Whispering Verse

Chapter 1406

Hearing the word "mirror", Xia De's bad premonition reached its peak. He wanted to keep up with Mr. Granger, but the severe pain in his heart even made him unsteady.

Rumbling sounds sounded from all directions. Around the top of this low hill, densely packed tall stone mirrors and obsidian floor-to-ceiling mirrors with the same shape as the "Stone Mirror Demon" slowly rose from the soil, like tombstones. The forest stands in the black mud. This was a ritual arranged in advance, but due to the influence of [Puppet Operator's Notes], no one could detect the clues in advance.

The demon's power was unleashed wantonly, and the already dark sky became even darker. Even though the impact at the bottom of the hill was smaller, some middle-level warlocks who didn't have enough soul resistance still felt severe nausea and headache for a moment.

Although the demonic power also appeared during the Battle of Lake Eldron, it was never shown so clearly before our eyes like this time. At this time, in the church camp on the hillside near the hill, the professor of astronomy from St. Byrons Comprehensive College, together with the fortune tellers accompanying the Prophets Association, opened the divination cards:


The power of the Stone Mirror Demon, which had been lurking in the Land of Randall Valley for nearly a thousand years after the ancient Stonewell Kingdom fell, was finally exposed to the Orthodox Church for the first time.

Miss Benanis and Luvia knew the power of local demons better than the church. They looked up at the top of the hill and saw that those tall mirrors seemed to have forcibly raised the top of the hill, making the top of the hill a venue for evil and ancient rituals. .

As the black mud contaminates the stone mirror, the two forces that bring great malice to the world are perfectly integrated. In those mirrors, the luminous souls and luminous stone statues were reflected. But then, only the stone statues emitting silver blasphemous light were left in the mirror. Stone statues walked out of the devil's mirror and surrounded the group of people on the top of the mountain.

Mr. Granger quickly retreated back to Shade. This was not because he was forced back by the stone statue, but because he wanted to protect Shade.

The stone statues that came out of the mirror all had the same power as the stone boy. Although Shade saw that they could not exist for long, the battle at this time had already fallen into despair.

The power of the evil god, the power of the thirteen-ring warlock, and the power of the devil all appeared on this small hill tonight. In order to force the guardians to use all their strength, the enemy almost used all their trump cards. But now, the transparent soul still doesn't show any panic. He silently stares at everything in front of him, watching the stone statue standing in place, and then reaches out and puts his hand on Shade's shoulder:

"Don't do strenuous activities, your heart can't bear it."

"If the current situation really doesn't work, I have other options."

He clenched the pink vial in his hand. He had never drank an essence of this concentration in one gulp. Although he didn't know how serious the consequences would be, he might be able to do it with the power he exerted in a moment.

"I don't need you, I'll do it."

Mr. Granger shook his head slightly and let go of Shade's shoulder. The group of stone statues walked toward the two of them step by step at a not very fast speed. Mr. Granger asked about the first stone statue, which was also the only stone statue that did not come out of the mirror:

"Your trump card has been revealed, just to see my true face?"

"If possible, I would prefer to keep you here. Your soul is very useful to us."

The stone boy said, Mr. Granger shook his head slightly, and then slowly flew into the sky until he stood under the night sky with stirring black clouds. So the stone statues also gave up on Shade on the ground, and flew densely into the air, leaving only Shade standing on the ground with his heart in his hands, watching this scene.

Hundreds of stone statues surrounded Mr. Granger. Each stone statue raised its right index finger, and the silver blasphemous aura flickered, lighting up most of the night sky. At this moment, even the people at the foot of the hill couldn't help but look up to the top of the mountain, looking at the lonely soul surrounded.

He was still not panicked at all, and the expression on his face was still cold:

"Do you want to keep me here? The cult wants to keep me here? Or does the devil want to keep me here?"

Mr. Granger was still talking to the original stone statue of the boy, which was also at the farthest position.

It pressed its chest, which had swallowed the heart of a voluntary sacrifice:

"My thoughts were born after I got this soul. And the order I got was just to let you show your power as much as possible. I can't understand human thinking, nor can I understand the thoughts of the ancient evil spirit. But, in this Under the circumstances, I can’t think of how you can escape.”

The stiff voice of the stone statue expresses the color of human nature. It has its own thoughts, so it is confused and at a loss, and more of it is thinking about itself:

"I can't understand what I am, but if I keep you and fuse your soul, maybe I can understand it all."

