Whispering Verse

Chapter 1461 The Devil’s Game Rules

The "Mermaid" entered the water, and the splash of cold water wetted the entire front half of Shade's body standing on the ice floe. He heard a silver bell-like laughter, a laughter full of emotion and tenderness.

The demon on the shore took a step back, but felt unable to retreat further. Shade also wanted to retreat, but resisted the urge and stood there.

He stretched out his hand to wipe the water from his face, and heard the woman's laughter that made the blood in his body boil, getting closer and closer under the water.


Then ripples appeared in the dark water, and Shade looked at his feet uncontrollably. The head of a woman with beautiful long black hair had already poked out of the ice floe illuminated by the firelight.

The water droplets fell along the skin as white as milk. The facial features were like a mixture of the advantages of all the beautiful girls Shade knew. The purple eyes, which were almost the same as Luvia, had a look that made Shade's scalp tingle. Soul looked at him with a trembling smile.

She seemed to see directly through Shade's soul.

A strand of broken black hair, together with the lower lip, was lightly bitten by white teeth. Her voice was a little hoarse and lazy, but it was so intoxicating:

"Long time no see, interesting soul."

At this moment, Shade still swallowed subconsciously. Even though it was not the first time he saw [Desire], it was still as if it was the first time for him, and he had no resistance at all to her extraordinary charm. .

All he could do now was to use his peripheral vision to confirm that the demon on the shore had not left.

The night was still deep, and the firelight from the woods on the shore swayed on the water and ice floes, and also swayed on the side of the woman's face. A burning night and a beautiful woman should not appear in the same scene, but when [Desire] appeared, the burning jungle gave her a more cruel beauty.

She didn't care about the devil on the shore at all, but looked up at Shade with affection:

"Good, I see your arrogance. Very good, really good."

The sound was very soft, like a small brush brushing the skin, or like little Mia gently scratching the back of her hand. Something huge was shaking under the ice floes and the water. Shade heard the sound of a tail slapping the water from an unknown location on the river:


After all, this time, it was Shade who actively summoned [Desire], so he suppressed the restlessness, discomfort and inexplicable panic and said hello.

The woman's head in the water bloomed with a brighter smile, and that smile seemed to light up the snowy moonless night:

"I told you, you will definitely use that perfume bottle to summon me. Oh, I smell it, yes, you smell very good."

The wet, pretty little nose twitched a few times, and Shade felt his heart beat a few times.

"This is the smell of a female dragon, a very beautiful female dragon."

Shade nodded subconsciously, and at this time, a white right arm stretched out from the right side of the woman's head under the water.

The index finger of the right hand stretched out, the other four fingers were bent, and then the index finger lightly touched the side of her cheek:

"Interesting soul, what's the matter with me this time?"

Shade finally looked towards the other side. A few ripples appeared on the water, and the beautiful head and arm also turned behind him. However, it is not that the two rotate together with the head as the center of the circle, but they spin 180 degrees with each of them as the center of the circle.


A charming chuckle sounded, and Shade felt a little more relaxed because Desire no longer looked at Shade.


The demon on the shore also adjusted his state at this time and bowed respectfully.

"It turns out to be you."

In the face of the devil, the tone of desire is a little calmer.

"Ma'am, this is between me and him."

"Please shut your mouth."

She said very gently, then turned her head and hands to look at Shade again:

"What do you want me to do for you?"

Biting her lips again:

"You can ask me for anything, yes, anything."

Shade subconsciously wanted to retreat, but immediately realized that he was on an ice floe:

"If I ask you to help, what will it cost?"

There was a smile in his purple eyes, and his right hand gently rested on the edge of the ice where Shade was. Then his head suddenly arched upward, and Shade could almost see whether it was his neck under his head:

"If you want me to destroy him, all you have to do is kiss me. Yes, a very excessive kind of kiss. I will put the most passion into it and let you know what a kiss is."

The pink tongue was bitten by the upper and lower teeth, with only the tip of the tongue exposed. Subconsciously, Shade's eyes turned to the red lips. While his heart was beating violently, he quickly recited "My Mia~" in his heart to stabilize his heart.

