Whispering Verse

Chapter 1388 Farewell Lunch

Captain Woody also had his hands behind his back, blowing the cold wind of late winter, and looking at the children on the river. He holds the cane in both hands and stands quite steadily:

"No, I think you are the one who can kill Oxenfurt. Although I dare not go to the church, I have also found other people over the years to try to take revenge on Oxenfurt. As soon as they heard about the ancient demon, They were all so scared that they never contacted me again, but you are the only one different. Although you look young, the arrogance in you is unmatched by others."


Shade smiled:

"Give me the photos and letters and I will deal with Oxenfurt. If possible, I can also try to deal with you."

When the time comes, you can bring the doctor over for a look. Dr. Schneider will definitely not mind having one more target.

"Rescue the child and I will give them to you."

said the old man.


Shade raised his eyebrows, and then saw Captain Woody's eyes looking at the children on the ice, counting down in his mouth:

"Three, two, one."

The sound fell, and with a very slight click, one of the boys fell straight into the ice hole. This is not a trick played by the captain. This should also be the ability he got from the devil to know who will fall into the water:

"Oh, I just told them not to play casually on the ice!"

Because they were worried that the hole in the ice would expand further, although the other children wanted to save their friends, they did not dare to get close to the hole. At this time, Shade had already ran over. He told the children not to come over, then he raised his feet and stomped a larger area of ​​​​the ice, making the ice hole large enough for him to pass through, and then jumped in neatly.

A few bubbles appeared on the water surface, and then there was no more movement, while the slightly older children quickly ran towards the village to find the adults. When people from the village on the other side of the river arrived with floats and ropes, Shade had already moved the boy to the shore with the man holding the donkey that he had just met at the gate of the mill. The experienced Captain Woody It's rescuing.

Fortunately, Shade was very fast and the boy did not stay underwater for too long. So I coughed a few times, squirted out a lot of water, and then I woke up.

The villagers gathered around him happily. The boy's mother, a thin woman holding a spatula in her right hand, hugged him and cried loudly.

The wet Shade and Captain Woody squeezed out of the crowd together, and then walked towards the manor again:

"I didn't expect that when you promised to give me those letters and photos, you only used this kind of request. Is this considered a kindness? To make up for the wrong things you have done in your life?"

Shade asked, but the old captain shook his head:

"I have the ability to see if someone will die in the water in the near future, and seeing it means certain death. Only in rare cases, and very skilled people, can the deaths I have discovered be reversed. So far. So far, I have only encountered this situation twice. The first time was a priest who could walk on water who went to sea with the New World Pioneering Legion and rescued a fallen soldier; the second time was a mermaid whose scales all over her body glowed. Drag the girl who fell into the water to the rocks. And you are the third one."

"Do you trust my abilities?"

"Yes, take the letter and photos. If you killed Oxenfurt, please burn those parchments. There is no need to let them exist anymore."

The crowd by the river was still making loud noises. The boy's mother was holding the boy in her arms and preparing to go back with the group. The boy had to wipe his body as soon as possible to prevent him from catching a cold. Colds and fevers are very dangerous in this era. Of course, people did not forget to express their thanks loudly to the old captain and the unknown young man who had gone far away. The old captain did not turn around, but just raised his hand and waved behind him.

The ice surface broke just now, not because of the children jumping, but because the temperature was no longer enough to support the thickness of the ice layer in the fragile areas of the ice surface. The temperature is rising little by little, and the snow that has covered the Randall Valley all winter is also showing signs of melting.

Spring is probably really coming.

After getting the letter and photos, Shade, who was soaked all over, hurriedly took the carriage back to the Church of the Forgotten and then returned home. The driver who was driving him was also curious about what Shade was doing. Shade replied that he had gone down to the river to fish.

I took a good hot bath at home, then put on my pajamas, hugged Mia on the sofa in front of the fireplace, and checked photos and letters in the light of the fireplace.

Although the old captain seized them, they were still well preserved. In the black and white photos, Stone and Haila, who were photographed together, looked quite young. Stone Oxenfurt had a nervous look on his face, while Hella Watson had a smile on her face. Their expressions were completely different from how Shade knew them.

There are three photos in total, one is a group photo taken in the photo studio, one is a group photo taken on the boat, and one is a single photo of Helena Oxenfurt. There are five letters in total, all from the year 1847 of the Universal Calendar. That year, Stone Oxenfurt was still on the ship but had already obtained information about demon summoning, and the old captain already suspected that the thief was Oxenfurt.

