Whispering Verse

Chapter 1354 Relief

Although the entire manor fell into darkness, according to Shade's own time, it was already lunch time on Monday, but he had not been able to eat even a bite of food.

Feeling your own hunger, recalling the feeling when you devoured the divinity of [Lord of Blood Feast] twice, and feeling the moments when you used the power of [Lord of Blood Feast] several times. It's interesting to say that Shade has obtained the divinity of many gods so far, but it is probably because only the [Lord of the Blood Feast] has two drops of divinity, so he only understands the power of the Blood Feast Master. The most thorough.

He took a deep breath and closed his eyes. At the same time that the running ogre was about to reach him, Shade suddenly opened his eyes. The faint golden light in his eyes made the fallen monster stagnate, as if he had encountered some kind of Natural enemy, then it heard a sound that almost caused its soul to collapse:

"not enough!"

The gluttonous desire from the gods, with the help of a slight divine power in the body, even if it is just to imitate the words spoken by the gods at the table, it is enough to crush the soul of the monster in front of him who also has the gluttonous desire.

The fat monster slumped in the corridor. While Shade was worried that the other party was blocking his way, those pink pieces of flesh with black hair began to collapse.

Shade looked at the scene in front of him suspiciously, ready to counterattack any possible attack. But this time, he was indeed overthinking, and the impact of his voice just now was greater than he thought. The pink pieces of flesh with black hair slipped off piece by piece and landed on the dirty ground covered with dust, mold and snow blown in from the window, and soon turned into a pool of pus and blood.

As the pieces of meat disappeared little by little, the core of the monster was also revealed, which was the body of a scrawny middle-aged man with only the head and body left.

Black demonic runes were all over its body, and the wounds on its limbs were pierced by sharp stone thorns. It lay in the middle of the pool of blood, panting heavily. Even if it saw Shade's head appearing above it, it just looked at the world blankly.

"Can you communicate?"

Shade asked. The demonic power in the opponent's body had only temporarily collapsed, and he would soon become the ogre again.

Old Watson's brother and Hela Oxenfurt's uncle shook his head, very slightly. It is sensible at this time, but cannot speak. Shade hopes that the other party is just weak and not that its tongue and limbs have been eaten by other things:

"It doesn't matter, just nod and shake your head. First of all, your brother found some kind of treasure to deal with Stone Oxenfurt."

The response was a nod.

"That thing is in your brother's bedroom?"

Shake his head.

"No? Still don't know? Shake your head several times and tell me the answer."

It shook its head twice, but it didn't know.

"You know, there's one more person in this family now?"

It shook its head twice, but it still didn't know.

"The thing used against Stone Oxenfurt is still in this house?"


"The treasure is not particularly large."


"Your brother is the only one who knows where that thing is?"


"Your brother is in the bedroom over there now?"

Still nodding.

Shade breathed a sigh of relief, as long as there were still clues.

The speechless man seemed to beg Shade to kill him with his eyes. But in this crazy land, where the relics descend, and in the house of demonic corruption, even if Shade kills it, it will be resurrected.

Pulling out the bright yellow moonlight sword from the air, he used the sword to draw a circle around the man whose body was gradually expanding, and then drew five more nested rings around the circle. In each of the five rings, there are placed a pinch of table salt, a bottle of diluted No. 4 holy water, a wooden angel statue, a metal toy sword, and prayer booklets distributed by Dawn Church.

After doing this, the man had closed his eyes and seemed to have fallen into a deep sleep. Although the pink fat was still slowly growing on his body, it should not be able to wake up from his deep sleep until Shade finished handling the remaining matters in the mansion. Come.

After passing the man, Xia Decai finally walked to the master bedroom on the third floor. Just as Shade thought, twisted black runes were all over the door of that bedroom. Shade didn't even have to reach out to feel the tingling sensation caused by the demonic power on his skin.

After entering the manor, I kept feeling a slight headache, and this feeling became more intense as I got closer to the master bedroom, which showed that this was indeed the place Shade was looking for.

In the dim light, he took out the key he found in the kitchen, inserted it into the keyhole and opened the door. After he entered, the door closed automatically.

There is something obviously unusual about this master bedroom. Compared with other parts of the old and damaged mansion, it is much cleaner and tidier, and most of the furniture that can be seen is in good condition. Even the light from the gas lamp is so warm and charming.

