Whispering Verse

Chapter 1287 The Eve of the Banquet

"Wouldn't this be discovered by the lurking demon?"

Shade asked again, and the doctor shook his head:

"Don't worry about this. [Visual Demon] is the core force of demon hunters in fighting against demons in that dark age. It has been tested by time and several wars. Of course, you also need to be careful and don't use it often. Don’t use it continuously either. Besides, if you always stare into space, others will wonder if you are crazy.”

In the Third Age, when those witchers who made countless sacrifices still existed, the "Circle Warlock" system did not yet exist. The thaumaturgy learning rituals on paper were transformed by witches of all generations and transformed into the Ring Warlock system. The learning ritual of [Seeing Demon] is more like some kind of strange magic potion than a ritual. After configuring the magic potion and dripping it into the eyes, you can initially control this thaumaturgy.

In the formula of the potion, most herbs are relatively common, and a few cannot be found in Tobesk. The doctor also marked the location where they can be collected. Shade only needs to go to Coldwater Port, a cargo distribution center. .

The most difficult thing to obtain is actually "Devil's Blood". This is not some metaphor or symbol, but real demon blood. The doctor's own blood won't work. He just used himself to imprison a terrible existence. He is still a human being. But fortunately, the doctor had saved some blood samples from demons he had hunted in the past for research purposes.

"In addition to the inheritance I gave you, part of the power of the third era witchers has been integrated into the modern ring warlock system. For example, the famous [Destroying Evil], this power has been integrated into the Church of the Sun Among the many magical arts, even [Sunshine Great Sword] has absorbed the power of [Destroy Evil]. If you are interested in this, you can learn a little bit, but in my opinion, holding [Night Watch] is so Brilliant moonlight, you don’t need to learn additional powers specifically to fight against demons.”

The doctor said when Shade was looking at the list of materials:

"Times have changed. Evil spirits and demons were born in the third era. They were still raging in the chaotic and dark era of the fourth era. But in the fifth era, the clouds dispersed and the witch emperors teamed up to seal most of the dangers. Until the day we live in In the Sixth Era, these are all the dust of history.”

Shade's power characteristics are mainly to fight against evil spirits, demons, evil objects and even relics. Against creatures of the non-evil camp, he is unable to exert his strongest state.

"I understand, I will spend a day or two learning this thaumaturgy. Next week, next week I will find time to get close to Stone Oxenfurt. First determine who the devil is behind him. .”

As Shade said, the doctor reminded again:

"We just speculate that the devil signed a contract with Stone Oxenfurt, but it may also be Hella Oxenfurt. Don't ignore anyone around him. Similar scenes often appear in the story and have been ignored. The guy with a weak sense of presence is the real mastermind behind the scenes. Although that woman is very weak in your description, and she actively reminds you to stay away from her husband, she may be deliberately making you relax your vigilance. "

"Oh, doctor, you are indeed a professional."

"It's just that I've seen this kind of thing too much. When dealing with evil spirits from the third era, you can never be too cautious."

The doctor sighed, pouring himself and Shade a cup of tea. By this time, Mia had already fallen asleep. It was nap time for this cat, and it was not interested in demons.

"One last reminder. Once you realize that you have been targeted by the devil, don't hesitate and go to the church immediately. If there is time, let me reach the Randall Valley immediately. Although I may not be able to repel the opponent, but the opponent You will never be willing to be exposed in front of me for a long time."

"Doctor, you don't have to worry about my safety. I have plenty of things for self-defense."

He took out the badge on his chest and shook it. The doctor subconsciously dodged:

"You know it yourself, just like that afternoon last summer, when I first met you opposite the Lark Club, I really never thought that you would actually walk towards the witcher step by step under my guidance. the way."

"So fate is amazing, right?"

Shade said. The doctor sighed and touched his teacup with Shade:

"I wish you good luck, and remember to tell me as soon as you have any news. I'll also pack up here and be ready to go at any time. Speaking of which, winter is coming to an end. If I have time, I would also like to see the rumored 'City of Spring' 'The spring scenery."

After the group meeting every Saturday, it’s time for Shade to go on a date with Lesia or Dorothy. Unfortunately, Professor Louisa left Dorothy at home for dinner this week, so the blonde writer could only go to St. Mary’s after dinner. Derain Square.

So after discussing with Dr. Schneider in the afternoon about the next action against the demons in the Randall Valley, Shade took little Mia to Coldwater Port and entrusted the acquisition of materials for learning thaumaturgy [seeing magic].

