Whispering Verse

Chapter 1404 Preparation for the coming of God

Ms. Shirley Winster, the "Sister of Thorns", is a divine body cultivated by the Church of Nature, and she is also an ascetic.

Her eyes had a continuous pattern of thorns, which even penetrated under her eyelids. Of course, in the battle of Mount Sikar, because Iluna performed well and the evil god was immediately suppressed by the moon god called by the "God Caller" after the evil god appeared, the Church of Nature did not use the divine descending ritual in the end. After all, the enemy people faced at that time was not a god, but an undead evil creature born from a level 0 relic.

As for the barefoot linen-clothed ascetic in front of him, if Shade guessed correctly, he should be a divine body cultivated by the Church of the Sun and prepared for the God of the Sun and Earth [Old Man with the Lamp]. Otherwise it would be unexplainable that, like Shade, he could directly contact the mud flowing on the ground without relying on any force.

Even Iluna, who is still on the airship, cannot do this.

The scruffy-bearded ascetic nodded, but did not comment on Shade's words:

"I just came to check on the situation. Although I also have the power of the earth, I cannot purify the twisted and crazy land. Tonight, only you and that respectable soul can handle all this."

He uses the singular here:

"There are followers of the evil god on the top of the mountain. They want to take advantage of tonight's events to make important preparations before the evil god comes. You must be prepared to face the power of the evil god."

"I've seen a lot of the evil god's power."

Shade said with a smile, and then asked the other party:

"If that god really comes to the Randall Valley in the near future, when the first Randall flower blooms, what will you do?"

The ascetic monk shook his head slightly:

"Do what we can. Godcaller, the story of Randall Valley is coming to an end. The church has also discovered the many secrets hidden in this ancient city and this ancient land. We know that you are also secretly You have done a lot of things, but this time, if that god really comes to Randall Valley, what will you do?"

Shade also shook his head:

"Of course I will do what I can do."

He looked towards the top of the mountain, where people seemed to be dancing around the "black mud fountain":

"Then I'll set off. The guardians may already be waiting for me."

"Please wait a moment, the truth about the Guardian may surprise you."

Hearing this, Shade looked at the ascetic monk inquiringly:

"So, the church already knows the truth about the Guardian?"

The man with the withered face had a serious expression on his face:

"Godcaller, don't underestimate the True God Church. For nearly two thousand years before you appeared, it was the church that was guarding the material world of the Sixth Age. We do know the truth about the guardian, but The truth may be strange, so I won't comment."

This is good news. Even if Shade doesn't understand the truth about the guardian, he will know it when Iluna comes to the local area in a few days and asks Iluna to ask.

The ascetic monk seemed to have come here just to say these words to Shade. Before Shade could go up, he turned around and walked towards the bottom of the hill.

Shade had heard Luvia say before that most of the ring warlocks trained by the church for the coming of gods had some mental differences from normal people. This is not only because they need to undergo difficult penances, but also because they are closer to gods than any normal person. But now that she has met similar people again, Luvia's statement is even more confirmed.

After separating from the ascetics, Shade continued to walk up the hilly path flowing with black mud. As tiny shimmers of light rose from the soil, those shimmers gradually gathered around him and formed a soul.

Mr. Thomas Granger, dressed in robes, whom he had only seen once in the Emerald Dream, finally appeared again after nearly two months. He walked silently with Shade toward the top of the hill. The slightly glowing spirit illuminated Shade's curious face:

"Long time no see, Mr. Granger. Your family is still looking for your whereabouts. After the incident in Randall Valley is over, do you want to tell the contemporary Earl Granger about your funeral? "

Soul glanced at Shade:

"If that's what you're asking for, fine."

The last section of the path was not long. After reaching the top of the hill, I saw that the five cultists in black robes who had appeared here were really dancing. To be more precise, they were dancing around three black stone statues that were lifted off the ground, emitting a silver blasphemous aura, and suspended in the "Black Mud Fountain."

The carving skills of the three stone statues are extremely exquisite. One is a child of twelve or thirteen years old in luxurious clothes, one is a young man of Sha De's age wearing ordinary clothes, and the other is a beggar-like Oo in rags. An old man of the age of Priest Gus.

The lifelike appearance of the three stone statues almost made Xia De think that they were all living people after being petrified. Soaking in the black mud is causing the three stone statues to undergo even more bizarre changes.