The owner of the manor, the old ghoul, who was Haela Oxenfurt's father, Old Watson, was currently holding the ghost dog and leaning on a metal crutch, standing in front of the window with his back bent. This kind of corpse standing on two legs is rarely seen even with Shade's knowledge.

And that window, which looked dark from the outside, looked normal from the inside out. The scenery on the snowy night was extremely clear in the room lit by warm yellow gas lamps. In other words, when Shade squatted on the window sill and opened the window just now, it was very possible that Old Watson was standing in front of the window and watching without saying a word.

"Dear guest, I'm here late at night. What can I do for you?"

It turned around and asked, the small hound in its arms showing a ferocious expression at Shade.

Shade glanced around the room and saw the photo frame on the bedside table. It was a group photo of a family. There were three brothers and sisters, Old Watson and his wife, Old Watson's younger brother, and Helena Oxenfurt. Judging from their dress and appearance, it should have been taken not long before the accident. of. In other words, the five manor owners who died in the manor all really existed.

"Although I am a male like you and have no possibility of manipulating and using that extraordinary power, I have learned a lot of knowledge after following the emperor for so long, knowledge that puts a lot of burden on my head. "

Shade said:

"Something is wrong here, Mr. Watson, have you encountered a demon?"

He said it very straightforwardly:

"Your Majesty Violet gave me some self-defense items. I can help you if necessary."

The old ghoul looked extremely sane. Looking into its cloudy yellow eyes, Shade actually felt that he was talking to a normal person.

"Mr. Special Envoy, thank you for your kind help. But unfortunately, this is no longer necessary. You came three years late."

Shade frowned slightly:

"Do you still remember what happened three years ago?"

That's interesting, they should be trapped in an eternal nightmare due to the corruption of the relics, the earth, and the demons. Only when I wake up briefly due to external forces can I barely remember some things.

"Yes, I remember, after all, I'm not like everyone else in the house."

The old corpse raised its head slightly and showed Shade the fatal scar on its neck:

"Although our souls were all tortured, I was the only one who was not killed by 'it'."

The stiff cyan skin of the ghoul can actually show a smile:

"I committed suicide directly after it appeared. Although they all died, my choice to end myself obviously gave me more possibilities."

"It's amazing. So, can you understand what's happening now?"

"Understand. In the past three years, I have been sometimes sober and sometimes confused. Mr. Special Envoy, after you appeared, it seemed that you brought some light and made me sober again."

It caressed the hound in its arms. Although the latter was not physical, it could also touch:

"I still remember the conflict between Stone Oxenfurt and our family, what happened to the whole family that bad night, and my daughter Hela. I don't know if she is doing well. Yes, I do. Remember, I did not allow Oxenfurt to marry my daughter and compete with him in business. He cursed us viciously before that day, and that night was already three years ago. I still remember standing on the From this window, I desperately listened to everything downstairs, while Oxenfurt stood outside the manor, holding a torch and smiling at me."

It seems that Stone Oxenfurt was also there when the demon slaughtered this place.

"One year after your family's accident, Haila and Oxenfurt held a wedding, and then settled in Oxenfurt Manor. I saw her a few days ago. I would like to ask, is your daughter? Have affective disorder?"

Shade asked again, but the old ghoul shook his head, with a puzzled look on his face:

"She still married him. He loved him so much, and she loved him too, but didn't she know that our whole family was..."

This is also what makes Shad puzzled. Although the massacre and curse of Watson Manor were most likely the work of the devil, Haela Oxenfurt should not have been unable to guess that it was related to her husband. Maybe her memory was erased, or maybe there were other, weirder reasons.

"I know that you have prepared a treasure to deal with Stone Oxenfurt. Where is that treasure?"

"Mr. Special Envoy, you are really willing to meddle in other people's business."

The old ghoul said, and Xia De asked again:

"Did you know there's an extra person in the house?"

"I don't know, for someone like me who is constantly suffering from sobriety and confusion, everything is meaningless. I can only keep telling myself that everything now is false in order to maintain my sanity. .”

It said with some relief:

"Fortunately, you showed up before I collapsed. Mr. Special Envoy, it doesn't matter whether your identity is true or not, and whether you are a servant of the great emperor, as long as you can really help us get rid of it."

It slowly unbuttoned the top that was almost integrated with the skin, revealing the left side of its chest that was branded with demonic runes;

"It's time, it's over."

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