Whispering Verse

Chapter 1323 The Chosen One of the Earth

"We did the church a great favor tonight."

The witch said again. Shade, who was leaning against Luvia, nodded slightly. The purple-eyed girl's body was very soft:

"The members and cultists of the Blood Spirit School that we knocked unconscious will probably be discovered by the church soon, and we hope to find new clues. The pollution of Lake Eldron and the golem don't look good. It’s like the work of the cultists, they just borrowed it. The most important takeaway tonight is that the cultists have local helpers, Oxenfurt and the power behind them.”

“And the madness of the earth.

Shade, Vanessa and I found my father's notebook in the sewers of the city. The notebook says that when travelers set foot in the Randall Valley and leave, they will carry the breath of this land with them to the rest of the world. But if curses and diseases appear on the land of Randall Valley, the curses and diseases will be more likely to spread to other parts of the world. "

Miss Lassers said very worriedly.

"In the past two weeks, two Crazy Lands have been discovered on the eastern coast of the Old World and on the small islands in the outer sea."

Luvia also talked about the information she received from the Prophet Association, which together pointed to very terrible results.

"It's the thirteenth day of the Moon of Thin Stars. Spring won't arrive in about a month, right?"

Shade looked at the snowstorm around him:

"Why hasn't this snowstorm ended after the rain golem disappeared?"

"It will take time to stop, and in the last month or two, the frequency of rain and snow in the local area will be very high. It will probably be a long time before spring."

The witch sighed slightly, and then said:

"I hope you don't mind if I give the council the credit for tonight."

"Of course I don't mind. Can I still go to the church to receive the reward?"

Shade asked in reply. Miss Benanis nodded slightly and glanced at Luvia. Luvia saw some kind of impulse in her eyes. The purple-eyed girl curled her lips and smiled, then squinted her eyes and nodded slightly. Only then did Miss Benanis move closer to Shade, and then kissed the side of his face:

"Thank you. Carina, Xi Wei, Granny Cassandra and Sylvia are right. You are really good."

With a faint blush on her face, she sat back down in her seat. Shade looked at Luvia in surprise and wanted to explain, but the fortune teller just smiled. Miss Lassers looked at them with some surprise, and then smiled with relief.

After Shade had rested and the church seemed to have no intention of tracking the group, they set off back to the city. The Witch and the others returned to the Wilde Opera House, and Shade sent Luvia to the Land of Plenty Hotel.

He did not leave in a hurry, but entered Luvia's rented room together. After the door was closed, Shade immediately asked the question he had been holding back:

"The chosen one, is it Mr. Fleming?"

Luvia casually pulled up a chair and sat down:

"Yes, but not entirely."

"What's the meaning?"

Shade didn't understand, and Luvia herself shook her head:

"It's strange, really very strange. He is part of the Chosen One, do you understand what I mean? You can think that Mr. Fleming is the Chosen One of the earth, but the Chosen One of the earth is not exactly what we are tonight. The soul that saw it. The chosen one this time is very special, probably more complicated than the previous ones. Has he really disappeared? "

"No, this is a way to deceive his enemies. Remember what I said? Behind Oxenfurt, there is actually an ancient evil demon, an evil spirit demon from the third era. The demon is coveting the souls of those guardians, I I even suspect that its layout for Oxenfurt is also for this. I have some guesses about the truth about the chosen ones, but I am not sure yet. We still have to find the guardians."

Shade himself sat down:

"The guardians are unwilling to see us and communicate with us, most likely because of the devil. They are afraid of the devil spying on their souls, and the devil is unwilling to take the initiative to show up in front of them. Therefore, there are actually two conditions for finding the guardians. One is to truly complete the inheritance test of the guardian based on those three antiques, or the path Miss Lassers is currently taking, and the other is to defeat the devil."

He thought for a moment:

"Now that you have met the Chosen One of the Earth, or the incomplete Chosen One of the Earth, can you now determine the candidate who is the next in line for the Chosen One?"

Luvia nodded, and she also held back this information:

"Miss Lassers is a third candidate, but not quite."

"Incomplete again? Oh, I understand, she doesn't have the power of the earth yet, so she is a candidate, but even if the first two are dead, she is not qualified to hold the [Feast of the Earth Mother]. "

Shade said, Luvia nodded slightly:

"But this time the third candidate seems to be of little use. It is very likely that we can enlist the help of the first candidate, the real chosen ones of the earth. They are very friendly to you, and can even be said to be respectful. If you really If you can defeat that demon, I think they will cooperate with you voluntarily without your request."

