Whispering Verse

Chapter 1363 Thaumatology-Praise to the Sun

Daniste looked at Shade with an inquiring look in her eyes:

"Although I gave you a little criticism and encouragement last time, you don't need to. I don't think your progress is slow, it's just that it's very good and unexpected."

The sorceress couldn't find a better adjective to express her thoughts:

"In this way, you only need the Enlightenment Rune to be promoted to the sixth ring. No, there is also your word of sublimation. Since you have your own choice, I will not give you any advice. However, based on your previous experience Report on your learning situation, you are not low in talent for enlightenment elements, and the female writer in your group can help you. If you can make the enlightenment spirit rune your sublimated language spirit rune, you will be six rings away."

She suddenly laughed:

"You're not going to tell me next Wednesday that you've been promoted, right?"

Shade did the math:

"Of course it's impossible. How could it be so fast?"

"The more you say this, the more I feel that you, a student, have such a high level of learning consciousness, and as your nominal tutor, I have to express it. Which spiritual rune do you want to ask for advice? This time, the thaumaturgy I am responsible for the information and materials for learning the rituals, and you don’t need to spend any money.”

Miss Danister said, Shade smiled and thanked, and then pointed to the silver blasphemous spirit rune:


"Blasphemy - arrogance? This is very interesting. Some ancient and powerful thaumaturgy are related to such spiritual runes, but I can't teach you those powerful thaumaturgy that will have a serious impact on your character."

She thought for a while:

"Your ring magician system revolves around the moon and time and space. Among the thaumaturgy skills you have reported so far, there are too many auxiliary abilities."

Because Shade's attack-type thaumaturgy is so recognizable.

"I don't know what you think, but I still recommend you to learn offensive thaumaturgy. It's not to hurt others, it's also good for self-protection."

Miss Daniste waved her hand, and an ancient, notebook-sized black book with burn marks on the lower right corner flew into her hands. Because of the angle, Shade couldn't see the specific title of the book.

"I recommend this to you, Evil Slaying, Demon Hunting in the Fourth Age. What's your expression?"

Shade tried not to cough. Not long ago, Dr. Schneider mentioned this magical technique to him. This is the power of the fourth era demon hunters to fight against evil spirits and demons. The doctor also said that Shade did not need this magical technique at all. (Chapter 1286), his moonlight plus [Night Watch] is enough.

"I'm just curious, what does arrogance have to do with [Destroying Evil]?"

He was indeed curious about this, but Miss Daniste couldn't tell:

"This is a thaumaturgy recorded by professors of the last era. Moreover, most thaumaturgy that matches the meaning of arrogance itself is too dangerous. You should understand that [arrogance] is the original sin."

She gave a simple example:

"For example, I know that Zarath Academy of Literature has a collection of high-level miraculous arts [Sword of Crime and Punishment]. When you use it, you pull out your own spine and summon an extremely dangerous magic sword that is sealed in the subspace by the gods. What, you are right Are you interested in this kind of magic?"

Shade shook his head:

"Destroying evil is probably not suitable for me. Are there any other options? In fact, auxiliary thaumaturgy is also very good. My life is very peaceful and there are no dangerous enemies. I just walk around the city every day and help find A lost pet cat, or stalking a cheating man. So, I don’t really need powerful and aggressive thaumaturgy.”

Miss Denister gave him a look, and Shade knew she saw his lie.

"The thaumaturgy related to blasphemy and arrogance is usually quite ancient. Even in the era when the ring magician system has not yet appeared, arrogance itself has been one of the symbols of occultism and commonly appears in other supernatural systems. Since you don't If you like [Destroying Evil], I have other thaumaturgy techniques to recommend to you."

The black book floated away again, and an extremely thick huge book with a golden face and sun pattern painted on the cover floated over again.

Miss Denister waved her hand, and the book turned the pages automatically:

"I found it, this is it, Thaumaturgy [Awe of the Sun], or the more famous name - Thaumaturgy [Praise the Sun], currently only Miracle - [Sun] and Blasphemy - [Arrogance] can be learned. This is passive in nature. Thaumaturgy does not require casting materials. The effect can be activated by facing the sun for the first time every day, opening your arms, and then praising the sun. Therefore, it will be invalid if it is cloudy all day."

The casting action sounds very similar to using Iluna's Sunshine Gun Brooch.

"After turning on the spellcasting effect every day, when you are exposed to sunlight, the recovery speed of physical and spiritual strength will be slightly enhanced, and the power related to the sun will be enhanced."

