Whispering Verse

Chapter 150 Mysterious Lock

Reaching out to catch the falling snow in front of her, Dorothy Louisa looked around. The rich darkness and the door were gone, the air was fresh and cold, and the smell of civilized fireworks made her almost tremble.

Together with the detective in front of her, she stood on the street on a snowy winter night. The snow under her feet almost covered her feet. The unique smell of winter rushed into her nose, while the small figure stood in front of Shade.

He was barefoot and wearing a pair of slippers, his feet were bruised and bruised from the cold, and there were countless patches on his clothes. Her blond hair was wrapped in a tattered scarf, she huddled up and carried a small basket... She smiled at Shade.

She lit the first match, which went out and five mermaids appeared before them. Snowflakes surrounded them, and even roaring could not break free from the shackles of ice and snow;

She lit a second match, which went out and the five mermaids were surrounded by flames. It was the light of a match, faint but containing hope;

She lit the third match and it went out. Five streaks of black smoke came out of the fishman's body in the fire. A vague figure in black robe appeared next to the girl, waving a sickle in his hand, and the black smoke dissipated in the flying snowflakes.

She lit the fourth match and it went out, followed by the flames on the fishmen. This is the last match, the match that holds the end of the story and Shade's hope.

After the flames passed, the intact Dais family fell on the snow.

Shade came to the girl carrying the basket and looked up at the end of the snowy street. A huge black shadow occupied the sky and the earth, which meant that the evil god from the high dimension was watching here and watching him.

Her voice came to my ears.

[You are watched by the old god "God of the Drowned in the Deep Sea", and you feel blasphemy. 】

[The first deceased who drowned in the deep sea knew the deepest secrets of the abyss. Those who hate the living bring all living things to the bottom of the sea on stormy nights, where they wail day and night amid the bells of death. 】

[You listened to the story of the old god "The God of the Drowned in the Deep", and you learned one of the blasphemies of the old god "The God of the Drowned in the Deep". 】

[You have obtained the spell - underwater breathing. 】

Shade didn't care about the voice in his ears, let alone knowing who it was.

The gaze fell on Quan Shade, and the afterglow of divinity enveloped him like a burning golden flame. At that moment, he felt like he was peering into the abyss at the bottom of the deep sea. Countless hands of corpses in the abyss were pulling him, but he stood here motionless.

The evil god has not come to the material world, but is just watching here, so Shade has the courage to stand here and look up at him.

He couldn't retreat. Since he decided to try to save the people he could save, he absolutely couldn't retreat.

After a moment, Shade didn't even have to decide whether to sacrifice his only drop of divinity, and the sight took the initiative to go away.

The gods gave up looking at this place, and the sense of spatial dislocation completely disappeared. The humans who turned into fish and were favored by Him were saved, and He lost interest in things here.

"Shad, you really...oh!"

The scene of the snowy street and the figure of the girl wearing bare feet and slippers quickly receded together in the sudden raging flames around her. The gorgeous flames passed through Miss Louisa's body. After being watched by the evil god, the feeling that water plants were about to grow on her body disappeared.

The surroundings returned to the alley in the night, to the night of Tobesk.

The Dais family lay quietly and neatly in the alley, breathing evenly. But Shade fell backwards, this time being held up by Miss Louisa.

The young foreigner closed his eyes tightly, his face was pale, and he could barely see the rise and fall of his chest.

Miss Louisa held her breath for a long time, then with a sad look she stretched out her trembling hand and tested his breath.

After exhaling a long breath, Shade fainted from exhaustion simply because he had performed magic that was far beyond his own level.

"However, this is my first time seeing a mysterious lock."

Looking at the young detective's face under the moonlight, the blond girl's eyes were red and she forced a thankful and gentle smile.

Three full moons hang above the head, and the silver moon shines here, shining on Xia De. I vaguely heard voices in the distance. The evil god was looking at the material world, and the thaumaturgy was unfolding in the city. It was impossible for the Orthodox Church to be unaware of it.

Now, it's time to leave.

(Little Mia is running...)

Dream, it’s that dream again.

Shade stood on the ridge of the field, looking up at the huge silver moon above his head. The moon seemed to have fallen within reach, but he couldn't touch anything when he stretched out his hand.

The light of the silver moon shines on Xia De, and Xia De is thoughtful about this:

"There must be something wrong with always having this dream. Does this mean..."

Then, he opened his eyes, and the ceiling he saw was no stranger. It was the bedroom of No. 6 Saint Teresa Square.


When he noticed that Shade was awake, the cat next to the pillow rubbed the back of his hand happily. Shade wanted to raise his hand to touch Mia, but as soon as he got up, the pain in his head made him moan softly.

Not only that, my whole body was sore at this moment, and my body would tremble whenever I raised my hands, as if I had been hungry for three days and three nights.

"It's...seven o'clock Sunday morning."

He was told the time and it was Saturday night before he passed out. In other words, he just fell asleep for less than ten hours:

"Who sent me back? Oh, Mia, don't touch me, everything is wrong with me now."