"No, no. The third candidate is still very useful, and even the other candidates are also very useful. I am thinking about what the real and complete chosen one of the earth refers to. Luvia, the chosen one must be a separate individual, right? ?”

"Yeah, it can't be a group of people."

The purple-eyed girl understood what Shade was thinking.

"In this case, we also need to consider what changes it will bring if Miss Lassus also becomes a member of the Guardians."

He has not forgotten that at the end when Mr. Fleming was about to disappear, he actually saw the face of Mr. Thomas Granger.

Luvia frowned slightly, also thinking about the possibility mentioned by Shade.

Shade continued:

"The content of the poem we have this time is too little for us to make a final judgment. Moreover, this time we don't have a special coin in our hands. We still need information from Iluna. What happened tonight In the future, the church should increase its exploration of the Randall Valley. Even if they don’t know that the ritual of the Chosen One can cleanse the Crazy Earth, they will."

He suddenly had an idea:

"Let Iluna tell the church about the ceremony of the chosen ones of the earth, which can clear the crazy earth, so that she will have a reason to understand the content of the poem."

The reason why the Zhengshen Church was not informed of this matter before was because Iluna was not in the local area at all, and Miss Benanis could not do it because she could not tell other witches that Shade did not know where this information came from.

"That's a good idea."

Luvia also agreed with Shade’s view:

"The epic of the chosen ones of the earth officially begins. This time, I am by your side."

She held Shade's hand and looked at him tenderly with her purple eyes:

"Tomorrow is Friday. Are you going to visit the Night Temple in the mountains? How are you going to get there?"

"There's no rush about the Black Night Temple. It's not a big deal if the Time Key task is postponed for a day or two."

Shade shook his head:

"Now the devil's matter and the matter of the Heart of the Earth are the most critical."

The latter even means a drop of divinity.

"Do you want to go to the City Statue Hall first, or visit Lord Granger first?"

Luvia asked again.

"Statuary Hall. The old curator is a folklorist. Haila Oxenfurt said that I can get help from him. Earl Granger is local and can be found at any time, and there will be no danger, but After the devil's attempt tonight failed, I'm worried that the old curator will be in danger."

Shade considered it carefully.

"Do you need me to go with you? I haven't visited the local sculpture art exhibition hall yet."

"No, no, no, I will handle this matter myself. Luvia, regarding the devil, absolutely, you must not interfere."

Shade emphasized again, and the purple-eyed girl nodded. She knew that Shade was worried about her:

"Then you should be careful. Even if Iluna is transferred to Randall Valley, it will probably be in the second half of this month. Now, I am with you."

Although Luvia wanted to let Shade stay and spend a good night, the fortune teller thought that Shade had just experienced a war and was still a little weak, so she did not let him stay that night, but made an appointment Make time this week to spend the night in the Randall River Valley.

So Shade returned home. Little Mia was a little dissatisfied with Shade coming back so late.

Although the cat doesn't like to go out, it also doesn't like not being able to see Shade all day.

Therefore, when Shade had breakfast and was getting ready to go out on Friday morning, the cat unexpectedly followed him to the hall while he was changing his shoes downstairs, instead of watching from the stairs.


Mia made a soft cry and walked around Shade's boots. Shade understood now:

"You want to go out with me?"

He was surprised, but also satisfied. However, when he saw that the cat still had an [Epidemic Doctor Ring] on its tail, Shade took off the ring.


Little Mia jumped up, then grabbed Shade's pants with her front paws, and stood up with her hind legs, trying to get her ring back. Shade rummaged around again, wanting to give it other rings. This cat is rarely willing to go out, and Shade will definitely not leave it at home because of the ring.

The relic ring and casting materials such as [Psychic Crystal Ring] and [Moonstone Ring] must not be taken out of the house. Finally, Shade gave the time key as a souvenir from the fifth era of 5177, presented by the Witch Emperor Miss Violet. The Witch Emperor's ring of power was put on the cat's tail.

The band of the ring is quite thick, and the surface of the ring is also made of gold. The pattern on the surface of the ring is a complex symbol that resembles a curved cross. In addition to the decorative function of the ring itself, it is also a seal. Compared to Shade's other gemstone rings, this one is the only one whose surface has been stained by the erosion of time. It looks more low-key.

"Don't lose it. This is a very precious souvenir."

Shade said to the cat. Mia turned around pitifully and looked at her drooping tail. It didn't like the ring.

PS: I was asked once before to guess who the chosen one of the earth was, but no one guessed correctly. Here we ask again, guess who is the chosen one of the earth.

The author will not use the same routine, and the ending of each selected person (first overall pick) will be different. At present, there is one alive, one dead, one exiled and one crazy.

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