Whispering Verse

Chapter 1468 Winter Flowers and Autumn Flowers

"Although the marriage contract drawn up by Old Watson is very harsh, it is still very rude to kill the entire family."

Shade said softly, and the doctor smiled:

"You really have your way of doing things, so that's good, you don't get your hands dirty. Just like it said in Louisa's "Hamilton Detective Stories" - he watched the man fall into the sea cliff, and then said He turned around and left silently amid the sound of seagulls. If the detective becomes a killer one day, he may be the most elegant killer."

"Doctor, please stop laughing at me."

Shade said, and Dr. Schneider threw the small stone mirror he was playing with to Shade:

"The remains of the demon you asked for. Shade, please allow me to express my gratitude to you. In addition, this demon has some other secrets that I have sealed in the mirror. However, you should not regard this as a long-term space prop. Demonic remains are more terrifying than relics."

"You don't need to thank me. Instead, I should thank you."

Shade put away the small mirror:

"Although I really want to tell you what happened tonight, and I also want to know how Goethe died. However, my time is very tight."

He stood up and put away the heart that originally belonged to Mrs. Haila on the ground. Although the heart was cut out by hand, its integrity was not affected due to the presence of special power.

In the [Soul Cemetery] on the third floor of Xia De's house, sacrificing the "Heart of the Living Dead" can safely open a two-way door to true death. The heart of the living dead refers to this. This is not just the soul of the resurrected person, but also requires the hottest emotions and the saddest stories:

"Doctor, I will go upstairs to deal with some things by myself. You wait here for my friend. The black-haired lady is Miss Emma Sylvia. She is probably very cold to you, but don't worry, she just doesn't I just like strangers.”

After bidding farewell to the doctor for the time being, Shade walked towards the door of the mansion. Compared to the last time I entered here, it was completely out of the control of demonic power. The Oxenfurt Manor was in such a dilapidated state that it looked like no one had lived in it for a hundred years.

Almost only the frame of the house remains, with signs of fire and damage everywhere. When Shade found a path he could barely walk to the third floor, he found that the only lighted master bedroom on the third floor still maintained basic decency.

[Hela Oxenfurt’s soul power supports the final scenery. 】

"She" explained softly in Shade's ear.

Entering the door, the illusion of the wedding in the bedroom had disappeared, leaving only Hella Oxenfurt in a black dress and veil standing at the window.

Although the deserted bedroom is a bit old, it is at least much better than the outside.

Shade walked to her side:

"it's over."


The woman turned around, and Shade saw that her skin color was now very close to that of a real corpse, and her lips had really turned purple.

Although there was no visible wound on the chest, Shade knew that the woman in front of him was dead. However, compared to when she had the heart of stone in her chest, she looked more like a normal person without the heart at this time.

The demon's power is gone, and she is leaving. In fact, when Shade entered the room, the color of the entire room began to gradually peel off.

The woman looked at him:

"My soul belongs to you now."

"I said, I don't want a soul."

So the woman wearing the veil held up the stone heart that suddenly appeared in her hands:

"Then please at least accept this."

The black rose that she just held in her hand ran through the stone heart. The stem of the rose pierces the heart and then destroys its integrity. But it also looks like the withered rose planted in the heart.

"In addition, in recent months, Stone has been helping cultists who believe in evil gods hide in the local area. Yesterday, they came to the manor and took away the statue made by Stone. The statue was not completed and still lacked the final eyes."

Haela Oxenfurt said again.

Shade pursed his lips and nodded, watching as her figure became increasingly fainter, peeling away piece by piece along with the scenery in the room:

"Although this question is meaningless now, I'm still curious - after losing Heart of Stone, do you still love him?"


The woman closed her eyes and said, the tears flowing from the corners of her eyes slid down her cheeks, and then fell on the black rose. The withered rose bloomed again, and Shade took it from the woman's hand.

"Finally, I left a gift for you in the back garden."

Helena Oxenfurt said finally, reaching out to wipe away the tears that continued to fall, and then opened her eyes and looked at her wet fingertips:

"It turns out that my tears also have warmth."

Her figure continued to fade, and then disappeared completely. The bedroom became dilapidated, and there was a big hole in the wall with windows. At this time, Shade stood in front of the hole.

