Whispering Verse

Chapter 1249 Dating

Shade spent the remaining hour of the morning learning the basics of photography, focusing on how to develop film in the darkroom. It was not until 11:50 in the morning that a carriage was called and the equipment was carried back home with Duo Luo Ku.

But after moving the camera to the door of No. 6 St. Teresa Square, Shade did not open the door immediately. Instead, he smiled and suggested to Dorothy:

"Let me take a picture for you here." He pointed to the door of his house:

“You stood on the steps, your hands hanging in front of you holding your clutch.

"Oh, that's not okay. I didn't put on makeup seriously. Besides, there are so many people here, so don't interfere with other people's business.

The blonde girl said with a slight blush, but she was already a little moved. In fact, there weren't many people in St. Teresa's Square at noon, at least not in front of Shade's house.

Unable to withstand Shade's persuasion, Doro finally agreed to Shade's suggestion: "I'll go in first, and you can call me after you adjust the camera."

So Shade spent more than ten minutes setting up the camera and spotlight on the winter streets where the flow of people was not dense, with his back turned to the people walking and the four-wheeled taxis passing slowly. Since he had no assistants, he not only had to lift it himself They have to use the spotlight and operate the camera themselves. After everything was ready, he knocked on the door of his room, and the blond girl, who seemed to be lightly powdered, walked out with an obviously reluctant Mia in her arms.


It screamed at Shade, and the voice sounded like it was asking for help.

Dorothy didn't care about this. She smoothed her hair, hugged little Mia with one hand, and held the hat on her head shyly with the other hand. He tilted his head slightly and looked at the camera with his green eyes, his expression quite green and slightly excited.

"Are you ready? Look at the camera!" This sentence was said to the cat.

"Three, two, one!"


As the spotlight flashed and the smoke drifted into the sky shrouded in gray fog, Dorothy's expression holding Mia as she stood on the steps of Shade's house was forever recorded.

The neighbors, Mr. Smith and Mrs. Smith, who happened to be returning from a trip, saw Shade taking pictures of Dorothy. After they greeted Shade, they returned to their home, but with his excellent hearing, Shade still heard Mrs. Smith's complaint from inside the door:

“When you were young, you didn’t have the same sentiment as Hamilton next door.

Dorothy also heard their voices, and with a blush on her face, she took out the key and opened the door. Shade was left alone outside the door to pack up his photographic equipment. The basement of his house was large enough to accommodate these things.

When having lunch with Dorothy in Tobesk City, Dorothy was obviously in a good mood. She found out that Shade wanted to take a photo of a stone statue in Randall Valley, and learned that Shade was acting together with Luvia:

"Don't go home tonight, stay with Luvia in the Randall Valley." Miss Writer said softly, and pointed at Mia:

"If you want to take the cat with you, take it with you. If you don't want to take it with you, leave it to me to take care of. So after having a full lunch, Mia left with Dorothy.

At two o'clock in the afternoon, Shade and Luvia met on time at the Church of the Forgotten. Because the relevant information about this church cannot be exposed, when taking pictures, Shade specially used illusions to reduce the light in the church, making the background of the stone statue pitch black.

After everything was ready, the photos he took only included the stone statue of the middle-aged man and part of the bench where the statue sat. Even the stone statue was not particularly clear. But this was just right. After all, he didn't want to cause other troubles due to this stone statue while searching for clues.

It will take some time to develop this photo. If Shade does it himself, because he can directly control the temperature for the final drying, it will only be completed in twenty minutes.

The basement of his home is the best darkroom, and he has already prepared the chemical materials for developing photos. But he did not carry out these tasks immediately, he just moved the camera back, and then returned to the Randall Valley:

"Louvia, I will develop the photos after I get back. In the afternoon, let's go for a walk in the city together." Aren't you in a hurry to find Mr. Thomas Granger? "

Luvia asked curiously, and before Shade could answer, she naturally held his hand.

The city of Randall Valley City covers only about two-thirds of the area of ​​Tobesk, but if you include the area in the suburbs and the mountains in the northeast, the total area designated as the "Randall Valley Area" is actually It is no smaller than Tobesk.

After Luvia came to the local area, she has been busy with the work assigned to her by the Prophet Association and the academy, and she has not had time to take a good rest. This afternoon, I was invited by Sha De, so I had time to enjoy the winter breeze in a strange southern city.

