Whispering Verse

Chapter 1496 Father and Daughter Garland and Joy

"It's right in front."

Shade and Iluna, who were also rushing towards the guardian, noticed from a distance that the thirteen-ring warlock of the church used the words of sublimation to engage in the first round of combat with the guardian. Iluna sat on the horse and held the reins, while Shade hugged her waist behind her.

The two came from behind the guardian, so they inevitably stepped into the black mud that spread like a vast ocean earlier. But the undead skeleton horses summoned by the bone whistle with the power of the ancient god were able to run forward directly on the black mud, and the terrain did not hinder their movements at all.

"Let's separate in advance, don't go there together. I still have three Holy Grails here: gold stone, conservation and flowering. I leave gold stone and conservation to you. You also know the formula for preparing the elixir. It's said that you met someone from the Witch Council on the way. If a thirteen-ring warlock is contaminated with black mud, use this to treat it. I have a new thaumaturgy that can directly treat the witches, so you don’t have to worry."

Shade said in Eluna's ear from behind her. Eluna's ears were a little red, but her voice was calm:

"No problem. It seems like this is the end. I don't know what will happen this time."

"I didn't detect any traces of Sister Devlin's spirit. The nun should have arrived earlier than us."

Shade was a little worried, but at this moment, in the direction of the fighting taking place in the distance, thousands of slender mud pillars made of dirty black mud suddenly rose into the sky, and then seemed to be moved by a dexterous invisible hand. Like a weave, they gathered into a black sphere in the air, trapping a figure in it. But then the black ball of mud exploded from the middle, and the twelfth-level great witch Miss Sivi Avora, whose whole body was radiating light, held the birch wand with a gem on the top that Shade had touched, and used The silver moonlight of the gem evaporated the thousands of black mud trying to trap her again.

She was like a goddess shining in the snowy night. The bright silver light on the top of the relic wand seemed to replace the moon behind the clouds at this moment, illuminating all directions. Even every part of her long brown hair was blown away by the night wind. Every strand of hair seemed to be glowing.

However, after repelling the attack, the witch did not fight back, but cautiously fell to the ground. Although Iluna and Shade didn't know what this meant, the skeleton horse still carried them in that direction. When the distance was close, Shade gently pushed Iluna's back, and then jumped off the skeleton horse. Without saying goodbye, they went in different directions in the snow.

At this time, the disgusting black sludge had completely covered the ground, and there was no place to stay. Most of the surrounding trees were turned gray. The forest where Shade was located was not on fire, but the fire not far away could completely illuminate the horrific lines on the stone dead trees, and the faces with eyes closed. It actually seemed to be growing out of the trunk of the stone tree.

Stepping on the black mud and walking forward, I thought there would be some obstacles. Unexpectedly, I saw the witches gathered together not long after, and Luvia was also here.

Seeing Shade coming with the [Night Watcher], Luvia hurriedly came over and hugged him. The other ladies had different reactions to this.

"Our doctor friend helped me and Siris, but he didn't get too close for fear of others seeing him."

While hugging, the purple-eyed girl whispered in Shade's ear.

"Where's Sirius?"

Miss Carina and Miss Bernice were both there. Although Miss Aurora and Miss Sylvia could not see clearly, Shade could clearly feel the unique spiritual fluctuations when they fought.

However, the only young girl with blond hair is missing here.

Luvia pointed to the front of the crowd with great concern:

"Over there, it looks like you were right to be worried all along."

"The situation is very complicated, and no one can stop the crazy guardian."

Miss Carina's face turned a little pale, which was caused by excessive consumption of spirit. Tonight's battle lasted all night, and both she and Miss Bernanice needed to rest. Only the twelfth-level Miss Aurora and the newly arrived Miss Sylvia were in good condition.

"Are you injured?"

"I'm fine, Carina got a muddy spot."

Miss Benanis said, hugging Shade gently, and then pointed to the red-haired witch. The duchess of the North Kingdom was leaning against the gray stone tree at the moment. Although she was embarrassed, she still pretended to be strong in front of Shade. The only thing she didn't want to do was show her weak side in front of Shade, not at any time.

"Shadow, the Holy Grail."

Luvia said briefly, while Shade shook his head and walked towards the witch. The warm embrace made the red-haired duchess want to cry:

"I'm fine."

Even so, she still wanted to break away from Shade's embrace, but Shade would not let her go:

"Don't worry, I'm here."

Immediately afterwards, Shade placed his fingers emitting golden light on the gray-white part of her neck:

"Activated clay."

The spells obtained by absorbing the divinity of the earth are essentially healing abilities. For missing limbs and organs, Shade can replace them with soil, turning the soil into active flesh and blood. As for the petrification symptoms caused by the "Crazy Earth", he can treat them as long as they are not already dead and their souls have disappeared.

