Whispering Verse

Chapter 1377 Her apology

That night, Shade did not return to Tobesk, but spent the night in the Randall Valley with little Mia. As for the allocation of paints for painting in the night, he planned to ask Old John in Tobesk for help tomorrow.

Although the Golden Dawn Opera Company is now based at the Wilde Opera House, Miss Benenice and Miss Lassus do not actually live in the Opera House. They still live in the manor in the east of the city.

Hearing that Shade did not plan to go home tonight, the witch invited Shade and Luvia to stay at her manor. Shade glanced at Luvia and agreed after the latter nodded.

All in all, it was another quite passionate and tender night. Because Shade had not spent the night in the Randall Valley for a week, when he was whispering to Luvia that night, the girl who was leaning in his arms, with her brown hair stuck to her skin with sweat, complained softly. , I seem to have lost attraction to him.

"I'm just not used to not spending the night at home. The night at No. 6 Saint Teresa Square is really reassuring."

Shade said his reasons, Luvia's eyes noticed the faint mark on his chest, and then said softly:

"I know, Iluna said, [I love my family], right? Oh, aren't you learning that difficult thaumaturgy [Moon Dream]? I think what you lack is deep sleep. You always I slept very lightly. How about letting me guide you into the dreamland this time? Give it a try, maybe you will succeed next time, so you can also have a good dream."


Shade nodded in agreement, so Luvia stretched out her fair but red-skinned arm and took out the obsidian pendulum from the bedside table. She swung the pendulum, letting Shade stare at the swaying obsidian in the moonlight outside the window. Shade's eyes gradually blurred. With Shade completely trusting her, the purple-eyed girl successfully hypnotized him, so the worried stranger fell on the pillow and fell into a deep sleep.

Luvia sighed softly and carefully put the figurine back into the box on the bedside. Then she also shrank into the quilt and leaned on Shade's chest to fall asleep. But suddenly he opened his eyes again and placed his right hand on the palm print that had become very shallow:

"Same size."

Luvia Anat said softly, the moonlight illuminated her slightly raised work-of-art cheek, which showed an extremely complicated expression:


Biting his lip, he raised his right hand but lowered his middle finger slightly, letting the pad of his middle finger trace across Shade's face, which was illuminated by the moonlight outside the window. He slept soundly. Although Shade described his actions in the afternoon quite lightly, he had indeed been busy all day again.

The purple eyes reflected the silver moon, making the transparent purple even more fascinating. The female fortune teller asked quietly in her heart:

"is it you?"

【What? 】

Her own voice sounded in her heart.

"Ever since I set foot on the Thirteenth Ring Road of the Ring Warlock, you have always helped me mysteriously, but refused to explain everything. You guided me to capture the fate of the chosen one, and told me the special divination methods. .I know, I have always known my other self, which is different from ordinary people. But you...should not hurt him."

Luvia pursed her lips again and traced her fingers across Shade's chest:

"You don't have to ask me why I know that this trace is related to you. It's easy to guess. Seeing this, I even had the image of you hitting him from the air. I know that you are me and I am you. It won't change for any reason. So, I can forgive you for anything, but you shouldn't hurt him."

The voice in her ear did not give an immediate answer. Luvia touched Shade's cheek again with some distress, and then kissed Shade's lips gently.

【Feel sorry. 】

"Luvia" whispered in Luvia's ear.

The girl with purple eyes shook her head:

"What he did in the Black Night Temple is also related to you, right? The time he was injured was also the last time he returned from the Black Night Temple."

【Feel sorry. 】

The voice in my ears was deep.

Luvia didn't say anything more, but carefully pulled up the quilt again, leaned on Shade's chest and closed her eyes.

The moonlight outside the window illuminates the embracing man/woman. It illuminated the back of Shade's head, the side of Shade's face, and the side of Luvia's face.

After a long time, the transparent figure appeared behind Luvia. Although it is almost completely transparent, there is an obvious purple arc in the eyes, and there is endless sadness in the eyes.

The transparent figure almost overlapped with Luvia herself, also in a lying position. She wanted to reach out and touch Shade's face under the moonlight, but as soon as her arm reached into the moonlight, she was caught by another hand that exuded silver light traces. The hand was obviously a woman's hand, slender and slender.

Then the transparent arm froze, and the purple eyes suddenly widened. But when she looked again, she saw nothing. Only her own transparent arm stayed in the moonlight, only 1 inch away from Shade.