Due to the winter ocean storm, the cargo ships at Cold Water Port have been affected to a certain extent. One of the materials, "Blue Star Grass", has been out of stock recently and will not be available until next week. Therefore, Shade was forced to take the cat to Mead again. Fort Sill, ask Granny Cassandra for help.

Unfortunately, in the evening of that day, the old witch took her apprentice Miss Rita Swift out to attend the birthday party of a local countess, but luckily Grace and Helen were still at the auction house. The two sisters have special privileges in the auction house, and they don't need to say hello to anyone to find some materials for Shade.

After preparing the materials that Shade needed, Grace and Helen asked Shade not to leave in a hurry:

"Is the banquet of the Butterfly God over?"


After finishing the last time key last Sunday, Shade never found time to come to Fort Midhill. Miss Toberanis just handed a note to Granny Cassandra.

"We have also recently recovered more memories about that god."

Helen in the black dress looked a little embarrassed:

"The god said that you think my sister and I are the most beautiful butterflies."

Although this sentence was indeed spoken by Xia De himself, Xia De was still a little embarrassed when the person involved said it again.

Grace took Shade's hand:

"More memories about that god also allow us to regain more power. Sir, please don't worry, it is not the power of the relic, but the power given to us by the god."

She took out the [Butterfly Summoning Flute] that Shade had stored in their hands to suppress the revival of the Whispering Element. This is a gift that Shade received after performing a song at the Butterfly God's banquet, which can enhance the power related to butterflies:

"This flute is very compatible with our power. My sister and I plan to transform it so that it has the power to call us."

Seeing that Shade was a little surprised, Grace smiled again and said:

"My sister and I are also butterflies. This is recognized by the God of Butterflies. Since this flute can call other butterflies, why can't it call us?"

Of course, this idea is still in the preliminary planning stage, and further transformation of the gods' creations is not something that can be done just by having an idea. This is indeed feasible, but I don’t know how long it will take to complete.

Although Shade did not want to involve Grace and Helen in his adventurous life, the Red Butterfly girls were determined to help Shade.

Nothing else happened for the rest of the Saturday, and Dorothy arrived shortly after returning home from Middlesbrough. Tonight, Dorothy taught Shade in person. Before class, the two of them went to the opera and walked around the streets at night like a cat. As for the Red Butterfly Day on Sunday, they all have the same expectations.

Agelina's birthday party was arranged for Sunday night. Because she was favored by His Majesty the King, the party was allowed to be held in the side banquet hall of Yodel Palace. It is usually used to hold private banquets related to the royal family, and Agelina's birthday party this time can also be regarded as high-standard.

Although it was a banquet in the evening, Shade did not leave Tobesk this Sunday because he had to prepare clothes and other matters for attending the banquet. After getting up early in the morning, Dorothy and I hurried to the "Orpheus Goldsmith's" in the city to pick up the birthday gift prepared by the writer for Agelina, which was a piece of gold made of gold with hollow carvings. leaf shaped bookmark. Later, she followed Dorothy to find her personal hairstylist to trim her hair. Mrs. Mason even suggested that Shade also trim his hair. However, Shade's short hair was always easy to let Luvia help trim.

This busy work ended at noon. After rushing home, she had lunch with the cat who was unwilling to go out. Then Dorothy took a carriage back to her rented apartment and put her party dress and the hair that matched the dress. After bringing the clothes, shoes, hats and jewelry over, Shade was a little more leisurely at this time, grabbing little Mia and trying to give her her first bath in 1854.

Pets are generally not allowed at birthday parties, as this would appear very rude. But whether you want to wash the cat or not has nothing to do with whether you want to take the cat out. Now that you have this idea, Shade will naturally not let Mia escape easily.

The cat was running around the house, but it could not escape the "imprisonment halo" with automatic tracking ability. Speaking of which, the "imprisonment halo" is not omnipotent. Many attacks can directly break the halo, and as long as you hide for long enough, the automatically tracking halo will disappear automatically.

But at least Mia doesn't have such an ability at the moment. When Shadetti slid the bound cat towards the bathroom, she was still thinking about whether the automatic tracking ability of "Confinement Halo" could evolve into some kind of attack thaumaturgy. . This idea is actually not complicated. After all, everyone recognizes Shade's talent in the "Moonlight" series of thaumaturgy.

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