Whispering Verse

Chapter 1246 The same old story

From Iluna's point of view, Shade was just dazed for a moment and then withdrew his hand, while the Baron actually started sobbing.

"The family cannot complain about Mr. Thomas Granger when they are like this."

Shade said, looking at the small body nailed to the ground by the night watchman:

"Before he disappeared, Mr. Thomas Granger seemed to have noticed that the area under our feet was going crazy, so he asked the Farmer family about the news here and warned them about the dangerous power contained here."

He explained to Iluna, who showed a somewhat sad expression:

"I remember you said that the Farmer family is keen on studying the occult. So, this body is."

"Mr. Thomas Granger warned them not to set foot on this land. But Baron Farmer had a bad idea. He thought that he could take possession of the power of the earth through sacrifice. , and even want to use the memory of the earth to resurrect the dead - this kind of thing is too common. As a result, not only their family was trapped by the land, but also caused a disease, killing the army soldiers who came here with them. "

Shade told what he saw, and Baron Farmer sobbed louder.

"Really, it's always the same story."

The seventeen-year-old girl is not hard-hearted after all, and the child is innocent.

"Mr. Thomas Granger can actually know in advance which piece of land will have problems. We will talk about Mr. Granger later. Now that the land has been purified, it's time for them to leave."

Shade pulled out the Night Watchman, took a deep breath and then slashed forward:

"Death's Door!"

Since this time the spell was cast with the help of [Night Watch], the crack this time was more like an opened door.

"If you stay here, you will only be petrified in the end. Leave."

He shouted towards the quiet manor, and then, under the leadership of a few normal souls who were hiding in the mansion and were not trapped, the souls walked through the cracks one by one towards real death, together with the thousands of souls who had their backs to the tidal flats. , walked towards the dark moon that was half submerged under the water.

"What should he do?"

Iluna pointed at the Baron. The Baron was at the highest level of petrification and could not move at all. Shade just wanted to reach out and throw it into the crack, but he looked inside the crack. The soul of a noble lady he had seen in Baron Farmer's memory was standing on the beach looking out.

This was not a soul trapped in the manor, but a soul that had left long ago but was waiting. Shade understood who this was.

He and Iluna worked together to throw the baron's mostly petrified spirit body into the crack, and watched the red-haired woman help the baron up. Then, at Iluna's reminder, Shade threw the baby's body in.

The woman picked up the baby, bent slightly and bowed to Shade and Iluna:

"Thomas did not come here, he took on a greater mission. He once told me that death is not the end, and he will protect the land beneath his feet."

Some ethereal voices came, but the woman said nothing more. She held the baby in one hand and supported the Baron with the other, staggering towards the water outside the tidal flat. A family of three boarded the boat together. The dilapidated wooden boat carried them through the silky black water, and together with the thousands of souls with their backs to the beach, they completely disappeared.

The cracks closed in front of Shade and Iluna. Shade shook his head and lamented what he saw:

"That was the wife of Baron Farmer. She died in childbirth. The baron was obsessed with occultism, which was also related to her death. There are always stories like this, but every time I see her, I feel that life is impermanent."

"Really, why can such a person actually get true love? That lady has been waiting on the tidal flat for many years, right?"

Iluna complained softly:

"However, there seems to be no concept of time in that place. Every time you open the door to death, you can witness such a story. Love and death are really great powers."

"Yeah, the stories are always touching."

He put away the Holy Grail of clay, and just as he was about to ask Iluna to leave, he frowned slightly and looked up and down at the seventeen-year-old girl. While the latter put her hands behind her back in embarrassment, Shadra took her arm:

"let me see."

Iluna embarrassedly stretched out her left hand to him. There was a black mud spot on the back of her white hand.

"Have you been exposed to that black mud?"

"It's a splash, but it doesn't matter. I'm not an ordinary person."

She said softly, as if she was embarrassed that Shade would find out that she had been negligent, but also as if she didn't want Shade to worry.

"Isn't that okay? Follow me home, and I'll prepare a magic potion for you using the Holy Grail, [Universal Earth Elixir]. This is a formula given by the Great Witch, specifically to treat the curse caused by contact with the crazy earth."

He took Iluna's hand, and the seventeen-year-old girl blushed and nodded:

"Then I'll trouble you."

After saying that, he turned around and looked at the abandoned mansion that was completely quiet:

"The problem on the earth has been cured, but do you know the traces of Thomas Granger? Those letters may not contain clues."

