Whispering Verse

Chapter 1319 The Guardian Appears for the Third Time

"What? This kind of relic can still move?"

The witch asked the same question as Shade, but was only surprised for a moment before commanding her summons and punching the dark stone statue. After all, for a stone statue, stabbing through the chest is not a fatal injury.

Of course, the battles involving extraordinary beings do not involve simply relying on strength to attack the opponent. I don’t know what kind of power the witch attached to the stone statue, but the stone statue’s fist actually burst into flames.

At this time, everyone around the lake was stunned to see the fight in the middle of the lake. One of the two giant statues had fire in his hands, and the other held ice in his hand. Although their movements seemed a bit slower, the fight between the giant statues was, to the eyes of normal-sized humans. It’s still so shocking and incredible.

"He is a believer of the evil god Stone Heart Demon!"

Luvia shook her newly acquired pendulum and suddenly said to Shade:

"The hands and feet they moved are indeed not to summon the relics, but to give the stone statues the ability to move! Believers of the Stone Heart Demon, focusing on this kind of power, may indeed affect the relics. Oh, but what method can directly affect them? A secret-keeper-level relic?”

There will be no answer to this question in a short time. The two colossi are fighting wantonly on the snowy black lake. Although Miss Benanis's summons has the advantage in size, and is better at fighting because of her command. , but it is a pity that this is only a thaumaturgy that has only been mastered for a week, and the hardness of the relic is definitely not comparable to that of ordinary stones.

The battle between the two sides lasted for three minutes. During this period, in the camp on the other side of the lake, the high-circle warlocks used thaumaturgy several times to repair the damaged parts of the colossus of Miss Benanis, and even used unknown thaumaturgy to directly add new layers to the colossus. A piece of bone armor, but after the rumbling battle between the two sides, the giant summoned object summoned by the "Power of the Earth: Summoned Stone Statue" unfortunately failed and turned into rubble and fell into the ground, which was almost completely dyed black. in the lake.

But this is not meaningless. Since it has the prefix of "Power of the Earth", the Colossus seems to have absorbed part of the black mud at the bottom of the lake during the battle, and the black mud also disappeared after the Colossus was defeated.

Although this kind of purification is extremely inefficient, it still plays some role.

"But how did Stone Oxenfurt know about this? He is still in contact with the cultists. Could it be that..."

He frowned slightly and said to Miss Benanis and Luvia:

"Be careful, something else may show up later."

Luvia had already put on the beautiful holy white unicorn hair ribbon at this time, and Shade had just noticed Miss Benanis looking at the hair ribbon many times. Concerned about the witch's safety, Shade temporarily lent her his unicorn amulet, which puzzled the witch.

"The scale of this matter is too large for us to handle. It can only be solved by the church."

Shade said, looking at the giant statue holding an ice gun, once again still in the wind and snow:

"But we definitely can't leave like this. I'm going to the center of the lake and try my best to use [Power of the Earth·Healing Aura] once. No matter what happens after that, we must retreat immediately. This will delay the crazy spread of the earth. The church’s support should catch up.”

"I'll go with you. Although you are slightly affected by the Crazy Earth, it still has an impact. I maintain a fertile field and can help you."

Luvia said immediately, of course Miss Benanis would not let the two of them take risks:

"Me too"

"No, you stay by the lake and summon the stone statue again to fight the [Rain Praying Golem]. Otherwise, once we approach the center of the lake, we will definitely be attacked by the relic."

Shade interrupted her. The witch knew that Shade's arrangement was right, but she was worried that only the two of them would enter the lake:

"Call Siris and the others over here, my followers will protect you."

"No, they don't have the power of the earth. Following us will only consume Luvia's spirit."

Shade shook his head and refused, shaking off the snowflakes on his shoulders. When he spoke, the white smoke coming out of his mouth was blown away by the night wind like a long dragon, and the temperature dropped quickly:

"There can be no further delay. Let's set off now."

"No, I can't let you two pass. You two only have five rings."

The blonde witch grabbed Shade's wrist, with a very determined look in her eyes:

"I know you are very powerful, but you can't take risks casually."

Luvia stood aside without commenting. Suddenly, she seemed to feel something and turned around to look behind her.

The earth wall that was summoned just now has disappeared, the blizzard has arrived, and the starry sky and the moon are completely blocked behind the clouds. Those purple eyes saw through the darkness and saw the person walking in the dark forest:

"Stop arguing, let him go with us."


