Whispering Verse

Chapter 1472 God of Night

Although she felt reluctant to leave, Fiona still reached out and gave Shade a final gentle hug:

"Then let's set off and walk the last part of Eternal Night City."

"Okay. After I meet the gods, I will find a way to let you leave safely, just like I promised at the beginning."

Shade took her hand.

He discovered that the witches of the Fifth Era may have more or less certain character problems, but these girls and ladies all showed extraordinary determination and courage. This is also the reason why Shade has always had a good impression of the witches and witch emperors of the Fifth Era.

[Are you sure that it’s not because of their outstanding looks and figures? 】

"She" whispered softly in Shade's ear, but the sound was quickly obscured by the sound of Shade pushing the door open.

The two doors of the "Twilight Place" are not locked, so there is no need for Shade and Fiona to try their best to play "Escape Room" to find the keys.

The last mortal who came to visit this god didn't know what era he came in. The door that hadn't been pushed open for a long time was heavier than it looked.

After Shade bent over, his body moved forward slightly, and then he put all his weight on the front of his body. He pressed the left and right doors with his two hands respectively. After activating the spell "Power of the Red Dragon", he finally With the sound of gritted teeth, the two doors were pushed open to create a gap big enough for Shade and Fiona to pass through.


There is no light behind the door, but a night that is deeper and more terrifying than the lightless streets of Eternal Night City. The thick night penetrated from the crack of the door towards the "place of dusk", but there was a faint light in the depths of the night. But these distant lights, just like the starlight and moonlight in the sky in horror stories, cannot protect fragile mortals.

Fiona looked at the scene in front of her and tapped her lower back with the tip of her tail:

"We didn't buy ever-lasting candles when we left the art gallery. Why don't I go buy them now?"

“The candle is too short.

Shade shook his head, while Fiona felt a little guilty:

"Actually, the two teachers gave me a way to pass through the night safely, but I lost that precious relic, otherwise I wouldn't have been controlled by that cafe. I always messed up things, in the Valley of Death At that time, it was also because the tail was beyond the protection range of the teacher and had to sleep in an ice coffin, and I asked you to save me."

"Now is not the time to talk about this. When you go back, you can apologize to Miss Feliana and Miss Olanode in person. I didn't want to do that originally."

He finally took out little Mia, and after restoring the cat, the cat looked around in confusion, and then barked at Fiona.

Strangely enough, this cat is usually very hostile towards strangers, like Iluna, Dorothy, Lesia and Luvia, and it took a long time for them to get along with each other before they finally got Mi Part of Ya's trust. But little Mia has a very good impression of the red dragon girl whom she has only met a few times.

Shade was not sure whether this was because the cat and Fiona both had tails, or because Fiona "generously" allowed the cat to observe the flame at the tip of her tail when she came to Eternal Night City for the second time.

"Bringing the cat to meet the gods, will this affect its health?"

Fiona had the same worries as Shade, but at this time there was no other way for the two of them to continue moving forward safely. Although Shade was guilty and extremely worried, his usual experience showed that the afterglow of divinity in him could protect those hiding behind him.

Therefore, Mia was stuffed into the coat on the chest by Shade, leaving only one button unfastened so that the little cat's head could be exposed. In this way, when he really wanted to meet the gods, Shade could reach out and press the cat into his clothes.

"Let's go."

Shade held Fiona's hand, and then the two of them left the terrace known as the "Twilight Place" through the crack in the door and entered the night palace.

The pleasant radiance like the sun appeared from the cat on Shade's chest almost immediately.

And then, the glow of the brilliant silver moon also appeared from the surface of Sha De's body. However, this light is completely different from the firefly-like light in the past. The light that appears now can actually be compared with the "Light of Mia" filtered by the cloth on her chest.

"Oh, Shade, you're as bright as your cat!"

Fiona was also surprised by this, and Shade soon realized that this was the impact it had on herself after obtaining the miracle - [Shadow of the Moon] spirit rune more than an hour ago.

Although this influence currently only allows Shade to reach the level of a cat, this important spiritual rune will definitely play more roles in the future.

The silver and golden light intertwined and illuminated the only red dragon girl who could not shine. The light that represented the power of the sun and the power of the moon came into contact. In addition to making the curled-up cat shape on Shade's chest more obvious, the two seemed to increase each other, so that as Shade and Fiona continued Moving forward, the range that can be illuminated by the light is getting wider and wider.