Even if ordinary spells have a similar effect of removing petrification, their priority should not be higher than the "petrification" effect of Crazy Earth, but Shade's spell comes from the ancient earth divinity.

The location where everyone is now is in the petrified river valley forest. Luvia's "Power of the Earth, Field of Fertility" and Shade's power belonging to the [Witch Council] whose source cannot be seen clearly have opened up a small area without black mud. area.

Looking forward, the woodland extended not far and disappeared into the Elrond River in the dark night. The strange open space surrounded by woodland and rivers by the river was the location where the ceremony of the chosen ones was held.

At this time, a rough stone long table was lying alone in the middle of the open space. There were twelve places to sit next to the long table. This was placed in advance by the church after knowing the possible location of the ceremony for the chosen ones.

The crazy earth guardian was sitting alone at one end of the long table. On the table in front of him, there was a black mud liquid that was more terrifying than any filth so far. The liquid was slowly shaping towards the shape of the black Holy Grail.

The guardian placed his hands on the table, aiming the palms of his two palms at the terrible liquid.

Because he had seen the real "Heart of the Earth", Shade could tell almost at a glance that the essence of those black liquids was the power of the Heart of the Earth.

The snow is falling harder and harder, and even a first-level warlock can feel the dirty power contained in the gray snowflakes. Gray snow contaminates the soil and pollutes the earth; contaminates ordinary people and spreads various diseases; contaminates magicians, and the ensuing whispers increase the possibility of everyone going crazy.

It was clear that the petrified forest with gray snow and the river with floating ice had been contaminated by black mud, but the content of black mud in that clearing was extremely small.

This is not because the land is special, but because under the guardian's feet, the filthy mud seeped into the soil and outlined a huge ritual array on the ground. The overall shape of the ritual array is circular, with the Holy Grail in the center. On the inside of the circle, flowers, grass, seeds, fruits, and ancient runes symbolizing soil and stone are slowly taking shape outlining the black mud.

This is ancient knowledge obtained by the guardians from the heart of the earth, and it is also a ritual used by the crazy guardians to try to pollute the earth. The reason why the guardian is allowed to carry out the ritual is not because people don't want to stop it, but because people can't stop it at the moment.

Surrounding the open space, twelve hill-like giants made of soil, each maintaining a different appearance, are evenly scattered around the open space at the twelve hourly points on the dial. Among the faces, Shade could identify Mr. Granger, Mr. Lacers, Mr. Fleming, the original founder of the Masons.

All the clay giant clones had twelve life rings behind them, and in the face of the attack, none of the twelve people left their positions. Shade vaguely understood that the power of all the clones were connected into one, and the crazy guardian standing in the black mud was equivalent to standing in his own mystery, so he temporarily blocked four Thirteen Rings and more than ten It is not impossible to be a high-level warlock.

After all, even guardians who are not yet crazy are not comparable to ordinary thirteen-ring warlocks.

Fighting in the air at this time were Miss Maria, the "Nightmare Witch" whom Shade had seen in the Battle of the Pantanal, Ms. Tris Michelle, the "Free Singer" from the Peace Church, and the Witch Two witches from the council and some high-level warlocks that Shade didn't know.

Everyone was concentrated on the edge of the petrified forest, in the southeastern part of the clearing. As each life ring appeared in the sky, the continuous vapor mist almost evaporated all the snowflakes that had not yet fallen.

Due to the guardian's pollution ritual, the space here was even as hard as soil. It was much more difficult to use the word of sublimation than before, so no one used the word of sublimation this time.

"Nightmare Witch" Miss Maria held a slender branch in her hand. Resonating with the strong whispering elements, she raised the branch in her hand and let it grow rapidly until a huge vine floating in the air grew out of her right arm. The warlock is holding it up from below.

That was definitely not an ordinary arm. Shade, who was frequently exposed to the power of the tree father, even sensed the power of the "World Tree" from it. The green light lights up the night sky, and even when exposed to that light, all the injuries in the body feel like they are about to heal. The black mud on the ground briefly retreated in the green light, and under the bare snow, buds of plants actually emerged.

The vigorous vitality that is different from the earth is displayed on the giant arms in the sky. Ms. "Freedom Singer" Trish Michelle also fell on that arm, and then she bent down and pressed her hands on the arm.

The metal armor attached with the prayer of the "God of War and Peace" gradually took shape from the illusion until it was completely put on the right arm of the vine.

