sound of Music] can be used to record natural sounds. At this time, thaumaturgy was used to present a song to the gods that would only be available in the next century, so it was not a waste of its own power.

This time the butterflies were not just flying in the air, they were flying around Shade. In the song, under the small starry sky, they formed a tide of butterflies as if they were controlled by Shade, surging with the music. With.

Sister Perry, Mr. Lyman and Miss Bretchett looked at this scene in surprise. When Shade finished singing and the silver moon and starry sky disappeared, they didn't even react immediately.

Those flying butterflies surrounded Shade and refused to let him sit down again. Even if Shade waved them away, they would come back soon. It wasn't until the god at the table smiled and spoke that the butterflies asked Shade to sit down again. But soon they landed on his shoulders again, which made Shade glad he hadn't brought the cat with him.

"There is no emotion involved, but if we only look at skills, I'm afraid there won't be anyone in this era who can sing this song."

God said with a smile, and then continued to comment:

"A very good song, but unfortunately, it is not your song. I would really like to meet the mortal woman who sang this song."

But it is a pity that the God of Butterflies left in the fifth era. Even if He uttered this exclamation at this time, Shade believed that this was not a hint. It was impossible for Him to hear Miss Bernice's song in the sixth era, unless the witch could be brought by Shade next time.

The god recognized that this was not Shade's song, and Shade was not surprised. He nodded slightly to express his agreement with the god:

"I understand it's not my song, so I don't think I'm the best of us."

He twisted up a petal and handed it to the witch Ms. Bretchet:

"I give the first petal to this lady. I like your singing very much."

The middle-aged witch took it in surprise. Seeing Shade's action, they all picked up the petals at hand. No one had the courage to play tricks in front of the gods, so everyone chose the one who they thought had the best singing voice, that is, Shade.

So three pink and white petals entered Xia De's hands, and Xia De took the lead in the first event of the Butterfly God's Banquet.

"Since I'm sitting at the table, obviously I can also judge the best singer."

God said with a smile, and two pink-white petals floated in his hand, which obviously meant that he could cast two votes, but no one objected.

The butterflies surrounded the two petals and floated towards the same person, Mr. Lyman, the only man besides Shade.

The people at the table didn't ask for the reason. The gods' standards for judging songs are obviously different from those of mortals. Besides, the songs of the four people just now can be called excellent. Maybe this god was just moved by Mr. Lyman's "determination".

Therefore, among the six petals in the first round, Shade got three, the Witch got one, and Mr. Lyman got two. Sister Perry, who Shade thought was the most likely winner, did not get any.

"So, God of Butterflies, are you satisfied with the song we presented?"

Shade asked on behalf of the four of them, and the god nodded slightly:

"Those are very beautiful songs. Butterfly and I both like them very much."

The mortals breathed a sigh of relief, while the gods smiled and continued:

"Enjoy the banquet before announcing what you are going to do next. You deserve to be rewarded. There are not just winners, everyone deserves to be rewarded."

This god seemed to be more generous than the gods Shade had encountered before.

"Give you health."

There was a sparkling potion in the golden wine glass in front of Mr. Lyman. After thanking him excitedly, he drank the potion in one gulp.

"Give you clear eyesight."

A glimmer of light flew into Sister Perry's eyes. She murmured her thanks, then bowed her head in prayer.

Shade didn't feel too many miraculous elements. It seemed that what the gods had given was a simple blessing such as "dark vision" or "expanded vision."

"Beauty to you."

A grape that was originally stacked on the silver plate suddenly rolled out and rolled in front of the middle-aged witch. It turned into a huge purple gem, which was a true magical item.

The witch held back a smile, twisted it up, and thanked the gods in a low voice.

So it was finally Shade's turn, and he looked up at the Butterfly God expectantly. Even with his perception, he couldn't determine what the god's current true form was. The old god [Thousand Eyes Phantom Butterfly] is very good at the power of illusions. Unless Shade burns his divinity, all he can see is deeper illusions.

"I know what you want."

God smiled and said to Shade:

"I also know many of the answers you are seeking."

He shook his ringed finger:

"But you didn't satisfy me, so I can't tell you. I'll give you three options, and you can choose one of them as a blessing."

He smiled broadly and seemed to find this very interesting:

"One, my butterflies like you very much. I can make one of them merge with you and give you more power about butterflies."

This is almost equivalent to giving the miracle-"Butterfly" spiritual rune to Shade. Shade even believes that the spell of "Transformation into a Red Butterfly" can become more powerful.

"Two, you are slightly stained with the curse of the earth. Although this will not affect you, it does let me know what you are about to face. I can give you some hints. Little hints."

This is also a very tempting option. Even if he knows that what the gods say must be obscure "riddles", it is still very useful to Shade.

"Finally, I can give you an interesting gift, but you can't take that gift away, you have to find it yourself."

The god looked at Shade's face, and Shade understood that he wanted him to go to the Sixth Epoch to find gifts.

These three choices are actually very good, and Shade also sees that the gods in front of him value the fun more than giving him gifts. Dorothy said that this god is not a good or evil god in the strict sense, he is just a little "unloving". But in Shade's contact, he felt that this god was really good.

Of course, if he could make his own decision, Shade would rather let the gods realize his wish of "allowing the three of them to leave safely after the banquet." This seems to have no profit, but for him it is a choice full of greater future possibilities. Unfortunately, he can only choose one of three.

First of all, exclude the first item. Although the spiritual runes are extremely valuable, there is still a probability of obtaining the "butterfly" spiritual runes with further contact with Helen and Grace sisters in the future.

Then he just hesitated a little and eliminated the third item. It wasn't that Shade didn't like God's gift across time, but that he was really busy recently and had no time to add another task to himself:

"God, I want to know about the Mad Land."

He said respectfully, looking forward to what kind of "riddle" he would hear. But I didn’t expect that the god who appeared in the form of a beautiful woman smiled and nodded:

"No problem, you want a gift from me, that's smart."


Shade was sure that this was definitely not what he had chosen just now.

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