Whispering Verse

Chapter 1427 Creation·Earth

"You know, compared to most of the people I do business with, you're pretty refined."

Oxenfurt said, reaching into his pocket with his right hand to take out his deck, and then pulled out the top card:

"Just in case you think I'm playing tricks on you - I'm not doing this, so I'm here to prove that this card is indeed mine."

The cards were placed on the table, and the dim flames illuminated the card surface.

The front of the card only has white, black and cold colors close to the two colors. A slender woman wearing a hooded robe, whose face details cannot be seen clearly, stands in the center of the card and opens her arms. The Holy Grail suspended in the center of the arms is the most detailed part of the entire card.

There was no other clothing in the robe, and the Holy Grail cleverly covered the sensitive parts. Interestingly, the naked body gives this image a wonderful sense of maternal sanctity. There are no shoes on her feet, and she stands barefoot on the ground. The background of the card is the endless fields and the unusually blurry continuous villages in the distance.

The upper right corner of the front is marked with the number 12, and the upper left corner is a small "flower" logo. Between the two, that is, in the center of the front of the card, there is a black vertical line drawn in a white circle, which is the logo of the "Original" series.

At the bottom of the card, there is a slight blank space, and there are four lines of small words written there:

[During the suspension phase of both parties, this card can activate only one effect: remove any sun suit hand card, and adjust the total points to 1 point; remove any moon suit hand card, and the opponent's first special effect activated will be invalid; remove For any star suit hand card, the total points of both sides will be increased by 3 at the same time; remove any flower suit hand card except this card, and remove all flower suit hand cards for both parties except this card; remove three different suits except this card Hand card, win directly regardless of conditions. 】

Looking at these rules, Shade thought of his own [Origin Darkness]. The latter also has rules for direct victory, but the first card must be [Origin·Darkness]. Therefore, when these two cards meet, [Origin·Darkness] wins because it wins with the first card and does not leave the opponent a chance to draw at least four cards.

"Nice, fun rules."

He commented, debating whether to kill Oxenfurt now and grab this card. But if you think about it carefully, it seems a bit unworthy to have planned for so long and made so many preparations to mess everything up just for this card.

Therefore, Shade decided to first listen to what conditions the other party wanted to put forward, and then consider whether to kill and sell goods now. Whether to get rid of this demon now for the sake of justice.

"What do I need to do to get this card?"

Shade asked.

"You don't need to go looking for something. Today is Tuesday, what you need to do is, come to my manor on Friday night, and then I will give this card to you. I will do what I say. Swear in name."

Oxenfurt also stared at Shade's eyes, and Shade looked at him suspiciously:

"I believe that you will indeed give me this card, but I also believe that when I arrived at your manor on Friday night, it was definitely not just to pick up something. What will happen there at that time?"

Oxenfurt smiled:

"You just need to go and you will know. Besides, even if I want to do something, you can run away, right? Although I am stronger than ordinary people, I can't beat you."

So saying he stood up;

"Then I'll see you on Friday. I'll be waiting for you at the manor."

The fingers of Shade's hand on the table trembled, but in the end he did not make a move now. After preparing for so long, there is no need to disrupt the plan just for a card. Besides, when the time comes, the card will also belong to Sha De.

"So, call the doctor over on Friday."

He was thinking in his mind and said in his mouth:

"Wait a minute."

"Anything else?"

Oxenfurt, who had taken two steps, turned around and Shade twirled his fingers:

"Have you paid?"

The former grabbed the small bag containing money tied around his waist and threw it on the table:

"Please help me tie it."

With that said, he walked out through the lively tavern. Shade untied the rope on the bag and saw more than 20 kroner coins inside. He couldn't help but raise his eyebrows:

"It's really rich."

Shade checked the small bag and stuffed it into his pocket after making sure there was nothing wrong with it. Then he picked up the glass of rye beer he had on hand, and after thinking about it he still didn't try it.

Holding the table with one hand, he wanted to get up and leave, but he heard a voice from behind:

"There's no need to leave in such a hurry, how about we talk about it later?"

It was Oxenfurt's voice, but it sounded smoother. Shade turned his head in surprise and saw "Oxenfurt", whose skin was slightly darker, walking through the crowd of people standing and laughing loudly in the tavern, and then took a seat where Oxenfurt had just been.

It's the devil.