The two thirteen-ring warlocks worked together, and with the help of a huge right hand that was suspected to be made from an angel-level relic, the next moment they hit the guardian diagonally into the open space from above. The guardian sitting at the end of the long table was slowly taking shape of the black clay Holy Grail.

But as the twelve huge clay clones raised their arms together, the black mud around the clearing gathered in an instant, forming a dark rock shield above the clearing.

The huge banging sound was accompanied by the collision of spirit and energy. For a moment, Shade even felt that his eardrums were about to be pierced.

But the physical collision is not the essence of this confrontation. It is the confrontation between the distorted earth and the vitality that determines the outcome of this attack.

Green and black light streams spread to the surroundings along with the huge shock wave formed by the impact, while the splashing black mud hits the surrounding people like dense bullets.

The petrified giant trees fell down one after another. They were first contaminated with life force and returned to their original state, but then were contaminated with black mud and petrified again, and quickly switched between the two.

Shade, who could ignore the black mud at all, immediately stepped forward and stood in front of the ladies. The [Night Watch] pierced the ground, and the golden shield protected everyone within it.

Of course, the protective ability of Heaton's Seal is actually not that great. It's just that the divine light in Shade's soul almost immediately overflows at this time, which makes the magic effect so good.

The collision of filth and life caused the four elements to briefly cause strange phenomena in this area. Shade was holding the sword in front of him with one hand. After Miss Carina and Miss Benanis behind him put their hands on his shoulders respectively, he looked at his feet with some relief.

Green buds sprouted out from under the feet, but in the blink of an eye they turned into stone. Then the stone was stained with black mud that gushes out from the roots, and turned into a dark stone snake. However, the long snake was hit by green light chips and turned into a real long snake. However, before it could move, it was blown away. The black mud smashed into a pile of minced meat. The minced meat turned into soil, penetrated into the ground and merged into the earth again.

If this wasn't the outskirts, if it weren't for the Zhengshen Church's advance deployment in this area, and if the Guardian's power wasn't overly concentrated to suppress the spread of the collision's power, Shade would even believe that the entire Randall Valley The city will become history with this blow.

However, this attack failed after all. The church's two thirteen-ring warlocks slowly fell back to the ground with the nearly out-of-control relics. Four of the twelve clay giant clones of the guardian were shattered, but immediately there were new ones. "The Giant" emerged from the black mud to take the bench.

The earth is the source of the guardian's power, and the black mud continuously restores his strength. Luvia's divination was right. When the guardian stood on the ground, he was almost invincible.

When the smoke cleared, Shade finally saw where Sirius had gone.

In the clearing guarded by the twelve giant clay clones of the guardians, in addition to the guardians themselves, Siris was actually inside.

The young blonde girl seemed unable to leave. She stood at the edge of the clearing and looked at the guardian who looked like her father. The guardian who was manipulating the shape of the black clay Holy Grail with both hands finally looked at her after the church's attack. .

Shade pulled the [Night Watcher] out of the soil and wanted to rush over, but was held back by Luvia:

"Believe her."

The girl with purple eyes said.

"How did she get in?"

Shade asked, and Miss Carina gave the answer:

"After the two of them joined us, we have been together, but she disappeared in the blink of an eye. It is most likely that the guardian himself 'invited' her in."

The guardian had no intention of harming Siris. He stared at the young girl. For a few moments, the place where the chest and back were touched by Shade and Iluna with the "pieces of the heart of the earth" at the same time became dark. The color faded slightly, and the color of emotion actually appeared in those eyes without any emotion.

The guardian's stable body fluctuated like an illusion. He was still sitting there, pointing his hands at the black Holy Grail that was about to take shape, but his head above the shoulders was swaying from side to side. The phantom caused by the swing made him seem to have grown. Three heads.

And that illusion soon became reality. The upper half of Mr. Lassus' body in the soul state seemed to be "shaken out" by the guardian's body. The lower body overlapped with it, and the upper body was separated from the body.

In the shocked gaze of Siris, the briefly separated soul stretched out his hand in her direction with difficulty. The pure white light on the soul at this moment has a brilliance that even the saints cannot possess. This is a trace that cannot be forged, which means that even the world accepts their sacrifice and contribution.


The young girl did not expect to see this scene at all, and Mr. Lacers, who stretched out his hand, tried his best to speak a complete sentence in a brief moment of clarity:

"The memory connection just now awakened me. The horn of doom must not be blown here. If you are willing, join us. We need normal souls to awaken the dormant spark of consciousness."

Only the upper body of the soul was separated from Siris by half an empty space, but the holy white light on the soul had already drifted close to Siris. That light not only illuminated the way forward for her, but even allowed her to see memories, memories that belonged to the guardians.

"What's happening here?"

