Whispering Verse

Chapter 1298 Night

Fortunately, before Fiona entered this place, Miss Feliananna had considered the problem of being impassable at night. The red dragon girl asked Shade to turn around, and then Shade heard a rustling sound from behind.

When he turned around again, he saw Fiona holding a piece of black gauze in her hand. The latter explained with a red face:

"This is an alchemy item made by Miss Feliana herself, a replica of the 'Eternal Night King's Curtain'. With this curtain, you can move around the city, but every time you move, you can only reach the vicinity of the target location. So it’s not absolutely safe.”

Most of the rest of her luggage was missing, and the piece of fabric was one of the few remaining items, apparently well hidden. Of course, Shade didn't ask where the cloth was hidden before.

"But don't worry, passing through the curtain will not let us directly step into the night. If the place is not where we want to go, we can go back through the curtain."

The two of them finished cleaning the dishes on the table, and the set of porcelain tableware disappeared in the white mist. Then Fiona found her small package from behind the counter, which contained only a few potions and spell-casting materials. After finishing packing, she did not set off immediately. Fiona, who has rich survival experience, looked at the menu again and planned to buy one of the items:

"Take this and go together, we will need this in this long night."

[Eternal candles can maintain light for 3 years after being lit, and can also maintain light for 10 seconds in the night of Eternal Night City. 】

[In the long night, the most important material for mortals. 】

[You need to pay for fresh ex vivo blood. 】

"I'll buy this!"

This time she said in an irrefutable tone:

"Every store with a sign can only buy three candles at most. I have bought them many times. Shade, I am a red dragon hybrid. My self-healing ability is stronger than you. Please don't worry about me."

A metal syringe with a needle automatically appeared on the counter. She walked over first, rolled up her sleeves, and revealed her smooth arms with bracelets. Her skin is so white that pores are almost invisible:

"Shadow, please help."

Shade hesitantly picked up the syringe:

"Just like you told me, if you can't stand it, please let me continue."

Fiona nodded slightly, and then Shade inserted the syringe into her skin, which gave Shade the feeling that he was destroying a work of art.

The syringe does not require him to operate it at all, but automatically draws blood. Shade didn't know how fast it sucked blood, but looking at Fiona's face, it was obvious that the syringe was not merciful. The big tail curled up subconsciously, then wrapped around Shade's right ankle, and then contracted like a python trying to strangle its prey.

Shade knew she was trying to express her pain, so she said nothing even though her ankle hurt. He held Fiona's other hand, but to his surprise, the red-haired girl plunged into his arms, shaking slightly with her head on Shade's chest.

The rain was pattering, and the firelight of the fireplace made their shadows blend together. Shade hesitated for a moment, then took the initiative to hug her. None of them spoke, only the clock on the wall was spinning rapidly counterclockwise in an incomprehensible manner.

Four minutes and thirty-two seconds later, the syringe voluntarily detached itself from Fiona's arm and fell on the table with a clang. But instead of pushing Shade away, the red dragon girl hugged him with both arms.

Because he couldn't see her face, Shade could only tell from her voice and trembling movements that she was probably sobbing.

He patted the young girl's back gently, and then felt that the big tail wrapped around his ankle was finally loosened:

"It's okay, I will accompany you to the end until I get you out of here safely."

The task of the tree father was just to ask Shade to help Fiona find the God of Night, but Shade made additional promises.

"I swear, I will definitely accompany you as much as possible to let you leave safely. Miss Fiona Drago, I rarely make promises, please believe me."

He felt that the red dragon girl was wiping his tears with his clothes:

"I'm not afraid of this place, it's just that"

She raised her head and looked at Shade, who understood:

"I understand, no one can bear to be alone in this environment. After all, I can leave, but you can't. I know what you think and how you feel. Speaking of which, do you know? It's my first time When you met your teacher Miss Olanold in the Forest of Thousand Trees, she also showed her vulnerability. After all, we were only mortals at that time, but there was Miss Feliana accompanying her, but you are the only one here."

He comforted softly:

"You are under too much pressure and the city's night is absorbing those positive and positive thoughts. Look at me, Miss Fiona Drago."

