Whispering Verse

Chapter 1458 The Moon on a Moonless Night

The body that was split in half fell heavily into the snow, but thick black mud flowed from the huge wound and reunited the two halves of the body. Even so, Stone Oxenfurt was still not dead, but he was completely unable to move.

The sound of Shade approaching, breathing heavily, reached the ears of the man lying on the snow. With his eyes on his left and right sides looking at the night sky that was reddened by the fire, he heard the rhythmic sound of the soles of his boots crushing the snow, and then felt a few pages fall beside him.

"I already know all about you and Mrs. Haila Oxenfurt. I would like to know if you have thought of solving the problem in other ways."

Shade held a long sword and looked at him condescendingly:

"Maybe this tragedy can be solved from the beginning."

"You win, you can kill me, but you can't laugh at me."

Oxenfurt could not move and could only grit his teeth to steady his voice while feeling the boundless pain. He still didn't look at Shade, but looked at the falling snowflakes:

"Aren't you very busy? Why are you still talking nonsense to me?"

"I'm not laughing at you, and it's not a waste of time. Do you remember? The wedding we went to together, the wedding of Mr. and Mrs. Enriquez, the time when the ghost of the bride's lover while she was studying came to see her."

Shade asked.

"of course I remember."

"Do you know the ending of that marriage story? Where will a marriage that started with betrayal go?"

Shade asked again.

Oxenfurt did not speak, and Shade controlled the letters written by Mr. Enriquez to his wife and floated them before his eyes:

"But I know. After the shameful betrayal, Mr. Enriquez and Mrs. Enriquez still love each other deeply. Maybe this sounds ridiculous, but Mr. Enriquez is tormenting and thinking repeatedly Finally, I decided to continue to maintain that marriage. To describe it in simpler words-"

When Shade spoke, the white smoke drifted away like a long dragon. He looked at the man on the ground with sharp eyes, not caring even if snowflakes fell on his shoulders. Shade lit up the moonlight at his fingertips to illuminate Oxenfurt and gave him enough time to read the contents of the letters:

"Mistakes made before marriage were forgiven after marriage. A marriage that was on the verge of being broken was finally healed."

At this moment, even though the pain was unbearable, Oxenfurt could not help but yell:

"You idiot, are you suggesting that there is a possibility of reconciliation between Haila and I? The Enriquez couple just had an affair before marriage, and that woman didn't sleep with anyone else at all, and I have already killed my wife and her whole family, you are really a **** Do you think there is any comparison?"

"But based on the facts that I know."

Shade maintained the moonlight with his left hand, and pointed the sword in his right hand at his heart. He was signaling to Mrs. Haila upstairs:

"Your wife also hid a secret from you regarding the destruction of the Watson family. If you communicated seriously, maybe, it's really possible, you wouldn't have reached this point."

When he said this, Shade didn't even notice that his eyes were so bright.


The moonlight on Shade's fingertips illuminated Oxenfurt's wide-eyed expression and look of astonishment:

"What do you mean?"

"You had your chance."

He wanted to say something else, but Shade had already pierced the sword in his right hand into his heart.

[Killing people also requires killing one’s heart. 】

In the still biting wind at the end of winter, only "her" laughter was still so gentle.

For ordinary people, piercing the heart with a long sword will cause death almost immediately, but Oxenfurt, who fell on the ground, is still holding the sword with one hand even now, vomiting blood while looking at Xia Xia. Germany, and then died here with his eyes wide open.

He was indeed dead. Even though the corpse on the ground was still trying to heal itself, Shade clearly saw Stone Oxenfurt's soul floating out of the corpse on the ground.

The soul full of resentment and unwillingness looked at his transparent hands blankly, then looked up at Shade, showing an expression that wanted to strangle Shade.

Shade immediately reached for the Rhodes deck in his pocket with his left hand, but before he could take it out, the sound of clapping sounded from the door of the manor.

Shade and Oxenfurt's souls looked there together, and then against the background of firelight and flying snow, they saw "Oxenfurt" with dark skin and a greasy smile on his face, emerging from the burning forest. Walking in through the snow.

The devil looked at the two of them with a smile:

"Not bad, not bad, really good."

This sentence was said to Shade:

"Although the process was a bit tortuous, you did complete my commission. Very good."

Shade did not take back the sword, but put the hand in his pocket and touched the bottle containing the "gold potion". This is a potion made by Priest August. There are only two bottles in total. Shade used it once when he first met the devil in front of Watson Manor.

