Whispering Verse

Chapter 1498 Sixth Ring

Tens of thousands of red butterflies appeared in the snowy night at some unknown time, and were quickly seen by everyone.

The strange red butterfly has a translucent appearance. While flying in the forest and open space, its wings flap and drop dots of red light.

They surrounded the figure walking towards the clearing, as if playing with him or walking with him. Red butterflies soon appeared all over the forest, and at the same time, from somewhere, the gentle singing of a young girl came.

It was clearly the eve of the decisive night, and the material world was clearly on the precipice of disaster, but the scene in front of him inexplicably made the anxious and uneasy atmosphere become peaceful and strange. The singing was very childish, but also very sad. Listening to that song, it felt like a piece of my chest was missing. The feeling that the most important part of my life was missing almost made me cry.

"What is this?"

No one could answer this question, but everyone in the forest waiting for the last thirty seconds of the signal saw the figure surrounded by red butterflies walking out of the petrified forest flowing with black mud and arriving at the edge of the clearing. At this time, red butterflies all over the sky were already flying in the entire open space, accompanied by snowflakes like a wave.

This is an illusion cast by the top humanoid angel-level relics. Although Helen and Grace are not at their full strength, they have broken away from the shackles of the curse of fate, and the two of them can truly set foot on this land together hand in hand.

The huge petrified clone of the guardian looked down at the figure, and other sights from the dense forest were also looking at him.


I don’t know who was whispering, but Iluna, who was preparing to set off with the church team, had an excited expression on her face after seeing the red butterfly:


Shade, who was moving forward, had closed his eyes and listened to the sad singing of Helen and Grace.

The power that he had been holding back since absorbing divinity from the Heart of the Earth could finally be fully released at this moment. And the moment this long-suppressed impulse was realized, the sense of power was even stronger than before:

"Please, prepare for promotion."

Facing the gray snow coming towards him, the red butterflies illuminated his blurry figure. In the shadow of the petrified forest illuminated by the firelight behind him, Shade stepped forward on the illusory steps formed by the red butterflies under his feet. Came to the air.

【clear. 】

"She" said softly, and at this moment, the drop of divinity that was about to be used actively resonated with the spiritual rune [Shadow of the Moon].

So, in the night sky with flying snowflakes and tens of thousands of transparent red butterflies, a big hole opened in the sky covered by clouds. The March moonlight shone on the summer sky where a large steam mist slowly appeared behind it. On virtue.

There was no reason but boundless thick steam mist with high heat. In the blink of an eye, it almost covered the entire sky, but it could not cover up the shadow illuminated by the moonlight and entangled by the red butterflies.

when! when! when!

Bells from ancient times were ringing, and shrill whistles resounded throughout the river valleys. In the city, Tifa held Mia who was feeling soft and stood at the window of the opera house, listening to the bells and looking towards the northeast of the city. Miss Swift and Miss Hayley Aurora didn't know what this meant, but she knew it.

A faint smile appeared on the black-haired maid's face.

The wind started blowing in the forest, but it was not the cold night wind that had been blowing all night, but the gentlest wind under the moon that seemed to blow from the distant past, from the very beginning.

A huge shadow emerged from the depths of the gradually shrinking steam mist under the night sky, just like a great existence hidden in the mist showing itself. At this moment, it seemed like thousands of people were cheering at the same time, and it seemed like thousands of people were shouting at the same time.

A life ring that seemed bigger than the moon clearly appeared behind the figure that had reached the sky. The brass ring reflects the glow of March, the four-color spiritual runes resonate, and the dazzling light of gold, silver, brass and black iron illuminates everyone's face at this moment.

Luvia looked at Shade in the air with a serious face, only that figure in her purple eyes. The two red butterfly marks on her shoulders glowed faintly, and the transparent figure behind her that no one could see looked directly at the faint golden cracks on Shade's body.

The golden aura filled Miss Aurora's face, and there was an inquiring look on her extraordinarily gorgeous face:

"It's really him."

The white and silver spiritual light illuminated Miss Carina's worried face:

"must be careful."

Miss Sylvia was bathed in the moonlight, her face flushed with excitement:

"It's indeed him!"

Sirius stood in the shadow of the trees, worried most:

"You must come back."

Only Miss Benanis was swept by the four-color aura in turn, but she still looked at the figure in a daze. She fully understood what kind of story Shade was about to perform:

"This is the best story and the best stage."

Everyone in the church scattered in the forest looked up at the figure, but only Iluna whispered softly in her heart:

"Every time it makes me question who is the chosen one. This movement becomes more exaggerated every time."

