Whispering Verse

Chapter 1222 Song of the Forest

"I heard from Miss Carina that there are no chocobos in the entire council now. Don't you have other mounts? I have seen the undead skeleton horse summoned by Miss Aurora."

Shade said curiously. The witch walking beside him had the "witch's smell" perfume that he was very familiar with. Miss Benenice's perfume smelled more "cold", and Shade couldn't tell what kind of floral fragrance it was.

"I really want a unicorn."

The tone of the blonde witch is quite pitiful, but this cannot bring them a unicorn:

"Mr. Hamilton, you are probably laughing at my idea in your heart. But just as boys often fantasize about owning sharp swords and tall white horses when they are young, the fantasy of unicorns is also the wish of beautiful girls when they are young."

But when a foreigner was a child, he didn't dream about owning a sword. Shade's fantasy back then was about cannons and rockets.


The two continued walking along the river, with snow-covered land and forests on both sides. Occasionally, we encountered animals running on the snow, but they all spontaneously avoided the two of them. Shade regretted leaving the lazy cat in Tobesk. This scene should be seen by the cat. It would probably be very interested in rabbits.

"Unicorns are in the same category as dragons in St. Byrons' dangerous creature rating."

Shade recalled the knowledge he had learned, and then discovered that [Witch Reverberation: Olan Nord] gave more knowledge about unicorns. Miss Olan Nord is one-eighth of elven blood, from the royal family of longleaf elves, so her mount is a unicorn. Obviously [Witch Reverberation] gives some knowledge of the witch, but when thinking of the "unicorn", the picture of the heroic pointed-eared witch riding the snow-white beast, running in the vast snowy field, immediately jumped out. .

This is not Sha De's imagination, it is a picture that the witch deliberately left for Sha De.

"Yes, unicorns in fairy tales are often persecuted by evil, but in fact these sacred alien creatures are extremely powerful. But they are really beautiful."

Of course, Miss Benenice didn't know what Shade was thinking:

"Although the unicorn group has not disappeared, it has moved away from areas where human civilization gathers like most of the alien creatures. If possible, I really want to touch a unicorn. I don't know if they are better than your cat." Cuter."

Unicorns only get close to pure girls. Although the celibate Miss Benanis is a bit older, she still meets the requirements. Shade probably does not meet the requirements. Although his own gender is always misunderstood by others, he should not be considered "pure" after experiencing several "Red Butterfly Days".

The two of them walked and talked, and arrived at Lake Eldron at about 10:20 in the morning. In such a cold weather, no one would walk on the ice. There were only boats moored in winter and people in the small villages next to the lakeside pier. There is a small town further away, but most of the ice fishermen gather on the other side of the lake, so they won't be disturbed.

Miss Benenice chose to land from the east, and the two of them crossed the lake and entered the creek forest. There are trails trampled by hunters and lumberjacks in the forest. Shade wants to first go to those places rumored to be related to the "St. Perry Cemetery", maybe he can find something with his high senses.

If you don't pay attention to time, time will always disappear quickly. At 12:30 noon, they were ready to stop for lunch. Although they didn't gain anything all morning, the two of them didn't expect to find anything so easily.

Miss Benenice threw out three small paper figures and asked them to become servants to look after the horses, set up the camp and collect firewood. Shade was responsible for lighting the firewood and building the camp fire.

At this time, their location was in a clearing on the edge of the forest near the upper reaches of the Yifa River. This was a place used by loggers to temporarily store wood. It's cold in the forest in winter, but the sunlight passing through the gaps in the forest tops is exceptionally warm. After the blonde witch summoned three little paper servants, she sat on the stone next to the campfire and watched Shade busy cooking.

Although he doesn't have any skills, he can still simply heat food. Shade has plenty of food.

Shade didn't complain about the witches not helping here. In his opinion, the witches didn't seem to be people who could cook by themselves. And Miss Benanis looked at Shade busy, and a smile appeared on her lips inadvertently. Then he realized that the smile was a little inappropriate, so he turned around and pretended not to look at him, while thinking about Miss Carina's compliments to Shade:

“He works really well.”

"Primal Fire?"

The flame was ignited, and heat enveloped the whole body almost immediately. After Sister Devlin turned the evil things in Pantanal that the demigods and witches defeated together into firewood, Shade was able to use more of the power of the First Fire. One of the characteristics shown was the bonfire he lit. Can better restore physical strength and provide heat.