The sorceress explained:

"Chamber magicians like us who are good at using the power of the moon can usually exert our strongest power at night. Therefore, the daytime becomes a period of 'weakness' in a sense. I recommend this thaumaturgy to you because of this The reason. Most of the other magical arts with similar effects belong to the magical arts of the Church of the Sun and Earth, which require devout faith and cumbersome prayers to use. In comparison, the one I recommend to you is simply too convenient. It is said that if you can master this thaumaturgy to a very advanced level, you can even achieve a certain sense of 'resurrection from the dead' under the noon sun."

Shade thought about it and realized that this thaumaturgy was indeed good:

"It sounds very suitable for me, but what does [Praise to the Sun] have to do with 'arrogance'?"

"I think you should know the title of the ancient sun god."


He praised softly:

"Praise the [Supreme Sunbinder]!"

"The sun itself has the meaning of 'supreme', and if mortals are willing to revere and praise the supreme sun, the sun will also bless sinners - this is what the book says."

Miss Danister said, and let the book fly to Shade, and asked him to read the contents carefully:

"how do you feel?"

"It does suit me very well. Although it doesn't have any outstanding features, this kind of passive effect without any cost is what I like best. Miss Danister, I choose this thaumaturgy."

"Very good. The materials for learning thaumaturgy are available in the academy. They will be passed to you through the poem pages in a moment. The ceremony only needs to be held at noon, but it requires the help of a ring magician with the power of the sun. You can figure this out yourself." Get up, for the two thaumaturgy rewards for the year-end exam, you have only studied [The Sound of Music] so far. [Awe of the Sun] was given to you by me, and you can still choose a free thaumaturgy in the library."

"Let's wait until we need it."

Shade was in no hurry.

Miss Denister also nodded slightly:

"That's fine. In addition, I am leaving school for a business trip this afternoon. While I am away from the college, don't forget about [Moon Dream]. Speaking of which, I am still selecting student librarian assistants, three I have already chosen one spot, please help me choose two more, just to get familiar with what this job entails. Don’t be nervous, it will be the same for anyone you choose. As long as you can read and write, you can do the assistant’s job.”

As he spoke, a document on the coffee table flew towards Shade and showed him fifteen student information.

Shade's eyes wandered for a moment because he saw a familiar photo.

"I think Miss Conna Messiah is pretty good. Although she is from the goblin race and is relatively small, she is the oldest among them and is a seventh grader. She should be calmer in her work. I also noticed , she has taken the [Library Management and Special Book Collection] elective course and achieved high scores, which at least shows that she is still very enthusiastic about library work."

Miss Denister nodded:

"A good choice. I remember this girl is indeed a good candidate. Then, the next one."

Shade pretended to read the remaining information again and looked embarrassed:

"Then, oh, this one looks good. Miss Emilia Siam Nord, although she is a little younger among the elves,..."

It was actually difficult for him to find Miss Elf's strengths from this simple student information. Being good at taking care of unicorns shouldn't be of much help to the librarian's assistant:

"Among the remaining applicants, her handwriting is the best."

Miss Denister laughed:

"It's an interesting reason, but it also makes sense. At least I can worry less when I check the borrowing records when I come back."

She took back the information and glanced at the photo of Emilia pinned on the application form:

"Is this a girl from the Yuexi clan? She looks pretty good."

After a brief evaluation, there was no further discussion. Miss Danister did not see the reason for Shade’s choice:

"In short, I may not be able to contact you frequently recently, but don't waste your study progress and don't make too fast progress. You should study step by step. If you obtain spiritual runes too fast, there is a risk of losing control."

Shade originally thought that this sentence meant to end the meeting, but the sorceress of the Thirteenth Ring suddenly raised another question:

"One more thing, if I remember correctly, Miss Luvia Anat of your group, the one who was jointly trained with the Prophet Association, is also in the Randall Valley now?"

"Yes, for her words of sublimation."

"Do you need me to send you a greeting?"

She asked with great interest:

"When I was in Tobesk last year, I went to the Prophet's Association. The president of the local association said that you have a pretty good relationship with her."

Shade blinked, imagining what Miss Danister and Luvia would look like when they met at the Fertile Land Inn. It would probably seem a little strange if he refused at this time, so he nodded:

"Thank you for your kindness. If it is convenient, please send my regards for her good health. The weather is about to get warmer. Please take care of yourself and come back as soon as possible after the matter is dealt with."

The sorceress sitting opposite him had a smile on her face.

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