Shade and Miss Bernanise also turned to look behind them and noticed a transparent and luminous soul walking towards them.

It is not accurate to say that he is walking. Every time the strange man steps down, his soul will appear more than three meters in front of him. Therefore, it was far away at first sight, but in only five or six steps, he came to the three of them in the snow and nodded slightly towards them:

"Introduce yourself, Johnson Fleming."

"One of the founders of the Masons."

Luvia added, looking him up and down.

"Guardian of Randall Valley?"

Shade raised his eyebrows and then had a new question. Of course he knew this name. It was this gentleman who left the test, [Power of the Earth: Summoning Stone Statue] and those original share documents in the Masons Association. But his soul became a guardian hundreds of years ago when the association was first established. According to Shade's idea, because these guardians have to cast spells frequently, their souls will continue to be consumed, so generations of guardians need to interact with each other. Only through inheritance can the group of "guardians" be preserved.

But the appearance of Johnson Fleming was obviously inconsistent with Shade's ideas. His soul is not weak, but is as strong as Mr. Lassers and Mr. Thomas Granger that Shade first met. This ancient wandering soul has not even undergone inhuman changes due to the grinding of time. He still has the same sense as when he just entered death.

However, after meeting the third guardian of the Randall Valley, Shade finally discovered something unusual about them. Compared with normal undead, their power is too strong.

"I will go to the center of the lake with you. Using the [Healing Aura] with the power of both of us, we should be able to purify this area."

The slightly glowing soul in the snow said to Shade. Shade noticed that the snowflakes that were gradually dyed black would not touch him at all.

"You guardians, do all of you know how to heal spiritual energy? This is your standard equipment."

Shade asked, but the latter just smiled and did not answer.

"Then can you explain to us what is going on with you?"

So Shade asked again, and this time Soul spoke, with a worried look on his rather handsome face:

"Everyone has his own mission, and we just discovered our mission. Powerful soul, I have my own enemies like you. For my own safety, I cannot reveal our situation for the time being, but we are not enemies either. .”

"Who is your enemy?"

Shade asked again, and Johnson Fleming pointed to the center of the lake:

"Tonight is actually a trap set by my enemy against me, but I have to come. Soon, you will know who my enemy is. You are no stranger to that opponent. Powerful soul Oh, if we don't act, it will really be too late. For the sake of this city, for the sake of the Randall Valley, let's go now."

The light of the divine rituals of the Zhengshen Church continued to contain the colossus in the lake. At the same time, there were sporadic battles on the shore of the lake. It was obvious that the church had also discovered the presence of the cultists.

The snowstorm is getting stronger and stronger, because the polluted muddy water can still be frozen at the bottom of the lake for the time being, and only a small part has seeped out, so there are very few black parts in the snowflakes. But if it continues for a long time, the whole city of Randall Valley will probably go crazy tomorrow morning.

Seeing that Mr. Fleming was unwilling to speak, Shade could only do business first. With Miss Benanis staying on the shore and summoning the Colossus again at the right time, Shade, Luvia and Guardian Fleming headed to the center of Lake Eldron together.

Before leaving, Miss Benanis also threw a ring to Shade:

"be careful."

The ring is clearly one of the sage-level relics of the witch's jewelry [Witch's Golden Ring·Left One], which can enhance Shade's power.

Shade was surprised when he took the ring, and then put it on his left hand.

Now the entire lake area can be regarded as a polluted area of ​​"Crazy Land". Although two living people and one soul have the ability to walk on the water, for safety reasons, Shade still sprinkled bone powder to summon the old ship small wooden boat.

Normal wood would rot in tens of seconds if it comes into contact with such lake water, but this wooden boat, which can even travel in real death, will certainly not be affected by this.

However, when Mr. Fleming in his spiritual state saw the ship, he looked extremely surprised. This soul that has not really left probably saw something from the wooden boat. He glanced at Shade who was explaining things to Miss Benanis, and then took the initiative to step into the wooden boat.

Although this small boat has oars and a dim lantern placed on the bow, there is actually no need to row. Carrying two living people and one soul, it moved forward in a blizzard according to Shade's ideas.

At this time, Luvia had already used [Power of the Earth, Field of Fertility]. The purple-eyed girl was sitting at the stern of the boat, playing with the newly acquired obsidian pendulum and loving it. Shade sat on the side of the bow, while Mr. Fleming stood on the bow and looked at the giant statue. The wind and snow blew towards the soul, and then passed directly through the soul.

In the dark lake, the boat sailed silently towards the center.

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