Light and shadow intertwined on Shade's body. As he gained divinity and used the power of divinity again and again, he was indeed getting better and better at mastering this power.

As the life ring clearly appeared behind him, countless phantoms intertwined in the center of the huge life ring. Among the red butterflies dancing with gray snowflakes and Shade, an even more bizarre scene appeared.

Shade opened his eyes, looked down and finally looked at his guardian, who was taking steps in the air.

Miracle-Thorn of the Moon/Shadow of the Moon——

The golden spiritual rune broke away from the ring and appeared on Shade's left side. The faceless girl wearing a crown of thorns on her head and holding a silver moon in her left hand appeared with her head bowed, and then overlapped with Shade's body:

[When the silver moon hangs high, thorns and shadows cheer for you. 】

Dense cracks appeared on Shade's body surface, and bright gold radiated out.

Blasphemy - arrogance -

The white and silver spirit runes broke away from the ring and appeared on the right side of Sha De. "Stone Oxenfurt", whose hands were flapping in exaggerated arcs, raised his head slightly and walked towards Sha De, then touched Sha De's body. overlap.

[The stone mirror reflects the arrogance of you and the world. 】

The silver moonlight almost turned Shade's entire body into silver, and the thin steam mist that had not dissipated floated around him like mercury.


The brass-colored spiritual runes broke away from the ring and appeared in front of Shade. The big-tailed girl wearing a maid dress flapped her wings on her back and flew towards Shade. She did not overlap with Shade's body. The illusory figure hugged Shade and turned around, then happily kissed the side of his face and became a part of him.

Shade swore that he didn't know what was going on.

[When the clock strikes midnight, under the moonlight is the girl who came as promised. 】

In an instant, the illusion of the "Fairy Tale Town" composed of five layers of mysterious locks flashed past in the night sky, and the brass-colored life ring radiated light like the sun.


The black iron-colored spiritual runes broke away from the ring and appeared behind Shade. The puppet that had appeared at the Wilde Opera House flew towards Shade on the puppet flying dragon, and at a speed that seemed to want to knock him to death, he and Shade's body overlapped.

【Everything in the world is a puppet of fate. Except you and me. 】

Including the guardians, everyone on the ground watched the scene in the sky quietly. Although they could not clearly see Shade's face and the life ring due to the cover of the light and red butterflies, this did not prevent people from feeling the extraordinary power.

"Sure enough, the God Summoner is a demigod."

Golden miracle, silver blasphemy, brass enlightenment, black iron whisper, and four-color spiritual runes surrounded Shade in a quadrilateral shape, gradually shrinking inward. The four-color strange illusion truly overlapped with his body. At the same time, all the illusions and dense fog in the snowy night disappeared, leaving only a swarm of red butterflies accompanying Shade. When the sun-like brass ring continues to rise until it completely overlaps with the three moons in the night sky, looking into the night sky through the center of the life ring, it actually looks like three moons of different sizes embedded in the life ring. in the ring.

At this moment, Shade's figure completely turned into light, and even the general outline of his body could not be observed. A brand new power is being nurtured in his body, which is another step on the road to becoming a god.

[Outlander, guide a drop of divinity and imbue the spiritual runes you prepared for the "Word of Sublimation". 】

The voice in my ear whispered softly, and the ticking sound was like water droplets falling into my heart.

The golden liquid guided by the soul infected the first spiritual rune of the sublimation language in Zhonghuan. It was also an ancient evil spirit, reflecting the figure of Sha De:

"Miracle-Shadow of the Moon."

The light dissipated, but the rippling golden ripples dispersed in all directions. Although the wind and snow have not stopped, all sounds seem to have stopped at this moment.

And when the golden ripples representing the divine light came into contact with Iluna's body at the edge of the clearing, the seventeen-year-old girl suddenly trembled all over. At this moment, her eyes seemed to light up with a sun, and all her past explorations of new powers were completely integrated into one at this moment. The beating power in her heart silently integrated into her body, and she felt that she already understood what kind of power she wanted.

The divinity was absorbed by the spiritual runes, but the light of divinity still shines on Shade. His body was slowly falling to the ground, but his eyes were still staring at the guardian in the center of the clearing.

The huge clay statue finally raised its foot to test Shade who was stepping on the ground. But the next moment, the witch's light shining in the night sky was like the sun melting snow, melting the entire colossus into soft mud.

So the other guardian's clay clones stopped trying to stop Shade. After Shade crossed the boundary line guarded by the colossi, new clones filled the original gap.

PS: Thank you to the reader @idle streamer, leader of the alliance. Thank you very much!

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