The light spread to a distance of five meters around the two people before it was completely suppressed by the thick night in the Night Palace. And such a large scope also allowed them to see clearly that in addition to themselves, the interior of the palace was not empty at all.

After just twenty steps forward, they saw more than a dozen figures who seemed to have been frozen in time, standing in various postures in the hall.

Shade even got close to the old woman holding a cane, and then determined that she was not frozen in time, but was fixed in this hall like a specimen by the night.

"I'm afraid this is the punishment the gods give to those rash visitors."

Fiona said nervously.

The palace was very large, and after walking a hundred steps, when the miraculous elements were so abundant that they almost suffocated the two of them, they realized that they had reached their destination.

It was so quiet that Shade could almost hear Fiona's heartbeat. The golden and silver light extending five meters ahead finally seemed to be blocked by an invisible barrier after Shade took another step, turning the circular bright area into a circle with a piece cut off.

Although Fiona never said that she was nervous, but she was really going to face the gods, and Shade could completely feel her panic and uneasiness. This was not only because of the sweat on her palms, but also because her breathing was getting faster and faster, like a dying person making his last struggle.

[Outlander, you have come into contact with a miracle. You have some thoughts about "dark night". 】

After a slight pause——

【He has arrived. 】

"She" whispered softly.

A huge, deep existence that did not require any senses to be perceived suddenly appeared in the high place ahead where the light could not illuminate after "her" voice fell and Shade's breathing cycle was completed.

For a moment, he almost stopped breathing. Fiona behind Shade shivered even more and hid completely behind him, even curling up her tail and not daring to show it. The light around the two people also compressed inward at a speed visible to the naked eye at this moment, until it could only maintain a distance of half a meter around them, and the light did not continue to disappear.

Now Shade could not only hear Fiona's heartbeat, but he could also feel his own violently beating heart. Even after meeting the gods several times, he still dared not say that he was used to doing this kind of thing. When the god of night descended, the sense of tension and panic still came to Shade's heart again.

Shade looked down at his chest. He was curled up there like a cat in a nap, seemingly unaffected by anything.

Just as he lowered his head, cracks appeared on his clothes, centered on his chest, which exuded the warm radiance of the sun, and then quickly spread throughout his body.

It spread to the neck, with cracks appearing inch by inch on the skin, until the cracks penetrated the eyes; it spread to both arms, and the afterglow of divinity formed a penetrating light on the back of the hands and fingertips; it spread to the hem of the clothes, and a brilliant golden glow was like a spark. It floated backwards and fell on the red dragon girl's body, making her feel the warmth.

The surrounding light was obviously compressed, but in the state of divine afterglow, Shade could almost see through the thick night.

He raised his head and looked ahead. What was not illuminated by the sun and moonlight just now was a dark high platform. At this time, on the side of the high platform facing the two people, a black curtain was raised, preventing Shade from seeing the god behind the curtain.

"Shad, please speak."

Fiona held Shade's hand tightly and pressed her face against his back, her voice as quiet as a mosquito.

Shade took a deep breath and said respectfully:

"God of the Night, we venture into your territory and visit your palace."

The gods behind the curtain of darkness were speechless, but Shade could feel the silent gods watching him. He was too familiar with the huge pressure that almost made him fall to the ground:

"We are here to give you a gift and seek your favor."

Although the stone slab from the First Era was most likely not the target of this transaction, Shade still wanted to give it a try, at least to know why the stone slab was still in St. Byrons in the Sixth Era:

"Ms. Mana Feliana, a mortal, is ready to dedicate to you the stone tablet that records the story of the first night and day. It is the sage wearing a laurel wreath and holding evening primrose, and the Supreme One who bound the blazing sun. s story."

He paused, but the god behind the dark night still did not speak.

Shade was a little confused, but unfortunately he couldn't ask the god why he was silent. So he judged based on his experience of many contacts with different gods that the gods were obviously not very satisfied with this gift.

There was still plenty of time, and Xia De was not in a hurry, so after sorting out his words, Xia De spoke again:

"Mortals are envious of your magnificent territory. Please allow them to build a school here and spread your reputation. But mortals also know that to get something, we have to pay. I don't know what the great ones need from us to pay?"

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