Whispering Verse

Chapter 1308 Wedding Variations

Miss Mason wanted to avoid her husband's gaze, but Mr. Enriquez looked at his wife seriously and re-read his wedding vows:

"Regardless of health or illness, whether rich or poor, I will always be by your side. Knowing you is the greatest luck in my life."

If it were any other time, Miss Mason would have felt like the happiest person in the world, but at this time she just hoped that her husband would be quiet and stop saying anything.

But it is clear that Mr. Enriquez cannot read minds, so he said the most crucial sentence:

"From now on, only death can separate us, yes, only death. Thank you, Miss Maggie Mason, for always loving me, ever since I was a child. And so will I."

He couldn't say any more, and a dark wind from nowhere swept across the room. The curtains that were originally open closed automatically without anyone touching them. The flame of the gas lamp on the wall of the room swayed a few times, and then gradually went out. But the room was not completely dark, because a miserable green light lit up the next moment, and the evil man's soul completely appeared in the room.

That green light illuminated Miss Mason's desperate face, illuminated Mr. Enriquez's frightened face, illuminated Shade's gloomy face that was ready to attack at any time, and illuminated Stone Oxenfurt's lack of Any expression on the face.

Perhaps in Mr. Enriquez's eyes, all this was without warning, but in the eyes of the other three, it was undoubtedly his words that angered this soul into what it is today. Of course, the process of becoming an evil spirit was a bit too fast, and Shade had already determined that his soul had been contaminated.

As an ordinary person, Mr. Enriquez's panic seemed normal, but he still stopped in front of the bed and his wife:

"Maggie, go quickly."

Even her voice trembled due to excessive panic, but the woman behind him did not want to leave, but hugged Mr. Enriquez from behind:

"No, I can't leave. He won't hurt you if I'm here."

Sure enough, when the two hugged each other, the terrifying soul did not attack immediately, but the situation was not much better, because once the evil spirit transformation was completed, he would probably lose all reason.

"Do you know him!?"

Mr. Henriquez asked in disbelief, his doubts even diluting his slight fear.

"Sorry, I. He was my classmate during the two years I was studying at Willendale. Although you and I communicated frequently at that time, you were studying alone in Willendale. The towering lighthouse, the cathedral, the Royal Opera House, the citizens Squares, social gatherings in high society, and clubs where aristocratic ladies play, these fascinators dazzled me. I was in a very low mood for a while, and I stayed with him for only three months, and then we broke up when I was about to Before graduation, he suddenly died of a serious illness. A week before our wedding, he suddenly appeared near me. I'm sorry, I'm really sorry."

Miss Mason held Mr. Henriquez and sobbed into his back. And her intermittent description basically let Shade know the general story.

The expression on Mr. Enriquez's face was extremely rich at this time, and even the fear of facing the legendary undead was somewhat diluted. He really didn't know about these things, let alone his childhood sweetheart wife, he actually had such a past.

Just when Mr. Enriquez tried to turn around and look at Miss Mason, his restless soul was finally completely irritated. The negative emotions in his soul completely destroyed him, and the evil spirits rushed toward Mr. Henriquez. In Miss Mason's desperate look, they saw some strange silver halos, and then saw large swathes of flying flowers, and then... Fell into drowsiness.

[Confinement Halo] restricted the movement of evil spirits, and [Flying Flower Curse] put the bride and groom into a drowsy state.

The figures of Shade and Stone Oxenfurt appeared in the room. Although the evil spirit could only move slightly at this time, it still looked at Shade with a ferocious face. But when he looked at Stone Oxenfurt, he showed a look of horror again.

"What a pity. As an audience of this drama, why did you go on stage and interrupt the performance without seeing the end? In my opinion, it wants to possess Henriquez and use another way to achieve its goals .If the church doesn’t discover it later, this is actually a pretty good ending, although neither of them will probably live past thirty.”

The burly man said, and Shade asked:

"If this is really a drama, then you are the director, right? It's not that I have never seen evil spirits, but this is too fast. Mr. Oxenfurt, please tell me, what is the relationship between this soul doing such a thing and Are you concerned?"

Stone Oxenfurt did not deny it:

"I just found a wandering soul some time ago, so I talked to him."

The power of the devil affected the unknown soul, and although it did not directly lead to corruption, it at least accelerated the process.

Shade shook his head and did not comment on this. He reached out to deal with the evil spirit, but he didn't expect that the dark air flow inside the spirit body spread to his [Confinement Halo], and the bright silver halo actually shattered.