The cat doll is now on the inside of his chest, which seems to directly give him strength and courage:

"No, no, I don't ask for that much."

Shade quickly shook his head. He suspected that as long as he dared to kiss the other person, he might never be able to get rid of the other person. Moreover, he has already prepared the method to deal with the devil. What he needs now is to create a battle situation that is beneficial to him:

"I want to be with it."

He pointed to the devil on the other side:

"I want to bet and play a game with it. Yes, a fair game. Since it didn't agree just now, then I can only ask you to help me and make it agree. If I win, I Want ownership of Oxenfurt's soul. If I lose, I will not leave Oxenfurt Manor tonight."

The conditions proposed by Shade were still the same as before, but this time, the demon on the shore with his back to the firelight agreed without hesitation:

"no problem."

"It turned out that I was asked to be the referee."

The woman beside the ice said with a smile. She licked her lips and lifted the wet black hair by her ear with her right hand. The sound of water splashed, and the skin near the water surface felt the coldness of the ice water, so it had a reddish color that was different from fair skin.

"So, do you know what I want from you?"

She raised her right hand slightly, with the palm facing upward, which completely separated the part of that arm above the elbow from the water. The naked white arms had extremely well-proportioned lines, and the skin seemed to have a soft light originally. Under the firelight on the shore, it showed a strange brilliance that almost made Shade bend down and take a bite.

He felt completely unable to control his head, because the outsider found that he was uncontrollably imagining what the vagina of such a beautiful arm looked like.

"Yes, I know what you want."

Although there was no prompt, Shade understood. Although he felt a little regretful, he still took out the small note about [Desire] he had just received from the devil from his pocket.

The note flew lightly into the woman's palm, and the palm held it and re-entered the water, as if the white arm was a wriggling flesh-colored white snake:

"You really know what I want."

She chuckled and praised Shade, and the hum from her throat as she spoke made Shade feel that the night was getting hotter and hotter.

"A woman with secrets is the most charming. So, please don't pry into my affairs easily in the future."

Although she spoke with a smile, Shade clearly felt threatened by these words.

"Goethe, you make the rules of the game, you're good at it."

The head in the lake turned back and said to the devil by the lake.

The latter stared at Shade, but it could be seen that although it was angry, it had no intention of killing Shade immediately:

"Yeah, I'm good at playing fun games with mortals."

The devil stretched out a finger:

"The rules are simple: the scope of activity is limited to the woods of the fire and Oxenfurt Manor. I will pull this into my domain and create a maze with snow, trees, fire and stones. Some animals will be lucky enough to be Select it and put it into my domain, and then I will reflect myself into the appearance of any animal, waiting for you deep in the maze. You have to get out of the maze and catch me within an hour, but you can only identify it once."

"As a rule of fair game, Goethe cannot change the layout during the game after setting it up at the beginning of the game, and the animal form cannot hide and escape beyond animal instinct. And interesting souls, you cannot eliminate suspicion by murdering other animals, You are also not allowed to fly in the maze. But other than that, you are allowed to use any means."

The woman in the lake said softly, and Shade nodded. This rule does seem fair. The stone mirror demon - Goethe, is good at using the stone mirror of his body to reflect various images. But if the means are not limited, as a five-ring warlock, Shade has his own way to find unique animals.

As for whether both parties will use skills outside the rules, it depends on their respective abilities.

"Want me to give you some tips?"

Amid the sound of teasing, the beautiful woman asked with a smile:

"For a price, I can give you some hints about the answers, which are important to you. For example, do you want to eat some more of my flesh? Or, how about kissing the back of my hand? This is not cheating in the game. , because, I am the referee."

The demon on the shore said nothing about this, Shade shook his head hastily, and [Desire] complained about himself in a tone that made people unable to help but feel pity:

"It seems that my charm still cannot impress you. Well, when your game is over, remember to come to the lake to say goodbye to me. I know that you want to get other things from me."

She blinked at Shade, those beautiful purple eyes really looked like Luvia:

"The game begins after the construction of Goethe's Demon Realm is completed. After the game begins until the final end, you are not allowed to directly harm each other in any way."

She stuck to the word "directly", paused and announced:

"Then let's get started."

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