Whispering Verse

Chapter 124 Special Techniques

Sure enough, even though the third room on the left side of the stairs on the first floor of the club is currently being used, when Shade proposed to change that room, the people in the club agreed without even hesitating.

The out-of-town wine merchant who used that room to discuss business was politely invited to a room on the second floor. Shade and Miss Bayas entered the room to be alone again. The detective watched Miss Bayas walk into the room excitedly, so he blinked, and the life wheel in his soul rotated at an extremely weak speed.

The color of blood spread in his right eye, but it was difficult to detect. An unusually obvious halo of blood appears in the normal field of vision, forming a trajectory of the victim's movement in the air. This trace can be easily observed without even being captured.

In the state of "divine afterglow", this spell becomes even more handy.

While Shade used his own spell to observe clues, Miss Bayas was also working hard. Although Shade didn't know what ability she used, it was obvious that the other party also found some important clues from the room where even the Zhengshen Church's investigation team found no clues.

In Shade's vision of the blood in his right eye, the largest pool of blood was on the side of the sofa, in front of the cabinet with the vase. The entire cabinet was splattered with blood, and there was a pool of marks on the floor.

Miss Bayas also found this place, stood in front of the brown solid wood three-layer chest of drawers, and almost whispered:

"The remaining traces of the spirit..."


Shade asked deliberately, for fear that the other party would say something inappropriate again.

Sure enough, the girl with long brown hair also realized what she said, and immediately turned to observe the detective's expression. Seeing the latter's confused look, she felt a little relieved:

"When I was training at Blackstone Security Company, in addition to women's fighting skills, I also received special training. I thought, something probably happened around here."

“Is the security company’s training so good?”

Shade sighed and walked to the cabinet.

Although I don’t know why the Zhengshen Church didn’t find out about this, Shade, in line with the principle of doing things with other people’s gold pounds, very considerately pulled out the drawers, moved the flowerpots to other places, put down the cabinets, and Check carefully here.

The cabinet had indeed been scrubbed clean, but at the bottom of the cabinet, where the wooden floor connected to the wall, there were traces of blood that were almost invisible to the naked eye.

If Shade hadn't used thaumaturgy to observe it, he might not be able to find it even if he deliberately looked for it:

"Miss Bayas, look here."

Shade stood up and turned the gas light above his head brighter, then squatted down and pointed at the blood stain. The lady with long brown hair also gathered her skirt and squatted down. Following his fingers, she saw blood in the cracks in the wall:

"Looks like this is it!"

She did not doubt Shade's "sharpness" and stood up happily:

"Detective, please go out for a moment. I need to use a special method to identify these blood stains. Because it is a unique technique, it cannot be seen by you."

This means that she is going to use thaumaturgy that requires casting materials and incantations, and ordinary detectives cannot stand by.


Xia Deli stood up quickly, turned around and left the room without asking anything. After waiting for a full ten minutes, Miss Bayas asked him to go back again. Even if Shade was not good at observing other people's expressions, he could still find that the other person's eyes were shining with excitement:

"Detective, I think this is indeed a big discovery. I used special techniques to confirm that this blood stain appeared on the day Mr. Lawrence disappeared, and I also found a way to track it. I..."

"This matter should be informed to Ridwich Field, and then let a reliable official police team investigate. After all, the cultists are very dangerous, and it is definitely not possible to catch them by yourself."

Shade said. He looked at Miss Bayas inquiringly. The latter was reminded and her excitement returned to normal:

"You're right. I'm just looking for clues. It would be too stupid to chase them by myself. Then I will return to Ridwich Field."

She didn't slip up and say church this time.

"Detective Hamilton, you played a very important role in this commission. I think we can continue to cooperate if there is an opportunity."

She stretched out her hand to shake hands with Shade. Of course Shade would not refuse, but his eyes paused for a moment on the golden ring on the other person's finger:

"So about the commission fee..."

"Detective, it's up to you to bid."

Shade nodded. Miss Bayas, who was pretending to be a police officer and a wine merchant, might not understand the charging standards of the detective profession, but Shade didn't know either. He thought about it and realized that Miss Bayas' income probably wasn't very high, and this investigation didn't cost much either:

"How about fifteen shillings? But you'll be responsible for getting me back to Saint Teresa Square."

Although he had money for the time being, Xia De was not willing to spend it frivolously.

"No problem, detective, the price is very suitable. I think we will have the opportunity to cooperate again in the future. It is very pleasant to work with you. I have been very unlucky these days, but I didn't encounter any trouble when I acted with you. arrive."

As Miss Bayas said, she was about to take out money from her handbag, and Shade added:

"Also, madam, when you report this matter to Ridwich Field, can you reduce my role a little. Today's meeting with Miss Carina is not convenient to disclose to the outside world. You know, unmarried people The Duchess meets a strange man..."

He didn't continue, but the other party must have understood. The reason why we know that Carina Cavendish is unmarried is because she still uses the Cavendish royal surname.

"Of course."

Miss Bayas handed some scattered banknotes to Shade, then took out a small silver coin from her pocket, put it in front of her mouth and blew it, then immediately put it to her ear and listened:

"Here's a tip."

She handed the small silver coin to Shade along with fifteen pounds worth of notes.

The silver coin with the image of the previous king is not legal tender, but it can still be circulated, with a face value ranging from 8 shillings to 10 shillings. Its nature is between commemorative coins and circulating currency. Some special trading occasions especially prefer this type of coins:

"Thank you, generous lady."

Shade waved his hat and said in an exaggerated tone. Miss Bayas covered her mouth and chuckled. Both of them were in a good mood.

Miss Bayas also had to return to the city center from the east side of Tobesk, where the Lucky Southern Cross Club is located. The Church of the Sun was a little further away, and Shade could be dropped off at the square on the way.

There happened to be an empty carriage stopping at the door of the club, so the two of them took the carriage back together. They were both very satisfied with their gains.

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