"Is it a hallucination?"

The long-haired Luvia did not touch Shade's face again, but retracted her arm and completely overlapped her body with Luvia's. She also leaned her face against Shade's chest, feeling the majestic power of life and the powerful heartbeat:

"Good night, Shade, my love."

(Iluna is praying.)

After getting up on Friday, Shade noticed that the weather in the Randall Valley was gloomy again today. There was no snow in the sky, but the fog in the city was quite thick, almost like the situation in Tobesk. But when Shade opened the window, what he smelled was not the familiar smell of burning, but an indescribable smell of rotting vegetable leaves.

During breakfast in the morning, Shade also talked about this matter with Miss Benanis, but the witch looked at Luvia's radiant appearance and just said absently that she also didn't know what happened.

However, her followers brought new news. When the four of them went to the mountains yesterday, within 24 hours, 492 more cases of "petrified plague" symptoms appeared in the Randall Valley.

Among them, the mildest symptoms were just the inability to move the toes, while the most dangerous ones had died due to organ failure. After two days of experience with nearly a thousand cases, the church and doctors also summed up their experience:

More than 90% of all petrification symptoms first appear in the lower limbs and then spread to the upper body. Moreover, the more people walked through more locations in the Randall Valley within a month before the onset of the disease, the more severe the symptoms of petrification were.

In other words, if a guy like Shade who wanders around the Randall Valley all day long is infected by the "petrified plague", he will probably be the most serious type.

So far, apart from the "absolute safety zone" of the Church of the Sun and devout prayers, no treatment method has been found that can be popularized on a large scale in two days, but at least the area around the church can indeed prevent the spread of petrification on the body to a certain extent.

Therefore, Miss Benenice told Shade that the local houses around the Church of the Sun were undergoing emergency renovation, and the Church of the Sun was trying to establish a large-scale area for housing patients around the church. Thirty percent of the expenses are borne by the Church of the Sun, 30% is allocated by the Kingdom, and 10% is borne by other churches.

After all, this is a perfect opportunity for believers of the God of the Sun and Earth to preach.

Shade now still has five Holy Grails in his hand, namely healing, sweetness, gold and stone, preservation and memory. The healing potion produced by the Holy Grail of Healing is ineffective but still useful, the strange solid black stone made by the Holy Grail of Gold and Stone is also a useful extraordinary material, and the Holy Grail of Preservation and the Holy Grail of Memory are even more useful.

Therefore, after breakfast that day, Shade took out the "Sweet Holy Grail" and gave it to Miss Benanis, so that it could be mixed into a potion and then traded to the church. This would also bring about some changes in the church's attitude toward the Witches' Council.

At the same time, the potion produced by his "Holy Grail of Healing" can not only cure diseases, but also cure some minor curses. Shade thought that this might be useful against the petrified plague, so he gave it to the witch to test whether it had any effect.

If it really works, then Miss Benenice can dispose of it as she pleases.

As for Shade himself, after breakfast, he and Luvia took Mia out.

It was obviously already eight o'clock in the morning, but because of the heavy fog, the city was dark as if it was before dawn. The destination of the two was the Dawn Church. Shade made an appointment with Stone Oxenfurt on Wednesday to meet him at the door of the Dawn Church at nine o'clock.

The urban planning of Randall Valley City is quite interesting. The entire city is divided into four parts by two huge rivers that cross and pass through it diagonally. The churches of the Five Gods Church are on both sides of the river.

The belief in the "Old Man with the Lamp", the god of the sun and the earth, is the dominant belief in the local area. This can be judged from the location of the church and the tall side tower of the church that can be seen from a distance. The Dawn Church is located in the northwest of the Randall Valley, on the east bank of the Elrond River.

Although [Mr. Dawn]'s belief is not as good as that of the Sun God locally, at least the church in this large transportation hub city is still magnificent. When the carriage carried Shade and Luvia through the strange thick fog that shrouded the city to the location of the Dawn Church, the door of the large church on the east bank of the Elrond River was already crowded with people.

It was only 8:20 minutes at this time, and there was still half an hour before the time agreed with Stone Oxenfurt. Therefore, after getting off the carriage, Shade and Luvia talked about this place and Tobes. Gram's difference, while stepping into the church. Shade got a bottle of Holy Water No. 1 from the gift box on Monday, and his mission happened to be to go to the church for worship, so since he came to the church, he might as well deal with this matter.

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