What the cultists dance is an ancient sacrificial dance, which does not look ridiculous, but has a strange sense of solemnity. When Shade and Mr. Thomas Granger also reached the top of the hill, and even as the gushing black mud splashed on them, the dance stopped and the cultists gathered together.

Two high-level ones and three mid-level ones. Judging from the power of the cultists in this era, these should already be the backbone of the cult. Among them, the bearded middle-ring warlock, Shade had met once in Watson Manor, and the other party obviously recognized Shade.

"You are here."

The high-level warlock said with a very dull voice, as if he had a cold.

Shade looked at the three stone statues suspended behind them:

"I still don't understand what benefits can summoning your gods to destroy the world bring you?"

The high-level warlock answered:

"When everything comes to an end, human beings will not be able to survive. Only when the world becomes an eternal and unchanging rock can we lead us to a new world."

The believers of the original [Lord of the Blood Feast] will also become God's food and be with God as a way to survive at the end of the world. More than half a year had passed since he first met the cultists. Now that he heard similar discussions again, Shade had a different view.

Of course, he still believes that this statement is no different from expelling waste gas.

"Guardian, our purpose is actually no different from yours. When my Lord comes, my Lord's power will rebalance the land of Randall Valley, and then your mission will be over."

The high-level warlock said to Mr. Granger again, and the latter shook his head:

"The balance you talk about is different from the balance I think. Although your gods also respect the earth, they are different from the earth I protect."

"In this case, please sleep here peacefully. The glory of my God will shine on you."

The high-level warlock nodded and waved behind him. The three stone statues flew out of the "Black Mud Fountain" and left the black mud. The aura on the surface of the filthy stone statues became even more dazzling, and the oppressive feeling of the blasphemous elements became even more astonishing. And when they came out of the black mud, Xia De saw more details. The stone statues had faces, but each one had its eyes closed.

These three stone statues are most likely the descendant bodies prepared by the cultists for the evil gods. Otherwise, this terrifying sense of power cannot be explained.

Not only Shade, but also Mr. Granger's soul face showed a solemn expression.

The two took a step back, and after the three stone statues landed on the ground, the one representing youth and the one representing old age were respectfully covered with black cloth by the cultists, and then carried behind their backs by two high-level warlocks:

"Then I'll see you next time."

Among the five people, two middle-level warlocks and two high-level warlocks quickly evacuated from the other side of the hill, leaving only Shad and Mr. Granger standing ready to confront the bearded middle-aged man Shad was familiar with.

He said to Shade very seriously:

"You let me go last time, I should have thanked you."

"No need to thank me. You gave me the information about Watson Manor. This is a fair deal. But I also said that when I meet you again, I will not let you go."

Shade pulled out the long orange sword from the air, and the bearded man whose face was illuminated by the blasphemous aura shook his head slightly:

"I know you are a good person, so I want to give you a final reminder that sometimes, people really shouldn't meddle in things that don't belong to them."

After saying that, without waiting for Shade and Granger to react, he reached out and pierced his chest, and then forcefully dug out his heart.

He did not die immediately, but while Shade waved his hand and executed the Moonlight Slash, he handed his heart to the stone statue of a child next to him:

"Praise my Lord [Stone Heart Demon], may the heart of the earth be with you."

The corpse fell into the mud on the ground, and Shade's attack was blocked by the child's stone statue with his left hand raised. The stone palm, which was not too big, actually pinched the yellow moonlight slash and pinched it. Became moonlight debris.

At the same time, the stone statue's right hand gently caught the still bleeding heart, and then pressed it against his chest.

An irregular crack appeared on the surface of the stone, like a crack in the mouth of a vicious beast, and the heart that had been voluntarily sacrificed was placed inside.

For a moment, Shade thought that the evil god was about to descend, but then he realized that according to the investigation, the descending ritual of the [Stone Heart Demon] was definitely not that simple.

But despite this, the diffuse silver blasphemous aura still formed a substantial energy shock wave, knocking Shade away. In an instant, the world seemed to be turned upside down. And "she" in my ear was still reminding her gently:

[Outlander, you have been exposed to "blasphemy" and you have some insights into "heart". 】

[Note that due to the influence of magical power, any strenuous exercise you do next will cause your heart to beat much faster than normal. For good health, try to keep your body and mind as stable as possible. 】

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