Whispering Verse

Chapter 1328 The identity of the devil

"In addition to this, it threatened me with eternal torment for my soul if I informed the church of this incident in any way."

The old curator's tone showed endless fatigue. Shade could understand what he was doing, but he couldn't understand what the devil was doing:

"It's like this, and it doesn't even want to kill you directly?"

"You can think it's teasing me, or you can think it's arrogance."

The old man bent down and said, Shade understood his entire story, but so far, apart from knowing that the demon was really powerful, he had no special gains:

"Are you arrogant? Disrespecting gods and killing wantonly. I am not a member of the church. You can tell me about this, and I will not tell the church. So, what were the results of your research at that time? What did you know?"

"My memory is damaged."

Mr. Fernandez touched his head:

"I only remember that I investigated and found out that 'it' was some kind of evil spirit that existed in ancient times, older than our universal history. Also, there was a kingdom called Stonewell that once existed on this land. 'The destruction of the ancient small kingdom is related to it. This is an existence that can subvert an entire country with its evil power alone."

In the past, it was just speculation, but this time it was confirmed that the destruction of the "Kingdom of Stonewell" was related to that demon.

"So how else can I investigate? I need help."

Mr. Fernandez nodded:

"It is afraid of crosses, not ordinary crosses with two wooden sticks crossed, but crosses with special powers. This is the only surviving knowledge in my head. I instinctively want to protect myself, so I keep it in mind It’s also possible that it’s because it wants to give me hope and then drive me deeper into despair.”

With that said, the old curator showed Shade the silver cross hanging on his chest. It was made of blessed holy silver and was a relatively simple magical item.

There is no belief in the hometown in this world, but the "cross" itself has a special significance in mysticism.

"A special cross-shaped relic may be able to restrain the opponent. With such an important feature, the doctor will definitely be able to get clues from it. Where should I find the special cross?"

He thought to himself.

[Recall carefully. 】

"She" said softly, and Shade suddenly realized:

"Oh, it turns out I have it! The Keeper-level relic [Profane Cross]! I entrusted Grandma Cassandra to acquire it after I used that fishing rod to obtain the divinity of the vampire god at the lakeside under the Sikal Mountain. The next relic that may absorb divinity! (Chapter 830)"

Only then did Shade remember, and a smile appeared on his lips. This visit was really of great significance.

The old curator's words were not over yet. He vaguely felt that the young northerner in front of him had completely different characteristics from ordinary people:

"Finally, do you know Mrs. Haila Oxenfurt's original family? Before they got married, Haila Watson's parents strongly opposed their marriage. Later, all of the Watson family died, even The manors they live in have become famous haunted houses."

The old guard at the forest farm also mentioned this matter to Shade. Unfortunately, the "Watson Haunted House" was a rumor that only appeared three years ago. It was definitely not the target of the mithril cube that had activated three stories.

"Young man, maybe you can go to the Watson family's old house. I believe that the Watson family did not resist their fate. Before they were exterminated, they should have obtained some kind of extraordinary treasure. That treasure It even has a very strong effect on 'it', so much so that when 'it' is angry, it will do something as eye-catching as massacring an entire family."

"Watson's Haunted Mansion? Okay, I remember that."

This is another clue. Although he doesn't think ordinary people can get any treasures, Shade is still willing to take a trip.

"Young man, you must be careful. There is really a ghost wandering in that house, and 'it' must have set up some dangerous servants in the abandoned old Watson house. Be careful. If you really feel that you can't To deal with it, just run away, as far away as possible. Although it is powerful, I can also feel that it is still very afraid of the church."

The old man sighed, and he and Shade turned to look out the window at the goose feather-like snowflakes. The two of them didn't speak for a long time.

If the demon can be dealt with in time, although the old curator's lost lifespan cannot be recovered, it can at least allow him to live a normal life for the remaining part of his life. Shade can do nothing now but step up his investigation.

Of course, before saying goodbye, he did not forget the other two purposes of his visit today, which were the porcelain vase, one of the three antiques sold by Cassandra Auction House more than ten years ago, and the history of the Granger family.

The vase was not Mr. Fernandez's private collection, but the property of the exhibition hall, so Schad paid 20 crowns, or nearly three hundred pounds, to buy it.

As for the history of the Granger family, Mr. Fernandez, who was once a folklorist and has lived in the local area almost all his life, indeed knows more:

"That's a very old surname. When I was young, I had the privilege of looking at the genealogy collected in his family with the permission of the previous generation Earl Granger. Just the part I saw can be traced back to about 1,700 years ago. . There is no chronology in that genealogy, and there are no omissions. It can be called a history book that records the rise and fall of the Randall Valley."

