Whispering Verse

Chapter 1489 Heart of the Earth

There is no doubt that this place has existed since the ancient era, and it is also undoubtedly the destination of Shade's trip.

The huge magma lake is almost the size of more than ten Saint Teresa Square. In the center of the magma lake, giant stone pillars support the island in the center of the magma lake, which is no more than the size of Sha De's house.

At this time, a steady stream of black mud fell into the magma from the edge of the island in the middle of the lake. The fiery red lava came into contact with the dripping black silt, causing the magma to "explode" and at the same time, a small black solid layer was formed on the magma surface below the island in the center of the lake.

No one needed to explain, Shade and Iluna understood that this meant that the earth itself was undergoing a complete transformation.

It is not that there are no roads connecting to the black "Lake Center Island". Starting from where Shade and Iluna are, a series of slender stone pillars protrude from the magma, spanning half of the magma lake, supporting the connection to the lake. The slender stone path of Heart Island.

There was nothing else to worry about at this time. Shade and Iluna held hands and stepped onto the stone path. Crossing the hot magma, and withstanding the increasingly strong pressure of the four elements of miracle, blasphemy, enlightenment, and whispers, we arrived step by step at the edge of the island in the middle of the lake.

The ancient power felt in this position is even like facing the gods directly.

The island in the center of the magma lake has a ground surface made of obsidian. This place is quite empty and flat. The surface of the island in the middle of the lake only has an irregular stone pillar raised in the center, and the holy emblem of the ancient god [Mother Goddess of the Earth] is carved on the stone pillar. Black mud is flowing outward from the bottom of the stone pillar. After reaching the edge of the island in the center of the lake, the black mud drips down to the magma below.

"Is this the Heart of the Earth?"

Iluna asked softly, but it was not Shade who answered the question.

Kneeling on one knee under the black stone pillar, the guardian of Thomas Granger's image turned his back to them and said:

"To be precise, the island itself is the heart of the earth."

The voice was hoarse, but it was indeed rational.


Shade and Eluna were just standing at the end of the stone path at this time and had not really set foot on the island. Shade glanced at the black stone in his hand. The fragment of the Heart of the Earth was trying to fall directly from his hand into the ground.

"Are you still sane now?"

Shade asked suspiciously, and the guardian stood up and turned around. The fiery red light around him illuminated his entire appearance at the moment.

Sweat fell from their foreheads, and they took a step back at the same time. Compared with the guardians who had seen the spiritual state in the past, the soul of the unknown thing standing in front of him now was more solid. Even under the illumination of the rolling magma, the soul was almost invisible. There are traces.

Not only that, his body had a peculiar jet black color, and his chest almost turned completely solid black. Looking more closely, the surface of the soul has almost completely turned into a solid body. Hundreds of densely packed faces form the texture of muscles. And every face had an expression with their eyes closed as if they were enduring pain. There was nothing wrong with this look.

"Not crazy yet?"

Iluna was also very confused, but they no longer had to be confused in the next second.

The guardian raised his right hand and pointed his index finger at them. The dark beam absorbed almost all the power of the magma lake in an instant, and then the released energy completely overwhelmed Shade and Iluna who were standing at the end of the stone path.

The energy passed through the two men and finally hit the edge of the enclosed underground space. Amid the loud rumbling sound, the smoke and heat mist generated by the agitated magma covered most of the underground space.

But among the smoke and dust, a bit of golden light suddenly appeared. As the smoke dispersed, the golden shield of [Hiton's Seal] clearly appeared at the end of the stone path.

Shade stabbed his feet with swords in both hands, but of course he couldn't block the opponent's casual blow. The Heaton seal has not broken at this time, entirely because Iluna behind him is holding a dark golden scale high, using the power of "balance" to weaken the attack while increasing the strength of the seal shield.

"Iluna, grab him and let him touch this fragment."

Shade said while pulling out the night watchman. Iluna crossed over the fragment of the Heart of the Earth that Shade grabbed in his hand and officially set foot on the island in the middle of the magma lake.

The filth in the heart of the earth itself represents a pollution more terrifying than any other twisted earth in the surface world. Without this fragment that had been separated since ancient times, neither Shad nor Iluna would be qualified to set foot on the surface of the Heart of the Earth.

Therefore, Shade, who knew that Iluna's normal combat power was higher, gave her the stone.

At this moment, the flames of the surging magma illuminated the balanced chosen ones from all directions, and the guardians who voluntarily sacrificed but eventually fell into madness. The twisted earth is trying to affect the balance, but the dark golden scales blooming with light are playing their original role since their birth.

Even if the balance at this moment is still weak, it is still capable of causing harm to another chosen person who has not yet performed the ceremony.

"Sunshine Gun!"

Golden thunder exploded from the center of the earth, and the dark golden spear blooming with light represented Iluna's progress.

The guardian, whose body was completely black, stretched out his right hand, and black mud emerged from the palm of his hand and solidified into a mud shield in front of him. The power of the filthy earth collided with the power of the sun, which represented the supreme power. In the end, Iluna struck with all her strength, completely penetrating the black earth shield, and then hit the guardian's head head on.

But this did not cause fatal damage. Luvia said that as long as the guardian stepped on the ground at this time, he was almost immortal.

