Whispering Verse

Chapter 1231 Guardians

"This is it. The magical item - the Butterfly Summoning Flute, can enhance the effect of my spell."

Shade's hand held the slightly cold metal silver flute tightly, and the joy in his heart was like butterflies flying in his heart. Although the power of [Butterfly Summoning Flute] is far less than that of [God's Gift Box], which is also created by the gods, this item is equally suitable for him.

Although there were some twists and turns, I found my goal in one day and it went really smoothly. Hundreds of bright red butterflies flew out of the sleeves, enough to cover the entire church. The butterflies with red light streaks stopped all over the church where the candles were almost extinguished, and the light illuminated every part of the church. corner.

The effect of the illusion increased, and the time he could maintain the "Red Butterfly" form also increased.

Miss Benenice looked at the flying butterflies, and then picked up two palm-sized gray stone slabs from inside the coffin:

"Let me take a look at this ordinary item. It should be made of special materials to avoid being swallowed by the language of the Fifth Age? Was it left behind by the Witch Emperor at the end of the Fifth Age?"

Shade, who was admiring his own illusion, looked at her unexpectedly:

"Wait a minute, the time when Sister Saint Perry died was hundreds of years before the end of the Fifth Era."

"Yes, wait a minute, let me see. At the end of the fifth era, the Witch Emperor who ruled this area discovered this secret church cemetery and came here. She was also unable to completely eradicate the pollution here. This place is different from ordinary 'Crazy Earth' was different, so they strengthened the seal, reported it to the Council, and left this stone slab. It turns out that it said that the black mud will swallow everything, but will not affect ordinary stones and soil, so this stone slab can Intact.”

From this point of view, the arrogant and lewd Witch Emperors are still very useful. Including sealing the narrow room of life and death in Mount Sikar, they have done many things that are unknown in this era, but are extremely important.

"This briefly explains the problem about the crazy earth in Randall Valley, and it is speculated that the problem will become more and more serious. The ancient divine magic of the Power of the Earth series is the most effective way to combat this problem."

Miss Benenice said, frowning slightly as she looked at the contents of the slate:

"Is that why your [Power of the Earth·Healing Aura] is so effective? The last part of this poem?"

"Miss Carina told me about the Chosen One. You know, I also know Sister Devlin. What did it say?"

Shade was overjoyed, and Miss Benanis translated the words:

"The chosen ones of the earth. In this place. Ceremonial time, at the turn of winter and spring."

Shade knew all this, and he even knew that the time was at the turn of winter and spring because the "Feast of the Earth Mother Goddess" needed to be held at that moment for the best effect.

"Is that all?"

"Yeah, that's all."

She showed the slate to Shade, and then said rather embarrassedly:

"This is a relic of the Witch Emperor, to the Council."

"It belongs to you. We take risks together, and the spoils should be divided equally."

Shade said, then looked at the last item. It was a pure white hand bone with dense golden letters engraved on it. This item has an extremely strong miraculous element and is the core of the entire seal. To be able to trap this black mud across two eras, apart from the later help of the unknown Witch Emperor, this hand bone is the key.

Of course, if there are no accidents, this is also the last remains of the "Sister St. Perry" who voluntarily sacrificed her life.

Out of respect, Miss Benenice asked Shade to pick it up. When Shade took her out of the coffin, the old woman's voice sounded in the church again.

Shade and Miss Bernanise turned their heads and discovered that the old man wearing a nun's robe was sitting on the first row of chairs in the hall.

The old face looked at Shade with a smile:

"It describes the learning method of [Power of the Earth, Field of Fertility]. My hand bones are a one-time material for ritual learning. With this magic, the surrounding plants can grow better. Of course, the most critical function is, Within the scope of the Crazy Earth, all creatures in a certain area centered on itself are protected from the influence of the environment, and can avoid the black mud. But unfortunately, it is only protection and cannot be completely dispelled like You."

This is equivalent to opening up a "safe zone" that moves with itself. This spell is almost useless for the "Evil Spirit·Crazy Land" area that Shade and Miss Lassus saw in the manor. But it was quite useful for the "Petrified·Crazy Land" they encountered during the day.

"Are you leaving?"

The witch asked softly, and the old man smiled and shook his head:

"I said half an hour ago that I have already left. What you see of me is just an obsession and a memory. Thank you very much for completely solving the problem before it caused big trouble here. In this church All the belongings belong to you, and this is one of the few things I can repay you with."