"So what happened 1,700 years ago? What was the Granger family like at that time?"

Shade asked curiously, but it involved the change of eras or even the fifth era. Even the old folklorist could not give a definite answer:

"I can only confirm that the history of the Granger family's local reproduction is definitely earlier than the exact records of 1,700 years ago. In fact, about one-fifth of the current Aboriginal people in Randall Valley City can More or less connected to the Granger family."

At noon that day, Shade and Luvia went to the Wilde Opera House again and had dinner with Miss Bernice and Miss Lassers. The four people examined the porcelain vase in detail and basically confirmed that it was the same as the statue that Shade got from Oxenfurt Manor. It was probably just an ordinary vase.

Because the correctness of Shade's investigation direction had been confirmed by "Guardian Fleming" on the night of the Battle of Lake Eldron, there is a high probability that the clues about the "Heart of the Earth" are in Granger On the antique key held by the Count.

Of course, Shade had confirmed from Cassandra Auction House that the key was a bronze metal key, not the black wooden time key he was looking for.

Although the devil's matter was very important, Shade also needed to make some preparations in advance to break into the haunted manor, such as purchasing another batch of holy water from Priest August. Therefore, he did not investigate the devil's affairs this afternoon, but planned to visit Count Granger again.

It's a pity that although the letter making an appointment to visit was sent at noon, the letter sent by the servant stated that Earl Granger had gone to the shipyard that was about to be completed outside the city starting yesterday to supervise and accept the final items. Work and won't be back in town until next week.

Therefore, what clues there are on the antique key will not be clear until at least next week. The only things left for Shade are to visit the Night Temple in the mountains and enter the haunted Watson Manor to search for clues.

The former requires Miss Bernice's assistance. After all, the mountains are too far away, and Shade has no interest in finding his way into the mountains on his own. The witch was willing to help Shade, but she only had time on Sunday, so the trip to the mountain was scheduled for Sunday. The latter requires further preparation.

At this point, there's nothing left for Schade to do before Sunday. Therefore, he spent the whole afternoon on Friday with Luvia at the Wilde Opera House, and the purple-eyed girl liked this kind of date very much.

Time came to Saturday peacefully. I woke up a little earlier in the morning, as if to take revenge on the cat that had been woken up by Shade a few days ago. After being woken up by the cat, Shade found the letter sent by Miss Carina. The letter invited Shade to have dinner at her manor tonight, and explained that she had also invited Dorothy.

Although the group meeting this afternoon was still at 1 p.m., Shade took Mia to Dr. Schneider's clinic around 10 a.m. Because he didn't say he would come at this time in advance, the doctor was still conducting consultations on a patient suffering from severe anxiety. It was not until 10:30 that he received Sha De.

"It seems you have a new clue?"

"Yes, this is a great clue."

Arriving at the reception room on the second floor, Xia De explained in detail what he had gained in the past half week. Of course, the focus is still on visiting Oxenfurt Manor again, the night battle at Lake Elderon and the news heard from the old curator Mr. Fernandez.

After Shade, who was sitting on the sofa, finished describing, the doctor showed an ecstatic expression and walked excitedly around the window:

"So that's it, I understand, it's that guy. Very good, it seems that this time the harvest is really huge."

"Then, the other party's true identity is"

The doctor's eyes seemed to be shining at this moment. The last time he saw him like this was when his results were announced after the winter exams. When he heard that he had won the "Outstanding Student" award:

"It's the Stone Mirror Devil - Goethe, a very arrogant guy who likes to play with contracts. The so-called devil's body this time is something similar to a stone mirror. It's not actually a mirror, it just has the function of a mirror. You know, the devil's body It’s always been weird.”


Shade nodded, tilted his head and looked at the doctor who looked happy:

"So this demon will be difficult to deal with?"

"It's not difficult, it's quite difficult."

Although he said this, the doctor did not show any embarrassment. His mood was quite high at this time. Little Mia was probably like this when she saw the delicious food:

"It's quite difficult for others, but for me, if we know the identity of the other party, then the devil will not be able to escape from our hands! Very good, Shade, I will say that I met you in 1853 The luckiest thing. Are you going to visit the haunted manor that was destroyed by the demon next week? This will be a good opportunity to observe what methods the demon still has and determine his current state and power. You must do this Be prepared, there may be unexpected and terrifying power hidden in that manor.

PS: Make up for yesterday’s chapter.

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