The evil spirit gained the ability to move freely almost immediately, but it neither attacked the unconscious two people nor rushed in the direction of Shade and Oxenfurt. Instead, it passed directly through the wall and escaped outside. .

So Shade and Stone Oxenfurt chased after him. Although they still needed to go downstairs, the latter seemed to know where the soul was at any time.

So they came to the back of the manor courtyard, passed through the crowd of people having fun, passed the guests who were watching the clown playing the trumpet, and left through the fence gate in the backyard.

The back door of this manor leads directly to the farmland attached to the manor. Under the moonlight, he steps on the ridge of the field to a hill not far away, and under the trees on the hill, he finally catches up with the escaped evil spirit.

Compared with ten minutes ago, the external visual characteristics of the spirit body have become more terrifying. At the same time, it got a rusty long sword from nowhere in its hand, turned around and controlled it to stab Shade in the chest.

Shade, who possesses the inherited skills of [Night Watch], has long been a master of swordsmanship. He dodged the sword lightly, and even grabbed the hilt of the sword with his left hand to prevent it from flying down the hill, and then the black chains clattering out of his sleeves like a long snake.

"Oh? Sin?"

Oxenfurt, who was following Shade, frowned slightly when he saw the [Chain of Sin].

The evil spirit also tried to dodge Shade's chains, but as soon as it made contact, it completely lost its ability to move. Although [Light of Imprisonment] is more convenient to use than [Chain of Sin], the latter is actually more effective.

"Those who should go, don't stay."

Shade muttered and walked over, directly touching the severely distorted spirit body with his hand:

"Guide to death."

Under the winter starry night, the scenery under the trees on the hill disappeared. Originally, Shade should have seen the most profound memory of this man's life at this time, but the scene in front of him had just taken shape in a certain classroom, and then everything became chaotic.

A certain kind of extreme malice stared at Sha De in those chaotic scenes. Without "her" reminder, Sha De took the initiative to withdraw his hand.

Let's look at the undead imprisoned by the [Sin Chain] again. It is crawling on the ground, and its original shape is basically invisible.

Black particles continued to fly from the surface of the spirit body toward the sky above the huge dead tree, and the spirit body became thinner and thinner. The soul is collapsing, and the only normal hand left is trying to reach out to Shade:

"help me."

But it was too late. The corruption of the demonic power preceded the wedding banquet. This is not a process that can be reversed.

"Visual demon."

With his back to Oxenfurt, Shade used thaumaturgy again. Within normal vision, as black particles fly, the soul gradually becomes invisible. But within the special vision of thaumaturgy, what Shade saw was the soul being petrified. During the process of petrification, something like a rose vine forced its way out of the loose gaps in the gray stone.

Those vines were simply dancing, and the soul crawling in the snow under the tree reached out to Shade's hand, but did not touch him after all. Starting from the fingertips, the petrified spirit body disintegrated into powder, and soon only invisible fly ash was left in place.

Of course, these are only seen from the perspective of thaumaturgy [Seeing Demon]. What Shade saw with his normal eyes was that the spirit body directly became transparent and then disappeared, leaving a dark stone covered with runes on the ground. .

"It's so sad."

Stone Oxenfurt came to Shade from behind and bent down to pick up the black stones left after the spirit body collapsed and put them away. Shade took back the chain, and the two stood under the tree together, looking at the lights in the manor under the hill.

"Why do you say he is pathetic?"

Shade asked.

"Isn't it sad that he didn't fight for the woman he loved before he died, only to get entangled with her after his death, and finally ended up like this?"

Oxenfurt asked rhetorically. Seeing that Shade didn't want to express his opinion, he changed the question:

"I thought you would want to go back to the manor now and give tonight's bride some small punishment for her infidelity."

"Have you misunderstood what kind of person I am? What does this have to do with me?"

Shade snorted, frowned and looked at the manor where the banquet was being held, and stabbed the rusty sword in his hand into the snow at his feet:

"The sheep in the East Village ate the grass in the West Village, the village chief's wedding ring was stolen, the old woman's cat at the entrance of the village was lost last night, and an unknown woman admitted that she had been unfaithful during the wedding. These messy things almost happened Do I have to take care of it everywhere? What does this have to do with me?"

"I thought you were the kind of guy in chivalry novels who would take care of any injustice."

There was a hint of ridicule in Oxenfurt's tone:

"I should have insisted on making a bet with you just now, betting on the outcome of this story. If you agreed, I would finally be able to beat you this time."

"There will always be a day when you lose in gambling."

Shade turned to look at him:

"The only gamble we can be sure of is that all men are mortal."

He has an extraordinary understanding of this matter.

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