This church looks dilapidated, but there are still some decorations from the previous era. The coffin and the eight chains are also very unusual.

"You are the one worthy of respect. May the earth be with you and me."

The witch placed her right hand on her left shoulder and bowed slightly to express her respect. Then, she heard a language she didn't understand at all:

"Mr. Hamilton, I didn't expect you to help me again after a thousand years. Before I died, I thought about who could solve the problem in the end."

The language of the Fifth Age, with a heavy accent. Even though Miss Benenice had learned ancient Chinese, she couldn't tell what was being said because of her accent and speed.

Shade showed a relieved expression, Sister Perry still remembered him:

"So, who won in the end?"

He asked the most curious question, but Sister Perry shook her head slightly, and her body gradually became transparent. This place has been purified, and her mission has been completed:

"The results are very interesting, and you can enjoy knowing the results yourself. But I can tell you that Mr. Lyman was eventually buried in this valley. I was one hundred and twenty-three years old when I died. The family had already multiplied here.”

Among the three people who participated in the banquet of the Butterfly God, the nun belonged to this diocese, and the witch Miss Blechet believed in [The Forgotten Old Man]. Unexpectedly, Mr. Lyman, who had no connection with the local area, was eventually buried there.

"Mr. Lyman, I also left something for you in the cemetery."

The old Sister Perry said softly:

"When he died of heart failure at the age of 63, he entrusted me with the care of his family. I can still sense that his family still thrives in this city. If you feel necessary, you can go find that item , it will be useful to you too.”


Shade said seriously, but the old man smiled and shook his head, and his language returned to the common language of Kasonrik in the Sixth Age:

"Young people, there are two more things you need to know.

First of all, besides me, there are some people guarding this city in secret. Even if we can't completely solve the problem, I can detect that there are still people, a group of people, doing something silently. They are the guardians of Randall Valley. If you still want to do something, you can try to find them. "

"Is there any local help?"

Shade suspected that the man who gave him the "power of the earth" in the Emerald Dream was one of them.

"Also, about five hundred years ago, some extremely evil force came to this place. It's hard for me to tell you what it was, but it was extremely powerful, extremely cunning, and extremely patient. You must be careful, the other party knows my Cemetery, I have never taken the initiative to test this place. But I know that the other party uses the 'petrified rose' as a symbol. If you meet, you must not face the other party directly."

There may be other secrets in the ancient Randall River Valley.


Miss Benenice said softly, and the old nun shook her head again:

"No, I should be the one saying thank you. Witch of the Sixth Age, I wish you can go further than your predecessors."

The old nun's body was almost completely transparent. She looked at Shade for the last time, showing an expression of nostalgia:

"Thank you very much, thank you for everything you have done. May the sun and the earth be with you. Maybe the next road will not be easy, but... thank you."

The light spots dispersed, and Sister Saint Perry disappeared completely, leaving only a sun-patterned metal holy emblem on the chair. The power contained in the holy symbol is even stronger than the hand bones.

"So, not only Sister Perry, but Mr. Lyman also made it out of [Worm Cave] alive."

Shade thought to himself, and then realized that the witch beside him was still looking at him:

"She used honorifics towards you."

"After we leave, we can explain other things."

Shade said, and Miss Benanis nodded suspiciously. Miss Carina told her that Shade had many secrets of his own.

Shade waved gently, and the glowing holy symbol on the bench flew into his hand under the pull of the spell. The style of the Holy Emblem of the Righteous God [Old Man with the Lamp] has never changed. This Holy Emblem of the Sun from the Fifth Age is the most powerful Holy Emblem Shade has ever seen so far.

He even believed that just performing a simple ceremony around the Holy Emblem would be enough to use the power of the Holy Emblem to temporarily create a sanctuary. This is not only the power of the Righteous God, but also the power left behind by "Sister Saint Perry".

The encounter between Shade and this respectable middle-aged nun in the Fifth Age has not yet ended, but her ending has been witnessed by Shade. Although I have been at both ends of the long river of time countless times and lamented the stories and years, it is inevitable that I still want to sigh at this time.

The flying red butterflies were taken back by him, and the expulsion of pollution allowed the power of the gods to return here. It's obviously still winter, but green grass and small flowers are emerging from the cracks in the floor tiles. Next year, the place will probably be filled with flowers as well. It's just that the nuns who have been here all the time can no longer see this scene.

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