Whispering Verse

Chapter 126 Balance

The conversation outside the car continued:

"You go up now and get rid of the detective, and then we take this woman away together. Now that the church has traced the place where we took Lawrence, I'm afraid there will be big trouble next. That guy who is neither male nor female really deserves to die. Before he died, he still He didn't deceive the person that the cultists wanted. Lawrence is a rare vessel suitable for the arrival of the [Lord of Blood Feast]...Hurry up and don't use the methods of ring warlocks to kill people, otherwise it will be easy. Being tracked down by the church.”

Shade moved the hem of his clothes to reveal part of the revolver on his waist.

"Of course I know."

The man with a local accent said, and then cursed something so dirty that even Shade couldn't translate it into Chinese:

"You always make me do the dirty work of killing people."

"Stop talking nonsense and go quickly. Do you want to wait for the ring warlock team from the Zhengshen Church to arrive?"

Then there was the sound of pushing.

The man who spoke with a local accent was a bit short. After being pushed by his companion, he cursed and got on the carriage. A tall man wearing a black turban with a scar on his face. In this early summer season, he was wearing a short-sleeved sailor shirt and black trousers with some silver rings on them.

He reached out to catch Miss Bayas who was thrown to the ground, but at this moment the sorceress who was lying on her back suddenly opened her eyes:



The golden shimmer spread out from Miss Aris's eyes like ripples, and the ripples passed through the body of the turbaned man. He shivered subconsciously, but found that he was not hurt at all.

Feelings of fright and embarrassment rushed into his heart, and he swung his fist and hit Miss Aris on the head. The young girl with long brown hair raised her hand to block it, but she didn't expect that the fist exploded as soon as the two parties came into contact.

This is the guy who Shade saw being besieged by the Zhengshen Church when he was in the silver shop. Unexpectedly, he was not caught.

Even though Miss Aris was prepared, she was still blown away and hit the wall hard before stopping. She quickly turned over and stood up, but the turbaned man did not pursue her, but looked at her hands in surprise:

"How come I'm so weak that I only have two rings? No, what did you do?"

He remembered the "balance" the young girl said when she opened her eyes, and he had a guess in his mind. He reached out and took off his turban, shook it gently, and the soft cloth became hard until it was waved by the man and made a sizzling sound that broke through the air:

"Even if you can use strange methods to weaken my thaumaturgy, can you affect the relics?"

As he spoke, he raised his hand and drew the "cloth sword" in his hand towards Miss Bayas. The ridiculous sword drew a black trace in the air.

But Miss Bayas did not panic. She raised her right foot and lightly stuck it to the wall behind her. Then her left foot also stuck to the wall. She actually stood on the wall behind her and followed the man waving his weapon. Previously, I came to the second floor of the house.

This narrow alley is between two three-story houses. It is usually very cold and humid even during the day. Few people enter here, so even if Miss Bayas stands vertically on the wall, No one will notice the pipes against the wall:

"Let the detective go, he is just an ordinary person and has nothing to do with this matter."

The girl at the top said, her small black leather shoes firmly stuck to the wall, but due to gravity, her long brown hair hung down, slightly affecting her vision.

The man holding the "cloth sword" sneered:

"What do you think you can do to talk to me..."


The man only said half a sentence when gunshots were heard from the carriage behind him. The sound of the gunshot was somewhat dull and did not spread very far. Just because of the claustrophobic structure of the alley, echoes are constantly rippling in it:

Miss Bayas's face suddenly turned pale:

"You actually killed him."

Although he and the detective have known each other for less than a day, he is still a good person, and he was involved in this matter because of him. Bayas didn't know how to react for a moment, but soon, the regret and sadness turned into anger:

"You guys are really the scum of the world. It's the same at Lakeview Manor, it's the same with Mrs. Lawrence, it's the same here, how many more innocent people are you going to kill?"

The bells rang, the whistle blew, white steam mist spurted behind the girl standing vertically against the wall, and a huge metal life ring emerged. The high-speed rotating ring rubbed against the wall, causing sparks to fly. The Ring Warlock would only reveal the life ring when fighting with all his strength. At this time, Miss Bayas was obviously angry.

The man holding the cloth sword saw this and hurriedly called out his life ring. The quadrilateral cross-section represents that he is a four-ring warlock, and the floating elemental spirit runes demonstrate the power of the ring warlock.

The black iron rune [Decay] shone with spiritual luster, and black light adhered to the cloth sword. The man swung his sword upward, black light flew out from the surface of the [Relic], and the blade-shaped light approached the sorceress at the height.

Most of Miss Bayas' life ring was obscured by the steam behind her that had not completely dissipated. She waved her arms and blocked the black light. The man below cursed again:

"Why are you so weak? Damn it, what method did you use? This is not the normal power of a ring warlock!"

He looked at the life ring behind him, and after confirming that there was no problem, he was about to take the next step when he felt the muzzle of the gun pressing against his head from the side:

"I'd love to know if you would survive if a bullet hit your head."

Shade, who had blood splattered on his front, asked in a low voice. He looked up at the girl standing on the wall:

"Although I don't know what you are talking about...magic or witchcraft, I think people without brains will not be able to survive. Now, please put down the weapons in your hands and wrap yourself in the cloth. Got an iron rod?"

he asked, pressing the muzzle of the revolver against the man's head:

"Put it down or I'm really going to shoot you."

The man stood there with a frown on his face. After a few seconds, he let go of his hand. The "sword" in his hand immediately fell to the ground and even bounced a few times.

"Okay, do you still have weapons on you? Miss Bayas, I think you can come down."

Shade said.

He knows his own power. Even if he has the divine afterglow state, he is only a first-level warlock after all. He has little confidence in facing the fourth-level warlock in front of him. He can never even pull the trigger of the gun in his hand, so I hope Miss Bayas will soon Get closer.

"I have no weapons."

The man said, raising his head and looking at the girl on the wall. The latter was naturally very happy to see Shade alive.

She landed on the ground with a light jump, but while Miss Bayas was squatting down to relieve her strength, the man suddenly pushed Shade, then turned around and ran towards the other side of the alley.

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