Even though the dark golden sunlight gun destroyed half of the guardian's head, the silt quickly repaired the damaged part.

And when the second sunlight gun was thrown again, the black mud shield actually blocked the attack this time.

It's not that Iluna's second attack has become weaker, but that the black mud has adapted to the power of the sunshine gun.

These two attacks were not meaningless. At this time, Iluna had successfully moved ten steps forward from the edge of the island in the middle of the lake.


Look directly into the eyes of the guardian, balance the core talent effect of the chosen one, and directly affect the collective soul of the thirteen-ring warlock. The original power of the filthy soul weakened immediately, but then the entire soul melted into the hot and dark rocks under its feet like snow.

A few seconds later, as Iluna moved closer to the central stone pillar, the guardian reappeared from the black mud on the ground, and at this time, the power had returned to its peak again.

"Relying on the power of the filthy heart of the earth to reorganize my body, it offsets my chosen talent. I can't beat him here."

Iluna made a judgment almost instantly, but she did not panic. After all, her goal was not to win, but just to let the other party touch the object in her hand.


Tossing it gently, let the dark golden scale fly to the top of your head, then hold the stone in your left hand, and point forward with the middle finger and index finger of your right hand crossed:


Because of the guardian's site advantage at this moment, Iluna learned the secret technique from the witch, which only made the guardian sluggish for a moment, but this was enough for Iluna to move closer to the center of the island in the middle of the lake.

The corner of the life ring appeared behind the guardian, and the miracle [erosion], whisper [assimilation] and blasphemy [fusion] flashed by:

"Please stay with me!"

He did not dodge the oncoming Iluna, but instead opened his arms and actively faced her. Iluna had no intention of stopping. She knew that Shade trusted her and gave her the opportunity to attack. She must not retreat at this time. Once the guardians seize the opportunity to leave here, the situation on the ground will become worse. Worse.

In an instant, Iluna and the guardian were only one step away from contacting each other. At this time, Iluna had already stretched out her arm holding the stone and aimed it at the guardian's chest. The tainted guardian will assimilate her body and soul, and she will purify the guardian.

Now, it all depends on which side is faster. Iluna is full of confidence in herself. There was no room to retreat at this time, and she knew very well that she could not hesitate at this time.

But the imagined frontal contact did not happen. Dark chains sprang out from behind the guardian and wrapped around his right arm. In this flash of lightning, before she was hugged by the guardian, Iluna took the first step and pressed the Heart of the Earth fragment in her left hand on his chest.

It wasn't until this moment that she saw Shade's figure appearing behind the guardian.

The [Chain of Sin] sprang out from Shade's sleeve and wrapped around the guardian's right arm. While the latter's body was sluggish and he wanted to fight back, Shade bit the finger that was holding [Night Watcher], and then swung forward fiercely:

"Soul whipping!"

Blood flowed from the fingertips to the hilt of the sword, and then the entire sword turned into a scarlet whip and struck the black soul. The most piercing scream that Shade and Iluna could imagine came out of the guardian's mouth at the next moment. The sound was more miserable than the most timid girl being frightened by a fierce ghost in a haunted house, and even more miserable than Mia discovered. Shade was even more sharp when he didn't prepare lunch, which even shocked Shade himself:

"Is thaumaturgy so effective?"

Although the thaumaturgy learned from Ms. Marilyn Hendel is completely innocuous, the severe pain hinders the guardian's movement even better than the [Sin Chain].

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Iluna almost used both hands to press the fragments in her hands onto the chest of the dark soul. She was originally curious about how Shade got here safely, but then she saw the mithril cube he was holding in his other hand that was not holding a sword, glowing dazzlingly in the firelight of the surrounding magma.

"good chance!"

The mithril cube was grabbed by Shade and pressed on the back of the dark soul.

Two golden auras representing the elements of miracles, one in front and one behind, illuminated the faces of Shade and Iluna at the same time. The golden aura slowly removed the dark traces on the guardian's body, and this short opportunity finally allowed the guardian to temporarily regain his sanity:

"It hurts so much. Someone has to sacrifice."

Vague sentences came out of his mouth, and Shade was surprised:

"What sacrifice? But"

Before he could finish speaking, the guardian said again:

"The flower of the four seasons has entered my soul. The ceremony must be held as soon as possible. Defeat me, don't let me pollute the earth and run!"

Before the words could be finished, the tightly closed eyes of hundreds of ferocious faces on the guardian's solid black body opened at the same time:

"It hurts!"

Hundreds of mouths made sounds together, and cracks appeared one after another on the surface of the spirit body. And in those cracks, dark light came out. Although no one could tell what would happen next, this scene, which had a sense of déjà vu, had already reached the highest point of crisis for Shade and Iluna:

"Get out of the way!"

Immediately afterwards, the entire spirit body exploded on the spot.

Shade had just arrived here using "Raglai's Leap" and could not use thaumaturgy again. In a hurry, he could only face the explosion of the spirit body, and was then overwhelmed by the dark and dirty energy and sludge of the explosion. Although Iluna retreated in time and summoned a small transparent hand shield, facing the overwhelming self-destruction, she was still overwhelmed by the filth like Shade.

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