The two first visited the city museum in the city - the ticket price was quite shocking, but at least the exhibition was interesting enough. The museum has a special "Stone Man Hall" to display stone man statues discovered during local archaeological excavations. Among the cultural relics unearthed in the Randall Valley area, stone figures are the most common thing. This is the cognitive aspect of mysticism

The "center of the earth" has a tradition of worshiping the earth and stones since ancient times.

Next to the museum was the Wilde Opera House. Shade greeted Miss Lassers in advance and bought two tickets for the night, and then took Luvia to visit the backstage of the opera house. They met Miss Bernanise again, but for some reason, the big witch was a little embarrassed when facing Luvia. She probably had not forgotten the incident caused by drinking the essence from the pink vial at the Saint-Péry Cemetery. accident.

Borrowing a horse at the opera house, Shade took Luvia out of the city on horseback. Following the route we took when we last traced St. Perry's Cemetery, we first came to the Green Grass Farm named by Miss Bernice, and then set off from the farm into Elderlon Creek.

Luvia also liked the scenery of the creek forest in the snow. The girl with purple eyes walked in front wearing a brown cloak and lace-up brown boots, and the knight in a black coat led the horse behind. Walking in the snow forest, I left two adjacent sets of footprints and horse hoof prints. When Luvia was talking and laughing with Shade, she would turn her head to look at his face from time to time, hoping that time could stop this afternoon.

When the sun sets, the white snow is also dyed orange. The horse was tied to the tree, while Shade and Luvia stood on the branches of a tall Randall pine, looking at the setting sun spreading toward the west. At this time, half of the sun was hidden under the city, and the remaining half of the sun dyed the city located on the river valley plain golden. Shade unconsciously thought of the half-moon in death, which also spreads its light to the calm water.

But then, I realized that this idea was abnormal. Juxtaposing death with the Randall River Valley always meant that the city was about to be destroyed.

After getting off the tree, Shade prepared to ride back to the city with Luvia and leave. Luvia, who didn't know what she thought, gently pushed Shade, pressed him against the tree, and then kissed him passionately. Got him.

Shade did not resist, but also hugged Luvia to feel her passion. However, a cry of "Ang~" suddenly came to my ears, followed by the cheerful sound of four hooves stepping on the snow.

Luvia also heard the sound and thought that a small wild boar or a villager's lost goat had run nearby.

I turned around to drive away the running wild animals, and when I turned my head I saw a golden-horned beast with pure white hair running happily towards me in the setting sun.


The little beast ran very fast in the snow. When it came to Shade, it excitedly poked the back of his right hand with its horn, and then ran around him and the tree.

"Is it the one from last time?"

Shade asked in his heart, and then heard "her" smile: [Of course, you should be able to guess it based on the performance. 】

So he stretched out his hand, and the unicorn meekly stopped and accepted his touch. Luvia looked at this scene strangely from the side. She had heard Shade talk about unicorns, but it still felt incredible to see it with her own eyes: "Even I am a little doubtful now about your gender.

"Don't you know best what gender I am?"

Shade said casually, and when she realized what she said, Luvia blushed and patted him. Later, the purple-eyed girl also wanted to reach out and touch the unicorn. Miss Benenice was right, most girls have dreamed of this rare and beautiful creature.

It was obvious that the little beast was a little reluctant, but it was still touched by Luvia.

"I think our plan to return to the city has to be postponed. We can't leave it here alone. The elf who is responsible for taking care of it

Girl, I should be able to find you soon.

Considering that it took the other party most of a day to realize that the unicorn was missing last time, "quickly" is an inaccurate adjective.

"Of course, who wants to go to the opera when there is a unicorn? Oh, it's a pity that I didn't bring a camera, otherwise I would have taken a photo with it.

"Then camp here. Why did you run away from St. Byrons again? There are so many bad people. What would you do if you met someone other than me?"

The second half of the sentence is in ancient Elvish language.

Luvia agreed with Shade's proposal, and besides, she only regarded today as a date with Shade, so it didn't matter where she was.

Although he had not prepared to camp in the wild, Shade had enough supplies. Plug a wooden fence on the snow, then light a fence fire and pitch a tent, and the simple camp is ready.

Luvia took over the task of cooking dinner, and the pure white beast lay down next to the fire at Shade's request. Its blue eyes looked at the pot in front of Luvia. Little Mia is very similar.

"The authority of the ancient god - [Mother Earth Goddess] is the earth, the foundation stone, the seasons, and memory. I hope the earth can remember this moment."

Luvia, who believed in fate, prayed to the ancient gods, but she didn't know that the shadow behind her was also looking at the man beside her.

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