Shade arranged the letters chronologically and read them one by one. The five letters were written between April and July of that year. Mrs. Haila's handwriting was quite beautiful. In the letters, she longed for their meeting again after the ship docked, and for their beautiful love and future life. .

She mentioned in the letter that Stone Oxenfurt seemed to have told her before that he had recently found a way to make a fortune and would soon have the money to buy back his family's old mansion, and asked her businessman father to agree. their wedding. In the letter, Haela expressed great concern about this. She probably suspected that Stone Oxenfurt had gone astray, so she persuaded him not to take risks.

【.I have saved a sum of private money for myself over the years. When we really get married, you can use this money for emergency purposes】

She said this in her letter, and Shade also understood why the old stonemason in the Stonemasons Guild and Captain Woody thought she loved him very much.

With the current situation, it is difficult to say what the source of the tragedy is. But when Shade put away the last letter and looked at the firelight of the fireplace, he vaguely saw a fire burning in Randall Valley City, and saw countless souls wailing in it:

"No one deserves pity."

At 11:30 noon, the knock on the door downstairs meant that Iluna had arrived.

Shade changed out of his pajamas and was ready to go out, so he took Mia directly downstairs, opened the door and welcomed Iluna:

"Good afternoon, you are really on time. I made a reservation at the restaurant yesterday. Do you want to come in first and have a rest? Or go directly to have lunch?"

Shade asked.

Iluna, who seemed to be wearing light makeup, was standing outside the door with some restraint. She looked at Shade's outfit with a smile on her face:

"Let's go directly to lunch. We can chat at the dinner table. Oh, my departure time is in the evening, so there is no rush."

"Okay, I just want to tell you the story I learned today."

Shade then picked up the cat at his feet and prepared to go out. "She" in his ear reminded softly:

[Praise her. 】

"I forgot to mention it just now, Iluna, you are so beautiful today."

Shade then said with a smile. A faint blush appeared on Iluna's face. She turned around and walked down the steps, waiting for Shade to close the door.

However, before Shade could change his shoes, he felt the badge on his chest began to feel hot. Sure enough, when he also walked out of the house, Miss Carina's carriage stopped at the door of No. 6 Saint Teresa Square, and Tifa stuck her head out of the car window:

"Good afternoon, Shade, good afternoon, Miss Bayas."

Iluna had a bad premonition, and the elegant maid lady had already opened the car door:

"The lady knows that Miss Bayas is leaving today, so she invites you to have lunch with her. The meal has been prepared and the lady is waiting for you."

An unhappy expression appeared on the seventeen-year-old girl's face, but she couldn't get angry at the maid in front of her because Tifa had done nothing wrong.

So Iluna turned to look at Shade. Although she didn't speak, her emotions were written directly on her face.

"Tifa, I've already made a reservation at the restaurant."

So Shade said, showing an apologetic expression to Tifa, but the maid lady still had a smile on her face:

"The young lady said she wanted to give Miss Bayas something to help her move in the Randall Valley."

So Iluna could only board the carriage with an unhappy look on her face, and went to the manor outside the city with Tifa and Shade. After arriving at the manor, a sumptuous lunch was indeed prepared in the restaurant.

Miss Carina sat on the main seat at the end of the dining table, Shade sat on her left, and Iluna sat on her right.

In fact, Iluna had come to the manor yesterday to meet Miss Carina and told her about going to the Randall Valley. Therefore, Iluna thought that the duchess had deliberately ruined her date.

But in fact, Miss Carina really has something to say.

Seeing that Shade was fighting with his cat to prevent the cat from peeking at the steak that had just been served, and having no time to join in the conversation, Miss Carina said to Iluna:

"Beas, Shade should have made it clear to you about the current affairs of the Randall Valley. This time the situation is different from the past. I plan to go to the Randall Valley around the next weekend. And here Before, I need you to do something, do something for the Witch Council."

"Miss Carina, how are you going?"

Shade asked as he restrained the cat with his arms.

"Sylvia open the door."

The red-haired witch said concisely and to the point:

"Since she invented that thing and obtained the enlightenment - [Weaving] Spirit Rune, the power of space has also been enhanced. Sylvia will go to the Randall Valley one step ahead, and then hold a large ceremony with Bernanis , directly expand the space channel and let us pass."

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