He lowered his head and looked at the heart and roses in his hands. Under the blowing of the wind, the black rose actually scattered pieces of tiny white snowflakes, just like the first time Shade used the "Vision Demon" to observe Haila Ao. Same as Senfert (Chapter 1300).

He held them up with his right hand and carefully touched the petals of the roses with his left hand. For a moment, a cold feeling ran down his fingertips toward his heart, and then the feeling of distress and sadness almost made Shade cry.

[The power of the devil, the power of the soul, and some inexplicable and wonderful emotions grew that rose. 】

"So, is this a winter flower?"

Shade asked, turning around to go downstairs.

[Of course you have already planned it? 】

"How is that possible? Originally, I planned to use snowflakes. [Calling the Big Snowball] is related to the winter god after all."

After leaving the mansion, Xia Des went to the back garden to see the last gift Mrs. Haila mentioned. The back garden still looks like the last time Shade saw it, because it was already dilapidated enough.

Even though it was a dark night with heavy snow, Xia De could still see the oil painting easel erected in the snow at a glance. That location happened to be the location where Madam Haila once painted oil paintings for Shade.


He walked through the deep snow one step at a time, then saw a completed oil painting on the easel.

In the oil painting, a young man is standing in the snow with a smile, holding a very familiar shovel in his right hand. Although the back garden is desolate in winter, it is still embellished with the gardener's cabin in the distance, the restored nursery half exposed on the left, and the white clouds in the clear blue sky.

The background description in the oil painting is quite delicate, and Shad Hamilton in the center of the painting is extremely delicate. More importantly, that face is not Shade's disguised face, but his real face:


Shade turned to look at the mansion in the wind and snow. After sighing softly, he put the painting away and planned to frame it and hang it in his home.

Instead of returning directly from the back garden to the front courtyard to meet the doctor, Shade turned into a butterfly and crossed the wall, arriving at the small dock by the Elrond River.

The originally frozen lake surface exploded the moment [Desire] was summoned by Shade. At this time, he came to the river again, and even the ice floes could not be seen.

Xia De didn't even need to call out, the sound of ripples appeared directly on the deep lake surface under the night sky. Then came the woman's gentle smile, but that smile was not "her" in the ears, but her in the lake.


Because it is on the side of Oxenfurt Manor, the burning woods cannot illuminate this place. Shade stood on the small smuggling dock and watched the black-haired woman's head appear in front of him in the night.

He looked at her from top to bottom, and she looked at him from bottom to top in a weak posture. Although there were no words, the expression alone was enough to make people's hearts move.

"Look at you, how did you end up like this?"

The woman's head in the water asked, her voice sounding like a wife caring about her husband back home, but also like lovers complaining about each other during an affair:

"It seems that the next time I see Goethe will be a long, long time later."

With the gentle sound of water, a naked white arm stretched out from the water, and in that hand, there was a small yellow flower:

"Do you need me to congratulate you on defeating the enemy?"

"What price do I need to pay for autumn flowers to be given to me?"

Shade asked. The flower seller he met with Iluna not long ago said that [Desire] can provide autumn flowers. And obviously, the desires and [desires] in Xia De's heart are quite clear.

"How can a man who really doesn't understand amorous feelings directly ask for flowers from ladies?"

The head in the water said with a smile. If Shade wasn't still recovering from a serious injury, he doubted whether he could continue to endure the sound:

"What do I have to give?"

He asked again, then the beautiful face in the water made a gesture of biting her lips:

"If you could treat me as gently as you did that girl with purple eyes, I might be willing to help you directly."

Shade wanted to laugh, but he felt it was better not to do such a thing at this time:

"I know that although you seem to have evil intentions for me, you have actually helped me a lot. I won't say thank you or anything like that, but I am also willing to do something for you like before."

A series of laughter came from the water, the sound was so light and inviting. Even if you don't look at that face, you can still imagine what kind of beautiful woman it is that can make such a touching laugh:

"The reason why you are able to coax so many witches is indeed not just because you can approach them at will. Also, tell me, have you met any interesting people in this city recently?"

"I met a witch who is good at acting, a demon who is evil but crazy about love, a friend who can multiply his blood into half a city, and I also met"

"Then, perform for me."

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