Whispering Verse

Chapter 1349 Blasphemy-Arrogance

The whistle blew, and the black shadow kept getting closer and closer in the depths of the steam mist behind Shade, until it formed the huge brass ring.

The dazzling aura radiating from the life ring completely dispelled the black and white world. The crazily spinning life ring absorbs the power of the evil god statue and ancient evil spirits and demons at the same time, and even the power remaining in the palm print on the chest.

The silver blasphemy element almost turned the entire life ring into a silver halo, and the chains of sin dancing wantonly around Shade also took on a completely new change at this moment.

Disrespecting gods, and even wantonly changing the world they know. Compared with most people in this world, foreigners who come from afar are indeed very arrogant.

[Outlander, you have been exposed to blasphemy. 】

[Disrespecting gods, reversing fate, interfering with time, and despising all living beings. When your sword pierces the statue of the gods and sees the shadow of the stone heart hidden deep in the earth; when you see yourself again in front of the evil stone mirror and see your own appearance, the sin of arrogance has already entangled your soul and soul. . 】

"So you like my arrogance?"

【certainly. 】

On the thick chain of sin, the fifth rune of sin was born. On the rotating life ring, the power of evil gods and demons jointly carved the third spiritual rune of the five rings for Shade.

[You have witnessed your own sins, and you have absorbed the power of the evil demon-Stone Mirror Demon Goethe. 】

[Outlander, you are engraved with the silver blasphemous spiritual rune—arrogance. 】

"I still underestimated you."

The demon disappeared out of thin air in front of Shade, and reappeared not far away from him intact, at least it seemed intact.

The black and white world completely faded away. Xia Deguo stood in the snow with his upper body covered. The two looked at each other in the forest in the heavy snow. The devil clapped his hands and walked backwards into the distance:

"Very good, very good. It seems that you do have a chance to complete my mission. I will be waiting for you at the end."

With his slick smile, he couldn't tell that he had just fought with Shade.

"But I want to remind you that if you destroyed the statue of the great one, you may be in big trouble next.

"Idols with powerful gods are not easy to find. You are indeed cooperating with the Stone Heart Demon's cult. What conspiracy are you planning?"

But Shade couldn't get the answer. He only watched Goethe, the stone mirror demon, clapped his hands and retreated, then disappeared into the shadows of the forest.

[It really left. 】


It was only then that the effect of the potion wore off, and Shade sat down in the snow regardless of dignity, holding his chest and gasping loudly. Although he seemed to have the upper hand in the previous confrontation, in fact, he was not able to pose a fatal threat to the demon once, and instead he felt great discomfort due to the invasion of demonic power.

Fortunately, after the devil left, Shade found another shirt and put it on, drank the holy water and the potion prepared by Priest August, and then managed to recover:

"You are so fully prepared, but you haven't taken much advantage in the first confrontation. You are worthy of being an ancient evil spirit."

He closed the suitcase and turned to look at the life ring that had not disappeared:

"Pride, right? A brand new power. Miracle-Thorn of the Moon, Blasphemy-Pride, Whisper-Puppet Miss Danister will be surprised next time she sees me."

Smiling lightly, he hid his life ring and stood up again, looking at the dilapidated manor in the snow not far away.

"Sure enough, without Dr. Schneider, I would not be a match for this ancient evil on my own."

He walked towards the manor in the snow:

"However, I have probably guessed who the intruders in the manor are...it really takes advantage of everyone."

Although the unexpected encounter just now caused a certain amount of wear and tear on Shade, the impact was not significant, so he just pretended that nothing happened. Facing the increasingly gloomy sky, he walked uphill on a short section of the forest. Finally, we arrived in front of the abandoned manor.

Shade was actually curious as to how the Orthodox Church in this diocese had not discovered such an obvious problem. But later I realized that Goethe, the stone mirror demon, has a very strong hiding ability. Although it dare not be exposed in front of the church, if it just hides, it will still have no problem with this ancient evil spirit.

Unlike Oxenfurt Manor, Watson Manor, which is closer to the city, does not use a towering wall to protect itself. An iron fence is erected outside the manor. Three years have passed, and the iron fence has become rusty and deformed, and there are even holes in some places. Shade hoped that nothing happened to the thieves who broke into it.

There is a road sign at the end of the uphill road, indicating the location here and the names of the villages and towns that branch off to the countryside. On the street sign, someone wrote in red paint the sentence "We are all going to die" in Kasenlik language, which seems to match the gloomy atmosphere here.