"A long time ago, I was confused about what I was."

Mr. Granger said, Shade on the ground endured the pain and uncorked the bottle, wanting to drink the essential oils in one gulp, but "she" stopped him:

[No need for the moment, something is emerging in the guardian's soul. 】

"Her" voice is very gentle:

[I know you are in pain. Please rest assured that I feel this pain with you. What you need to do will appear in a while. 】

"I have also been confused about what kind of existence I am."

Mr. Granger's voice became louder and louder under the night sky, but correspondingly, his soul became darker and darker, causing the entire spiritual body to be illuminated silver by the light from the fingertips of the densely packed stone statues in the sky:

"Until one day, I saw that thing, and I watched the memory of the earth."

Surrounded by powerful enemies, he actually closed his eyes in the air, but Shade noticed that his heart was faintly glowing. It is not the gold of the miraculous element, nor the silver of the blasphemous element, but the earthy yellow that belongs exclusively to the earth.

“That’s when I realized that my own existence is meaningless, only my own meaning is meaningful.”

When the soul that had gone through a long time opened its eyes again, the appearance of the spirit body actually changed in the light from Thomas Granger to Johnson Fleming, one of the founders of the Masons. As expected, he was not there. Died at the Battle of Lake Eldron.

The change in image has also changed the timbre:

"In order to protect the earth, we are willing to give up our own existence and the meaning of being human, just for the long-term peace of the earth."

Not only did the heart glow, but even the eyes glowed. The spirit body flickered and became blurry again. After becoming clear again, it transformed into a female figure that Shade didn't recognize.

In the night sky above the hill, the silver light on the fingertips of the stone statues was accumulating, and the final blow was about to come, and the woman's voice was particularly clear:

"About our secrets, no one has ever known it from the beginning of the Sixth Era to the present. We have never asked for anyone's thanks, because everything is a voluntary sacrifice."

The woman's soul fluctuated again, and the image of an unknown old man appeared in her place:

"Strength comes from the earth, and strength comes from determination. The heritage of the Guardians has never been cut off, not because of how great this voluntary sacrifice is.

The old man's soul fluctuates, and the image of an unknown young man appears:

"The land in the Randall Valley has always been peaceful, not because of how strong the individual soul is;"

The young-looking spirit body fluctuates in the surrounding blasphemous silver light, and the image of a middle-aged woman appears instead in the twisted soul:

"We have never come into contact with any ring warlock forces, not because we are not afraid of loneliness;"

The image of the middle-aged woman was distorted, and her spirit body transformed into a middle-aged half-elf with pointed ears:

"And at this moment, I dare to stand in front of you, not because I am arrogant about my own strength."

In the end, the transformed spirit body settled on the last known soul to become a "Guardian" so far.

An image of Mr. Lassus appears:

"It's all just because"

He looked expressionlessly at the incoming attacks around him, and the charged silver light turned the night sky into silver.

The magical rituals originating from the evil god, the cursed power of the devil, and the twisting power of the crazy earth give each statue in the night sky the fighting power of a high-level warlock.

Although Mr. Lacers's soul did not change its appearance, dense ripples appeared on the surface of the spirit body, and the ripples intertwined with each other until the surface of the spirit body was covered with different faces. That look made Sha De's scalp tingle below.

Under the hill, the witch looked in shock at the illuminated hill full of stone mirrors, as well as the burst of spiritual light in the night sky above the hill. And Luvia suddenly covered her forehead. After having a headache for a moment, she actually felt that she understood something:

"Xia De's guess turned out to be completely correct."

At this time, even the fallen elemental giants stopped attacking for some unknown reason. The spread of the crazy land stopped, and everyone looked up at the night sky, looking at the souls filled with various faces.

Those expressionless faces looking at the outside world disappeared from the spirit body at the same time, and hundreds of charged silver rays of light finally shot towards the soul with closed eyes.

Mr. Lacers clasped his hands together in front of him. As the brass ring behind his back slowly rotated, hundreds of arms belonging to different souls grew from his soul. But only Shade could see that at this moment, there were hundreds of small souls with closed eyes sitting in his soul. Together, they constituted Mr. Lassus himself.

The life ring shines on the soul with eyes closed and hands clasped together, on the arms that use hundreds of different magic arts at the same time, on the soul aggregate that has reached its peak state and even has some vague signs of being a demigod:

"Because I'm not alone."

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