Whispering Verse

Chapter 1343 Poetry Clues

Iluna looked very happy. After all, among the three, she was the only one who failed to make a contribution to the first major event in 1854:

"In addition to the 'chosen one possesses the power of the earth' that our Church of the Sun previously mastered, excluding the scattered content that does not constitute valid information, I also got three other things that can be confirmed - the chosen one is not entirely human. Probably refers to having heterogeneous blood.”

Unfortunately, according to the doctor, the demonized Stone Oxenfurt certainly cannot be considered a fully human being; and Miss Lassers' family also has a long history in the local area. The unknown number of "Butterfly Girls" of Mr. Lyman's bloodline has "contaminated" the bloodline of the entire Randall Valley in the Sixth Age. Shade believes that Miss Lassers has a high probability of having low-level heterogeneous bloodline.

"The Chosen are born in the spring, spring in the broadest sense."

Iluna said again.

According to Shade's investigation, Stone Oxenfurt and Miss Lassers still meet the requirements. The former is the second candidate guessed by Shade, and the latter is the "third candidate" certified by both long-haired Luvia and short-haired Luvia. Of course, neither of them seems to have mastered any power of the earth at present.

"Finally, and most pointedly. The chosen one of the earth has earth in his body, and he or she has a heart of stone."

Iluna said.

In this way, neither Stone Oxenfurt nor Miss Lassers seem to qualify, and even the guardian Mr. Fleming does not qualify because he is a pure spirit.

"If you don't consider the last condition, little Mia actually meets the conditions."

The information provided by Iluna was quite useful. Shade was in a good mood and even joked:

"This cat is not simply human, it was born in the spring of 1853 - this is one of the information about the cat that Detective Sparrow wrote down when commissioning the records."

But Iluna was thinking of other things:

"When we looked for the chosen ones in the past, their characteristics always matched yours. Shade, will there be an exception this time?"

Shade thought for a moment:

"I am a pure human being. The relics from Grandma Cassandra of Middleburg have identified my bloodline. I don't know my date of birth, and the college has not investigated it. I think it is summer. However, Joey Barton According to divination, I died in the tower in the early spring of last year. As for the earth and the heart of stone in my body."

He said to Iluna confidently:

"Look at me, do I look like I'm made of stone?"

The seventeen-year-old girl's eyes lingered on Shade's neck and chest for a while, and then she actually pressed her hand on Shade's chest and felt a very strong heartbeat.

She shook her head slightly:

"Anyway, be careful. What you did at Lake Elderon has been reported to Tobesk Diocese. I think I will be notified of my trip soon. Be careful."

Iluna left after telling the news, but at the door of Shade's house, she happened to meet Priest August who got off the carriage and tried to take a large box out of the carriage.

Although Iluna and Priest August belong to different churches, Iluna certainly knows this famous old priest in this diocese, and even knows that he and Shade belong to the same group.

So, Iluna enthusiastically helped the priest move the box to Shade's home, and then waved goodbye to Shade.

"What a passionate girl."

Priest August did not ask about the relationship between Shade and Iluna. He motioned to Shade in the foyer to move the box to the basement. When the box was opened, the alchemy props and magic potions densely packed inside were revealed:

"I have made everything listed on your list. In addition, there are two bottles of this. You can store them separately. Remember not to store them at too high a temperature."

The priest said, and took out two glass bottles containing golden potions from the box. The color of the potions was very pleasant:

"This is a potion that I have only recently learned to make. If it were not exposed, I would be able to apply for the academy's senior pharmacist examination with these potions."

The old priest said quite proudly.

Shade took the bottle and felt the warm miraculous element:

"This is."

He still remembered that when he was fighting against the human pus possessing Darkness, Priest August gave him a bottle of "weak angel potion".

"Is this a medium or strong angel potion?"

"No, no, it's not the angel potion. According to your description, the ancient evil demon and human pus you face this time are different, so you have to change your strategy. This is the golden potion."

Priest August introduced:

"This potion is not specifically against demons, but against any evil force. You said, don't prepare a potion that is too targeted, otherwise the other party will find that you already know its true identity."

Shade uncorked one of the bottles and took a sniff, but there was no smell:

"Is this something I need to take, or should I throw it to the other person?"

"You take it. It is recommended that you do more exercise after taking it to enhance blood circulation and make the effect of the medicine work faster. After drinking the magic potion, it takes about five seconds to take effect, and the effect reaches its peak in about one and a half minutes, and then the effect It gradually fades until the effect of the medicine completely disappears in about three minutes. Depending on the individual, there may be an error of within ten seconds, so you can control it yourself."