Probably hearing Shade's voice, the bedroom door was pushed open at this moment. Shade was startled and looked up to see that the person who opened the door was actually the blonde girl Dorothy Louisa.

She was still dressed in the same outfit as last night. Seeing Shade wake up, she smiled and waved to him.


He made a sound from his throat, and Miss Louisa, who was carrying a dinner plate, walked into the bedroom, put the dinner plate on the bedside table, and handed over the water glass.

On the plate were meat porridge, hot goat's milk, scrambled eggs, apples and bread. Shade had lived here for two weeks and had never seen such a rich breakfast in the house.


Mia looked at Miss Louisa with eager eyes. Goat milk was its breakfast, but the blond female writer obviously regarded it as the milk that Shade ordered for herself.

He took the water glass and gently tapped it on the side of the glass. A blasphemous silver aura shone on the water. He took a careful sip of water, felt his physical condition, and then took another big sip.


Then he groaned again and put the cup back on the bedside table.

"How do you feel now?"

Miss Louisa asked with concern while sitting in the armchair beside the bed.

"My physical condition is not bad, the headache is still there, but I'm probably fine..."

He picked up the cat, who had ulterior motives on the dinner plate, and leaned against the bedside table, feeling the throbbing pain in his temples.

Shade still remembered what happened before he fell into coma. Facing the exit he was about to leave, the regret in his heart and the touching experience of innocent people made him understand the true power given to him by the "little match girl".

So I used the story pages borrowed by Miss Louisa to complete the inscription of the Enlightenment Rune "The Little Match Girl". At the same time, this is also Shade's second spiritual rune. The only distance between the second ring and "Miracle" is "Miracle" and "Whisper", and the acquisition of the Miracle Spirit Rune depends on the performance in 1068, the last time to enter the Fifth Era in the early hours of next Thursday.

"That is undoubtedly a mythical lock."

When talking about this matter, Miss Louisa's face seemed to glow red, and she became a little excited:

"You should know that the more pure spiritual runes it contains, the more thaumaturgy it can develop, such as [Silver Moon], [Emotion], etc. And the more complex and specific the spiritual runes are, the fewer thaumaturgy they can develop. Like [Little Match Girl] Such spiritual runes, which are complex in themselves and have been given a more specific image by civilization, have little possibility of developing thaumaturgy in many aspects. But similarly, spiritual runes with specific and complex meanings may themselves It’s thaumaturgy. And last night, when you were inscribing the spiritual runes, you obtained the only thaumaturgy that belongs to the enlightenment rune [Little Match Girl]. That’s the Mystery Lock!”

Shade knows about the special mysterious power of "Mystery Lock", which Professor Garcia mentioned yesterday morning.

To put it simply, it uses four elements to influence space, superimposing a temporary space between real and false on the material world, in order to trap or attack the enemy.

But this is a power that can only be used by large-scale rituals or high-level warlocks. Because of his status as the creator of fairy tales and the fact that he is suspected of telling the story to a god, Shade suddenly realized this power last night. Unfortunately, his level as a ring warlock is not high enough. , so I collapsed immediately after using it and passed out.

If it weren't for the drop of divinity hidden in his life ring that could replenish his elements and spirit at all times, he might have turned into a vegetative state on the spot.

Fortunately, Shade did not act alone last night.

After he fell into coma, Miss Louisa noticed that the team of ring warlocks from the Zhengshen Church was approaching, and even the ten-ring warlocks stationed in the parish came to check the situation. So I hurriedly covered up the traces, and then took Shade back to No. 6 Saint Teresa Square... In fact, there were no traces to cover up. After all, most of the things that happened were not in the real space at all.

They don't need to worry about the affairs of the Dais family. The Orthodox Church will give them the strictest inspection and protection. The little girl Sophie Dess was the real reason that attracted the attention of the evil god last night, but without her identity as a "fish-man", she is no longer important to the gods.

Miss Louisa returned here directly after escaping with Shade. And because she was worried about Shade's condition, she did not go back last night. Instead, she spent the night on the sofa in the living room - she would not sleep on the bed that the middle-aged detective slept on.

After being woken up by a hungry cat in the morning, he saw that Shade hadn't woken up yet, so he made breakfast. When he came to check on the situation, he saw that Shade had already woken up.

"So, we're pretty lucky. We really troubled you last night, Miss Louisa. I must be very heavy."

He wanted to get out of bed, but was stopped by Miss Louisa, who brought the dinner plate to Shade, seemingly wanting Shade to finish eating before getting out of bed.

"You saved me, otherwise I would have been taken to the deep sea of ​​who knows where, with that look..."

She showed a scared expression, picked up the hair beside her ear, and asked curiously:

"Shade, speaking of which, can you still use the power of the Mystic Lock now?"

"I'll give it a try."

He thought for a moment, summoned the corner of his life ring, looked back at the [Little Match Girl] spirit rune that shone with dazzling brass light, and then actively activated a new thaumaturgy.

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