"I saw Mr. Granger's life information in Baron Farmer's memory. Now I know his general life and his full name. I also have his relics - those letters. As long as I know his The cause and time of death, although [Soul Cemetery] cannot bring his soul, it will tell me where this gentleman died. This is just like when I found the body of Miss Norma not long ago. "

The operation on the island in the middle of the Pantanal Lake was very smooth, and neither Shad nor Iluna had any intention of searching the manor carefully, so when they returned to Saint Teresa Square, it was only nine o'clock in the evening. About half.

Little Mia welcomed the two back and kept causing trouble while Shade prepared the elixir.

The magic potion formula provided by the witch is very simple, and the focus is actually on the Holy Grail of Clay:

"Citrus peel, pomegranate seeds, apple flesh, beetroot. Plus a pair of heterochromatic butterfly wings, a glass of clean water, three drops of lizard blood, a ball of unmelted snow, a golden ear of wheat, and any A fresh petal.”

The cat causes Shad a lot of trouble because it contains Mia's recipe. After all these materials were added to the "Fruit" Holy Grail by Shade, he lightly pounded it a few times with a diamond grinding hammer to mix all the materials.

“Seal it with a stone slab and praise the earth.”

As he spoke, Shade pressed the silver-moon slate, one of the keys to the library, against the mouth of the cup, and then said softly:

"Praise be to Mother Earth, who is the foundation of all creation."

He picked up the Holy Grail, pressed his thumb on the stone slab, and shook it hard a few times. Turn the chalice upside down, wait patiently for a few minutes, and then turn it upside down again. After it was completely settled, the stone slab was removed. At this time, only the translucent light green elixir and very little residue at the bottom were left in the Holy Grail. Shade carefully picked it up and handed it to Iluna.

"Sorry, wasted a cup."

The girl with long brown hair apologized softly, and then drank the green-orange elixir in one gulp. The cat controlled by Shade watched her drink the potion with wide eyes. The small cat's big eyes were full of desire, and it also wanted to know what it tasted like.

The potion was consumed, and the clay chalice, which had lost its power, fell into a pile of dust again. Iluna used a spell to control the dust to gather together, making it easier to clean it in a moment. On her hands, the black stains had disappeared. This elixir was indeed quite effective.

The young girl kissed Shade on the side of his face to express her gratitude.

"I don't know if you have noticed it, but after I purified the land of the manor, the power of the evil things attached to the land has also been purified a lot."

Seeing that Iluna was fine, Shade said in a good mood.

Iluna asked curiously:

"In other words, the objects that [Power of the Earth·Healing Aura] can heal are not limited to Crazy Earth?"

"Yes, any pollution on the earth is within the scope of the spell, but it is more effective on the crazy earth."

Shade said that this means that even if the problem of Randall Valley is solved, this spell will still be useful to him.

As he spoke, Shade took out the "Sweet Holy Grail" again. I poured some water in, took it out and drank it, but I didn't taste anything. So he took another small piece of bread and put it in. This time the sweetness of the bread increased significantly. Even after eating the bread, Shade felt a slight recovery of physical strength and spirit, and even noticed the healing effect.

Of course, this effect is far inferior to the effects of holy water, satiating food, and essential oil of desire.

"I'm just curious why bread works but water doesn't."

He broke the bread and gave it to Iluna and little Mia. Iluna thought for a while:

"The bread is eaten directly by you, and the water is first transferred to a container by you and then drunk by you. Try it and drink directly from the Holy Grail."

So Shade held up the "Holy Grail of Sweetness", and this time he tasted the water and was successfully transformed, having the effect of restoring physical strength, spirit and healing. But since the effect is still not particularly obvious, and it cannot be stored for a long time, the effect of this Holy Grail is still not very great.

But after all, it is a special item that comes for free, and Shade will never think that something that comes for free is useless.

Taking advantage of the time tonight, he and Iluna checked the letters between Mr. Thomas Granger and the Farmer family, which completely proved that before disappearing, the gentleman had already had an in-depth understanding of "Crazy Land" "Serious problem.

So Shade hugged Mia again, and went to the third floor with Iluna, entering the [Soul Cemetery]. Shade had a general understanding of Mr. Granger's life and name. Based on the time he found the suicide note and Count Granger's description of the disappearance of his great-uncle, he could probably guess the specific time of death. Shade believed that, He should have died immediately after disappearing.

Therefore, all he needs now is the cause of death, and Shade has already speculated on this cause.

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