The two looked at each other at close range, and Shade said seriously:

"I will accompany you to the deepest part of the city and then send you out safely. Can you trust me?"


She nodded slightly, and then heard Shade say nervously:

"Don't say that I said those words about Miss Olanold just now."

The young girl showed a slight smile. Although the night was already dark, she was inexplicably no longer so worried.

After getting the three golden long-lasting candles, Shade opened the door of the cafe, and Fiona quickly hung the black curtain on the lintel.

The two held hands, and then rushed sideways towards the black curtain as if they were about to break the glass.

After crossing the curtain, they did not enter the dark streets, but came to a dark alley.

The night rain was still pouring down, and the alley was extremely narrow, but fortunately there was no trash. The walls were densely written with secret texts from past eras in various languages. Shade even saw a secret ritual called [Random Evil God Invitation Technique], which frightened him and immediately retracted his gaze.

The reason why you can see the words on the wall is because there is light here too. Behind the two of them, the curtain that was gradually wetted by the rain floated in the air, and to the right of the two of them, lying against the wall, was a humanoid creature wrapped in a beggar's clothes. His appearance was human, but every sense except his eyes reminded Shade that he was definitely not human.

There was a bowl filled with oil placed at the beggar's feet. The wick hung down beside the bowl, with a flame the size of a broad bean, but it illuminated this small area.

The beggar wanted to speak, but Fiona's expression changed and she pulled Shade back to the cafe:

"No! This thing is [Flip Soul]!"

"What flips the soul?"

Shade and Fiona retreated together. After returning to the cafe, the red dragon girl immediately took back the curtain, as if she was worried that the beggar would follow:

"After committing suicide, the ring magician's soul is flipped. The teacher and Miss Feliana call this kind of soul a 'flipped soul'. This type of soul changes the inner side of the soul to the outer side, and the outer side to the inner side. In this painful moment, And the huge change in personality after soul reversal is enough to drive any normal soul to complete madness. My teacher has done research on this and warned me never to come into contact with such people."

Then the curtain was hung up again, and the two held hands and rushed through the curtain for the second time. This time they appeared on the street in a rainy night. The lights of the "Twilight Pawn Shop" behind them were on the outside of the window, leaving a small safe area for them.

"Look over there!"

Shade pointed diagonally across the street, where the old signboard of "Midnight Clock Shop" was clearly visible in the store lights.

"This is it!"

Fiona nodded cautiously, regardless of getting wet, and warned Shade:

"Even with candle lighting, when we rush into the night, the night will still try to pull us into the darkness. I was injured in the process, and that's why I was trapped in the cafe."

"What kind of attack will it be? A monster in the night? A whisper that lures us away from the right direction? Or something else."

"I can't describe it in words, but please hold my hand."

The red dragon girl took back the black curtain, which meant that the two of them could no longer return to the warm and comfortable cafe.

"Are you ready?"

Fiona said softly, although she blushed a little, she still took off her pair of black leather shoes in front of Shade. After stripping off her identity as a cafe maid, her clothes had not changed, so she was standing directly on the ground paved with rectangular uneven stones with her shoes and white translucent fabric, which made her feel very uncomfortable.

Shade had already tried it just now. [Eternal Night City] prohibits spatial movement like the former [Lost Lake], and Fiona's pair of shoes matching the maid skirt are not suitable for running.

Just when Shade wanted to remind her that he had spare shoes, the red dragon girl had already rubbed her right index finger and middle finger together, and lit the first candle with the golden flame:


The two held hands and ran toward the illuminated building. When they left the light of the pawn shop window behind them, the thick night almost immediately "swamped" the two of them. But fortunately, the candle with its bright golden light opened up a small safe area for them.

One candle lasts ten seconds, three candles last thirty seconds. However, protecting two people at once seemed to make the candle burn faster than expected. The red dragon girl holding the candle noticed this, and looked at Shade holding her hand from the corner of her eye, already prepared for realization.

For Shade, the cold that penetrated into his bones spread from the soles of his feet to his whole body at this moment. At the same time, he actually felt abnormally sleepy. The physical fatigue reached its peak in an instant. Every time I lifted my legs, I felt like there was glue on the ground sticking to my shoes.

The night was calling to him, calling him to become part of it.

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