The witch of the earth keenly sensed the unusualness of the flame, and Shade, who was taking out a toy from his pocket, nodded:

"Yes, Sister Devlin and I also know each other. Mother-in-law Cassandra introduced me. The nun said that I was a hero who carried the fire and gave me some power."

He said it very lightly, but Miss Benenice understood the unusualness of it, such as how Shade had met Sister Devlin. I wanted to ask, but then I remembered that I had lost the horse race just now, and I was a little embarrassed to ask. Shade is then seen selecting lightweight wooden toys to turn into cold meals, and then planning to heat them up over a campfire.

"Speaking of which, the puppet last week called you the favored one of the God of Toys."

She held her face and said to Shade, who was thinking about what to eat for lunch. This was the most difficult question of the day for him:

"Yes, Miss Carina probably said that I am a student of St. Byrons History College and a time investigator. I was fortunate enough to meet that god in the past. Yes, yes, use time The key travels through time and space and should not be able to contact people in the past, but God is different, isn't he?"

Shade looked up and asked with a smile, Miss Benanis nodded slightly:

"I heard from Carina that it only took you half a year to advance to the fifth ring. It's really unusual. Even a witch can't do it at such a speed."

The period for a witch's rapid level up is about three to five years. After that, if she cannot continue to level up, her talent will almost be at an end. Miss Carina's end point was originally around the eleventh ring, but because she cooperated with Luvia to open the Door of Death to rescue Shade and his party, and came into contact with the Enlightenment of the Chosen, these two unique gains allowed her to break through the limits of her talent.

And the Vanessa Benenice in front of her is also a witch stuck in the eleventh ring.

“The time adventure experience helped me a lot.”

He said half-truthfully, and then remembered another thing:

"Speaking of which, Miss Benenice, do you know poetry? I want a poem that praises butterflies, the earth and spring. If you are willing to help, can you help me choose one from the existing poems?"

This is Time Key's mission this time. He also plans to entrust Dorothy and Lesia, and then choose the best one from the answers they gave. After all, in Shade's view, writers and actresses should both have a high level of artistic appreciation.

"Last time it was a ballad, this time it's a poem, no problem."

The cloaked witch nodded slightly, her palms facing the bonfire to absorb the warmth. It was still snowing when we set out in the morning, but now it has almost stopped:

"So, how can you thank me?"

she asked jokingly.

Shade didn't realize it was a joke. After thinking for a while, he reached into the air and took out a translucent book with a strange starry sky color. He handed it to Miss Benanis:

"I used a time key last week and heard three very good songs. They were songs sung by an ordinary man, a twelfth-level witch, and a nun from the Church of the Sun."

Miss Benanis raised her eyebrows in surprise, then opened the strange book and saw the lyrics inside. This is the language of the Fifth Age, but fortunately she can understand it.

Shade's [Moon Library] ability can only display text, and cannot provide various display methods like the real "Silver Moon Library". So in order to show those three songs, he also needed to hum the tunes. As a ring sorcerer, his memory is quite good, and the thaumaturgy of "The Sound of Music" seems to have enhanced his limited musical talent.

Just because you have a tune in your head, doesn't mean it can be restored. But fortunately, there was the help of "her". At Shade's request, "she" hummed softly in his ears, and the sound almost made Shade intoxicated.

And humming along one by one, Shade still managed to hum the tune.

The man's voice echoed in the forest, making the slightly silent snowy forest seem to be blowing with a warm spring breeze. The big-tailed squirrel, holding a pine nut picked up from nowhere, stared curiously at the humming Shade among the treetops. The sun shone on its brown fur, and it didn't move briskly across the treetops until the sound stopped. .

Miss Benanis held the book and looked at Shade as well. It wasn't until he hummed all three songs that the witch whispered with some emotion:

"Can you tell me carefully about the circumstances under which these songs were created? I feel a lot of complex emotions from them. It's really surprising that three people with completely different identities can create songs with the same theme. Such a different, yet equally captivating ballad.”

The Witch Bretchett trio would not dare to dedicate other people's songs to the gods. Except for Miss Perry's lyrics from "Song of the Earth", the other tunes and lyrics are all original.

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