The old priest knocked on the bottle, causing it to make a crisp sound. Little Mia squatted on the steps of the basement and watched the conversation between the two. She was not very interested in this potion because it had no taste.

"After drinking it, any thaumaturgy and curse-like magic you release with your energy will have a powerful 'evil-destroying' effect."

The range of "energy release" thaumaturgy and spells is quite wide, such as Shade's "Silver Moon Slash", "Moonlight Wheel", "Moonlight Sword", "Solar Ray" and even "Psychic Explosion", " Healing aura" all count, but special contract abilities, summoning abilities, curse abilities, etc. do not.

"How strong is the effect?"

Priest August thought for a while:

"It's really hard to say. After all, I don't know how strong your opponent is, and what kind of power you can exert. But I can guarantee that as long as you drink this, even if you can't completely defeat the opponent, at least you will be able to defeat the opponent with the medicine." While the effect lasts, the demon will definitely not be able to defeat you."

In this way, Shade felt relieved:

"So, will this potion be recognized as related to the original angel? Isn't this a formula from the First Age?"

"No, no, don't worry about this. This is a magic potion formula developed in the dark and chaotic era of the Fourth Age. At that time, angels came to the material world much more frequently than now. However, do not use these potions unless absolutely necessary. It’s not because there are any side effects, but it’s hard to buy the materials to make the potion. At least until spring comes, I won’t be able to provide you with more.”

The priest sighed slightly:

"Anyway, just be careful. Take your cross-shaped relic and get these alchemical tools. There are some amulets to protect against evil under the box. You can give them to Anat and your friends in Randall Valley. . Oh, if you need anything, come to me at any time. You have helped me so much, and I help you make these. In fact, it is just a small thing."

He was preparing to leave with his hands behind his back, looking very sad.

Shortly after the priest left, Shade also took little Mia out, who looked unwilling to move, and went to Quill Street in the University District. Speaking of which, although Shade had done a lot this morning, it was actually only half an hour before Dorothy left his house after breakfast.

Dorothy was going to see Miss Carina today, but she didn't return to her apartment all night. She had to go back and change clothes first, so Shade found her successfully.

"Paint that can be used to paint in the dark? Do you need this for your key this time?"

The sunlight passed through the window and shone on the side face of the female writer sitting at the desk. Shade sat on Dorothy's bed and told her needs:

"I remember that you have done a lot of research on pen relics, so maybe you have also studied ink. Aren't the pigments used for painting very similar to ink?"

The only pen relics that Shade knew about Dorothy were the [Happy Dream Pen] when he met Professor Manning and the [Etlaine Pen] he gave to Dorothy at the end of last year.

“What’s the relationship between ink and paint?”

The blonde girl asked doubtfully, but then smiled and said:

"But you're lucky, I do know a kind of paint that can be used for painting in the night. It's a special material made from the unique alchemy formula of Zarath Academy of Literature where Lesia studied. It was only invented about 500 years ago. .”

"Does Lesia know the specific formula? Or does Zarath Academy of Literature keep this formula strictly confidential?"

"Lecia knows the formula. When she took "Fairy Tales and Art: A Brief Analysis of Ancient Fairy Tales from the Fifth Era", the professor used this and shared the formula with her classmates - I know this course is very useful to her. It’s very simple, after all, she majored in fairy tales and elements of enlightenment. She actually took this course to get enough elective credits, and the elective course system of Zarath School of Literature is a little different from ours.”

Dorothy explained, took out a notebook from the desk and started writing the recipe:

"I can give you the formula. To make this kind of alchemical pigment, you can ask Old John or Dr. Schneider to help you. The problem lies in the materials involved in the formula. Others are easy to buy. Lecia has them in her own warehouse. , I asked her to bring it to you, you don’t have to be polite to us. There are only these two materials, you need to find them yourself. "

After hastily writing down the recipe and production process, Dorothy tore out the pages from the notebook and handed them to Shade.

"Twilight dust, and the pure water of elves?"

After a little recall, there is information about the latter in [Witch Reverb Luvia]. "Elf's Purified Water" has elves in its name, and it is true that it can only be made by elves. After the initial production of this liquid material is completed, it needs to be stored for decades before it can be used. It is a unique craftsmanship of the elves.

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