At this time, Ms. Marilyn Handel was not called immediately because it was best not to let her encounter the devil. Doctor Schneider was not called because the test given to Shad by the "Lady of the Lake" was not completed.

He let out a long sigh and saw traces of the fight just now scattered around the yard. The millstone was split in half and was under his feet, so Shade, who felt a little tired, simply sat down. When the devil saw that Shade had no intention of resisting or turning against him, the smile on his face became even thicker.

From the mountains in the distance, the roar of the giant beast was heard at this time. In addition to the surrounding Oxenfurt Manor, looking into the snowy night sky, more burning smoke was floating high into the sky. The filth of the earth is spreading across this land, the essence of madness is trying to pollute the entire world, and the story of this night has only just begun.

"I think our agreement has been reached, and your soul belongs to me."

After praising Shade, the devil smiled and said to Oxenfurt, who asked blankly:


He subconsciously looked up at the sky, and then said with certainty:

"Wait a minute, I don't think our contract is complete. If you want to reclaim my soul, you must meet the conditions I set out."

"When the power that does not belong to me kills you next to the moon on a moonless night, your soul can belong to me."

The devil said calmly, with anticipation in his calmness. He walked up to the two of them in the snow and sat on the other half of the millstone. His legs were spread apart and his body was slightly leaning forward, but his eyes were always looking at the two of them.

Unlike Shade, there was no white smoke coming from his mouth when he spoke:

"The conditions are very harsh, but fortunately I found the moon."

Oxenfurt is still puzzled:

"Where is the moon?"

"Please allow me to introduce you."

So the devil looked at Shade with a smile:

"This one is the beloved of the Moon God. After the gods have left, the five righteous gods have not touched the realm of the moon, and the 'Moon Chapter' of the murmuring great movement has not yet begun, he can be called the material world. The only moon. Maybe the God Caller can also be used, but unfortunately I have never seen him."

Oxenfurt's soul looked at Shade blankly, and the devil asked Shade:

"So do you agree with me?"

Shade looked at it, hesitated for a moment, and nodded slightly.

"No, you are playing tricks. What kind of moon is this? No, I don't admit it!"

Oxenfurt stepped back as he spoke. When the soul looked at his split body, he suddenly got in. Then, the dead, staring corpse actually started to move.

[Not resurrection, living dead. 】

"She" reminded softly.

The devil's face, which was exactly the same as Oxenfurt's, was still smiling, but Shade instinctively felt the change in its mood:

"Do you think it will be easy for me to find this person and let you meet him? I originally planned to wait until the chosen one of the moon appears before starting my plan. Do you think there are many people in the material world who meet the conditions?"

Shade now understood why the long-haired Luvia mentioned that the first chosen person she met was the chosen person of "Moon".

The devil opened his left hand and aimed it at Oxenfurt, who had just climbed up from the ground. The latter's feet buried in the snow immediately began to petrify. The devil's hand seemed to be dancing in the air, and the petrified rose vine emerged from the ground, gradually trying to swallow Oxenfurt's entire body along the petrified body.

It stood up with a smile:

"Since you signed a contract with the devil, you should have expected that such a day would come. However, I didn't expect that you would actually question the content of the contract. Oh, Oxenfurt, do you think I am a fellow idiot in fairy tales? "

It stood up and slowly walked towards the desperate man, trying to touch his head that was not yet petrified with its right hand. But it didn't succeed because the long sword blocked it. Shade, who also stood up, looked at it expressionlessly:

"Where's the reward you promised me? We'll hand over the money and deliver the goods."

The devil looked at him slightly frivolously and looked him up and down:

"I didn't expect you to be so impatient, but no problem, you did a pretty good job on this matter. Maybe we can cooperate again if we have the opportunity in the future. After all, guys who dare to sign a contract with me usually like to play tricks, and you I am very satisfied with the work efficiency.”

Let the living dead, with only its head still petrified, stand in the snow. It turned to look at Shade, snapped its fingers, and six items slowly appeared in the air.

Flame, ring, blood-red stones, red wine bottle, black skull-embedded parchment and a small note:

"As agreed, choose one of the six. Let me introduce you."

In the flying snow, six objects rotated around it, the first was the red flame:

"One: The sage-level relic [Eternal Fire], whose only characteristic is that it will never be extinguished. This kind of flame can be directly wrapped around one's own life ring by a magician, thereby causing changes in almost all thaumaturgy. In Among the relics rated as sage-level by intelligent life, this can be considered the most valuable one."

Shade has already felt that the original fire in his body is stirring, and it longs for this flame.

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