It smiled as it sat down, holding a withered black rose in its hand. Seeing Shade looking at the rose, the devil said:

"The last time you and Oxenfurt made an appointment to meet at the door of the church in the city, you brought this kind of rose. So, I thought you must have this kind of rose before you are willing to meet me."

As he said that, he threw the flower on the table. It said this to remind Shade that it knew about Shade's private meeting with Stone Oxenfurt.

"Did you meet Oxenfurt who was walking out just now?"

Shade asked.

"I saw him, but he didn't see me."

It pointed its finger at the glass that Stone Oxenfurt had just drained, and the beer refilled the glass:

"Your meeting today was very interesting. I didn't expect that you would actually find those three items before spring."

"what do you want to say in the end?"

"I want to say that it's a good idea to make an appointment to meet on Friday night. So, are you ready to complete my commission?"

It picked up the wine glass.

"Of course, Friday night, when I get that card, I'm going to do what I promised and teach him a lesson."

As he spoke, Shade reached for his waist, took out the hilt of the sword, and placed it under the kerosene lamp:

"The weapons have been made by someone."

The two finger bones are in a cross pattern and are embedded in the metal hilt. Although it only has a hilt, it is actually a telescopic sword that can be split into four pieces to pop out the blade.

"Very good, very good."

The devil just observed it without touching it:

"It seems that you are quite well prepared. This can indeed be effective against the undead. However, in order to ensure your safety, maybe you can prepare an extra weapon as a backup."

It took out a black dagger and also placed it under the gas lamp. It was not a demonic weapon, but a relic dagger. Considering the price of weapon-type relics, no matter what function this dagger has, the price will not be less than 1,000 pounds.

"Oxenfurt revealed your contract with him. I remember that the contract seemed to prohibit using your power to break his immortality."

Shade reminded, but the devil asked:

"Is this dagger my power?"

Shade nodded suspiciously and took the dagger over for inspection. Demonic runes were engraved on the short blade, and the shaking kerosene lamp formed the sentence:

【I am waiting for your soul. 】

Although the origin of this relic is most likely related to the devil, it is indeed not the power of the stone mirror devil Goethe.

So Shade put away the dagger, but he did not plan to use it in this incident. Instead, he asked the doctor to check it, then kept it, and then sold it or used it for himself after the incident in Randall Valley was over:

"Are you worried about me? Even if Oxenfurt is immortal, he cannot be my opponent."

"I do worry about you, but I'm not worried that you won't be able to defeat Oxenfurt, but I'm worried."

Those terrifying dark eyes stared at Shade:

"Recently, I heard about a very interesting person - the Thirteenth Ring Warlock, the God Caller. I don't know if you know about it."

"Of course you know, this guy's reputation has been spreading since last summer."

On the other side of the tavern, someone was playing the lute. Shade said to the sound of the lute:

"The summer night god descends in Tobesk, the giant fish-man corpse in Coldwater Port, the darkness falls in early autumn, and the chaos of death in Fort Midhill. Oh, and there is winter, deep in the deserted swamp with no one. , the Godcaller summoned a beautiful witch from the Fifth Age. Although not all of these things have been spread, people who are interested can still find out if they want to inquire."

"A heroic epic."

The devil praised, but still squinted his eyes and stared at Shade on the other side of the table:

"You, don't play any tricks with me."

"You don't think I have anything to do with the Godcaller, do you? Don't worry, I will go to the manor alone on Friday."

"I will not break my promise to you as a reward, but you also have to know what will happen if you try to play tricks on me."

"Are you threatening me?"

Xia De asked in surprise:

"Although I will never break my promise, I am still curious, what are the consequences?"

The demon raised his right hand, raised his index finger, put his middle finger and thumb together, and then snapped his fingers in front of Shade.

At that moment, the world became completely silent. Even the flame of the oil lamp that was shaking in front of him a second ago has solidified.

Shade looked around. Everyone kept their expressions and actions from the previous moment. The men sitting at the next table applauded together, and the three apples were thrown over the table by the man sitting among them, and then suspended in the air. The people laughing in the distance opened their mouths, while the shopkeeper behind the counter turned around and held the bottle motionless. The door of the tavern was pushed open, but only one raised boot entered the door. The swaying store door flag was blown because of the opening, and it stopped there at a 30-degree angle, and the string was pulled out into an arc.

The sound is still, the wind is still, the fire is still. Time was once again stopped by the devil.

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