The fence door is locked, but there are holes in the fence itself, just get through. Shade stood outside the fence and looked inside, wanting to observe the specific situation first, but he immediately noticed a figure running quickly inside the manor.

"Have you already entered?"

The figure running quickly, as if being chased by something scary, appeared in the window on the second floor and quickly reached the third floor. After a long time, he actually appeared on the roof of the manor house.

Three crows were circling in the snow, quacking excitedly, and the people on the roof jumped down from above as expected. After tumbling to the ground in some embarrassment, he reunited with the two people who had escaped from the first floor gate and the backyard, and then ran towards the entrance of the manor together.

Shade didn't see anything chasing them, but he very considerately released a thaumaturgy on the fence gate after the three of them walked around the dead water fountain filled with fallen leaves and snow in the center of the courtyard:

"The Thorns of the Moon."

Red thorn bushes emerged from the snow, clinging to the fence gate, and then spread towards the outer fence of the entire courtyard. Although this consumes a lot of money, it is still much smaller than the consumption of spells such as "Power of the Earth·Healing Spiritual Energy".

He changed his hand to carry his suitcase, watching the three people who escaped in the courtyard desperately came to the door, and then looked at the fence at the door in despair.

"I advise you not to attack my thorn bushes."

Shade gave a kind advice, but the injured three people couldn't listen at all. Among them, the five-ring warlock stepped on the ground violently, and the stones protruding from the ground hit the fence gate directly. Then those stones were directly entangled with bloody thorns, and the man who released the thaumaturgy turned pale and almost fell to the ground. In the snow.

His two companions hurriedly looked behind them, where there was nothing. One of them, the bearded man, said in panic:

"Friend, we have no ill intentions towards you. Tell me, how can you let us out?"

"Identity, purpose, and the situation inside."

Shade spoke very concisely, and understood that the devil's mocking of these people just now was not unreasonable.

"We can't say."

The bearded man said immediately, so Shade showed a helpless expression. The bearded man's companion with many freckles on his face panicked and wanted to speak, but was stopped by the bearded man.

"I actually know who you are."

Shade said:

"He is a believer of that god [Stone Heart Demon], right?"

The bearded man was startled and immediately begged:

"Yes, we are. Now that you know, I won't deny my beliefs."

"What are you here for?"

The bearded man hesitated this time, but after turning his head again, he still spoke in fear:

"We are cooperating with a very dangerous guy, but that guy is too dangerous. Our other allies discussed with the priest of the cult and thought that we should find something to restrain the other party, so they sent us here to find a weapon .”

Shade breathed a sigh of relief. Just as he thought, even if the Stone Heart Devil's cult and the Blood Spirit School had unknown deals with the devil, it was absolutely impossible not to be wary of the devil. After all, "You can't trade with demons" is not just common sense among academics. All ring warlocks know how dangerous demons are.

"What's going on inside?"

"The devil has corrupted some souls, and a relic has become one with this manor. Let us out, let us out quickly! Oh, for the sake of us all being human, let us out quickly!"

He suddenly became panicked. Even though they knew those bloody thorns were dangerous, the three of them rushed towards the thorn bushes without hesitation.

Shade still didn't see anything else in the courtyard, but it wasn't like an illusion:

"Tell me more about what the relic is in a moment."

"No problem, you can know whatever you want, just let us out!"

So Shade snapped his fingers, and the bloody thorns disappeared like a phantom. He reached out to push open the courtyard door, but his eyes suddenly widened:

"Crazy Earth? How much power has this place been eroded by?"

[Door Key] forced the door open, and when he pushed the door open, an extremely cold wind almost made Shade's right hand lose consciousness.

Taking this opportunity, the three people inside the door filed out, and the fence door was closed again with a huge force that Shade could not resist.

The three of them sat down in the snow and gasped for air regardless of their dignity. The guy who was injured by Shade's "Moonlight Thorn Red Moon" even coughed up blood while holding on to the snow, making Shade wonder if he was infected. Diseases such as pneumonia.

Three moon halo rings were wrapped around their necks before the three of them could react. Then, a sin chain with a newly added rune emerged from the snow like a long snake. Shade used his practiced skills. The "living rope trick" manipulated the chains and tied the three people's feet.

"What's going on?"

Shade asked, taking out the [Profane Cross] again, and scanned it in front of the three people one by one to make sure that the three people had no abnormal reactions, in order to prevent them from being conjured by demons to deceive him.

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