Iluna, who had joined the people from the Church of the Sun, also saw the situation in the open space at this moment. In fact, the teams of the Five Gods Church did not come together, but dispersed.

The current leader of this team is Miss Maria, the "Nightmare Witch" of the Church of Nature. She and Iluna, who rushed over just now, worked together to control the angelic relic [the dry branches of the World Tree] that was on the verge of getting out of control.

"The Witch Council has reported the situation. If a new guardian is born and voluntarily integrates into the old guardian group, there will be a chance to awaken the crazy guardian."

Miss Maria said.

This lady looked to be about thirty-five years old, and she was dressed in attire suitable for action and battle, similar to Iluna's. The only difference is that she wears a garland of colorful flowers on her head. Iluna had seen this lady in the Pantanal, and she was deeply impressed by her, especially the eyes that seemed to bring their own illusions.

No matter who looks into her eyes, they must go through the judgment of illusion resistance, otherwise they will automatically fall into a deep sleep.

"Can it really be awakened?"

Iluna asked. She had actually heard Luvia talk about this matter, but she didn't know all the details.

"According to the church's calculations, the probability is very high. Even if the girl who is suspected to be from the Witch Council is a candidate for the Earth's Chosen One, there is no guarantee that it will be 100%. After all, there is no precedent for this kind of thing."

The thirteenth-ring sorceress also looked at the silent Siris:

"Whatever she does now is her own decision. There is never a shortage of people willing to sacrifice, but since she is not a member of the church, we will not encourage such sacrifices."

Iluna nodded and handed out the two Holy Grails she was carrying:

"After I was separated from the team just now, I met people from the Witch Council and they gave me this. The council already shared the formula of [Universal Earth Elixir] last time. This should be useful to us."

Miss Maria nodded, ordered people to prepare the medicine now, and sighed softly:

"Now I even want to wonder if the headquarters of the Witch Council is local. Their performance this time is too active. Young girl, this is for you."

She took off the garland she was wearing and handed it to Iluna, but Iluna hesitated to take it:

"Miss Maria, this seems to be something you have naturally learned.

"Yes, a sacred object of the Church of Nature. A wreath woven by our Lord God himself when he descended in 2201 of the Fifth Era. This is a real artifact, inherited by ring warlocks who have mastered the thirteen-ring magic [Revival of Nature's Spirit] for generations. .At the same time, the wreath itself also contains the flowers of the four seasons."

Miss Maria put the garland on Iluna's head with her own hands, and then smoothed her messy hair with a smile:

"Balanced Chosen One, I'm afraid you will be needed to check and balance the Chosen One this time. But don't worry too much, your church is already prepared."

She whispered softly into Iluna's ear, and Iluna's expression of embarrassment at accepting such an expensive gift immediately became extremely serious.

At this moment, Siris Lassus looked at his father in front of him blankly, and then looked down at his hands.

Those memories in the white glow were not forcing her to change her mind, but telling her the stories of her past guardians. Shade once wondered what kind of situation would make a normal person willing to sacrifice his life and everything. Now Siris finally knows the answer, because people who come into contact with the Heart of the Earth can see the predictions made by the Heart of the Earth about the earth, about the prophecies of destruction, disaster and doomsday.

Voluntary sacrifice is not only for the race, the earth, and the world, but also to protect all your relatives in the world.

Mr. Lacers stared at his daughter, and Sirius finally looked back at the forest, as if he could see the person in the petrified forest in the snow:


She finally shook her head gently:

"Father, I know this may sound selfish, but I want to go my own way. And I promised a man, I can't I can't do this. He also promised me that I wouldn't have to do anything, that he would help I solve all problems."

Mr. Lassus in the holy white light showed a kind smile. He did not ask Sirius to do anything anymore, but finally said:

"You must live your life happily, you must be happy."

The soul was absorbed by the crazy guardian again, and Siris seemed to have entered the clearing inexplicably. He only felt a blur in front of his eyes, and then he actually saw the witches and Shade in the forest. And the crazy guardian sent her out, apparently because he didn't dare to kill Siris.

The young blond girl reached out and hugged Shade, so Miss Carina and Miss Benanis both looked at Luvia, only to see her looking at them with a pleased expression.

Since walking with Sirius just now, the guilt and sadness that I felt for unknown reasons finally turned into joy at this moment. Luvia vaguely sensed the traces of fate again, and saw the arc of fate being deflected by Shade.

And behind her, the phantom of long-haired Luvia flashed past. She knew that Shade had once again changed the destined tragedies that she had never been able to change.

The red-haired duchess of the North and the blonde opera singer of the South looked at each other, and from Luvia's pleased expression, each of them came up with a relatively bold idea.

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